地理科学进展  2019 , 38 (3): 357-369 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.006



姜玉培12, 甄峰12*, 王文文12, 赵梦妮12

1. 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,南京210093
2. 江苏省智慧城市设计仿真与可视化技术工程实验室,南京210093

Influence of urban built environment on residents’ physical activity: Review and implications

JIANG Yupei12, ZHEN Feng12*, WANG Wenwen12, ZHAO Mengni12

1. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2. Jiangsu Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Smart City Design Simulation & Visualization, Nanjing 210093, China;

通讯作者:  *通信作者简介:甄峰(1973— ),男,陕西汉中人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事信息地理与智慧城市研究。E-mail: zhenfeng@nju.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-05-14

修回日期:  2019-01-7

网络出版日期:  2019-03-28

版权声明:  2019 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41571146)


第一作者简介:姜玉培(1987— ),女,安徽阜阳人,博士生,研究方向为健康地理。E-mail: jiangyupeidl@126.com



城市建成环境与身体活动关系是城市系统人地关系在健康领域的一种现实表现,两者之间的良性互动关乎城市公共健康的发展与管理水平,是健康地理学新近研究热点。论文基于地理学空间视角,从空间组织、空间格局、空间功能3个维度论述了国内外城市建成环境对居民身体活动影响的研究进展。结果表明,国外研究取得了诸多成果:① 理论与方法上,社会生态理论应用最为广泛,不断被修正和拓展。而基于移动-活动行为理论的建成环境与身体活动关系研究日益成为新视角。同时,一些复杂计量回归模型、空间回归模型得到较多应用。② 实证研究上,重点关注城市建成环境空间组织、空间格局、空间功能一系列特性对不同人群身体活动水平、类型的影响。空间组织上主要集中在交通组织、绿地网络等组织类型,以及可达性、连通性等空间联系的影响研究。空间格局上强调能级差异下建成环境要素集聚多寡,空间外部几何形态表征、指示对身体活动产生的相应影响研究。空间功能上多探究混合性、单一功能构成和主客观功能品质的影响研究。国内相关研究主要集中在地理学、城市规划学、体育学等领域,尚处于初步介绍国外相关研究成果和少量实证研究阶段,缺少基于本土的理论提升及典型案例研究。最后,论文从理论、方法、实证上探讨地理学视角下未来研究重点:基于“天人合一”理念的理论提升;基于多源数据融合和时空计量的研究新方法;基于虚实交互空间和本土语境下的实证研究。

关键词: 建成环境 ; 身体活动 ; 城市空间 ; 影响机制 ; 公共健康


The relationship between the built environment and urban residents' physical activity is a reflection of the human-environment relationship of urban systems in the field of health, and is related to the development and management of urban public health. In recent years, such relationship has become a new research topic in health geography. Based on the spatial perspective of geography, the progress of research on the influence of urban built environment on residents' physical activity in China and internationally was examined from the three aspects of spatial organization, spatial pattern, and spatial function. The analysis shows that there are many achievements internationally: 1) Social-ecological system research methods are most widely applied and are constantly revised and expanded in theory. Besides, studies based on the theory of mobility and activity behavior are emerging. Some complicated statistical regression models and spatial regression models are gradually applied. 2) In existing studies, the analysis of the influence of a series of characteristics of urban built environment, such as spatial organization, spatial pattern, and spatial function, on the level and type of physical activity of different resident groups has received more attention. Among these, the influence of spatial organization mainly concerns traffic organization, green space network, and other organizational types, as well as the impact of accessibility, connectivity, and other spatial links. The influences of spatial pattern such as structure, form, and spatial function were also examined. However, the research within China is still focusing on introducing international studies and concentrated in a few disciplines such as geography, urban planning, and sports, and lacks theoretical development and case studies in the Chinese context. Therefore, future research should focus on the following: theoretical development based on the ideas of unity of human and nature; application of multi-source data and spatial statistical methods; and new empirical studies based on virtual reality interaction and local context.

Keywords: built environment ; physical activity ; urban space ; mechanism of influence ; public health


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姜玉培, 甄峰, 王文文, 赵梦妮. 城市建成环境对居民身体活动的影响研究进展与启示[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(3): 357-369 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.006

JIANG Yupei, ZHEN Feng, WANG Wenwen, ZHAO Mengni. Influence of urban built environment on residents’ physical activity: Review and implications[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(3): 357-369 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.006

当前世界城市化水平已超过54.0%(联合国, 2017)。城市化的发展很大程度上改善了人们的生活水平与质量,但机动车交通过度依赖、体力劳动量大幅减少等生活方式导致的身体活动不足,已加剧肥胖、心血管疾病、糖尿病等慢性疾病的发生,而慢性疾病又与全球70%的死亡密切相关(世界卫生组织, 2018)。为解决城市化进程中因身体活动不足导致的公共健康问题,西方国家通过环境卫生、城市交通、街道布局规划和社区建设等诸多实践对身体活动进行了多层次、全方位干预(萧明, 2016),并已取得显著成效。当前发展中国家在城市无序蔓延加剧、居民体质下降、慢性疾病发病率持续增长的情况下,对于如何通过有效改善城市建成环境达到提升身体活动质量、促进居民健康水平,正面临一系列严峻挑战(Day et al, 2013)。

身体活动主要指由骨骼肌肉产生的需要消耗能量的任何身体动作,包括工作性、家务性、交通性、休闲性等活动(世界卫生组织, 2018)。大量研究认为身体活动不仅受个体生理、心理特征影响,还受其所处环境的影响,其中城市建成环境被证明是影响身体活动的关键因素(王兰等, 2016)。早在20世纪90年代,针对城市蔓延对身体活动的限制,国外学界便关注城市建成环境对身体活动的影响。早期以社会生态理论为基础,主要审视微观环境因子的影响(Corti, 1998),随着建成环境测量方法的发展及身体活动调查范围的扩大,大量实证研究发现城市形态特征与身体活动存在相关或因果关系(Handy et al, 2002; Saelens et al, 2008)。当前研究则主要通过引入行为地理、环境心理的理论与方法,探究活动暴露环境、环境感知与身体活动的关联(Ivory et al, 2015; Perchoux et al, 2016),更加注重身体活动实际所涉及建成环境的影响。总体来看,国外城市建成环境对身体活动的影响研究已形成涵盖健康科学、行为科学、交通运输、城市规划、地理学、政策研究等领域的全面分析框架。

目前中国城市化的快速发展显著改变了城市系统的人地关系。一方面,城市建成环境的改善提供了便利的生活环境;另一方面,快节奏的生活方式也使得居民日常身体活动与以前有很大不同,其中机动出行方式盛行、运动锻炼时间减少已导致居民体质下降、慢性疾病持续增长等问题凸显(萧明, 2016)。在此背景下,《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》强调通过普及健康生活、建设健康环境等提高人民健康水平(中国共产党中央委员会等, 2017),表明建设能够促进居民身体活动健康效应的建成环境是提高人民健康水平的重要手段。而当前实践领域仍缺少全面、有效的积极生活规划和政策支持(张莹等, 2014)。国内地理学、城市规划学、体育学等领域虽已初步介绍国外相关研究成果并进行了少量实证研究(韩西丽等, 2011; 温煦等, 2014; 张莹等, 2014; 林雄斌等, 2015; 鲁斐栋等, 2015; 孙斌栋等, 2016; 吕和武等, 2017; Zhou et al, 2017; 周素红等, 2017),但基于本土的理论提升及典型案例研究仍显不足。本文在概述当前相关基础理论及研究方法的基础上,挖掘和突出现有研究的空间视角,从建成环境空间组织、空间格局、空间功能3个维度系统性梳理和分析国内外城市建成环境对身体活动影响的实证研究,为进一步探索相关理论与实践研究提供有益借鉴和启示,并将城市建成环境对身体活动的影响研究置于以人为本的城镇化发展及当前中国社会经济主要矛盾这一语境下,探讨地理学视角下未来可能开展的研究方向。

1 基础理论与方法



Sarkar等(2017)等基于现代流行病学研究和相关政策需求,以“生态位”(eco-niche)概念为基础,提出“城市健康位”(urban health niche)这一概念。它假定个体在城市中的健康位受到微观(个体身体免疫力或遗传)、中观(个体生活方式)、宏观(社会环境、自然环境、建成环境)3个层面风险的影响,且这一影响不断发生着时空演绎。同时,进一步提出可应用于城市规划和管理的“健康城市模型”(health city model),强调将多层次空间中的风险因素整合到一起,形成囊括3个并行系统(个体-群体系统、家庭-邻里-城市系统、管治和决策系统)的研究模型。与社会生态理论模型不同,“城市健康模型”进一步引入建成环境影响的时空维度,并试图引导公共健康与城市规划的专业化干预。


此外,城市建成环境对身体活动影响的研究方法不断涌现。早期研究认为建成环境与身体活动之间存在一种相关关系,因此,一系列简单线性回归模型得到广泛应用。随着学界对建成环境和身体活动时空属性的深入挖掘,简单线性模型难以精确度量两者之间的复杂关系,一些研究中逐渐出现混合线性、结构方程、多元线性等复杂回归模型和探究两者关系空间非均衡性的空间回归分析模型,如地理加权回归分析等(Feuillet et al, 2015; Perchoux et al, 2015; Matisziw et al, 2016)。此外,一些学者在研究社区环境自我选择中,借鉴计量经济模型思想,通过一系列统计控制、工具变量分析、样本选择模型、联合离散选择模型、结构方程模型、准实验研究设计及地理加权泊松回归等,减少建成环境与身体活动之间估计关联偏差,试图对身体活动量开展预测(Feuillet et al, 2016)。

2 实证研究主题与内容


图1   空间视角下城市建成环境对身体活动影响的实证研究概况

Fig.1   Summary of empirical research on the influence of urban built environment on residents' physical activity in the perspective of space

2.1 建成环境空间组织对身体活动的影响


2.1.1 组织类型的影响


(1) 城市交通组织。城市组织发展不同主导交通方式显著影响居民身体活动类型和水平。一些研究指出城市以小汽车为主导交通发展模式,容易增加空气、噪声等污染,限制绿地空间发展,减少日常积极出行机会,导致城市身体活动不足问题凸显(Waygood et al, 2015)。而另一些学者则提出减少城市中小汽车使用,发展公共交通网络,通过连接城市活动系统、提供慢行交通环境吸引居民开展更多交通性、休闲性身体活动(Lachapelle et al, 2011)。同时,也指出这种交通发展模式有利于减少交通拥堵,改善空气质量,以及辐射更多人群,提升城市整体身体活动水平(Wey et al, 2013)。

(2) 城市绿地网络。一些研究已发现整合大范围地区的绿地资源(包括公园、绿道等)可提高城市整体环境质量,吸引更多居民开展休闲性身体活动(Irvine et al, 2013)。他们认为,由城市不同绿道、公园等构成的生态网络可在自然环境和建成环境间达到平衡,为居民提供贴近自然的、连续的、网络化的休闲公共空间,有利于增加居民尤其老年人身体活动的意愿和实际休闲性身体活动的概率(Calogiuri et al, 2017)。借助运动APP大数据,Liu等(2016)验证了深圳城市绿道网络的使用可显著提高居民身体活动的多样性和水平。

2.1.2 空间联系的影响


(1) 可达性。借助GPS追踪与活动日志调查,通过挖掘身体活动的空间属性,一些研究指出居住地与公交或地铁站点间的可达性越好,越有利于增加通勤者、老年人日常步行/骑行通勤或出行的机会(Barnett et al, 2016; Yang et al, 2017),且经常步行或骑行到公交或地铁站点可促使居民形成积极生活方式,增加到其他目的地步行或骑行的可能性(Lachapelle et al, 2016)。此外,研究发现与目的地(包括公园绿地、学校、工作场所、商业设施等)间的距离越近,可达性越好,一般越有利于增加交通性步行或骑行机会(Ito et al, 2017),以及休闲性步行和中等强度身体活动量(Duncan et al, 2005; Churangsarit et al, 2011),但也可能存在负向影响(Toftager et al, 2011)。同样,主观感知可达性与居民身体活动水平呈现正相关,即居民对公共交通站点或目的地可达性感知距离越好,越有可能增加步行或骑行机会(Kondo et al, 2009)及休闲性身体活动频率(Carrollscott et al, 2013),但也可能减少身体活动频率(Dyck et al, 2013)(表1)。

表1   建成环境要素可达性影响概要

Tab.1   Summary of the influence of accessibility of the built environmental factors on residents’ physical activity

儿童公共开放空间可达性正向影响高强度身体活动时间澳大利亚墨尔本Timperio et al, 2008
公共服务设施(如学校)可达性正向影响积极交通方式选择北美、欧洲、澳大利亚D'Haese et al, 2015;
Ito et al, 2017
公共开放空间、商业服务设施(如邻里公园、游乐场地、体育场馆)可达性感知正向影响休闲性身体活动频率美国Carrollscott et al, 2013
青少年公共开放空间可达性正向影响身体活动参与马来西亚Danis et al, 2014
商业设施(如体育设施)可达性正向影响健身行为(中高强度身体活动)欧洲Vanhelst et al, 2013
公共服务设施(如学校)可达性负向影响交通性骑行量比利时Dyck et al, 2009
成人(主要以中、青年样本为主,部分文献包含老年样本)公共服务设施(如公交站点)可达性正向影响交通性步行参与美国、澳大利亚、英国Mccormack et al, 2008; Heesch et al, 2015
公共开放空间可达性正向影响步行、中高强度身体活动量;负向影响休闲性步行量澳大利亚墨尔本、丹麦Toftager et al, 2011; Koohsari et al, 2013
商业设施可达性正向影响身体活动总量与频率、积极交通方式选择捷克、泰国Churangsarit et al, 2011; Sigmundová et al, 2011
工作地可达性正向影响积极通勤方式选择欧洲Yang et al, 2017
公共开放空间(如邻里大型公园)的可达性感知负向影响身体活动频率与水平;正向影响休闲性步行可能性墨西哥、澳大利亚阿德莱德Dyck et al, 2013;
Sugiyama et al, 2013
老年公共服务设施可达性正向影响交通性步行频率新加坡Nyunt et al, 2015
商业设施可达性正向影响步行频率与总量、交通性步行时间澳大利亚、比利时Cauwenberg et al, 2012; Nathan et al, 2012
休闲设施、公共服务设施可达性感知正向影响交通性步行、休闲性步行频率与总量中国香港Barnett et al, 2016


(2) 连通性。现有研究多通过测度邻里街道长度、面积、交叉口密度、街道密度等指标考察连通性与步行或骑行行为之间的关系,发现邻里街道连通性越好,出发地和目的地之间的距离越短,越有利于增加成人或儿童交通性步行或骑行(Helbich et al, 2016)、老年人休闲性和交通性步行的机会(Troped et al, 2017),以及预测行人交通量。此外,成人对邻里街道连通性感知越好,将步行或骑行作为交通方式的概率越高(Liao et al, 2015),越放心青少年采取积极交通方式上下学(Carlson et al, 2014)。但也有研究指出街道连通性与积极出行、休闲性步行存在弱正相关(Rodriguez et al, 2008)。另一些研究则发现街道连通性和身体活动间可能存在负向关系(Mecredy et al, 2011)。

2.2 建成环境空间格局对身体活动的影响


2.2.1 空间结构的影响


(1) 城市区域等级。重点比较大、小城市间建成环境差异对身体活动的影响,研究表明不同规模城市间建成环境差异显著影响居民步行水平。一些研究发现大都市地区或大城市通过提供便利的休闲性资源、较完善的公共交通系统、多样化的土地利用等,促使居民交通性步行水平明显高于小城市(Doescher et al, 2014)。但也有研究指出,与大城市相比,小城市街道交通速度放缓,居民主观感知良好,反而有利于增加休闲性步行水平(Stewart et al, 2016)。

(2) 城市内部结构。城市内部分区结构尤其是中心-外围结构对不同人群身体活动具有差异化影响。一些研究指出,与郊区或农村低密度、低土地混合利用等较差的环境质量相比,居民在城市中心地区更倾向选择积极交通方式,开展休闲性身体活动,且更容易满足身体活动推荐标准(Shores et al, 2010; Doescher et al, 2014)。但另一些研究则发现在低城市化或农村地区也可能会显著增加成人、儿童的休闲性身体活动量(Sandercock et al, 2010; Thielman et al, 2015)、成人与青少年积极通勤概率(Dyck et al, 2009; Feuillet et al, 2015)。

2.2.2 空间形态的影响


(1) 空间蔓延。研究发现城市空间蔓延对居民总体及交通性、休闲性身体活动水平均具有消极影响(Plantinga et al, 2007)。城市空间蔓延带来的街区规模大、街道连通性差、用地类型之间严格分割、机动化出行方式流行等问题,容易增加居民到达一些目的地(如商店、公园等)的步行距离,减少日常积极出行和休闲活动的机会(Scott et al, 2009)。翁锡全等(2014)指出,城市空间蔓延导致居民职住分离,闲暇时间过多消耗在通勤上,加之过度依赖机动车交通,容易减少总体身体活动量。但在城市空间蔓延对休闲性身体活动影响的实证分析中,未发现显著负向结果(Ewing, 2005)。

(2) 精明增长。精明增长通过紧凑式规划,提供多样化交通选择和安全环境促进居民积极出行和开展休闲性身体活动(Handy, 2005)。其构成要素包括紧凑型邻里、公交导向型发展、步行及骑行友好型设计等。研究指出这些要素有利于培育活动、步行友好型环境,提升身体活动水平。如Durand等(2011)通过梳理一系列文献指出5类精明增长因素(房屋类型多样性、土地混合利用、居住密度、紧凑式发展模式、开放空间水平)可显著增加身体活动和步行水平。但由于城市精明增长是一个综合性、宽泛性概念,鲜有实证构建全部指标体系衡量其对身体活动的影响程度。

2.3 建成环境空间功能对身体活动的影响


2.3.1 功能构成的影响


(1) 综合功能构成。现有研究多采用混合性指标表征用地综合功能特征。一些研究发现邻里土地利用混合性显著增加交通性步行和骑行量(Christiansen et al, 2016)、步行频率和身体活动量(Li et al, 2008; King et al, 2015)、中高强度身体活动量(Matisziw et al, 2016),且这种正向影响在一些长期动态观察上也较稳健(Chen et al, 2017)。其中一些研究指出居住、商业、办公、娱乐等用地的混合利用可显著增加交通性步行量;公共开放空间、体育设施等用地的组合利用可有效增加休闲性步行量(Christian et al, 2011)。但一些研究也指出邻里或工作地土地利用混合性与身体活动水平呈现非相关性(Nathan et al, 2012; Wang et al, 2016)、与积极出行选择呈负相关(van Heeswijck et al, 2015),可能与高混合土地利用带来繁忙交通削弱居民开展积极交通、休闲性身体活动的意愿相关(Sung et al, 2013),也可能与土地利用类型选择和计算方式有关(Christian et al, 2011)。

(2) 单一功能构成。研究发现身体活动类型及时间的安排取决于邻里用地类型。其中,邻里配置水域用地有利于增加成人骑行和休闲性步行量或老年人开展其他身体活动的可能性(Perchoux et al, 2015; Chen et al, 2017; Zhou et al, 2017),商业用地提高成人休闲性步行水平(Hahm et al, 2017),体育设施用地增加年长者、成人中高强度身体活动量(Cranney et al, 2016; Jansen et al, 2016),居住用地提高成人交通性步行概率(Oliver et al, 2007)。公园用地作为邻里重要公共开放空间之一,可提供一种低成本活动环境,显著影响不同年龄阶段人群休闲性身体活动水平,如增加成人休闲性步行水平(Chaix et al, 2014)和中高强度身体活动量(Joseph et al, 2016)、儿童或青少年身体活动量(Babey et al, 2015; Sanders et al, 2015)、老年人休闲性步行水平(Cherniavsky, 2013)和身体活动量(Pleson et al, 2014),但面积较大的公园也有可能减少成人步行频率(King et al, 2012)。

2.3.2 功能品质的影响


(1) 客观建成环境品质。重点关注步行环境综合功能品质和单一公共开放空间功能品质的影响。研究发现邻里步行环境质量越高,越容易增加儿童积极出行概率(Molina-Garcia et al, 2017)和减少青少年身体活动不足风险(Laxer et al, 2013),增加老年人积极出行可能性(Berke et al, 2007)、身体活动量(Winters et al, 2015)和休闲性身体活动量(Gao et al, 2015)、成人交通性步行或骑行水平(Clark et al, 2014)和中高强度身体活动量(Dyck et al, 2010)。但也有研究发现邻里步行性水平与成人中高强度身体活动量呈负向关系(Thielman et al, 2015)。此外,一些研究指出公共开放空间尤其公园的吸引性、安全性、便利性、保养性、多样性等品质特征显著影响身体活动水平(Koohsari et al, 2015),但影响结果存在差异性(Timperio et al, 2008)。

(2) 主观建成环境品质。在探究客观建成环境空间品质影响基础上,基于个体日常身体活动与建成环境要素间的互动,一些学者将个体主观感受纳入分析,重点考察邻里建成环境可步行性、美学、安全性、保养性等感知的影响(Cerin et al, 2006)。研究发现建成环境感知与身体活动间存在相关性(Bracy et al, 2014)。大多数研究表明居民对邻里或特定公共开放空间可步行性、美学感知越强,休闲性活动水平越高,更容易达到身体活动推荐量(Nathan et al, 2014; Spanier et al, 2014)。而与犯罪、交通相关的安全要素感知,可能会影响居民在户外活动的意愿,进而影响其交通性和休闲性活动水平(Foster et al, 2008; Bracy et al, 2014; Jack et al, 2014)(表2)。

表2   建成环境要素空间功能品质感知影响概要

Tab.2   Summary of the influence of perceived built environmental factor qualities on residents’ physical activity

儿童步行环境可步行性无影响Hager et al, 2013
交通安全性正向影响身体活动量Grow et al, 2008
青少年步行环境友好性更容易达到身体活动推荐量和更少的静坐活动Kopcakova et al, 2017
犯罪安全性正向影响身体活动参与Nichol et al, 2010
交通安全性正向影响积极出行频率Carlson et al, 2014
成人(主要以中、青年样本为主,部分文献包含老年样本)步行环境整体质量对骑行倾向无影响,对骑行频率有影响Foster et al, 2008; Bringolf et al, 2010; Dyck et al, 2013; Bracy
et al, 2014
; Jack et al, 2014;
Nathan et al, 2014; Ma et al,
;Vanwolleghem et al, 2016
公共开放空间(如公园、步行空间等)安全性、美学正向影响休闲性步行和总体步行频率、时间;无影响Bringolf et al, 2010; Cohen
et al, 2010
; Leslie et al, 2010
交通安全性正向影响交通性步行、高强度身体活动量Jack et al, 2014
老年步行环境美学正向影响休闲性、交通性步行量Spanier et al, 2014
交通安全性正向影响交通性步行量Cauwenberg et al, 2012


3 结论与启示

城市建成环境对身体活动的影响研究经过近30 a的发展,形成了比较丰富的理论体系,基础理论从系统分析转变为基于主体的分析;借助于更加多维的调查数据以及“3S”技术获取的空间数据,研究方法也从传统的简单线性相关分析拓展为多层次回归分析和空间计量分析。实证研究上多从空间组织、空间格局、空间功能等空间维度切入建成环境对身体活动的影响研究,并不断趋向多维、融合、精细。


(1) 基于“天人合一”理念的理论提升。突破现有社会生态理论把人作为普通系统要素,行为地理学把人作为单一主体的思维框架,认为身体活动与建成环境互为主客体,两者之间互相映射与塑造,以两者动态良性交互为途径,以健康效应的整体达成为目标,追求“天人合一”,相互提升,共同营造,将建成环境对身体活动的影响研究推向日常生活中整合建成环境、身体活动、生活方式等全时空要素互动的整体健康效应研究,以期达到可持续的、真正的以人为本,从而科学有效指导健康城市规划与设计。

(2) 基于多源数据融合和时空计量的研究新方法。弥补大小数据之间结合的鸿沟,构建能够同时兼顾多尺度、高精度的时空分析模型,并借鉴机器学习等人工智能领域的新方法、新理念,提取建成环境对身体活动的影响模式及机制,进而科学合理地模拟、预测不同建成环境影响下身体活动的健康效应。

(3) 基于虚实交互空间和本土语境下的实证研究。ICT快速发展一方面开拓了城市建成环境对身体活动影响的新途径,推动了建成环境对身体活动影响的新内容;另一方面也加剧了不同人群间感知利用新型中介手段介入城市建成环境对身体活动影响过程的能力分异。当前亟需加强虚实空间交互带来的对身体活动新的影响效应,特别是关注虚实交互空间里的可介入性、公平性。此外,随着中国社会发展主要矛盾的转化以及新型城镇化的转型升级,导致建成环境对身体活动的影响更加复杂化和综合化,应开展宏微观多尺度、全要素多维度、需求引导多情景、实践考虑多阶段、响应兼顾多群体、规划设计多交互、案例分析多对比的系统性研究。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Neighbourhood characteristics may influence physical activity (PA), which has positive effects on the health of older adults. Older adults with chronic conditions are less active and possibly more affected by environmental factors than their peers. Understanding neighbourhood characteristics associated with PA specific to older adults with chronic conditions is currently lacking. This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the associations between the neighbourhood environment and various forms of PA in older adults with and without visual impairment, hearing impairment, musculoskeletal disease and/or genitourinary disease. Neighbourhood environment and PA data were collected in Hong Kong older adults (N= 909) from 124 preselected neighbourhoods stratified for walkability and socioeconomic status. Generalized linear models and zero-inflated negative binomial models with robust standard errors were used to examine associations of perceived neighbourhood environment characteristics, and the moderating effects of having specific chronic conditions, with PA outcomes. Thirteen perceived neighbourhood characteristics were associated with older adults PA in the expected direction irrespective of their health condition. Nine neighbourhood characteristics had associations with PA that were dependent on hearing impairment, vision impairment, musculoskeletal disease or genitourinary disease. In general, they were stronger in participants with than without a specific chronic condition. Maximizing the potential for PA in older adults who have lower levels of physical functionality due to chronic conditions may require neighbourhood characteristics specific to these groups.
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OBJECTIVE: We examined whether older persons who live in areas that are conducive to walking are more active or less obese than those living in areas where walking is more difficult. METHODS: We used data from the Adult Changes in Thought cohort study for a cross-sectional analysis of 936 participants aged 65 to 97 years. The Walkable and Bikable Communities Project previously formulated a walkability score to predict the probability of walking in King County, Washington. Data from the cohort study were linked to the walkability score at the participant level using a geographic information system. Analyses tested for associations between walkability score and activity and body mass index. RESULTS: Higher walkability scores were associated with significantly more walking for exercise across buffers (circular zones around each respondent's home) of varying radii (for men, odds ratio [OR]=5.86; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.01, 34.17 to OR=9.14; CI=1.23, 68.11; for women, OR=1.63; CI=0.94, 2.83 to OR=1.77; CI=1.03, 3.04). A trend toward lower body mass index in men living in more walkable neighborhoods did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that neighborhood characteristics are associated with the frequency of walking for physical activity in older people. Whether frequency of walking reduces obesity prevalence is less clear.
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[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11(1): 24. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-11-24.

URL      PMID: 24564971      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Background Direct relationships between safety concerns and physical activity have been inconsistently patterned in the literature. To tease out these relationships, crime, pedestrian, and traffic safety were examined as moderators of built environment associations with physical activity. Methods Exploratory analyses used two cross-sectional studies of 2068 adults ages 20???65 and 718 seniors ages 66+ with similar designs and measures. The studies were conducted in the Baltimore, Maryland-Washington, DC and Seattle-King County, Washington regions during 2001???2005 (adults) and 2005???2008 (seniors). Participants were recruited from areas selected to sample high- and low- income and walkability. Independent variables perceived crime, traffic, and pedestrian safety were measured using scales from validated instruments. A GIS-based walkability index was calculated for a street-network buffer around each participant???s home address. Outcomes were total physical activity measured using accelerometers and transportation and leisure walking measured with validated self-reports (IPAQ-long). Mixed effects regression models were conducted separately for each sample. Results Of 36 interactions evaluated across both studies, only 5 were significant (p???<???.05). Significant interactions did not consistently support a pattern of highest physical activity when safety was rated high and environments were favorable. There was not consistent evidence that safety concerns reduced the beneficial effects of favorable environments on physical activity. Only pedestrian safety showed evidence of a consistent main effect with physical activity outcomes, possibly because pedestrian safety items (e.g., crosswalks, sidewalks) were not as subjective as those on the crime and traffic safety scales. Conclusions Clear relationships between crime, pedestrian, and traffic safety with physical activity levels remain elusive. The development of more precise safety variables and the use of neighborhood-specific physical activity outcomes may help to elucidate these relationships.
[19] Bringolf I B, Grize L U, Ruch N, et al.2010.

Built environment, parents' perception, and children' s vigorous outdoor play

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 50(5): 251-256.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.03.008      URL      PMID: 20346370      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

To evaluate the combined effects and relative importance of socio-cultural factors as well as parents' subjectively perceived and objectively assessed environment on time children spent vigorously playing outdoors. Cross-sectional study conducted in Berne, Biel-Bienne, and Payerne (Switzerland) during the school year 2004/2005. Included 1345 parental questionnaires from children out of three age groups (6/7, 9/10, and 13/14 years). A total of 1081 (80%) provided a home address, which could be linked to environmental data using a geographic information system (GIS). GIS-derived main street density in a buffer of 100 m around the home was inversely associated with time playing outdoors in adolescents and younger children, but only in more urbanized areas. In addition and independently of GIS-based main street density, parental concern about traffic safety was associated with less time playing outdoors in primary school children. Girls, adolescents, and children from the French speaking part of the country spent less time playing outdoors. A non-Swiss nationality and having younger siblings increased time playing vigorously outdoors in adolescents. In addition to socio-cultural factors, parents' perceptions and objectively measured environmental factors were significantly associated with the time spent vigorously playing outdoors. These associations differed by age group.
[20] Calogiuri G, Elliott L R.2017.

Why do people exercise in natural environments? Norwegian adults' motives for nature-, gym-, and sports-based exercise

[J]. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(4): 377. doi:10.3390/ijerph14040377.

URL      PMID: 28375192      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Exercise in natural environments ("green exercise") confers numerous health benefits, but little is known about why people engage in green exercise. This study examined the importance of nature experiences as a motive for physical activity and the motivational profile of people who engage in green exercise compared to gym- and sports-based exercise. Physical activity motives and typical times spent in different domains of physical activity were reported by 2168 Norwegian adults in a survey. Experiencing nature was generally rated as the second-most important physical activity motive, exceeded only by convenience motives, and it was especially important for older adults and those who engage in greater amounts of instrumental physical activity. Green exercisers reported stronger motives concerning convenience and experiencing nature, whereas gym- or sports-based exercisers reported stronger motives for physical health and sociability. The motives associated with different leisure-time exercise domains may assist in understanding optimal promotion of green exercise.
[21] Carlson J A, Sallis J F, Kerr J.2014.

Built environment characteristics and parent active transportation are associated with active travel to school in youth age 12-15

[J]. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(22): 1634-1676.

https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2013-093101      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[22] Carrollscott A, Gilstadhayden K, Rosenthal L, et al.2013.

Disentangling neighborhood contextual associations with child body mass index, diet, and physical activity: The role of built, socioeconomic, and social environments

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 95(4): 106-114.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.04.003      URL      PMID: 23642646      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Obesity prevalence among US children and adolescents has tripled in the past three decades. Consequently, dramatic increases in chronic disease incidence are expected, particularly among populations already experiencing health disparities. Recent evidence identifies characteristics of "obesogenic" neighborhood environments that affect weight and weight-related behaviors. This study aimed to examine associations between built, socioeconomic, and social characteristics of a child's residential environment on body mass index (BMI), diet, and physical activity. We focused on pre-adolescent children living in New Haven, Connecticut to better understand neighborhood environments' contribution to persistent health disparities. Participants were 1048 fifth and sixth grade students who completed school-based health surveys and physical measures in fall 2009. Student data were linked to US Census, parks, retailer, and crime data. Analyses were conducted using multilevel modeling. Property crimes and living further from a grocery store were associated with higher BMI. Students living within a 5-min walk of a fast food outlet had higher BMI, and those living in a tract with higher density of fast food outlets reported less frequent healthy eating and more frequent unhealthy eating. Students' reported perceptions of access to parks, playgrounds, and gyms were associated with more frequent healthy eating and exercise. Students living in more affluent neighborhoods reported more frequent healthy eating, less unhealthy eating, and less screen time. Neighborhood social ties were positively associated with frequency of exercise. In conclusion, distinct domains of neighborhood environment characteristics were independently related to children's BMI and health behaviors. Findings link healthy behaviors with built, social, and socioeconomic environment assets (access to parks, social ties, affluence), and unhealthy behaviors with built environment inhibitors (access to fast food outlets), suggesting neighborhood environments are an important level at which to intervene to prevent childhood obesity and its adverse consequences. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[23] Cauwenberg J V, Holle V V, Simons D, et al.2012.

Environmental factors influencing older adults' walking for transportation: A study using walk-along interviews

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 9(1): 85. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-85.

URL      PMID: 3499291      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

pAbstract/p pBackground/p pCurrent knowledge on the relationship between the physical environment and walking for transportation among older adults (≥ 6565years) is limited. Qualitative research can provide valuable information and inform further research. However, qualitative studies are scarce and fail to include neighborhood outings necessary to study participants’ experiences and perceptions while interacting with and interpreting the local social and physical environment. The current study sought to uncover the perceived environmental influences on Flemish older adults’ walking for transportation. To get detailed and context-sensitive environmental information, it used walk-along interviews./p pMethods/p pPurposeful convenience sampling was used to recruit 57 older adults residing in urban or semi-urban areas. Walk-along interviews to and from a destination (e.g. a shop) located within a 15 minutes’ walk from the participants’ home were conducted. Content analysis was performed using NVivo 9 software (QSR International). An inductive approach was used to derive categories and subcategories from the data./p pResults/p pData were categorized in the following categories and subcategories: access to facilities (shops services, public transit, connectivity), walking facilities (sidewalk quality, crossings, legibility, benches), traffic safety (busy traffic, behavior of other road users), familiarity, safety from crime (physical factors, other persons), social contacts, aesthetics (buildings, natural elements, noise smell, openness, decay) and weather./p pConclusions/p pThe findings indicate that to promote walking for transportation a neighborhood should provide good access to shops and services, well-maintained walking facilities, aesthetically appealing places, streets with little traffic and places for social interaction. In addition, the neighborhood environment should evoke feelings of familiarity and safety from crime. Future quantitative studies should investigate if (changes in) these environmental factors relate to (changes in) older adults’ walking for transportation./p
[24] Cerin E, Saelens B E, Sallis J F, et al.2006.

Neighborhood environment walkability scale: Validity and development of a short form

[J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38(9): 1682-1691.

[本文引用: 1]     

[25] Chaix B, Simon C, Charreire H, et al.2014.

The environmental correlates of overall and neighborhood based recreational walking (a cross-sectional analysis of the RECORD study)

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 11(1): 20. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-11-20.

URL      PMID: 3943269      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background Preliminary evidence suggests that recreational walking has different environmental determinants than utilitarian walking. However, previous studies are limited in their assessment of environmental exposures and recreational walking and in the applied modeling strategies. Accounting for individual sociodemographic profiles and weather over the walking assessment period, the study examined whether numerous street network-based neighborhood characteristics related to the sociodemographic, physical, service, social-interactional, and symbolic environments were associated with overall recreational walking and recreational walking in one???s residential neighborhood and could explain their spatial distribution. Methods Based on the RECORD Cohort Study (Paris region, France, n???=???7105, 2007???2008 data), multilevel-spatial regression analyses were conducted to investigate environmental factors associated with recreational walking (evaluated by questionnaire at baseline). A risk score approach was applied to quantify the overall disparities in recreational walking that were predicted by the environmental determinants. Results Sixty-nine percent of the participants reported recreational walking over the past 7 days. Their mean reported recreational walking time was 3h31mn. After individual-level adjustment, a higher neighborhood education, a higher density of destinations, green and open spaces of quality, and the absence of exposure to air traffic were associated with higher odds of recreational walking and/or a higher recreational walking time in one???s residential neighborhood. As the overall disparities that were predicted by these environmental factors, the odds of reporting recreational walking and the odds of a higher recreational walking time in one???s neighborhood were, respectively, 1.59 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.56, 1.62] times and 1.81 (95% CI: 1.73, 1.87) times higher in the most vs. the least supportive environments (based on the quartiles). Conclusions Providing green/open spaces of quality, building communities with services accessible from the residence, and addressing environmental nuisances such as those related to air traffic may foster recreational walking in one???s environment.
[26] Chen P, Zhou J P, Sun F Y.2017.

Built environment determinants of bicycle volume: A longitudinal analysis

[J]. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 10(1): 655-674.

[本文引用: 2]     

[27] Cherniavsky E.2013.

Objectively-measured neighborhood environments and leisure-time physical activity in Chinese urban elders

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 56(1): 86-89.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.10.024      URL      PMID: 23137445      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Objective. The built environment may impact on elders' ability to engage in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA). Environmental correlates of LTPA in older Chinese residents of ultra-dense cities are unknown. The main aim of this study was to identify the aspects of the neighborhood environment associated with LTPA of Chinese elders residing in an ultra-dense city and able to walk unassisted.Methods. This study was conducted in Hong Kong in 2007-2008. We investigated the relationships of neighborhood environmental attributes (environmental audits) with LTPA (interviewer-administered questionnaire) in 484 elders able to walk unassisted and living in 32 neighborhoods stratified by socioeconomic status and walkability.Results. The amount of recreational walking was positively related to the availability of parks (e(b)=1.03; 95% CI=1.02, 1.05) and several other environmental attributes. The odds of non-participation in other LTPA (OLTPA) were related to availability of recreational facilities (ORs from 0.96 to 0.99) and infrastructure, aesthetics, and safety aspects of the neighborhood. These aspects also moderated the relationships of recreational facilities with non-participation in OLTPA, being negative only in safe, aesthetically-pleasing locations with good infrastructure.Conclusions. Safe, aesthetically-pleasing, low-pollution neighborhoods with easy access to recreational and public facilities may facilitate the engagement in LTPA in Chinese urban elders able to walk unassisted. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[28] Christian H E, Bull F C, Middleton N J, et al.2011.

How important is the land use mix measure in understanding walking behaviour? Results from the RESIDE study

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 8(1): 55. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-8-55.

URL      PMID: 3142478      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Understanding the relationship between urban design and physical activity is a high priority. Different representations of land use diversity may impact the association between neighbourhood design and specific walking behaviours. This study examined different entropy based computations of land use mix (LUM) used in the development of walkability indices (WIs) and their association with walking behaviour. Participants in the RESIDential Environments project (RESIDE) self-reported mins/week of recreational, transport and total walking using the Neighbourhood Physical Activity Questionnaire (n = 1798). Land use categories were incrementally added to test five different LUM models to identify the strongest associations with recreational, transport and total walking. Logistic regression was used to analyse associations between WIs and walking behaviour using three cut points: any (> 0 mins), ≥ 60 mins and ≥ 150 mins walking/week. Participants in high (vs. low) walkable neighbourhoods reported up to almost twice the amount of walking, irrespective of the LUM measure used. However, different computations of LUM were found to be relevant for different types and amounts of walking (i.e., > 0, ≥ 60 or ≥ 150 mins/week). Transport walking (≥ 60 mins/week) had the strongest and most significant association (OR = 2.24; 95% CI:1.58-3.18) with the WI when the LUM included 'residential', 'retail', 'office', 'health, welfare and community',and'entertainment, culture and recreation'. However, any (> 0 mins/week) recreational walking was more strongly associated with the WI (OR = 1.36; 95% CI:1.04-1.78) when land use categories included 'public open space', 'sporting infrastructure' and 'primary and rural' land uses. The observed associations were generally stronger for ≥ 60 mins/week compared with > 0 mins/week of transport walking and total walking but this relationship was not seen for recreational walking. Varying the combination of land uses in the LUM calculation of WIs affects the strength of relationships with different types (and amounts) of walking. Future research should examine the relationship between walkability and specific types and different amounts of walking. Our results provide an important first step towards developing a context-specific WI that is associated with recreational walking. Inherent problems with administrative data and the use of entropy formulas for the calculation of LUM highlight the need to explore alternative or complimentary measures of the environment.
[29] Christiansen L B, Cerin E, Badland H, et al.2016.

International comparisons of the associations between objective measures of the built environment and transport-related walking and cycling: IPEN adult study

[J]. Journal of Transport & Health, 3(4): 467-478.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2016.02.010      URL      PMID: 28111613      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

@article{7162603, author = {Christiansen, Lars B and Cerin, Ester and Badland, Hannah and Kerr, Jacqueline and Davey, Rachel and Troelsen, Jens and Van Dyck, Delfien and Mit{\'a}\v{s}, Josef and Schofield, Grant and Sugiyama, Takemi and Salvo, Deborah and Sarmiento, Olga L and Reis, Rodrigo and Adams, Marc and Frank, Larry and Sallis, James F}, issn = {2214-1405}, journal = {JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT \& HEALTH}, keyword = {Cycling,Walking,Transport,Built environment,International,IPEN}, language = {eng}, title = {International comparisons of the associations between objective measures of the built environment and transport-related walking and cycling: IPEN adult study}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2016.02.010}, year = {2016}, }
[30] Churangsarit S, Chongsuvivatwong V.2011.

Spatial and social factors associated with transportation and recreational physical activity among adults in Hat Yai City, Songkhla, Thailand

[J]. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 8(6): 758-765.

https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1103746R      URL      PMID: 21832290      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: Transportation physical activity (TPA) and recreational physical activity (RPA) in an urban area can be sources of physical activity (PA) in addition to working. This study was conducted in Hat Yai City Municipality, the fourth most populous city in Thailand, to describe the magnitude of these physical activities and identify their associated factors. METHODS: 369 adults were selected from a random sampling of registered households. Based on the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), subjects were interviewed on their modes of TPA and RPA during the past week. Hurdle regression was used to examine predictors for having PA separately from predictor of intensity of PA among the active. Metabolic equivalent (MET) of TPA and RPA were computed. RESULTS: Prevalence of not having TPA and RPA were 71.3% and 45.8%, respectively. TPA and RPA contributed 1.5% and 9.2% of total PA. Active commuters were more common in females 40 or more years old, less sedentary persons, and those living near shopping places. Persons having RPA were more likely to be less sedentary, whereas the intensity of RPA was higher among single persons and males. CONCLUSION: TPA and RPA in this study area were uncommon. Further strategies are needed to improve the situation, especially among sedentary persons.
[31] Clark A F, Scott D M, Yiannakoulias N.2014.

Examining the relationship between active travel, weather, and the built environment: A multilevel approach using a GPS-enhanced dataset

[J]. Transportation, 41(2): 325-338.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-013-9476-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines how the built environment and weather conditions influence the use of walking as a mode of transport. The Halifax Regional Municipality in Nova Scotia, Canada is the study area for this work. Data are derived from three sources: a socio-demographic questionnaire and a GPS-enhanced prompted recall time-use diary collected between April 2007 and May 2008 as part of the Halifax Space-Time Activity Research project, a daily meteorological summary from Environment Canada, and a comprehensive GIS dataset from the regional municipality. Two binary logit multilevel models are estimated to examine how the propensity to use walking is influenced by the built environment and weather while controlling for socio-demographic characteristics. The built environment is measured via five attributes in one model and a walkability index (derived from the five attributes) in the other. Weather conditions are shown to affect walking use in both models. Although the walkability index is significant, the results demonstrate that this significance is driven by specific attributes of the built environment n the case of this study, population density and to a lesser extent, pedestrian infrastructure.
[32] Cohen D A, Williamson M S.2010.

Parks and physical activity: Why are some parks used more than others?

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 50(1): S9-S12.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2009.08.020      URL      PMID: 2821457      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To assess how park characteristics and demographic factors are associated with park use. We studied a diverse sample of parks in a Southern California metropolitan area in 2006 2008 representing a variety of racial and ethnic communities of different socioeconomic strata. We surveyed 51 park directors, 4257 park users and local residents, and observed 30 parks. We explored relationships among the number of people observed, the number of park programs offered, number of organized activities observed, park size, existence of park advisory board, perceptions of safety, and population density and characteristics. The strongest correlates of the number of people using the park were the park size and the number of organized activities observed. Neighborhood population density, neighborhood poverty levels, perceptions of park safety, and the presence of a park advisory board were not associated with park use. While perceptions of low safety have been considered a barrier to park use, perceptions of high safety do not appear to facilitate park use. Having events at the park, including sports competitions and other attractions, appears to be the strongest correlate of park use and community-level physical activity.
[33] Corti W.1998.

The relative influence of, and interaction between, environmental and individual determinants of recreational physical activity in sedentary workers and home makers

[D]. Perth: Department of Public Health, The University of Western Australia.

[本文引用: 1]     

[34] Cranney L, Phongsavan P, Kariuki M, et al.2016.

Impact of an outdoor gym on park users' physical activity: A natural experiment

[J]. Health & Place, 37: 26-34.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2015.11.002      URL      PMID: 26699448      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61This study adds to the limited evidence on outdoor gyms and physical activity61Significant increased MVPA in the overall park observed at follow-up for seniors61Significant increased MVPA and seniors’ use of outdoor gym area observed at follow-up61Outdoor gym users more likely than general park users to be sufficiently active61Outdoor gym users more likely than general park users to be local and frequent users
[35] Danis A, Sidek S, Yusof S M.2014.

Environmental characteristics influences on physical activity among overweight adolescents: Urban neighbourhood parks

[J]. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 153: 402-409.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.073      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The link between environmental characteristics of neighborhood park and adolescents physical activity is poorly understood. Therefore, present study aims to explore the environmental characteristics of the neighbourhood parks that influence physical activity from the perception of overweight adolescents. Participants were selected using criterion purposive sampling. In-depth semi-structured interviews with 33 overweight adolescents between 13 and 17 years old successfully done. Interviews recorded, transcribed and analyzed based on thematic content analysis. The results showed that physical and social environment influenced physical activity and neighbourhood parks usage. It is essential to consider these environmental characteristics in developing physical activity intervention that aim to promote physical activity among overweight adolescents.
[36] Day K, Alfonzo M, Chen Y, et al.2013.

Overweight, obesity and inactivity and urban design in rapidly growing Chinese cities

[J]. Health & Place, 21(5): 29-38.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.12.009      URL      PMID: 23416231      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China faces rising rates of overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity among its citizens. Risk is highest in China's rapidly growing cities and urban populations. Current urban development practices and policies in China heighten this risk. These include policies that support decentralization in land use planning; practices of neighborhood gating; and policies and practices tied to motor vehicle travel, transit planning, and bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. In this paper, we review cultural, political, and economic issues that influence overweight, obesity, and inactivity in China. We examine key urban planning features and policies that shape urban environments that may compromise physical activity as part of everyday life, including walking and bicycling. We review the empirical research to identify planning and design strategies that support physical activity in other high-density cities in developing and developed countries. Finally, we identify successful strategies to increase physical activity in another growing, high-density city - New York City - to suggest strategies that may have relevance for rapidly urbanizing Chinese cities. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[37] D'Haese S, Vanwolleghem G, Hinckson E, et al.2015.

Cross-continental comparison of the association between the physical environment and active transportation in children: A systematic review

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 12(1): 145. doi: 10.1186/s12966-015-0308-z.

URL      PMID: 4660808      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the relationship between a wide range of physical environmental characteristics and different contexts of active transportation in 6- to 12-year-old children across different continents. A systematic search was conducted in six databases (Pubmed, Web of Science, Cinahl, SportDiscus, TRIS and Cochrane) resulting in 65 papers, eligible for inclusion. The investigated physical environmental variables were grouped into six categories: walkability, accessibility, walk/cycle facilities, aesthetics, safety, recreation facilities. The majority of the studies were conducted in North America (n65=6535), Europe (n65=6517) and Australia (n65=6511). Active transportation to school (walking or cycling) was positively associated with walkability. Walking to school was positively associated with walkability, density and accessibility. Evidence for a possible association was found for traffic safety and all forms of active transportation to school. No convincing evidence was found for associations between the physical environment and active transportation during leisure. General safety and traffic safety were associated with active transportation to school in North America and Australia but not associated with active transportation to school in Europe. The physical environment was mainly associated with active transportation to school. Continent specific associations were found, indicating that safety measures were most important in relation to active commuting to school in North America and Australia. There is a need for longitudinal studies and studies conducted in Asia, Africa and South-America and studies focusing specifically on active transportation during leisure.
[38] Doescher M P, Lee C, Berke E M, et al.2014.

The built environment and utilitarian walking in small U.S. towns

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 69: 80-86.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.08.027      URL      PMID: 4312190      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

61Nearly 10% of U.S. adults live in small rural towns.61Small rural towns can support utilitarian walking.61Environmental factors related to walking in small towns mirror those in urban areas.61Light manufacturing land use was positively associated with walking in small towns.
[39] Duncan M, Mummery K.2005.

Psychosocial and environmental factors associated with physical activity among city dwellers in regional Queensland

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 40(4): 363-372.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2004.06.017      URL      PMID: 15530589      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background. Research has recently adopted the use of social cological models in the study of physical activity. Few studies, however, have addressed the influence of the environment on activity using Geographic Information System (GIS)-derived measures of environmental attributes and self-report ratings of other environmental attributes. Even fewer have examined walking behaviors. Methods. Self-report measures of physical activity, social support, self-efficacy, and perceived neighborhood environment were obtained by means of a Computer-Assisted-Telephone-Interview (CATI) survey of 1,281 residents of Rockhampton, Queensland. Over 94% (1,215) of respondents' residential locations were successfully geocoded into the existing city council GIS database. The self-report data, along with GIS-derived measures, were used to determine the relationships among selected variables of the neighborhood environment for each geocoded location. Results. GIS-derived measures of street connectivity and proximity to parkland, the number of active people in a 1-km radius, and self-reported perceptions of neighborhood cleanliness showed associations with the likelihood of achieving sufficient levels of physical activity when adjusting for selected psychosocial variables. GIS-derived Euclidian distance to footpath networks, number of dogs in 0.8-km radius, network distance to newsagents, and perceptions of footpath condition were significantly associated with the likelihood of participating in any recreational walking. Conclusion. Environmental characteristics were found to have differential influences on the two selected measures of physical activity. Aesthetics and safety appear to be important influences of physical activity, whereas proximal footpaths showed increased likelihood of participation in recreational walking. It is proposed that the strength of association between the environmental and physical activity may be improved if future research utilizes a Geographic Information System approach to the study of restricted geographical areas.
[40] Durand C P, Andalib M, Dunton G F, et al.2011.

A systematic review of built environment factors related to physical activity and obesity risk: Implications for smart growth urban planning

[J]. Obesity Reviews, 12(5): e173-e182. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00826.x.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[41] Dyck D V, Cardon G, Deforche B, et al.2009.

Lower neighbourhood walkability and longer distance to school are related to physical activity in Belgian adolescents

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 48(6): 516-518.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2009.03.005      URL      PMID: 19285102      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

To investigate whether adolescents living in a high-walkable town centre are more physically active than those living in a less-walkable suburb. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Izegem (Belgium). Data collection took place in spring 2007. One high-walkable urban neighbourhood and one less-walkable suburban neighbourhood were selected, based on objective connectivity and residential density. One hundred twenty adolescents (12–1802years, 60 per neighbourhood) completed the Neighbourhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS), the Neighbourhood Physical Activity Questionnaire (NPAQ), wore a pedometer for 702days and filled in an activity log. In contrast with the expectations, adolescents living in the less-walkable suburb reported 22002min/week more cycling for transport than those living in the high-walkable town centre. A trend towards significance was found for mean step counts/day with 1371 more steps/day for suburban adolescents. Travel time to school was 7.402min less for urban adolescents. In contrast with previous results in adults, lower walkability and larger distance to school was associated with more physical activity in Belgian adolescents. Therefore, physical environmental interventions designed for adults, focusing on increases in connectivity, residential density and connectivity, might not be effective for Belgian adolescents.
[42] Dyck D V, Cardon G, Deforche B, et al.2010.

Neighborhood SES and walkability are related to physical activity behavior in Belgian adults

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 50(Supp): S74-S79. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2009.07.027.

URL      PMID: 19751757      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To investigate whether neighborhood walkability (higher residential density, land use mix, street connectivity) is positively associated with physical activity in Belgian adults and whether this association is moderated by neighborhood SES. The Belgian Environmental Physical Activity Study (BEPAS) was conducted in Ghent, Belgium. Data were collected between May 2007 and September 2008. Twenty-four neighborhoods were selected, stratified on GIS-based walkability and neighborhood SES. In total, 1200 adults (aged 20 65 years; 50 per neighborhood) completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and wore an accelerometer for seven days. After omitting participants with missing accelerometer data, the final sample consisted of 1166 adults. Living in a high-walkable neighborhood was associated with more accelerometer-based minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (38.6 vs. 31.8 min/day, p < 0.001), transportational walking and cycling, recreational walking, and less motorized transport (all p < 0.05). Low neighborhood SES was related to more cycling for transport and less motorized transport (all p < 0.05). No interactions between walkability and neighborhood SES were found. The BEPAS results generally confirmed the findings from Australia and the US showing that, in Europe, walkability is also positively related to physical activity. As neighborhood SES was not a significant moderator, walkability appears beneficial for all economic strata.
[43] Dyck D V, Cerin E, Conway T L, et al.2013.

Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with adults' leisure-time physical activity: Findings from Belgium, Australia and the USA

[J]. Health & Place, 19(1): 59-68.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.09.017      URL      PMID: 23178650      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

78 We pooled data from culturally- and environmentally-diverse countries. 78 We constructed behavior-specific indices containing important environmental correlates. 78 Distinct environmental attributes were related to the two outcome measures. 78 Important site-specific results were revealed with an absence of associations in Ghent.
[44] Ewing R.2005.

Can the physical environment determine physical activity levels?

[J]. Exercise & Sport Sciences Reviews, 33(2): 69-75.

https://doi.org/10.1097/00003677-200504000-00003      URL      PMID: 15821427      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Does your place of residence affect your level of physical activity and ultimately your weight and health? There is relatively strong evidence of association between compact development patterns and use of active travel modes such as walking and transit. There is weaker evidence of linkage between compact development, overall physical activity, and downstream weight and health effects.
[45] Feuillet T, Charreire H, Menai M, et al.2015.

Spatial heterogeneity of the relationships between environmental characteristics and active commuting: Towards a locally varying social ecological model

[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 14(1): 12. doi: 10.1186/s12942-015-0002-z.

URL      PMID: 4404073      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Background According to the social ecological model of health-related behaviors, it is now well accepted that environmental factors influence habitual physical activity. Most previous studies on physical activity determinants have assumed spatial homogeneity across the study area, i.e. that the association between the environment and physical activity is the same whatever the location. The main novelty of our study was to explore geographical variation in the relationships between active commuting (walking and cycling to/from work) and residential environmental characteristics. Methods 4,164 adults from the ongoing Nutrinet-Sant?? web-cohort, residing in and around Paris, France, were studied using a geographically weighted Poisson regression (GWPR) model. Objective environmental variables, including both the built and the socio-economic characteristics around the place of residence of individuals, were assessed by GIS-based measures. Perceived environmental factors (index including safety, aesthetics, and pollution) were reported by questionnaires. Results Our results show that the influence of the overall neighborhood environment appeared to be more pronounced in the suburban southern part of the study area (Val-de-Marne) compared to Paris inner city, whereas more complex patterns were found elsewhere. Active commuting was positively associated with the built environment only in the southern and northeastern parts of the study area, whereas positive associations with the socio-economic environment were found only in some specific locations in the southern and northern parts of the study area. Similar local variations were observed for the perceived environmental variables. Conclusions These results suggest that: (i) when applied to active commuting, the social ecological conceptual framework should be locally nuanced, and (ii) local rather than global targeting of public health policies might be more efficient in promoting active commuting.
[46] Feuillet T, Salze P, Charreire H, et al.2016.

Built environment in local relation with walking: Why here and not there?

[J]. Journal of Transport & Health, 3(4): 500-512.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2015.12.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Spatial nonstationarity characterizes relations between built environment and walking.61We assessed local contexts where built environment-walking relationships vary.61Most discriminant variables for leisure walking were facility density and individual housing.61Most discriminant variables for errand walking were unemployment and education.61Built environment effects on individual behaviors should be examined at local scale.
[47] Foster S, Gilescorti B.2008.

The built environment, neighborhood crime and constrained physical activity: An exploration of inconsistent findings

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 47(3): 241-251.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.03.017      URL      PMID: 18499242      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Personal safety is commonly cited in qualitative research as a barrier to local walking, yet the relationship between safety and constrained physical activity has received mixed support in quantitative studies. This paper reviews the quantitative evidence to date, seeking to explain the inconsistencies, and offers recommendations for future research. A social cological framework was adopted to explore the evidence linking crime-related safety, and factors that influence real and perceived safety, with constrained physical activity. Perceived safety tends to affect the physical activity of groups already known to exhibit greater anxiety about crime; and some elements of the built environment that influence safety appear to constrain physical activity. However the evidence is somewhat inconsistent, and this may be partly attributed to measurement limitations. Many studies employ generic safety measures that make implicit references to crime or use composite variables that lack specificity. Physical activity outcomes also require consideration, as only activities occurring locally outdoors are likely to be affected by neighborhood crime. Further research is required to tease out associations between real and perceived crime-related safety and physical activity, ideally employing behaviour and crime-specific measures, and addressing the moderating role of the social and built environments.
[48] Gao J L, Fu H, Li J, et al.2015.

Association between social and built environments and leisure-time physical activity among Chinese older adults: A multilevel analysis

[J]. BMC Public Health, 15: 1-8.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-15-1      URL      PMID: 4324675      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background Regional differences in population levels of alcohol-related harm exist across Great Britain, but these are not entirely consistent with differences in population levels of alcohol consumption. This incongruence may be due to the use of self-report surveys to estimate consumption. Survey data are subject to various biases and typically produce consumption estimates much lower than those based on objective alcohol sales data. However, sales data have never been used to estimate regional consumption within Great Britain (GB). This ecological study uses alcohol retail sales data to provide novel insights into regional alcohol consumption in GB, and to explore the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related mortality. Methods Alcohol sales estimates derived from electronic sales, delivery records and retail outlet sampling were obtained. The volume of pure alcohol sold was used to estimate per adult consumption, by market sector and drink type, across eleven GB regions in 2010???11. Alcohol-related mortality rates were calculated for the same regions and a cross-sectional correlation analysis between consumption and mortality was performed. Results Per adult consumption in northern England was above the GB average and characterised by high beer sales. A high level of consumption in South West England was driven by on-trade sales of cider and spirits and off-trade wine sales. Scottish regions had substantially higher spirits sales than elsewhere in GB, particularly through the off-trade. London had the lowest per adult consumption, attributable to lower off-trade sales across most drink types. Alcohol-related mortality was generally higher in regions with higher per adult consumption. The relationship was weakened by the South West and Central Scotland regions, which had the highest consumption levels, but discordantly low and very high alcohol-related mortality rates, respectively. Conclusions This study provides support for the ecological relationship between alcohol-related mortality and alcohol consumption. The synthesis of knowledge from a combination of sales, survey and mortality data, as well as primary research studies, is key to ensuring that regional alcohol consumption, and its relationship with alcohol-related harms, is better understood.
[49] Grow H M, Saelens B E, Kerr J, et al.2008.

Where are youth active? Roles of proximity, active transport, and built environment

[J]. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40(12): 2071-2079.

https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181817baa      URL      PMID: 18981942      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract PURPOSE: This study examined factors related to two sources of physical activity for youth: active use of recreation sites and active transport to recreation sites. METHODS: Parents of children (n = 87) and matched pairs of parents and adolescents (n = 124 pairs) in three US cities reported on youths' active use of, proximity to, and walking/biking to 12 recreation sites and on neighborhood walkability and safety. Multivariate regression models evaluated factors associated with youths' frequent site use and active transport to sites. RESULTS: Proximity to the site was associated with frequent use of large parks and public open space. Walking/biking to the site was associated with frequent use of most sites (indoor recreation sites, small and large parks, basketball courts, walking/running tracks, school recreation sites, playgrounds, and public open space). After controlling for proximity and demographic factors, active transport to sites remained significantly associated (P < 0.05) with frequent use of four sites for children (indoor recreation, walking/running tracks, school recreation facilities, and public open space) and all but three sites for adolescents (indoor recreation, playfields/courts, and beach/lake/rivers). Adolescents' active transport to more sites was most positively related to higher perceived traffic safety and to better pedestrian infrastructure and was negatively related to crime threat. Adolescents with driver's licenses walked/biked to recreation sites less often. CONCLUSIONS: Active transport was strongly associated with the use of multiple recreation sites by children and adolescents, even when accounting for proximity and demographic factors. Adolescents living in neighborhoods with better traffic safety walked/biked to more recreation sites for physical activity. Findings support the need for built environments and transportation policies that facilitate safe, active transport to recreation sites for youth physical activity.
[50] Hager E R, Witherspoon D O, Gormley C, et al.2013.

The perceived and built environment surrounding urban schools and physical activity among adolescent girls

[J]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(S1): S68-S75. doi: 10.1007/s12160-012-9430-1.

URL      PMID: 3609655      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Neighborhood perceived/built environment and physical activity (PA) associations have been examined for adolescents around homes, but not surrounding schools.The purpose of this paper is to examine if positive perceptions/built environment in neighborhoods surrounding schools predict PA among low-income, urban adolescent girls.Measures include: minutes in moderate-vigorous PA (MVPA, ankle accelerometry), perceptions of the school environment (questionnaire), built environment (neighborhood audit). Analyses include multi-level models.Two hundred twenty-four sixth and seventh grade girls [mean(sd) age = 12.1(0.7) years] from 12 schools serving low-income, primarily African American communities; mean MVPA 35.4 min (mean days assessed = 5.8). Girls in schools with more positive perceptions of the neighborhood environment surrounding the school were less active (beta = 7.2, p = 0.043). Having "places to go within walking distance" (perceptions) and number of food stores near school (built environment) positively relate to MVPA (beta = 5.5, p = 0.042 and beta = 0.59, p = 0.047).Among neighborhoods surrounding urban schools, positive perceptions do not predict PA; accessibility, via both perceived and built environment, support PA.
[51] Hahm Y, Yoon H, Jung D, et al.2017.

Do built environments affect pedestrians' choices of walking routes in retail districts? A study with GPS experiments in Hongdae retail district in Seoul, South Korea

[J]. Habitat International, 70: 50-60.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2017.10.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[52] Handy S.2005.

Smart growth and the transportation-land use connection: What does the research tell us?

[J]. International Regional Science Review, 28(2): 146-167.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0160017604273626      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[53] Handy S L, Boarnet M G, Ewing R, et al.2002.

How the built environment affects physical activity: Views from urban planning

[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23(2): 64-73.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0749-3797(02)00475-0      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[54] Heesch K C, Gilescorti B, Turrell G.2015.

Cycling for transport and recreation: Associations with the socio-economic, natural and built environment

[J]. Health & Place, 36(1): 152-161.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2015.10.004      URL      PMID: 26598959      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examined associations between objective environmental attributes and, separately, transport (TC) and recreational cycling (RC). Environmental attributes were more strongly associated with TC than RC. Distances to areas with the best bicycle infrastructure and urban amenities may be key environmental attributes influencing TC but not RC. Government investments in bicycle infrastructure within inner Brisbane appear to have resulted in more TC than in outer areas and to appeal to residents of both the most and least disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Extending this infrastructure to residents living in disadvantaged and advantaged neighbourhoods outside the CBD could expand TC participation.
[55] Helbich M, Emmichoven M J, Dijst M J, et al.2016.

Natural and built environmental exposures on children' s active school travel: A Dutch global positioning system-based cross-sectional study

[J]. Health & Place, 39: 101-109.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.03.003      URL      PMID: 27010106      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Physical inactivity among children is on the rise. Active transport to school (ATS), namely walking and cycling there, adds to children's activity level. Little is known about how exposures along actual routes influence children's transport behavior. This study examined how natural and built environments influence mode choice among Dutch children aged 6 11 years. 623 school trips were tracked with global positioning system. Natural and built environmental exposures were determined by means of a geographic information system and their associations with children's active/passive mode choice were analyzed using mixed models. The actual commuted distance is inversely associated with ATS when only personal, traffic safety, and weather features are considered. When the model is adjusted for urban environments, the results are reversed and distance is no longer significant, whereas well-connected streets and cycling lanes are positively associated with ATS. Neither green space nor weather is significant. As distance is not apparent as a constraining travel determinant when moving through urban landscapes, planning authorities should support children's ATS by providing well-designed cities.
[56] Irvine K N, Warber S L, Patrick D W, et al.2013.

Understanding urban green space as a health resource: A qualitative comparison of visit motivation and derived effects among park users in Sheffield, UK

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 10(1): 417-442.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph10010417      URL      PMID: 3564151      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With increasing interest in the use of urban green space to promote human health, there is a need to understand the extent to which park users conceptualize these places as a resource for health and well-being. This study sought to examine park users' own reasons for and benefits from green space usage and compare these with concepts and constructs in existing person-environment-health theories and models of health. Conducted in 13 public green spaces in Sheffield, UK, we undertook a qualitative content analysis of 312 park users' responses to open-ended interview questions and identified a breadth, depth and salience of visit motivators and derived effects. Findings highlight a discrepancy between reasons for visiting and derived effects from the use of urban green space. Motivations emphasized walking, green space qualities, and children. Derived effects highlighted relaxation, positive emotions within the self and towards the place, and spiritual well-being. We generate a taxonomy of motivations and derived effects that could facilitate operationalization within empirical research and articulate a conceptual framework linking motivators to outcomes for investigating green space as a resource for human health and well-being.
[57] Ito K, Reardon T G, Arcaya M C, et al.2017.

Built environment and walking to school findings from a student travel behavior survey in Massachusetts

[J]. Transportation Research Record, 2666: 78-84.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2666-09      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[58] Ivory V C, Blakely T, Pearce J, et al.2015.

Could strength of exposure to the residential neighbourhood modify associations between walkability and physical activity

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 147: 232-241.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.10.053      URL      PMID: 26599626      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We use ‘pattern ascertainment’ as a novel way to investigate effect modification.61Many of the interactions were statistically significant, supporting prior theory.61Greater ‘exposure’ to the neighbourhood saw stronger associations of the BE with PA.61Health gains from improvements to residential neighbourhoods may be greater for some.
[59] Jack E, Mccormack G R.2014.

The associations between objectively-determined and self-reported urban form characteristics and neighborhood-based walking in adults

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11(1): 71. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-11-71.

URL      PMID: 24893719      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[60] Jansen M, Ettema D, Pierik F, et al.2016.

Sports facilities, shopping centers or homes: What locations are important for adults' physical activity? A cross-sectional study

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 13(3): 287. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13030287.

URL      PMID: 4808950      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Physical activity (PA) is influenced by the built environment. However, little is known about the types of built environment where adults spend their time, and at what levels of PA they engage in those environments. Understanding the effect of the built environment on PA requires insight into PA behavior at different types of locations (e.g., home, work, shopping centers, and sports facilities). Therefore, this study describes where adults aged 45 65 years were active with moderate-to-vigorous intensity (MVPA), and examines associations of socio-demographic factors and neighborhood with MVPA at these locations. Participants (N= 308) PA was measured for seven days using accelerometers and GPS-devices. Adults spent most minutes of MVPA at home and work. Highest MVPA-ratios of total time spent at a location were achieved in sports facilities and during transport. Neighborhood characteristics and socio-demographic factors such as work status, health status and household structure, had significant effects on MVPA at various locations and on total MVPA. Understanding PA behavior at various locations may provide insights that allow professionals in different domains (e.g., health, landscaping, urban planning) to develop strategies to stimulate PA.
[61] Joseph R P, Maddock J E.2016.

Observational Park-based physical activity studies: A systematic review of the literature

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 89: 257-277.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.06.016      URL      PMID: 27311337      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61A systematic review of observational park-based physical studies was conducted.61Thirty-two articles encompassing 26 unique studies were reviewed.61Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among park users ranged from 31% to 85%.61Guidelines for future observational park-based physical activity studies are discussed.
[62] King T L, Bentley R J, Thornton L E, et al.2015.

Does the presence and mix of destinations influence walking and physical activity?

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 12(1): 1-12.

https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-015-0279-0      URL      PMID: 4573483      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background Local destinations have previously been shown to be associated with higher levels of both physical activity and walking, but little is known about how specific destinations are related to activity. This study examined associations between types and mix of destinations and both walking frequency and physical activity. Method The sample consisted of 2349 residents of 50 urban areas in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. Using geographic information systems, seven types of destinations were examined within three network buffers (400 meters (m), 80002m and 120002m) of respondents??? homes. Multilevel logistic regression was used to estimate effects of each destination type separately, as well as destination mix (variety) on: 1) likelihood of walking for at least 1002min?????????4/week; 2) likelihood of being sufficiently physically active. All models were adjusted for potential confounders. Results All destination types were positively associated with walking frequency, and physical activity sufficiency at 120002m. For the 80002m buffer: all destinations except transport stops and sports facilities were significantly associated with physical activity, while all except sports facilities were associated with walking frequency; at 40002m, caf??/takeaway food stores and transport stops were associated with walking frequency and physical activity sufficiency, and sports facilities were also associated with walking frequency. Strongest associations for both outcomes were observed for community resources and small food stores at both 80002m and 120002m. For all buffer distances: greater mix was associated with greater walking frequency. Inclusion of walking in physical activity models led to attenuation of associations. Conclusions The results of this analysis indicate that there is an association between destinations and both walking frequency and physical activity sufficiency, and that this relationship varies by destination type. It is also clear that greater mix of destinations positively predicts walking frequency and physical activity sufficiency.
[63] King T L, Thornton L E, Bentley R J, et al.2012.

Does parkland influence walking? The relationship between area of parkland and walking trips in Melbourne, Australia

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9(1): 115. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-115.

URL      PMID: 22989176      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background Using two different measures of park area, at three buffer distances, we sought to investigate the ways in which park area and proximity to parks, are related to the frequency of walking (for all purposes) in Australian adults. Little previous research has been conducted in this area, and results of existing research have been mixed. Methods Residents of 50 urban areas in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia completed a physical activity survey (n = 2305). Respondents reported how often they walked for ???10 minutes in the previous month. Walking frequency was dichotomised to ???less than weekly??? (less than 1/week) and ???at least weekly??? (1/week or more). Using Geographic Information Systems, Euclidean buffers were created around each respondent???s home at three distances: 400metres (m), 800 m and 1200 m. Total area of parkland in each person???s buffer was calculated for the three buffers. Additionally, total area of ???larger parks???, (park space?????????park with Australian Rules Football oval (17,862 m2)), was calculated for each set of buffers. Area of park was categorised into tertiles for area of all parks, and area of larger parks (the lowest tertile was used as the reference category). Multilevel logistic regression, with individuals nested within areas, was used to estimate the effect of area of parkland on walking frequency. Results No statistically significant associations were found between walking frequency and park area (total and large parks) within 400 m of respondent???s homes. For total park area within 800 m, the odds of walking at least weekly were lower for those in the mid (OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.46-0.91) and highest (OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.44-0.95) tertile of park area compared to those living in areas with the least amount of park area. Similar results were observed for total park area in the 1200 m buffers. When only larger parks were investigated, again more frequent walking was less likely when respondents had access to a greater amount of park area. Conclusions In this study we found that more park area in residential environments reduced the odds of walking more frequently. Other area characteristics such as street connectivity and destinations may underlie these associations by negatively correlating with park area.
[64] Kondo K, Lee J S, Kawakubo K, et al.2009.

Association between daily physical activity and neighborhood environments

[J]. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 14(3): 196-206.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12199-009-0081-1      URL      PMID: 2684800      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Objective Previous studies on the association between physical activity (PA) and neighborhood environments (NE) focused on either objectively measuring the NE or the residents perception of NE. Here, we investigate which actual or perceived NE is associated with residents PA in Japan. Methods Two regions with an objectively assessed high and low residential density, land use mix-diversity, and street connectivity, respectively, were identified in one city. The subjects were selected using a stratified random sampling method by sex and age in each region. The NE of the subjects was objectively measured using the Geographic Information System (GIS) , and the subjects' perception of the NE was assessed using a questionnaire. The daily total number of walking steps was measured with an accelerometer, and walking and cycling time were assessed by a questionnaire. Results For the female subjects, the mean cycling time, subjectively assessed as a means of transport, was significantly longer in the group with a high GIS score for the number of land use types, while the score for total number of walking steps was significantly higher among those who were aware of places to walk to, and cycling time for transport was longer for those who perceived an accessibility to post offices, banks/credit unions, gymnasiums/fitness facilities, and amusement facilities in their neighborhood. For the male subjects, the score for walking time for leisure was longer for those who perceived aesthetics and an accessibility to parks, and the score for total walking steps was significantly higher for those who perceived an accessibility to bookstores or rental video stores in their neighborhood. Conclusions The results to this study demonstrate that daily PA was high among female subjects living in a NE with land use mix-diversity, and who had an awareness of places to walk to and the accessibility to facilities for daily necessities in their neighborhood. For male subjects, daily PA was high among those who perceived the aesthetics of and accessibility to facilities for pleasure in their neighborhood. Further research is needed to determine the association between PA and NE on the basis of sex differences.
[65] Koohsari M J, Kaczynski A T, Gilescorti B, et al.2013.

Effects of access to public open spaces on walking: Is proximity enough?

[J]. Landscape & Urban Planning, 117(3): 92-99.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.04.020      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Public open spaces (POSs) are important destinations and settings for walking in neighborhoods and different aspects of POSs can influence walking. Proximity to POSs is a key urban design issue that should be considered in distributing such resources within neighborhoods and it is worthwhile to examine how POS proximity may influence residents walking. However, little research has explored how different measures of proximity to POSs might influence POS-related walking. This study examined both metric and topological proximity measures to examine associations with amount of walking to and within POSs. Residents (n=320) of three neighborhoods in Melbourne, Australia completed a questionnaire reporting their level of walking to and within POS and perceptions of their neighborhoods. GIS and space syntax were used to extract four proximity measures: distance to the closest POS, number of POSs, total area of POSs within 1km, and POS integration. None of the proximity measures were associated with walking (versus not walking) to or within POSs. Distance to the nearest POS and the number of POSs within 1km was negatively associated with the absolute amount of walking to POSs. Residents who lived in areas in which POSs were located on less integrated streets reported more walking to and within POSs. Future landscape and urban design research should consider not only proximity to POSs, but also how factors such as characteristics of the routes that people traverse to reach POS influence use of, and the likelihood of walking to and within, these important neighborhood destinations.
[66] Koohsari M J, Mavoa S, Villanueva K, et al.2015.

Public open space, physical activity, urban design and public health: Concepts, methods and research agenda

[J]. Health & Place, 33: 75-82.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2015.02.009      URL      PMID: 25779691      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Public open spaces such as parks and green spaces are key built environment elements within neighbourhoods for encouraging a variety of physical activity behaviours. Over the past decade, there has been a burgeoning number of active living research studies examining the influence of public open space on physical activity. However, the evidence shows mixed associations between different aspects of public open space (e.g., proximity, size, quality) and physical activity. These inconsistencies hinder the development of specific evidence-based guidelines for urban designers and policy-makers for (re)designing public open space to encourage physical activity. This paper aims to move this research agenda forward, by identifying key conceptual and methodological issues that may contribute to inconsistencies in research examining relations between public open space and physical activity.
[67] Kopcakova J, Veselska Z D, Geckova A M, et al.2017.

Is a perceived activity-friendly environment associated with more physical activity and fewer screen-based activities in adolescents?

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(1): 39. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14010039.

URL      PMID: 5295290      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background:The aim of this study is to explore if perception of an activity-friendly environment is associated with more physical activity and fewer screen-based activities among adolescents.Methods:We collected self-reported data in 2014 via the Health Behavior in School-aged Children cross-sectional study from four European countries (n= 13,800, mean age = 14.4, 49.4% boys). We explored the association of perceived environment (e.g., “There are other children nearby home to go out and play with”) with physical activity and screen-based activities using a binary logistic regression model adjusted for age, gender, family affluence and country.Results:An environment perceived as activity-friendly was associated with higher odds that adolescents meet recommendations for physical activity (odds ratio (OR) for one standard deviation (SD) change = 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05–1.18) and lower odds for excessive screen-based activities (OR for 1 SD better = 0.93, 95% CI 0.88–0.98).Conclusions:Investment into an activity-friendly environment may support the promotion of active life styles in adolescence.
[68] Lachapelle U, Frank L, Saelens B E, et al.2011.

Commuting by public transit and physical activity: Where you live, where you work, and how you get there

[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 8(S1): S72-S82.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1745-6673-6-7      URL      PMID: 21350265      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Most public transit users walk to and from transit. We analyzed the relationship between transit commuting and objectively measured physical activity. Adults aged 20 to 65 working outside the home (n = 1237) were randomly selected from neighborhoods in Seattle and Baltimore regions. Neighborhoods had high or low median income and high or low mean walkability. Mean daily minutes of accelerometer-measured moderate-intensity physical activity (MPA) were regressed on frequency of commuting by transit and neighborhood walkability, adjusting for demographic factors and enjoyment of physical activity. Interaction terms and stratification were used to assess moderating effect of walkability on the relation between transit commuting and MPA. Associations between transit commuting and self-reported days walked to destinations near home and work were assessed using Chi Square tests. Regardless of neighborhood walkability, those commuting by transit accumulated more MPA (approximately 5 to 10 minutes) and walked more to services and destinations near home and near the workplace than transit nonusers. Enjoyment of physical activity was not associated with more transit commute, nor did it confound the relationships between MPA and commuting. Investments in infrastructure and service to promote commuting by transit could contribute to increased physical activity and improved health.
[69] Lachapelle U, Pinto D G.2016.

Longer or more frequent walks: Examining the relationship between transit use and active transportation in Canada

[J]. Journal of Transport & Health, 3(2): 173-180.

[本文引用: 1]     

[70] Laxer R E, Janssen L.2013.

The proportion of youths' physical inactivity attributable to neighbourhood built environment features

[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 12: 31. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-12-31.

URL      PMID: 3689048      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Objective We investigated the independent association between several neighbourhood built environment features and physical inactivity within a national sample of Canadian youth, and estimated the proportion of inactivity within the population that was attributable to these built environment features. Methods This was a cross-sectional study of 6626 youth aged 11???15 years from 272 schools across Canada. Participants resided within 1 km of their school. Walkability, outdoor play areas (parks, wooded areas, yards at home, cul-de-sacs on roads), recreation facilities, and aesthetics were measured objectively within each school neighbourhood using geographic information systems. Physical inactivity (<5 days/week of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity) was assessed by questionnaire. Multilevel logistic regression analyses, which controlled for several covariates, examined relationships between built environment features and physical inactivity. Results The final regression model indicated that, by comparison to youth living in the least walkable neighbourhoods, the risks for physical inactivity were 28-44% higher for youth living in neighbourhoods in the remaining three walkability quartiles. By comparison to youth living in neighbourhoods with the highest density of cul-de-sacs, risks for physical inactivity were 28-32% higher for youth living in neighbourhoods in the lowest two quartiles. By comparison to youth living in neighbourhoods with the least amount of park space, risks for physical inactivity were 28-37% higher for youth living in the neighbourhoods with a moderate to high (quartiles 2 and 3) park space. Population attributable risk estimates suggested that 23% of physical inactivity within the population was attributable to living in walkable neighbourhoods, 16% was attributable to living in neighbourhoods with a low density of cul-de-sacs, and 15% was attributable to living in neighbourhoods with a moderate to high amount of park space. Conclusions Of the neighbourhood built environment exposure variables measured in this study, the three that were the most highly associated with inactivity were walkability, the density of cul-de-sacs, and park space. The association between some of these features and youths??? activity levels were in the opposite direction to what has previously been reported in adults and younger children.
[71] Leslie E, Cerin E, Kremer P.2010.

Perceived neighborhood environment and park use as mediators of the effect of area socio-economic status on walking behaviors

[J]. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7(6): 802-810.

https://doi.org/10.1539/joh.M9017      URL      PMID: 21088312      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: Access to local parks can affect walking levels. Neighborhood environment and park use may influence relationships between neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES) and walking. METHODS: Self-report data on perceived park features, neighborhood environment, park use, neighborhood walking and sociodemographics were obtained from a sample of Australian adults, living in high/low SES areas. Surveys were mailed to 250 randomly selected households within 500m of 12 matched parks. Mediating effects of perceived environment attributes and park use on relationships between area-SES and walking were examined. RESULTS: Mean frequency of local park use was higher for high-SES residents (4.36 vs 3.16 times/wk, P < .01), who also reported higher levels of park safety, maintenance, attractiveness, opportunities for socialization, and neighborhood crime safety, aesthetics, and traffic safety. Safety and opportunity for socialization were independently positively related to monthly frequency of visits to a local park which, in turn, was positively associated with walking for recreation and total walking. Residents of higher SES areas reported an average 22% (95% CI: 5%, 37%) more weekly minutes of recreational walking than their low SES counterparts. CONCLUSION: Residents of high-SES areas live in environments that promote park use, which positively contributes to their weekly amounts of overall and recreational walking.
[72] Li F Z, Harmer P A, Cardinal B J.2008.

Built environment, adiposity, and physical activity in adults aged 50-75

[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35(1): 38-46.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2008.03.021      URL      PMID: 18541175      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Few studies have investigated the built environment and its association with health—especially excess adiposity—and physical activity in the immediate pre-Baby Boom/early-Baby Boom generations, soon to be the dominant demographic in the U.S. The purpose of this study was to examine this relationship.MethodsThis study used a cross-sectional, multilevel design with neighborhoods as the primary sampling unit (PSU). Residents (N=1221; aged 50–75) were recruited from 120 neighborhoods in Portland OR. The independent variables at the PSU level involved GIS-derived measures of land-use mix, distribution of fast-food outlets, street connectivity, access to public transportation, and green and open spaces. Dependent variables included resident-level measures of excess adiposity (BMI ≥25), three walking activities, and physical activity. Data were collected in 2006–2007 and analyzed in 2007.ResultsEach unit (i.e., 10%) increase in land-use mix was associated with a 25% reduction in the prevalence of overweight/obesity. However, a 1-SD increase in the density of fast-food outlets was associated with a 7% increase in overweight/obesity. Higher mixed-use land was positively associated with all three types of walking activities and the meeting of physical activity recommendations. Neighborhoods with high street connectivity, high density of public transit stations, and green and open spaces were related in varying degrees to walking and the meeting of physical activity recommendations. The analyses adjusted for neighborhood- and resident-level sociodemographic characteristics.ConclusionsFindings suggest the need for public health and city planning officials to address modifiable neighborhood-level, built-environment characteristics to create more livable residential communities aimed at both addressing factors that may influence unhealthy eating and promoting active, healthy lifestyles in this rapidly growing population.
[73] Liao Y, Wang I T, Hsu H H, et al.2015.

Perceived environmental and personal factors associated with walking and cycling for transportation in Taiwanese adults

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 12(2): 2105-2119.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph120202105      URL      PMID: 25689349      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examined perceived environmental and personal factors associated with walking and cycling as means of transportation for Taiwanese adults. A random-digit-dialing telephone-based cross-sectional survey was conducted with Taiwanese adults aged 20 to 64 years. Data on time spent walking and cycling for transportation and perceptions of neighborhood environment and personal characteristics were obtained from 1065 adults by using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-long version and its environmental module. Adjusted binary logistic regression was performed. The results showed that, after adjusting potential confounders, common and different personal and perceived environmental factors were associated with walking and cycling for transportation. For common personal factors, adults who had employment were less likely to engage in 150 min of walking per week (odds ratio [OR] = 0.41; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.27–0.62) and to use cycling as a means of transportation (OR = 0.51; 95% CI: 0.32–0.79). For common perceived environmental factors, adults who perceived good connectivity of streets were more likely to walk (OR = 1.95; 95% CI: 1.20–3.16) and cycle (OR = 2.02; 95% CI: 1.16–3.54) for transportation. Targeting employed adults and improving the connectivity of streets should be a priority for developing transport policies and intervention strategies to promote active transportation.
[74] Liu K, Siu K W M, Gong X Y, et al.2016.

Where do networks really work? The effects of the Shenzhen greenway network on supporting physical activities

[J]. Landscape & Urban Planning, 152: 49-58.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.04.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In recent decades, greenways have been the focus of an international movement to improve urban environment quality. In metropolitan areas, more greenways are interconnected, forming a greenway network (GN). A GN is considered to encourage physical activities, but verifying this statement is difficult, as traditional social survey methods do not obtain fine-grain activity geographic data on a large scale. In view of this shortcoming, the volunteered geographic information and the geographic information system techniques were used to describe the distribution of physical activities in a GN, to explore the effects of greenway network features on supporting activities. The 1640-km-long Shenzhen GN was selected as a representative case, and walking, jogging and cycling were chosen as typical activities. The results showed that only a quarter of greenways were with activities. Greenways with dense residences, mixed land-use, advanced street network and large parks yielded positive effects on supporting physical activities, and advanced public transportation further improved activity diversity. Due to the spatial mismatch between the GN distribution and well-developed areas, the GN density showed negative effects on the presence of physical activities; within the greenways in use, the GN density significantly improved activity diversity, indicating the positive effect of network feature on supporting activities. Compared with neighbourhood greenways, city and regional greenways supported more physical activities due to richer natural resources. The findings reveal that GN in green and welldeveloped areas supports physical activities better. Location, green quality and network form are necessary for greenways and should be integrated into GN planning.
[75] Ma L, Dill J.2015.

Associations between the objective and perceived built environment and bicycling for transportation

[J]. Journal of Transport & Health, 2(2): 248-255.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2015.03.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Highlights 61 Different factors are associated with bicycling propensity and bicycling frequency. 61 The perceived and objective environments have different associations with bicycling. 61 Interventions to improve both actual environment and perceptions are necessary. 61 Interventions to encourage positive attitudes on bicycling are necessary. Abstract This paper investigates the relative associations between the objectively-measured built environment versus stated perceptions of the built environment and bicycling. Data are from a random phone survey conducted in the Portland, Oregon, region. Binary logit and linear regression models, using objective measures, perceived measures, and both sets of measures, were estimated to predict propensity of bicycling and frequency of bicycling separately. Results showed that the perceived environment and objective environment had different associations with bicycling. This suggests that future research should include both measures when possible and that a supportive objective environment is necessary for bicycling. Intervention programs to improve people07s perceptions of the environment may be also necessary to reap the full potential of planning and design policies. The results also suggest that it is useful to predict bicycling propensity and bicycling frequency separately, as the predictors of each behavior do vary. For the objective measures, bicycle paths and lanes and minor streets were associated with higher propensity of bicycling for transportation, while paths and nearby retail destinations were associated with higher bicycling frequency. Perceptions of the environment did not predict the propensity to bicycle, after controlling for attitudes towards daily travel, but did predict bicycling frequency. Finally, the analysis confirms the importance of attitudes in predicting behavior.
[76] Matisziw T C, Nilon C H, Stanis S A W, et al.2016.

The right space at the right time: The relationship between children's physical activity and land use/land cover

[J]. Landscape & Urban Planning, 151: 21-32.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.03.006      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Research increasingly suggests that moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is essential to children's health. However, little is known about the extent to which and when different urban environments influence the extent to which children engage in MVPA. To this end, this study explores the relationship between children's MVPA and urban land use and land cover (LULC) for several temporal subdivisions of children's weekly routines (before school, after school and weekends). In particular, the location and corresponding level of physical activity of 4th grade students (n=134) was recorded using paired global positioning system (GPS) receivers and accelerometers over 33days for each student. GPS locations were temporally related to accelerometry records and then geographically related to 13 categories of LULC. Mixed linear models were fitted to evaluate the extent to which duration spent in each LULC category can explain individuals' time in MVPA before school, after school, and during the weekends. Geographic cluster analysis was also applied to assess whether any significant spatial relationships between observations of MVPA may exist. Duration of exposure to vegetated parks/open spaces, built residential, and built institutional LULC was found to significantly increase children's time spent in MVPA. Further, most observations of MVPA were found to exhibit significant geographic clustering and were predominately associated with built residential areas (particularly those near schools), indicating the importance of neighborhoods and areas in close proximity to children's households on their level of physical activity.
[77] Mccormack G R, Gilescorti B, Bulsara M.2008.

The relationship between destination proximity, destination mix and physical activity behaviors

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 46(1): 33-40.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2007.01.013      URL      PMID: 17481721      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The presence and mix of destinations is an important aspect of the built environment that may encourage or discourage physical activity. This study examined the association between the proximity and mix of neighbourhood destinations and physical activity. Secondary analysis was undertaken on physical activity data from Western Australian adults ( n = 1394). These data were linked with geographical information systems (GIS) data including the presence and the mix of destinations located within 400 and 150002m from respondents' homes. Associations with walking for transport and recreation and vigorous physical activity were examined. Access to post boxes, bus stops, convenience stores, newsagencies, shopping malls, and transit stations within 40002m (OR 1.63–5.00) and schools, transit stations, newsagencies, convenience stores and shopping malls within 150002m (OR 1.75–2.38) was associated with participation in regular transport-related walking. A dose–response relationship between the mix of destinations and walking for transport was also found. Each additional destination within 400 and 150002m resulted in an additional 12 and 1102min/fortnight spent walking for transport, respectively. Proximity and mix of destinations appears strongly associated with walking for transport, but not walking for recreation or vigorous activity. Increasing the diversity of destinations may contribute to adults doing more transport-related walking and achieving recommended levels of physical activity.
[78] Mecredy G, Pickett W, Janssen I.2011.

Street connectivity is negatively associated with physical activity in Canadian youth

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 8(8): 3333-3350.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph8083333      URL      PMID: 21909310      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Street connectivity, defined as how well streets connect to one and other and the density of intersections, is positively associated with active transportation in adults. Our objective was to study the relation between street connectivity and physical activity in youth. Study participants consisted of 8,535 students in grades 6–10 from 180 schools across Canada who completed the 2006 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey. Street connectivity was measured in a 5 km circular buffer around these schools using established geographic information system measures. Physical activity performed outside of school hours was assessed by questionnaire, and multi-level regression analyses were used to estimate associations with street connectivity after controlling for several covariates. Compared to students living in the highest street connectivity quartile, those in the second (relative risk = 1.22, 95% confidence interval = 1.10–1.35), third (1.25, 1.13–1.37), and fourth (1.21, 1.09–1.34) quartiles were more likely to be physically active outside of school. In conclusion, youth in neighbourhoods with the most highly connected streets reported less physical activity outside of school than youth from neighbourhoods with less connected streets. Relationships between street connectivity and physical activity reported in this national study are in the opposite direction to those previously observed for active transportation in adult populations.
[79] Molina-Garcia J, Queralt A.2017.

Neighborhood built environment and socioeconomic status in relation to active commuting to school in Children

[J]. The Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 14(10): 761-765.

https://doi.org/10.1123/jpah.2017-0033      URL      PMID: 28513318      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Background: The role of neighborhood type in active commuting to school (ACS) has not been extensively studied in children. The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between neighborhood built environment (walkability) and neighborhood socio-economic status (SES) with ACS among children. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 310 Spanish children (aged 10-12 years; 51% male) was conducted in 2015. Walkability was defined as an index of three built environment characteristics (i.e., residential density, land use mix, and street connectivity) based on GIS data. Both children's home and school neighborhoods were evaluated. ACS was evaluated by questionnaire. Mixed model regression analyses evaluated ACS in relation to neighborhood walkability and SES. Results: There were no significant SES-by-walkability interactions for ACS. Children living in more walkable neighborhoods reported two and half trips more per week compared to those living in less walkable neighborhoods (P < .001). Children attending schools located in lower SES neighborhoods reported more ACS trips per week than those attending schools in higher SES neighborhoods (P < .05). Conclusions: Home-neighborhood walkability and school-neighborhood SES were associated with ACS. This study highlights the importance of assessing both children's home environment and school environment when ACS behavior is analyzed.
[80] Nathan A, Pereira G, Foster S, et al.2012.

Access to commercial destinations within the neighbourhood and walking among Australian older adults

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9(1): 133. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-133.

URL      PMID: 23164357      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Background Physical activity, particularly walking, is greatly beneficial to health; yet a sizeable proportion of older adults are insufficiently active. The importance of built environment attributes for walking is known, but few studies of older adults have examined neighbourhood destinations and none have investigated access to specific, objectively-measured commercial destinations and walking. Methods We undertook a secondary analysis of data from the Western Australian state government???s health surveillance survey for those aged 65???84 years and living in the Perth metropolitan region from 2003???2009 (n???=???2,918). Individual-level road network service areas were generated at 400 m and 800 m distances, and the presence or absence of six commercial destination types within the neighbourhood service areas identified (food retail, general retail, medical care services, financial services, general services, and social infrastructure). Adjusted logistic regression models examined access to and mix of commercial destination types within neighbourhoods for associations with self-reported walking behaviour. Results On average, the sample was aged 72.9 years (SD???=???5.4), and was predominantly female (55.9%) and married (62.0%). Overall, 66.2% reported some weekly walking and 30.8% reported sufficient walking (???150 min/week). Older adults with access to general services within 400 m (OR???=???1.33, 95% CI???=???1.07-1.66) and 800 m (OR???=???1.20, 95% CI???=???1.02-1.42), and social infrastructure within 800 m (OR???=???1.19, 95% CI???=???1.01-1.40) were more likely to engage in some weekly walking. Access to medical care services within 400 m (OR???=???0.77, 95% CI???=???0.63-0.93) and 800 m (OR???=???0.83, 95% CI???=???0.70-0.99) reduced the odds of sufficient walking. Access to food retail, general retail, financial services, and the mix of commercial destination types within the neighbourhood were all unrelated to walking. Conclusions The types of neighbourhood commercial destinations that encourage older adults to walk appear to differ slightly from those reported for adult samples. Destinations that facilitate more social interaction, for example eating at a restaurant or church involvement, or provide opportunities for some incidental social contact, for example visiting the pharmacy or hairdresser, were the strongest predictors for walking among seniors in this study. This underscores the importance of planning neighbourhoods with proximate access to social infrastructure, and highlights the need to create residential environments that support activity across the life course.
[81] Nathan A, Wood L, Giles-Corti B.2014.

Perceptions of the built environment and associations with walking among retirement village residents

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 46(1): 46-69.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916512450173      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[82] Nichol M, Janssen I, Pickett W.2010.

Associations between neighborhood safety, availability of recreational facilities, and adolescent physical activity among Canadian youth

[J]. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7(4): 442-450.

https://doi.org/10.1037/a0019302      URL      PMID: 20683085      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: The safety of neighborhoods and availability of parks and facilities may influence adolescent physical activity independently or interactively. METHODS: 9114 Canadians in grades 6 to 10 completed the 2006 Health Behavior in School-Aged Children Survey. The outcome of interest was students' self-reported participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity outside of school. A composite scale based on questions measuring student perceptions of safety was used to capture individual perceptions of safety. In addition, schools were grouped into quintiles based on the mean of the perceived safety scale, used as a proxy for peer perceptions. The number of parks and recreational facilities within 5 km of schools was abstracted from a geographical information system. RESULTS: Moderate gradients in physical activity were observed according to individual and group perceptions of safety. Boys and girls with the highest perceptions of safety were 1.31 (95% CI: 1.17-1.45) and 1.45 (1.26-1.65) times more likely to be physically active, respectively, than those with the lowest perceptions. Compared with those who perceived the neighborhood as least safe, elementary students in higher quintiles were 1.31, 1.39, 1.37, and 1.56 times more likely to be physically active (P(trend) = 0.012). Increased numbers of recreational features were not related to physical activity irrespective of neighborhood safety. CONCLUSIONS: Individual and group perceptions of neighborhood safety were modestly associated with adolescents' physical activity.
[83] Nyunt M S Z, Shuvo F K, Eng J Y, et al.2015.

Objective and subjective measures of neighborhood environment (ne): Relationships with transportation physical activity among older persons

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1): 108. doi: 10.1186/s12966-015-0276-3.

URL      PMID: 4570146      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background This study examined the associations of subjective and objective measures of the neighbourhood environment with the transportation physical activity of community-dwelling older persons in Singapore. Method A modified version of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) measures of the built environment characteristics were related to the frequency of walking for transportation purpose in a study sample of older persons living in high-density apartment blocks within a public housing estate in Singapore. Relevant measured variables to assess the complex relationships among built environment measures and transportation physical activity were examined using structural equation modelling and multiple regression analyses. Results The subjective measures of residential density, street connectivity, land use mix diversity and aesthetic environment and the objective GIS measure of Accessibility Index have positively significant independent associations with transportation physical activity, after adjusting for demographics, socio-economic and health status. Conclusion Subjective and objective measures are non-overlapping measures complementing each other in providing information on built environment characteristics. For elderly living in a high-density urban neighborhood, well connected street, diversity of land use mix, close proximity to amenities and facilities, and aesthetic environment were associated with higher frequency of walking for transportation purposes.
[84] Oliver L N, Schuurman N, Hall A W.2007.

Comparing circular and network buffers to examine the influence of land use on walking for leisure and errands

[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 6(1): 41. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-6-41.

URL      PMID: 17883870      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

pAbstract/p pBackground/p pThere is increasing interest in examining the influence of the built environment on physical activity. High-resolution data in a geographic information system is increasingly being used to measure salient aspects of the built environment and studies often use circular or road network buffers to measure land use around an individuals home address. However, little research has examined the extent to which the selection of circular or road network buffers influences the results of analysis./p pThe objective of this study is to examine the influence of land use type (residential, commercial, recreational and park land and institutional land) on walking for leisure and walking for errands using 1 km circular and line-based road network buffers. Data on individual walking patterns is obtained from a survey of 1311 respondents in greater Vancouver and respondents postal code centroids were used to construct the individual buffers. Logistic regression was used for statistical analysis./p pResults/p pUsing line-based road network buffers, increasing proportion of institutional land significantly reduced the odds of walking for leisure 15 minutes or less per day no significant results were found for circular buffers. A greater proportion of residential land significantly increased the odds of walking for errands less than 1 hour per week for line-based road network buffer while no significant results for circular buffers. An increased proportion of commercial land significantly decreased the odds of walking for errands less than 1 hour per week for both circular and line-based road network buffers./p pConclusion/p pThe selection of network or circular buffers has a considerable influence on the results of analysis. Land use characteristics generally show greater associations with walking using line-based road network buffers than circular buffers. These results show that researchers need to carefully consider the most appropriate buffer with which to calculate land use characteristics./p
[85] Perchoux C, Kestens Y, Brondeel R, et al.2015.

Accounting for the daily locations visited in the study of the built environment correlates of recreational walking (the RECORD cohort study)

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 81: 142-149.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2015.08.010      URL      PMID: 26303373      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

61We examined the environmental correlates of recreational walking in a French city.61We explored the contributions of different portions of the activity space on walking.61High density of destinations and waterway, and high-education areas supported walking.61Only the density of destination was associated with time spent walking.61Accounting for residential and recreational visited locations improved the model fit.
[86] Perchoux C, Chaix B, Brondeel R, et al.2016.

Residential buffer, perceived neighborhood and individual activity space: New refinements in the definition of exposure areas: The RECORD cohort study

[J]. Health & Place, 40: 116-122.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.05.004      URL      PMID: 27261634      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Comparison of exposure estimates between residential and activity space exposure area.61Exposure estimates vary depending on the spatial definition of exposure area.61Gradient of exposure by urbanicity vary by exposure area definition.
[87] Plantinga A J, Bernell S.2007.

The association between urban sprawl and obesity: Is it a two-way street?

[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 47(5): 857-879.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9787.2007.00533.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT. We empirically examine the relationship between obesity and urban development patterns where individuals reside. Previous analyses treat urban form as exogenous to weight, and find higher body mass indices (BMI) among residents of areas with sprawl patterns of development. Using samples of recent movers, we find that the causality runs in both directions. Individuals who move to denser locations lose weight. As well, BMI is a determinant of the choice of a dense or sprawling location. In sum, while moving to a dense area results in weight loss, such locations are unlikely to be selected by individuals with high BMI.
[88] Pleson E, Nieuwendyk L M, Lee K K, et al.2014.

Understanding older adults' usage of community green spaces in Taipei, Taiwan

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 11(2): 1444-1464.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph110201444      URL      PMID: 24473116      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As the world’s population ages, there is an increasing need for community environments to support physical activity and social connections for older adults. This exploratory study sought to better understand older adults’ usage and perceptions of community green spaces in Taipei, Taiwan, through direct observations of seven green spaces and nineteen structured interviews. Descriptive statistics from observations using the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) confirm that older adults use Taipei’s parks extensively. Our analyses of interviews support the following recommendations for age-friendly active living initiatives for older adults: make green spaces accessible to older adults; organize a variety of structured activities that appeal to older adults particularly in the morning; equip green spaces for age-appropriate physical activity; and, promote the health advantages of green spaces to older adults.
[89] Rodriguez D, Aytur S A, Oakes J, et al.2008.

Relation of modifiable neighborhood attributes to walking

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 47(3): 260-264.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.02.028      URL      PMID: 18436297      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

=02887) averaged 47 years of age (SD02=0213.65) and reported 67 min/week (SD02=02121.21) of transport walking and 159 min/week (SD02=02187.85) of non-occupational walking. Perceived car parking difficulty was positively related to higher levels of transport walking (OR 1.41, 95%CI: 1.18, 1.69) and overall walking (OR 1.18, 95%CI: 1.02, 1.37). Self-reported ease of walking to a transit stop was negatively associated with transport walking (OR 0.86, 95%CI: 0.76, 0.97), but this relationship was moderated by perceived access to destinations. Walking to transit also was related to non-occupational walking (OR 0.85, 95%CI: 0.73, 0.99).Parking difficulty and perceived ease of access to transit are modifiable neighborhood characteristics associated with self-reported walking.
[90] Saarloos D, Jaeeun K, Timmermans H.2009.

The built environment and health: Introducing individual space-time behavior

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 6(6): 1724-1743.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph6061724      URL      PMID: 2705214      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many studies have examined the relationship between the built environment and health. Yet, the question of how and why the environment influences health behavior remains largely unexplored. As health promotion interventions work through the individuals in a targeted population, an explicit understanding of individual behavior is required to formulate and evaluate intervention strategies. Bringing in concepts from various fields, this paper proposes the use of an activity-based modeling approach for understanding and predicting, from the bottom up, how individuals interact with their environment and each other in space and time, and how their behaviors aggregate to population-level health outcomes.
[91] Saelens B E, Handy S L.2008.

Built environment correlates of walking: A review

[J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(S7): S550-S566.

https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0b013e31817c67a4      URL      PMID: 2921187      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACTThe past decade has seen a dramatic increase in empirical investigation into the relations between built environment and physical activity. To create places that facilitate and encourage walking, practitioners need an understanding of the specific characteristics of the built environment that correlate most strongly with walking. This article reviews evidence on the built environment correlates with walking.Included in this review were 13 reviews published between 2002 and 2006 and 29 original studies published in 2005 and up through May 2006. Results were summarized based on specific characteristics of the built environment and transportation walking versus recreational walking.Previous reviews and newer studies document consistent positive relations between walking for transportation and density, distance to nonresidential destinations, and land use mix; findings for route/network connectivity, parks and open space, and personal safety are more equivocal. Results regarding recreational walking were less clear.More recent evidence supports the conclusions of prior reviews, and new studies address some of the limitations of earlier studies. Although prospective studies are needed, evidence on correlates appears sufficient to support policy changes.
[92] Sallis J F, Owen N.2002.

"Ecological Models of Health Behavior"

[M]// Glanz K, Rimer B K, Lewis F M. Health behavior and health education: Theory, research, and practice. The third edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

[本文引用: 1]     

[93] Sandercock G, Angus C, Barton J.2010.

Physical activity levels of children living in different built environments

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 50(4): 193-198.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.01.005      URL      PMID: 20083131      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

=02129446, 5–18 years old (02=02117544 from the United States).The literature does not show major differences in the physical activity levels between children from rural or urban areas. Where studied, the suburban built environment appears most conducive to promoting physical activity. Further research should use at least a trilateral division of the built environment and should also account for socioeconomic status, racial factors and seasonal effects.
[94] Sanders T, Feng Xiao Q, Fahey P P, et al.2015.

The influence of neighbourhood green space on children' s physical activity and screen time: Findings from the longitudinal study of Australian children

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1): 126.

https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-015-0288-z      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[95] Sarkar C, Webster C.2017.

Healthy cities of tomorrow: The case for large scale built environment-health studies

[J]. Journal of Urban Health, 94(1): 1-16.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-016-0118-x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No Abstract available for this article.
[96] Scott M M, Dubowitz T, Cohen D A.2009.

Regional differences in walking frequency and BMI: What role does the built environment play for Blacks and Whites?

[J]. Health & Place, 15(3): 897-902.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2009.02.010      URL      PMID: 2997394      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Studies have found that urban sprawl explains many regional differences in BMI and walking behavior. Yet, African Americans, who often live in dense, urban neighborhoods with exemplar street connectivity, suffer disproportionately from obesity. This study analyzed walking and BMI among 1124 Whites and 691 Blacks in Los Angeles County and southern Louisiana in relation to neighborhood safety, street connectivity, and walking destinations. While the built environment partly explains regional differences in walking and BMI among Whites, the magnitude of effect was modest. There were no regional differences in outcomes for African Americans; individual rather than neighborhood characteristics served as the best predictors.
[97] Shores K A, West S T.2010.

Rural and urban park visits and park-based physical activity

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 50(S1): S13-S17.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2009.07.023      URL      PMID: 19744513      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A physical activity disparity exists between rural and urban residents. Community parks are resources for physical activity because they are publicly provided, available at a low cost, and accessible to most residents. We examine the use of and physical activity outcomes associated with rural and urban parks. Onsite observations were conducted using the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) at four rural and four urban parks. Momentary sampling scans were conducted four times per day for seven days at each site. A total of 6,545 park visitors were observed. Both rural and urban park visitors were observed more often at larger parks with paved trails and attended most often on weekends. Rural park visits were more frequent than urban park visits but rural visits were less physically active. Although similarities were observed between rural and urban park visits, differences suggest that findings from park and physical activity studies in urban areas should not be considered representative of their rural counterparts. Given that the majority of existing park and physical activity research has been undertaken in urban settings, the need for complementary research in rural settings has been made evident through this presentation of baseline descriptive data.
[98] Sigmundová D, El W A, Sigmund E.2011.

Neighbourhood environment correlates of physical activity: A study of eight Czech regional towns

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 8(2): 341-357.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph8020341      URL      PMID: 3084465      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

An adequate amount of physical activity (PA) is a key factor that is associated with good health. This study assessed socio-environmental factors associated with meeting the health recommendations for PA (achieving 10,000 steps per day). In total, 1,653 respondents randomly selected from across eight regional towns (each gt;90,000 inhabitants) in the Czech Republic participated in the study. The ANEWS questionnaire assessed the environment in neighbourhoods, and participants weekly PA was objectively monitored (Yamax Digiwalker SW-700 pedometer). About 24% of participants were sufficiently active, 27% were highly active; 28% participants were overweight and 5% were obese. Although BMI was significantly inversely associated with the daily step counts achieved only in females, for both genders, BMI was generally not significantly associated with the criterion of achieving 10,000 steps per day during the week. Increased BMI in both genders was accompanied with a decline in participation in organized PA and with increasing age. As regards to the demographic/lifestyle factors, for females, more participation in organized PA was significantly positively correlated with the achieved daily step counts. In contrast, older age and higher BMI (for females) and smoking (for males) were significantly negatively correlated with the achieved daily step counts. In terms of the environmental aspects, pleasant environments were significantly positively correlated to daily step counts for both genders. Additionally, for males, better residencies (more family homes rather than apartment blocks) in the neighbourhood were significantly positively correlated with their daily step counts. For females, less accessibility of shops and non-sport facilities (depending on walking distance in minutes) were significantly negatively correlated to the achieved daily step counts. Individuals who lived in pleasant neighbourhoods, with better access to shops and who participated in organized PA ( 2 times a week) tended to meet the recommendations for health-enhancing PA levels. The creation of physical activity-friendly environments could be associated with enhancing people achieved daily step counts and meeting the health criteria for PA.
[99] Spanier K, Radoschewski F M, Gutenbrunner C, et al.2014.

Direct and indirect effects of organizational justice on work ability

[J]. Occupational Medicine, 64(8): 638-643.

https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqu127      URL      PMID: 25261527      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ABSTRACT Background: Organizational justice (OJ), involving transparent workplace procedures and treating staff members with respect, has been of growing concern in recent epidemiological research as a determinant of health-related outcomes. Aims: To examine the factorial validity of the German version of Moorman's Organizational Justice Questionnaire (OJQ), to investigate the direct cross-sectional effect of OJ on self-rated work ability and to analyse if there is an additional indirect effect of OJ on work ability mediated by effort-reward imbalance. Methods: An analysis of cross-sectional data from the Second German Sociomedical Panel of Employees, involving white-collar workers employed at least half time. We performed confirmatory factor analyses to test the factorial validity of the OJQ and analysed the direct and indirect associations of OJ and self-rated work ability by path model analysis. Results: Of the 1217 participants (47% female; mean age: 51) 36% had poor work ability. Factor analyses confirmed the two-factor structure of the German OJQ. Work ability was explained directly by OJ ( = 0.30) and effort-reward imbalance ( = -0.27). Additionally, we identified an indirect effect of OJ that was mediated by effort-reward imbalance ( = 0.14). The total effect of OJ on work ability was remarkably strong ( = 0.44). Associations remained unchanged after adjustment for socio-demographic parameters. Conclusions: This study showed the importance of considering additional indirect pathways when examining the impact of OJ on the work ability of employees.
[100] Stewart O T, Moudon A V, Saelens B E.2016.

Comparing associations between the built environment and walking in rural small towns and a large metropolitan area

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 48(1): 13-36.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916515612253      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Joret A, Sauneuf B, Dupeyrat J, Poirier T, Hanouz JL.
[101] Sugiyama T, Gilescorti B, Summers J, et al.2013.

Initiating and maintaining recreational walking: A longitudinal study on the influence of neighborhood green space

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 57(3): 178-182.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.05.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[102] Sung H G, Go D H, Chang G C.2013.

Evidence of Jacobs's street life in the great Seoul city: Identifying the association of physical environment with walking activity on streets

[J]. Cities, 35(S1): 164-173.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2013.07.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The observation of Jane Jacobs (1961) that the vitality of a big city is the result of its physical diversity influenced the birth of new urbanism and similar planning techniques such as neo-traditional neighborhood development and transit-oriented development. But even after half a century, her claim has not been empirically verified. This study is conducted to investigate the association of a diverse physical environment with street life - namely walking activity - in the great Seoul city.The walking activity data for the survey locations of a total of 9571 streets are analyzed using multiple linear regression models. Analysis results demonstrate that the physical-environment measures emphasized by Jacobs act as factors increasing the vitality of the city in general. Some of them, however, show conflicting relationships between weekdays and weekends. The study not only empirically verifies that her observation of street life in New York City and other big cities in the United States in the mid-20th century is still applicable to Seoul in South Korea in the 21st century, but also that the physical-environment management to either maintain or restore the vitality of a big city needs to be more carefully designed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[103] Thielman J, Rosella L, Copes R, et al.2015.

Neighborhood walkability: Differential associations with self-reported transport walking and leisure-time physical activity in Canadian towns and cities of all sizes

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 77: 174-180.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2015.05.011      URL      PMID: 26007297      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

61For all ages and city sizes, transport walking was higher in areas that were most walkable compared to least walkable.61For ages 18–29, leisure physical activity was lower in areas that were most walkable compared to least walkable.61In large cities, leisure physical activity was lower in areas that were most walkable compared to least walkable.61In small towns, leisure physical activity was higher in areas that were most walkable compared to least walkable.61Lower leisure physical activity may offset higher transport walking in walkable areas of large cities.
[104] Timperio A, Giles-Corti B, Crawford D, et al.2008.

Features of public open spaces and physical activity among children: Findings from the CLAN study

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 47(5): 514-518.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.07.015      URL      PMID: 18718847      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ObjectiveTo examine associations between features of public open spaces, and children's physical activity.Participants163 children aged 8–9 years and 334 adolescents aged 13–15 years from Melbourne, Australia participated in 2004.MethodsA Geographic Information System was used to identify all public open spaces (POS) within 800 m of participants' homes and their closest POS. The features of all POS identified were audited in 2004/5. Accelerometers measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) after school and on weekends. Linear regression analyses examined associations between features of the closest POS and participants' MVPA.ResultsMost participants had a POS within 800 m of their home. The presence of playgrounds was positively associated with younger boys' weekend MVPA (02=0224.9 min/day; 02≤020.05), and lighting along paths was inversely associated with weekend MVPA (02=02610254.9 min/day; 02≤020.05). The number of recreational facilities was inversely associated with younger girls' MVPA after school (02=0261022.6 min/day; 02≤020.05) and on the weekend (02=0261028.7 min/day; 02≤020.05). The presence of trees providing shade (5.8 min/day, 02≤020.01) and signage regarding dogs (02=026.8 min/day, 02≤020.05) were positively associated with adolescent girls' MVPA after school.ConclusionCertain features of POS were associated with participants' MVPA, although mixed associations were evident. Further research is required to clarify these complex relationships.
[105] Toftager M, Ekholm O, Schipperijn J.2011.

Distance to green space and physical activity: A Danish national representative survey

[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 8(6): 741-749.

https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1103746R      URL      PMID: 21832288      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This study examines the relationship between distance to green space and the level of physical activity among the population of Denmark. In addition, the relationship between distance to green space and obesity is investigated.
[106] Troped P J, Tamura K, McDonough M H, et al.2017.

Direct and indirect associations between the built environment and leisure and utilitarian walking in older women

[J]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51(2): 282-291.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12160-016-9852-2      URL      PMID: 27807683      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: The built environment predicts walking in older adults, but the degree to which associations between the objective built environment and walking for different purposes are mediated by environmental perceptions is unknown. PURPOSE: We examined associations between the neighborhood built environment and leisure and utilitarian walking and mediation by the perceived environment among older women. METHODS: Women (N0002=00022732, M age 0002=000272.8000200±00026.80002years) from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and California completed a neighborhood built environment and walking survey. Objective population and intersection density and density of stores and services variables were created within residential buffers. Perceived built environment variables included measures of land use mix, street connectivity, infrastructure for walking, esthetics, traffic safety, and personal safety. Regression and bootstrapping were used to test associations and indirect effects. RESULTS: Objective population, stores/services, and intersection density indirectly predicted leisure and utilitarian walking via perceived land use mix (odds ratios (ORs)0002=00021.01-1.08, 950002% bias corrected and accelerated confidence intervals do not include 1). Objective density of stores/services directly predicted 0909061500002min utilitarian walking (OR0002=00021.11; 95% CI0002=00021.02, 1.22). Perceived land use mix (ORs0002=00021.16-1.44) and esthetics (ORs0002=00021.24-1.61) significantly predicted leisure and utilitarian walking, CONCLUSIONS: Perceived built environment mediated associations between objective built environment variables and walking for leisure and utilitarian purposes. Interventions for older adults should take into account how objective built environment characteristics may influence environmental perceptions and walking.
[107] van Heeswijck T, Paquet C, Kestens Y, et al.2015.

Differences in associations between active transportation and built environmental exposures when expressed using different components of individual activity spaces

[J]. Health & Place, 33: 195-202.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2015.03.003      URL      PMID: 25862996      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Activity spaces were constructed from origin, destination and path components.61Built environment was expressed using individual transportation survey data.61Variables included Land use mix, greenness, connectivity and destination density.61Use of active transportation was associated with built environmental exposure.61Associations strongest when expression of built environment included travel paths.
[108] Vanhelst J, Béghin L, Salleron J, et al.2013.

A favorable built environment is associated with better physical fitness in European adolescents

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 57(6): 844-849.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.09.015      URL      PMID: 24076010      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Objective. To assess the association between the built environment and physical fitness and physical activity in adolescents.Methods. The study included 3528 adolescents, aged 12.5-17.5 years, who participated in the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study. The health-related physical fitness components were assessed using the physical fitness tests. Participants wore a uniaxial accelerometer (ActiGraph (R)) for 7 days to measure physical activity. A specific questionnaire addressing the built environment was used. Potential confounding factors including age, gender, body mass index, body composition, pubertal status, smoking, educational level of parents, and socioeconomic status were analyzed using backward stepwise linear regression analysis.Results. Heavy traffic in the neighborhood was the strongest factor negatively associated with both physical fitness and physical activity (both P Conclusions. A favorable built environment may contribute to health-related physical fitness and physical activity of adolescents and should be considered in future interventions and health promotion strategies. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[109] Vanwolleghem G, Schipperijn J, Gheysen F, et al.2016.

Children' s GPS-determined versus self-reported transport in leisure time and associations with parental perceptions of the neighborhood environment

[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 15(1): 1-12.

https://doi.org/10.1186/s12942-015-0031-7      URL      PMID: 26739310      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Anonymisation of spatially referenced data has received increasing attention in recent years. Whereas the research focus has been on the anonymisation of point locations, the disclosure risk arising from the publishing of inter-point distances and corresponding anonymisation methods have not been studied systematically. We propose a new anonymisation method for the release of geographical distances between records of a microdata file or example patients in a medical database. We discuss a data release scheme in which microdata without coordinates and an additional distance matrix between the corresponding rows of the microdata set are released. In contrast to most other approaches this method preserves small distances better than larger distances. The distances are modified by a variant of Lipschitz embedding. The effects of the embedding parameters on the risk of data disclosure are evaluated by linkage experiments using simulated data. The results indicate small disclosure risks for appropriate embedding parameters. The proposed method is useful if published distance information might be misused for the re-identification of records. The method can be used for publishing scientific-use-files and as an additional tool for record-linkage studies. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12942-015-0031-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
[110] Wang Y, Chau C K, Ng W Y, et al.2016.

A review on the effects of physical built environment attributes on enhancing walking and cycling activity levels within residential neighborhoods

[J]. Cities, 50: 1-15.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.08.004      URL      摘要

61Review provided on which built environment could enhance walking and cycling levels61Major physical built environment related barriers to walking and cycling were identified61Characteristics of built environment attributes within neighborhoods were identified for enhancing walking and cycling levels61The effectiveness of the individual physical built environment attributes were compared
[111] Waygood E O D, Sun Y, Letarte L.2015.

Active travel by built environment and life cycle stage: Case study of Osaka metropolitan area

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 12(12): 15900-15924.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph121215027      URL      PMID: 4690963      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Active travel can contribute to physical activity achieved over a day. Previous studies have examined active travel associated with trips in various western countries, but few studies have examined this question for the Asian context. Japan has high levels of cycling, walking and public transport, similar to The Netherlands. Most studies have focused either on children or on adults separately, however, having children in a household will change the travel needs and wants of that household. Thus, here a household lifecycle stage approach is applied. Further, unlike many previous studies, the active travel related to public transport is included. Lastly, further to examining whether the built environment has an influence on the accumulation of active travel minutes, a binary logistic regression examines the built environment influence on the World Health Organization recommendations of physical activity. The findings suggest that there is a clear distinction between the urbanized centers and the surrounding towns and unurbanized areas. Further, active travel related to public transport trips is larger than pure walking trips. Females and children are more likely to achieve the WHO recommendations. Finally, car ownership is a strong negative influence.
[112] Wey W M, Chiu Y H.2013.

Assessing the walkability of pedestrian environment under the transit-oriented development

[J]. Habitat International, 38(2): 106-118.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2012.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In recent years, considerable interests in improved walking environments have been generated to encourage non-motorized transportation modes to reduce pollution emissions and to improve public health. The transit-oriented development (TOD) model has become one of the effective priority solutions. TOD planning gives us an idea that urban design factors and a pedestrian-friendly design are positive planning factors in reducing automobile use through the reduction of automobile traffic speed and enhancing pedestrian accessibility to a transit center. To investigate the pedestrian needs and the walkability design for TOD is the aim for aiding in identifying an approach that would allow an appropriate assessment of the walking environment and justification for improvements. The purpose of this study is to improve and enhance the city design of the pedestrian space in a city. Furthermore, we hope to meet the needs of users and utilize the existing resources in order to achieve the maximum benefits. To solve this complex problem, we apply multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) technique to the specific problem. Using the top down and bottom up together technique named house of quality (HOQ) matrix combined with analytic network process (ANP), we can realize the relationships between the technical requirements and the pedestrian needs of the planning and design issues of the walkability under the transit-oriented development. In this way, we can establish an objective and effective urban pedestrian space design model. Finally, in order to illustrate the research problem more practically, we take the MRT station of Xindian in New Taipei City, Taiwan as the empirical example.
[113] Winters M, Barnes R, Venners S, et al.2015.

Older adults' outdoor walking and the built environment: Does income matter?

[J]. BMC Public Health, 15(1): 1-8.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-15-1      URL      PMID: 4324675      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background Regional differences in population levels of alcohol-related harm exist across Great Britain, but these are not entirely consistent with differences in population levels of alcohol consumption. This incongruence may be due to the use of self-report surveys to estimate consumption. Survey data are subject to various biases and typically produce consumption estimates much lower than those based on objective alcohol sales data. However, sales data have never been used to estimate regional consumption within Great Britain (GB). This ecological study uses alcohol retail sales data to provide novel insights into regional alcohol consumption in GB, and to explore the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related mortality. Methods Alcohol sales estimates derived from electronic sales, delivery records and retail outlet sampling were obtained. The volume of pure alcohol sold was used to estimate per adult consumption, by market sector and drink type, across eleven GB regions in 2010???11. Alcohol-related mortality rates were calculated for the same regions and a cross-sectional correlation analysis between consumption and mortality was performed. Results Per adult consumption in northern England was above the GB average and characterised by high beer sales. A high level of consumption in South West England was driven by on-trade sales of cider and spirits and off-trade wine sales. Scottish regions had substantially higher spirits sales than elsewhere in GB, particularly through the off-trade. London had the lowest per adult consumption, attributable to lower off-trade sales across most drink types. Alcohol-related mortality was generally higher in regions with higher per adult consumption. The relationship was weakened by the South West and Central Scotland regions, which had the highest consumption levels, but discordantly low and very high alcohol-related mortality rates, respectively. Conclusions This study provides support for the ecological relationship between alcohol-related mortality and alcohol consumption. The synthesis of knowledge from a combination of sales, survey and mortality data, as well as primary research studies, is key to ensuring that regional alcohol consumption, and its relationship with alcohol-related harms, is better understood.
[114] Yang L, Griffin S, Khaw K T, et al.2017.

Longitudinal associations between built environment characteristics and changes in active commuting

[J]. BMC Public Health, 17: 1-2.

https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-016-3954-4      URL      PMID: 28049454      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

In recent years, obesity-related diseases have been on the rise globally resulting in major challenges for health systems and society as a whole. Emerging research in population health suggests that interventions targeting the built environment may help reduce the burden of obesity and type 2 diabetes. However, translation of the evidence on the built environment into effective policy and planning changes requires engagement and collaboration between multiple sectors and government agencies for designing neighborhoods that are more conducive to healthy and active living. In this study, we identified knowledge gaps and other barriers to evidence-based decision-making and policy development related to the built environment; as well as the infrastructure, processes, and mechanisms needed to drive policy changes in this area. We conducted a qualitative thematic analysis of data collected through consultations with a broad group of stakeholders (N= 42) from Southern Ontario, Canada, within various sectors (public health, urban planning, and transportation) and levels of government (federal, provincial, and municipalities). Relevant themes were classified based on the specific phase of the knowledge-to-action cycle (research, translation, and implementation) in which they were most closely aligned. We identified 5 themes including: 1) the need for policy-informed and actionable research (e.g. health economic analyses and policy evaluations); 2) impactful messaging that targets all relevant sectors to create the political will necessary to drive policy change; 3) common measures and tools to increase capacity for monitoring and surveillance of built environment changes; (4) intersectoral collaboration and alignment within and between levels of government to enable collective actions and provide mechanisms for sharing of resources and expertise, (5) aligning public and private sector priorities to generate public demand and support for community action; and, (6) solution-focused implementation of research that will be tailored to meet the needs of policymakers and planners. Additional research priorities and key policy and planning actions were also noted. Our research highlights the necessity of involving stakeholders in identifying inter-sectoral solutions to develop and translate actionable research on the built environment into effective policy and planning initiatives.
[115] Zhou P L, Grady S C, Chen G.2017.

How the built environment affects change in older people's physical activity: A mixed-methods approach using longitudinal health survey data in urban China

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 192: 74-84.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.09.032      URL      PMID: 28963987      摘要

Although the general population in China is physically active, only 45% of older adults meet the World Health Organization's recommendation for weekly moderate-to-vigorous exercise, to achieve health benefits. This percentage is even lower (9.8%) in urban China. It is, therefore, important to understand the pathways by which physical activity behaviors are impacted by the built environment. This study utilized a mixed methods approach nterviews (n = 42) and longitudinal (2010 2015) health survey data (n = 3094) for older people residing in three neighborhoods in Huainan, a mid-sized city in Anhui Province, central eastern China. First, a content analysis of interview data was used to identify individual and built environment factors (motivators and barriers) that impacted physical activity within older people's activity spaces. Second, a multilevel path analysis was conducted using the health survey data to demonstrate the pathways by which these motivators and barriers contributed to the initiation, regulation, and maintenance of physical activity. This study found (a) that the liveliness of an apartment building and its proximity to functional spaces (fast-food stores, farmer's markets, supermarkets, pharmacies, schools, hospitals, PA facilities and natural and man-made water bodies) were important factors in attracting sedentary older people to initiate physical activity; (b) the social networks of apartment neighbors helped to initiate, regulate, and maintain physical activity; and housing closeness to functional spaces was important in maintaining physical activity, particularly for those older people with chronic diseases. To increase older people's overall physical activity, future interventions should focus on residential form and access to functional spaces, prior to investing in large-scale urban design interventions.
