地理科学进展  2018 , 37 (8): 1055-1065 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.08.005



孟德友12, 李小建12

1. 河南大学 环境与规划学院,河南 开封 457004
2. 河南财经政法大学 城乡协调发展河南省协同创新中心,郑州 450046

Spatial pattern of cost accessibility of provincial capital cities by high-speed rail and consumption in China

MENG Deyou12, LI Xiaojian12

1. College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, Henan, China
2. Collaborative Innovation Center of Urban-Rural Coordinated Development, Zhengzhou 450046, China

收稿日期: 2017-06-21

修回日期:  2017-09-30

网络出版日期:  2018-09-04

版权声明:  2018 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41501178,41471117)河南财经政法大学青年拔尖人才资助计划(hncjzfdxqnbjrc201601)中国博士后科学基金项目(2016M602234,2017T100530)


作者简介:孟德友(1982- ),男,河南周口人,博士,副教授,主要从事城市与区域经济,空间结构与区域发展研究,E-mail: mengdeyou01@163.com




关键词: 高速铁路 ; 费用可达性 ; 高铁消费能力 ; 高铁消费预期 ; 中国


Although accessibility in terms of travel time has improved to a great extent under the construction of high-speed rail, people's consumption expectations of high-speed rail are limited by the raise of travel cost caused by the high ticket price of high-speed rail. From the perspective of cost accessibility and people's consumption capacity of high-speed rail, the level and change of inter-provincial cost accessibility, people's consumption capacity, and consumption expectations are calculated and analyzed by average travel cost, high-speed rail consumption capacity index, and high-speed rail consumption expectation index, based on the data of shortest travel time and corresponding railway fares between provincial capital cities, and per capita income of urban residents in 2008 and 2015. The results show that: (1) Travel cost accessibility has improved to different degrees under the construction of high-speed rail in china, and the spatial pattern of cost accessibility has been transformed from the "core-periphery" pattern with Zhengzhou-Jinan as the cores and other provinces as the peripheries to the "core-periphery" pattern with Hohehot-Taiyuan as the cores and other provinces as the peripheries; (2) People's consumption capacity of high-speed rail in the majority of provincial capital cities has increased to different degrees, while the level of consumption capacity and consumption expectation in central and eastern China is superior to the western and Northeast China. The research can provide some references for optimizing the service provision and improving the efficiency of the high-speed rail system.

Keywords: high-speed rail ; cost accessibility ; consumption capacity of high-speed rail ; consumption expectation of high-speed rail ; China


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孟德友, 李小建. 中国省会城市高铁费用可达性及居民消费格局[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018, 37(8): 1055-1065 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.08.005

MENG Deyou, LI Xiaojian. Spatial pattern of cost accessibility of provincial capital cities by high-speed rail and consumption in China[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(8): 1055-1065 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.08.005

1 引言

自京津城际高速铁路开通以来中国进入了高速铁路的大发展时期,在中国《中长期铁路网规划(2008年调整)》确定的“四纵四横”总体规划框架下,相继建成胶济、石太、合武、武广、郑西、福厦、京沪等高速铁路,截至2015年底,全国高速铁路通车里程达1.9万km,占世界高速铁路总里程的60%以上,成为世界上拥有高铁最长和发展速度最快的国家。2016年国家发改委印发的《中长期铁路网规划》指出,在“四纵四横”高速铁路的基础上到2030年拟建成“八纵八横”主通道为骨架、区域连接线衔接、城际铁路补充的高速铁路网。高速铁路作为一种发展较快的新兴交通方式,其最直接的影响是缩短地区间的旅行时间,对城市联通性、生产要素流动和区域发展产生重要影响。国内外对高速铁路建设的空间经济效应也给予了高度关注,主要集中在高铁建设对城市可达性(Jiao et al, 2014)、要素流动(吴康等, 2013)和城市空间结构(王姣娥等, 2014; 焦敬娟等, 2016)的影响等方面,尤其在高速铁路的可达性效应方面已从国家间、国内、区域和地方等多个时空尺度展开探讨并积累了不少成果。

跨国空间尺度的研究主要聚焦于欧洲和东亚等地,通过欧洲高速铁路对区域便捷性及差异的影响研究认为,高速铁路的发展极大地缩短了城市间的旅行时间,导致区域差异的扩大,形成明显的核心—边缘结构(Vickerman et al, 1999; Gutiérrez, 2001)。Coto-Millan等(2007)分析了欧盟范围内高铁发展后欧洲中部城市的网络可达性变化;国内金凤君等(2016)、马颖忆等(2015)分别评价了东亚高速铁路建设对城市交通圈和可达性的影响,以及泛亚高铁建设对西南边疆地区与中南半岛空间联系的影响。国家层面的研究,多集中于高铁对全国范围内城市可达性的影响分析,高铁网络发展引起可达性格局演变或研究城市到首都中心城市的可达性(Kim, 2000; Chen et al, 2012; Sánchez-Mateos et al, 2012)。Sasaki等(1997)研究了日本兴建新干线所引起的可达性变化及其对区域经济和人口扩散作用的影响。国内有学者采用加权平均旅行时间、平均可达性等指标对高铁时代中国省际可达性、省会城市一日交流圈的空间格局进行了探讨(孟德友等, 2011; 冯长春等, 2013; 钟业喜等, 2015)。在区域尺度研究方面,多采用GIS技术和网络分析法比较有无高铁及铁路提速前后的区域可达性格局变化(蒋海兵等, 2010; 赵丹等, 2012; 姜博等, 2014; 汪德根等, 2015),包括高铁建设对沿线城市可达性、城市群城际可达性的影响等。


2 分析方法与数据来源

2.1 研究方法

2.2.1 平均旅行费用

平均旅行费用是指在铁路客运交通网络设施下某城市到达区域其他城市的旅行费用的平均值,其计算公式为(黄洁等, 2016):



2.2.2 相对费用指数




2.2.3 边际费用均值




2.2.4 高铁消费能力指数




2.2.5 高铁消费预期指数




2.2 数据来源


3 省际费用可达性及其空间格局

3.1 省会城市省际平均旅行费用


表1   2015年主要线路普通列车和高速铁路的票价和单位里程费用

Tab.1   Ticket price and per kilometers cost of main conventional and high-speed rail lines, 2015





图1   2008和2015年省际费用可达性空间格局

Fig.1   Spatial pattern of provincial capital cities travel cost accessibility in China in 2008 and 2015


表2   2008和2015年省际费用可达性及变化

Tab.2   Level and change of provincial capital cities travel cost accessibility, 2008 and 2015



表3   2008和2015年相对费用可达性及变化

Tab.3   Level and change of provincial capital cities relative travel cost accessibility, 2008 and 2015



3.2 省会城市边际费用均值


表4   城市边际费用均值和开通高铁城市数

Tab.4   Marginal cost and high-speed rail linkages of provincial capital cities




4 居民高铁消费能力与消费预期分析

4.1 居民高铁消费能力


图2   2008和2015年各城市居民高铁消费能力空间格局

Fig.2   Spatial pattern of high-speed rail consumption capacity of provincial capital cities, 2008 and 2015


表5   2008和2015年各省区居民高铁消费能力指数及变化(单位:%)

Tab.5   Level and change of high-speed rail consumption capacity of provincial capital cities/%, 2008 and 2015



4.2 居民高铁消费预期


表6   城市居民高铁消费预期指数

Tab.6   High-speed rail consumption expectation of provincial capital cities in the future



图3   各城市平均边际费用和居民高铁消费预期空间格局

Fig.3   Spatial pattern of average marginal cost and consumption expectation

5 结论


(1) 高铁的开通运营导致不少省会城市的省际旅行费用不同程度的提升,尤其是对开高铁城市数越多的城市或者所处地理位置越边缘、与其他城市旅行距离越大的城市的费用可达性值增幅越大。省际平均旅行费用表现出由以郑州、济南为中心向外围地区逐渐增大的核心—边缘型空间格局,转变为以呼和浩特、太原为中心向外围地区逐渐增大的核心—边缘型空间格局,这是由各地区高铁建设的时序、高铁路网发育水平和通达水平、单位里程费用和城市的空间区位等因素共同作用的结果。

(2) 居民对高铁的消费能力与各城市的平均旅行费用和各城市的居民收入水平密切相关,费用可达性值越小或收入水平越高的城市居民对高铁的消费能力越强,各城市居民对高铁的消费能力水平总体上呈现出以东、中部地区为核心向西部、东南和东北部地区降低的趋势。居民对高铁的消费预期很大程度上受旅行时间节约的机会成本的影响,边际费用均值越小或单位时间内收入水平高的城市居民的高铁消费倾向越强,在此暂未考虑消费者的消费行为和消费观念对高铁消费倾向的影响。

(3) 虽然人们在出行方式的选择中越来越注重时间的节约和效率的提高,费用成本对人们出行方式的影响有所减弱,但对于收入水平较低的地区或群体而言,旅行费用仍是影响其出行方式的重要因素。高铁建设虽然显著地改善了城市间的时间可达性,但高票价却在很大程度上限制了高铁的普及使用,结合地区的费用可达性状况和居民对高铁的消费倾向优化高铁的规划建设布局、调整高铁的供给价格,是铁路建设和管理部门应给予高度关注的问题。

(4) 高铁的规划建设在很大程度上缩短了城市间的旅行时间,但也提升了旅行费用成本,针对当前学界从时间压缩的视角而过于肯定高铁的可达性效应,本文从费用可达性的视角展开高铁费用可达性研究,有益于弥补高铁可达性研究的不足,有助于全面而综合地考量高铁的空间经济效应水平。但为了更深入地探究高铁的费用可达性及变化状况,还有待于进一步聚焦全国地级城市以及高铁沿线的县市,以深化对高铁费用可达性的进一步研究,为优化高铁供给格局、提高高铁的利用效率提供理论参考。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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National High-Speed Rail Grid (4+4) Passenger Dedicated Lines (PDL) Railway Planning, covering all provincial capital cities and more than 90% cities with populations of more than 500,000, will be up and running in 2015. Accessibility by high speed railway network has become a hot topic in the accessibility research field. In this paper, based on review of the methods used by other researchers, the shortest time distance matrix between provincial capital cities was chosen to analyze inter-provincial accessibility by conventional railway network and by high-speed railway network, and weighted average travel time was used to analyze inter-provincial accessibility and spatial pattern in the high-speed railway time. Results are shown as fellows: (1) Inter-provincial accessibility by conventional railway network obtained with shortest time distance (including transfer and short-stay) has a "center-periphery" spatial pattern, with Zhengzhou-Wuhan as the center and other provinces as peripheries. The accessibility decreases from center to peripheries in circular gradients. The dominant factors affecting the accessibility are network pattern, node location and train organization, as Beijing has higher accessibility with radial rail network. (2) Inter-provincial accessibility by high-speed railway network also has a "center-periphery" pattern, whileWuhan is more convenient than Zhengzhou. Passenger Dedicated Lines have shortened inter- provincial travel time and doubled the 2% areas of best accessibility (from 5.3 10 km to 10.8 10 km), showing the effects of high-speed railway network. The average travel distance of each capital city is 60,000 kilometers by both conventional network and high-speed railway network, but the latter only costs half of total travel time as the former, while the area of the best accessibility is 108,000 square kilometers. (3) High-speed railway network will equalize inter-province accessibility, as standard deviation of accessibility coefficient is less than conventional railway network. Remote regions such as Yunnan and Fujian had the biggest improvement in accessibility while the center provinces had littles change.

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National High-Speed Rail Grid (4+4) Passenger Dedicated Lines (PDL) Railway Planning, covering all provincial capital cities and more than 90% cities with populations of more than 500,000, will be up and running in 2015. Accessibility by high speed railway network has become a hot topic in the accessibility research field. In this paper, based on review of the methods used by other researchers, the shortest time distance matrix between provincial capital cities was chosen to analyze inter-provincial accessibility by conventional railway network and by high-speed railway network, and weighted average travel time was used to analyze inter-provincial accessibility and spatial pattern in the high-speed railway time. Results are shown as fellows: (1) Inter-provincial accessibility by conventional railway network obtained with shortest time distance (including transfer and short-stay) has a "center-periphery" spatial pattern, with Zhengzhou-Wuhan as the center and other provinces as peripheries. The accessibility decreases from center to peripheries in circular gradients. The dominant factors affecting the accessibility are network pattern, node location and train organization, as Beijing has higher accessibility with radial rail network. (2) Inter-provincial accessibility by high-speed railway network also has a "center-periphery" pattern, whileWuhan is more convenient than Zhengzhou. Passenger Dedicated Lines have shortened inter- provincial travel time and doubled the 2% areas of best accessibility (from 5.3 10 km to 10.8 10 km), showing the effects of high-speed railway network. The average travel distance of each capital city is 60,000 kilometers by both conventional network and high-speed railway network, but the latter only costs half of total travel time as the former, while the area of the best accessibility is 108,000 square kilometers. (3) High-speed railway network will equalize inter-province accessibility, as standard deviation of accessibility coefficient is less than conventional railway network. Remote regions such as Yunnan and Fujian had the biggest improvement in accessibility while the center provinces had littles change.
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In the past ten years, high-speed railway has rapidly developed in China and its effect on urban development is gradually revealed. This paper explores the impact of high-speed railway on market potential of 268 Chinese cites at the prefecture level or above in 2012. First, market potential function is redefined based on the average travel time and train frequency between 268 cities obtained from the railway train schedules. Second, to examine the high-speed railway effect this research compares market potential of cities with and without highspeed railway. Existing studies of high-speed railway effect have primarily focused on its contribution to time saving and paid little attention to increased train frequency. In this paper, both travel time and train frequency are analyzed. The results show that: (1) Market potential of Chinese cities without high-speed railway exhibits a multi-center and corridor structure. Cities with high values of market potential are mainly located in the Yangtze River Delta Region, Pearl River Delta Region, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, and along some major railway lines such as the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line, Beijing-Shanghai Railway Line, and Beijing-Harbin Railway Line; (2) Market potential with high-speed railway also presents a multi-center and corridor structure, but has higher densities around the centers; (3) the high-speed railway effect of cities along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway Line, Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway Line, and Ningbo-Xiamen Special Railway Line is most pronounced, which significantly facilitates the growth of market potential in these cities; (4) The average value of the timesaving effect of 109 cities connected by high-speed railway is 31.3% and the average value of frequency effect is 68.7%, which is the most significant part of the high-speed railway effect.

[Zhang M M, Meng X C.2014.

Impact of high-speed railway on market potential of Chinese cities: Analyses based on railway passenger transport accessibility

[J]. Progress in Geography, 33(12): 1650-1658.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.12.008      URL      摘要

In the past ten years, high-speed railway has rapidly developed in China and its effect on urban development is gradually revealed. This paper explores the impact of high-speed railway on market potential of 268 Chinese cites at the prefecture level or above in 2012. First, market potential function is redefined based on the average travel time and train frequency between 268 cities obtained from the railway train schedules. Second, to examine the high-speed railway effect this research compares market potential of cities with and without highspeed railway. Existing studies of high-speed railway effect have primarily focused on its contribution to time saving and paid little attention to increased train frequency. In this paper, both travel time and train frequency are analyzed. The results show that: (1) Market potential of Chinese cities without high-speed railway exhibits a multi-center and corridor structure. Cities with high values of market potential are mainly located in the Yangtze River Delta Region, Pearl River Delta Region, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, and along some major railway lines such as the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line, Beijing-Shanghai Railway Line, and Beijing-Harbin Railway Line; (2) Market potential with high-speed railway also presents a multi-center and corridor structure, but has higher densities around the centers; (3) the high-speed railway effect of cities along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway Line, Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway Line, and Ningbo-Xiamen Special Railway Line is most pronounced, which significantly facilitates the growth of market potential in these cities; (4) The average value of the timesaving effect of 109 cities connected by high-speed railway is 31.3% and the average value of frequency effect is 68.7%, which is the most significant part of the high-speed railway effect.
[15] 赵丹, 张京祥. 2012.


[J].长江流域资源与环境, 21(4): 391-398.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhao D, Zhang J X.2012.

Research into spatial pattern changes of Yangtze River Delta's accessibility under the impact of high-speed railway

[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 21(4): 391-398.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[16] 钟业喜, 黄洁, 文玉钊. 2015.


[J]. 地理科学, 35(4): 387-395.

https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201208150      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Railway is an important way of transportation to combine Chinese cities, and its upgrading plays an important role in improving spatial pattern of cities' accessibility. Having selected prefecture-level cities as study objects and extracted the shortest-time distances between every two central cites based on data from train schedule, the article calculated the accessibility of 31 central cities by employing the indicator of average accessibility, and analyzed the impact of high-speed railway on central cities' accessibility. Then the daily communication areas of 31 central cities are abstrcted and the effects of high-speed railway is explored. What's more, five cities were selected eijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chongqing as typical cases to analyze factors which influenced their spatial patterns of daily communication areas. Results are shown as follows. 1) The accessibility of central city is closely related to spatial location and external traffic condition of the city. 2) High-speed railway network has promoted the accessibility of all central cities, but different city has different improved degree of accessibility under the influence of city's spatial location and construction condition of high-speed railway. 3) The impact of high-speed railway on expanding daily communication areas of Chinese cities is significant and it distributes in the east, middle and west zones. Meanwhile, the number of prefecture-level cities covered by daily communication areas is increasing, and these cities are covered by more central cities' daily communication areas in urban populated areas. 4) The expansion of central city's daily communication area is in step with the layout of high-speed railway. Besides, the superior geographic position will be beneficial to the expansion of central city's daily communication area, but terrain and water and other geographical barriers will limit its expansion on different direction. 5) The impact of high-speed railway is gradually catching up and will surpass the impact of city's spatial location on improving cities' accessibility.

[Zhong Y X, Huang J, Wen Y Z.2015.

Impact of high-speed railway on spatial pattern of Chinese cities' accessibility

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 35(4): 387-395.]

https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201208150      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Railway is an important way of transportation to combine Chinese cities, and its upgrading plays an important role in improving spatial pattern of cities' accessibility. Having selected prefecture-level cities as study objects and extracted the shortest-time distances between every two central cites based on data from train schedule, the article calculated the accessibility of 31 central cities by employing the indicator of average accessibility, and analyzed the impact of high-speed railway on central cities' accessibility. Then the daily communication areas of 31 central cities are abstrcted and the effects of high-speed railway is explored. What's more, five cities were selected eijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chongqing as typical cases to analyze factors which influenced their spatial patterns of daily communication areas. Results are shown as follows. 1) The accessibility of central city is closely related to spatial location and external traffic condition of the city. 2) High-speed railway network has promoted the accessibility of all central cities, but different city has different improved degree of accessibility under the influence of city's spatial location and construction condition of high-speed railway. 3) The impact of high-speed railway on expanding daily communication areas of Chinese cities is significant and it distributes in the east, middle and west zones. Meanwhile, the number of prefecture-level cities covered by daily communication areas is increasing, and these cities are covered by more central cities' daily communication areas in urban populated areas. 4) The expansion of central city's daily communication area is in step with the layout of high-speed railway. Besides, the superior geographic position will be beneficial to the expansion of central city's daily communication area, but terrain and water and other geographical barriers will limit its expansion on different direction. 5) The impact of high-speed railway is gradually catching up and will surpass the impact of city's spatial location on improving cities' accessibility.
[17] Chen C L, Hall P.2012.

The wider spatial-economic impacts of high-speed trains: A comparative case study of Manchester and Lille sub-region

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 24(9): 89-110.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] Coto-Millán P, Inglada V, Rey B.2007.

Effects of network economic in high-speed rail: The Spanish case

[J]. Annals of Regional Science, 41(4): 911-925.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-007-0134-6      URL      摘要

The first high-speed rail was inaugurated in Spain in April 1992 on the Madrid–Seville route with great success in passenger occupancy and notable impact on the regional development. The Madrid–Barcelona–French Border high speed rail has not been inaugurated yet, as it has been subject to delay in the engineering work. These facts have led public opinion to be very favorable toward the Madrid–Seville high speed rail but unfavorable toward the Madrid–Barcelona–French Border route. In this paper, we will compare the “ex post” cost–benefit analysis by De Rus and Inglada (Ann Reg Sci 31:175–188, 1997) for the Madrid–Seville route with the “ex ante” cost–benefit analysis made by Inglada and Coto-Millán (Essays on Microeconomics and Industrial Organization. Springer Physica, Heidelberg, 2004) for the Madrid–Barcelona–French Border route. The basic assumptions of time values, accident values and social discount rate of 6% in real terms are the same in both studies.
[19] Gutiérrez J.2001.

Location, economic potential and daily accessibility: An analysis of the accessibility impact of the high-speed line Madrid- Barcelona-French border

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 9(4): 229-242.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Jiao J J, Wang J E, Jin F J, et al.2014.

Impacts on accessibility of China's present and future HSR network

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 40: 123-132.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.07.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although the construction of China high-speed rail (HSR) network only started in 2003, the network is already the largest in the world. This paper analyses the impact of the evolving HSR network on the accessibility by HSR and conventional ground transport of 333 prefecture-level cities and 4 municipalities. This paper employs three indicators of accessibility, and analyses three Scenarios. It shows that the HSR network will bring about substantial improvement in accessibility, and lead to national time pace convergence, but will also increase the inequality of nodal accessibility between eastern, central, and western regions, between cities with different sizes of population (excluding the case of the daily accessibility indicator) and between cities that differ in the shortest distance to HSR stations. The HSR network enlarges internal disparities in each of the regions and the five types of cities. The internal inequality of nodal accessibility in all three Scenarios generally increases from the eastern region via the central region to the western region, as well as from very large cities to small cities, varying inversely with the level of economic development and population size. Spatially, accessibility increases generally conform to the distance decay rule but with minor fluctuations. The 50 cities with the largest increases in accessibility are mostly located 50km or less away from HSR stations and have populations of over 3million, with the smaller ones located along HSR lines or around large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. As time progresses, the planned HSR network will result in more balanced development, but regional disparities in accessibility will still be greater than before the construction of the HSR.
[21] Kim K S.2000.

High-speed rail developments and spatial restructuring: A case study of the capital region in South Korea

[J]. Cities, 17(4): 251-262.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Sánchez-Mateos H S M, Givoni M.2012.

The accessibility impact of a new high-speed rail line in the UK: A preliminary analysis of winners and losers

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 25(11): 105-114.

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] Sasaki K, Ohashi T, Ando A.1997.

High-speed rail transit impact on regional systems: Does the Shinkansert contribute to dispersion?

[J]. The Annals of Regional Science, 31(1): 77-98.

[24] Vickerman R, Spiekermann K, Wegener M.1999.

Accessibility and economic development in Europe

[J]. Regional Studies, 33(1): 1-15.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343409950118878      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

VICKERMAN R., SPIEKERMANN K. and WEGENER M. (1999) Accessibility and economic development in Europe, Reg. Studies 33 , 1-15. There is continuing debate on the role of transport infrastructure and changes in accessibility on regional economic development. The emphasis in recent European Union policy on the development of trans-European Networks (TENs) provides a focus for a re-evaluation. Much of the debate assumes that improvements in accessibility will lead to economic development and, by implication, to greater cohesion. This paper identifies some of the major difficulties in defining a simple measure of accessibility for use in such studies and proceeds to evaluate new measures of time-space and accessibility surfaces which allow for greater disaggregation at a spatial and sectoral level. An assessment of the implications for regional development in the EU is then made. The conclusions cast doubt on the ability of TENs to promote greater convergence in both accessibility and economic development. VICKERMAN R., SPIEKERMANN K. et WEGENER M. (1999) Accessibilite07 et de07veloppement e07conomique en Europe, Reg. Studies 33 , 1-15. Le ro08le de l'infrastructure de transport et de l'accessibilite07 dans le de07veloppement e07conomique re07gional est toujours un sujet très controverse07. Dans le cadre de l'Union europe07enne, la politique re07cente a mis l'accent sur le de07veloppement des re07seaux transeurope07ens, ce qui permet une re07e07valuation. Dans une large mesure, le de07bat laisse supposer qu'une meilleure accessibilite07 incitera au de07veloppement e07conomique et, par la suite, à plus de cohe07sion. L'article distingue quelques-unes des plus grandes difficulte07s quant à la de07finition d'une mesure simple de l'accessibilite07 qui pourrait e08tre employe07e dans de telles e07tudes, et e07value de nouvelles mesures de l'espace-temps et de l'accessibilite07 qui permettraient une division plus importante sur le plan ge07ographique et du point de vue sectoriel. On fait le bilan des conse07quences pour l'ame07nagement du territoire au sein de l'Union europe07enne. La conclusion met en doute la capacite07 des re07seaux transeurope07ens à promouvoir une meilleure convergence quant à l'accessibilite07 et au de07veloppement e07conomique. VICKERMAN R., SPIEKERMANN K. und WEGENER M. (1999) Zug01nglichkeit und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Europa, Reg. Studies 33 , 1-15. Die Debatte über die Rolle von Verkehrsinfrastruktur und Wandel der Zug01nglichkeit auf regionalwirtschaftliche Entwicklung h01lt weiterhin an. Die Betonung der Entwicklung transeurop01ischer Netzwerke (TEN) in den letzten politischen Diskussionen der EU liefert einen Brennpunkt für eine erneute Einsch01tzung. In der Debatte wird oft vorausgesetzt, da08 verbesserte Zug01nglichkeit zu wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, und implizite zu st01rkerem Zusammenhalt, führen wird. Dieser Aufsatz identifiziert einige der Hauptschwierigkeiten bei der Definition eines einfachen Ma08stabs der Zug01nglichkeit zur Anwendung bei derartigen Studien, und beurteilt dann neue Ma08st01be der Zeit-Raum und Zug01nglichkeitsoberfl01che, welche gr0208ere Disaggregation auf r01umlicher wie auf Sektorenebene gestatten. Anschlie08end wird eine Einsch01tzung der Implikationen für die Regionalentwicklung in der EU vorgenommen. Sie Schlu08folgerungen lassen Zweifel an der F01higkeit transeurop01ischer Netzwerke aufkommen, gr0208ere Konvergenz von Zug01nglichkeit und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung herbeizuführen.
