地理科学进展  2018 , 37 (7): 986-998 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.012



刘义1, 刘于琪2*, 刘晔1, 李志刚3, 邱婴芝1

1. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广州 510275
2. 伦敦大学学院巴特莱特规划学院,伦敦 WC1H 0NN
3. 武汉大学城市设计学院,武汉 430072

Impacts of neighborhood environments on migrants' subjective wellbeing: A case study of Guangzhou, China

LIU Yi1, LIU Yuqi2*, LIU Ye1, LI Zhigang3, QIU Yingzhi1

1. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
2. Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London WC1H 0NN, UK
3. School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:刘于琪(1988-),女,广东中山人,博士,主要研究方向为城市社会地理,E-mail: yuqi.liu.13@ucl.ac.uk

收稿日期: 2017-09-24

修回日期:  2018-02-5

网络出版日期:  2018-07-28

版权声明:  2018 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41422103,41501151)


作者简介:刘义(1990-),男,安徽合肥人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为城市化与流动人口,E-mail: liuy433@mail2.sysu.edu.cn




关键词: 主观幸福感 ; 流动人口 ; 邻里环境 ; 广州


A sustainable new type of urbanization in China should be "people-oriented." Migrants are the main body of new urban residents, and their subjective wellbeing is one of the significant criteria for measuring the quality of urbanization. A plethora of literature has shed light on the low quality of migrants' lives, however, little research has been done to understand how migrants evaluate their own lives in host cities, and no study has been undertaken to link migrants' subjective wellbeing with their residential environments. Using the data collected from a questionnaire survey in Guangzhou and multilevel linear models, this study examined the determinants of migrants' subjective wellbeing in host cities. It particularly focused on the extent to which and how migrants' social ties and residential environment influence their subjective wellbeing. The results indicate that in general, migrants have a lower level of subjective wellbeing than local residents, and the cognitive and emotional components of migrants' subjective wellbeing are influenced by different factors. Social support and neighborhood environment matter in determining the cognitive component of migrants' wellbeing (life satisfaction), but the emotional component of their wellbeing (positive and negative affects) is influenced partly by some of the selected variables of neighborhood social or built environments, and no evidence shows any impact of social support. Meanwhile, dwelling conditions also show an impact on migrants' life satisfaction and negative affect.

Keywords: subjective wellbeing ; migrants ; neighborhood environments ; Guangzhou


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刘义, 刘于琪, 刘晔, 李志刚, 邱婴芝. 邻里环境对流动人口主观幸福感的影响——基于广州的实证[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018, 37(7): 986-998 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.012

LIU Yi, LIU Yuqi, LIU Ye, LI Zhigang, QIU Yingzhi. Impacts of neighborhood environments on migrants' subjective wellbeing: A case study of Guangzhou, China[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(7): 986-998 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.012

1 引言

截至2017年末,中国常住人口城镇化率已达58.52%(①数据来源:国家统计局《2017年经济运行稳中向好、好于预期》(2018-01-18) (http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/zxfb/201801/t20180118_1574917.html)。)。新型城镇化发展的稳步推进,“三个一亿人”目标的努力实现,都必然要将民生议题(尤其是生活质量)摆在首要位置。流动人口作为城镇化的主体力量,其福祉(wellbeing)的高低势必成为衡量当前城镇化质量的重要依据之一。本文引入主观幸福感(subjective wellbeing, SWB)概念,直观展现流动人口对自身生活质量的主观评价,为城镇化发展质量的测度提供一种有效的评价方式。

作为福祉的重要维度,主观幸福感是国外心理学、社会学、经济学和地理学领域广泛关注的研究主题。例如,西方心理学往往从物质条件、精神生活与社会关系等视角分析个体或群体层面的幸福感水平及其影响机制(Naci et al, 2015)。其中,较为完整的概念建构包括Diener(1984)的主观幸福感、Ryff等(1995)的心理幸福感(psychological wellbeing)、Seligman等(2000)的积极幸福感(positive wellbeing)以及Keyes等(2002)的精神幸福感(mental wellbeing)等。其中,有研究(Diener, 1984; Diener et al, 1998)将主观幸福感分为生活满意度(life satisfaction)、积极情感(positive affect)与消极情感(negative affect)3个成分,概念建构成熟且广受学界所认可。具体而言,生活满意度,是指个人对自身长期所处的生活环境质量所作出的认知评价,具有主观性、相对稳定性与整体性等特征。情感,是指个人在短期内的情绪反应,容易受到外界干扰而出现波动。

西方地理学对主观幸福感的研究主要集中在2个方面:一是主观幸福感水平在不同国家与地区间的差异;二是各地理要素对主观幸福感的影响机制(王丰龙等, 2015)。相关研究成果表明:①在个体维度上,广泛的社会支持与频繁的邻里互动、较高的个人收入(Helliwell et al, 2004; Clark et al, 2008)等因素往往能提升个体的主观幸福感水平;而相对剥夺和较低的社会地位则会对个体造成一定的精神压力,进而降低个体的主观幸福感水平(Wilkinson et al, 2007)。②在邻里环境维度上,适宜的人口密度、完善的商业布局、整洁的邻里空间、良好的生态空间及较高的交通可达性等宜居性与便利性环境要素均能显著提升居民的主观幸福感(Florida et al, 2013)。此外,邻里和睦和治安状况良好同样能有效提升居民的主观幸福感(Ballas et al, 2012; Ettema et al, 2016)。也有研究表明,迁居行为往往会降低流动人口的幸福感水平。例如,Nowok等(2013)发现,外来移民的幸福感水平往往会低于本地居民。这是因为外来移民在新环境中往往面临就业、住房、医疗等方面的困难。其原有的社会关系可能会因迁移而出现断裂,而尚未重新建构起来的社会关系还不能为其有效地解决问题与缓解压力。

国内对主观幸福感的研究,多见于心理学、社会学和经济学等领域,仅有少量学者基于地理学的视角开展主观幸福感研究。例如,王丰龙等(2015)综述了主观幸福感的测度方法;张景秋等(2011)开展了北京办公活动空间满意度评价研究;张海霞等(2013)揭示了杭州公园游憩者幸福感的因素构成、空间分异与社会差异;党云晓等(2014)利用多元线性回归模型,测度了制度与政策等因素对北京居民主观幸福感的影响;湛东升等(2016)运用GIS空间分析和数理统计方法,对北京城市宜居性空间特征进行综合评价,并探讨其形成机制。亦有少部分学者从制度壁垒、市场排斥、相对剥夺和家庭安排等方面,研究流动人口主观幸福感的影响因素(罗楚亮, 2009; 谢霏雰等, 2015; 许世存, 2015)。但已有研究大多以城市居民或者农村居民作为研究对象,较少关注城市流动人口的主观幸福感,而研究流动人口主观幸福感的微观尺度空间分异、并揭示邻里建成环境和社会环境所起的作用则更少。邻里作为居民生活的第一直接空间,其各种环境要素对居民幸福感的影响机制如何,直接关系到居民的生活幸福体验。因此,有必要运用地理学视角,探讨微观尺度中建成环境和社会环境对流动人口幸福感的影响机制。


2 研究思路

本文采用Diener(1984, 1994, 2009)的主观幸福感模型(图1),将主观幸福感解译为个人对自身生活质量的主观感知评价,包括认知成分(cognitive component)与情感平衡(affect balance)。其中,认知成分则以生活满意度为主要表征(也包含如工作、居住满意度等),具有相对稳定性;情感平衡则指个人所具有的情绪(emotions)、心情(moods)与感觉(feelings),分为积极情感与消极情感(个体情感可以完全是积极的、消极的,抑或是二者间的动态平衡状态),具有波动性。主观幸福感是一种综合的学术命题,格外关注“主观性”。因而,其测度广泛采用自陈量表。采用《生活满意度量表》(②包含5个问题,各项得分累加即为生活满意度得分:a. 我的大部分生活接近理想状态;b. 我的生活条件很好;c. 我对生活很满意;d. 我已经获得当前所最想要的东西;e. 假如再活一次,我基本不会做出任何改变。1-7分表示强烈不认同至强烈认同。)(《The Satisfaction with Life Scale》,SWLS)(Diener, 1984)测度被访者对生活的满意程度,采用《积极情感消极情感量表》(③包含的20个情绪关键词:感兴趣的、警觉性高的、注意力集中的、激动的、充满热情的、备受鼓舞的、自豪的、意志坚定的、劲头足的、有活力的、心烦的、心神不宁的、内疚的、害羞的、有敌意的、易怒的、紧张的、坐立不安的、恐惧的、害怕的。1-5分表示完全没有至非常强烈。其中,分别将积极与消极词汇项得分相加便获得积极情感、消极情感得分。)(《Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale》,PANAS)(Watson et al, 1988; Liu Y Q et al, 2017)测度评估被访者在过往几周内的情感状况。虽然自陈量表不能避免受访者在问卷中隐瞒部分事实的可能性(如为了避免可能的尴尬,或下意识地迎合调研者目的等),但仍然是研究对象主观感知的最有效、最直接的表达。虽然也有其他针对性的信息佐证方法,如“线人报告法”“日常重构法”“经历采样法”等(Kahneman et al, 2006),但从实际可操作性出发,本文将以上述两份自陈量表作为主观幸福感的主要数据源,并结合邻里观察及半结构式访谈开展研究。

图1   流动人口的主观幸福感研究路径

Fig.1   Framework of the study on migrants' subjective wellbeing (SWB)

已有的研究已经表明,社会经济地位、婚姻家庭、身心健康、社会支持等个体属性因素对主观幸福感产生影响(Li et al, 2006; 邢占军等, 2007; Appleton et al, 2008; Brockmann et al, 2009),而邻里环境因素对流动人口主观幸福感的影响尚待实证检验。为填补这一空白,参考已有研究及考虑到数据的可获得性,本文分别选取邻里配套设施、整洁程度、公交站点数量、建筑建成年代表示邻里建成环境,以邻里和谐程度、流动人口比重、邻里贫困及人口密度表示邻里社会环境。个体属性变量则包括了年龄、性别、健康状况、流动时长等指标,其中选取社会联系(在广州亲友数)与邻里互助作为社会支持的指标;家庭属性变量则包括了婚姻与家庭组织、家庭人均年收入、家庭居住面积、当前住房产权等指标。详见图1表1

表1   流动人口及相关变量的描述性统计

Tab.1   Descriptive statistics of migrants' characteristics and residential environments

公交站点数量邻里几何中心点向外缓冲1 km得到的公交、地铁站点总数,体现邻里可达性21.4(7.9)

⑥ 由于当前“低保”政策完全基于户籍,此处的“低保人口”仅为广州户籍人口,因而邻里贫困率较实际情况偏低。


3 数据与方法

3.1 数据来源

本文的数据主要来源于2015年6-8月在广州开展的问卷调查。选定广州作为案例城市的原因有二:首先,广州是国内最具吸引力的移民目的地之一(2016年末广州常住人口约1400万,其中外来人口约550万(④数据来源:《2016年广州市国民经济和社会发展统计公报》(2017-03-31) (http://www.gz.gov.cn/gzgov/s2885/201703/f20194ead7634aff91fad921aad0e913.shtml)。),占比约39%);其次,广州的移民群体在人口学特征、社会经济地位和来源地等属性上具有较大异质性。研究组采用多阶段分层比例抽样(PPS)抽取样本:首先,基于社区常住人口规模大小确定抽样概率,在广州7大核心行政区(荔湾、越秀、海珠、天河、白云、番禺、黄埔)(⑤从化、花都、增城、南沙4个行政区远离广州核心区,故未列为研究范围。)中随机选取23个居住社区(图2);其次,在选定的社区中,采用等距抽样的方法,根据门牌号随机抽取50户家庭;最后,采用KISH表抽样法在每户家庭中随机抽取1名家庭成员。研究组排除了在调查社区居住不满1年的受访者,最终获取有效样本1127份,其中流动人口444份,本地居民683份。流动人口占比接近于2016年末广州常住人口中的流动人口占比。

图2   23个案例社区在广州7大行政区的空间分布

Fig.2   Locations of the 23 sampled neighborhoods in Guangzhou, China


3.2 模型设定和变量选取






4 实证分析

4.1 描述性统计

样本的描述性统计结果如表1所示。①在个体层面上:流动人口以青壮年为主(37.3岁),男性偏多,且心理(22.8)与生理健康(4.3)均表现良好,在案例社区的平均居住时间达7.6年。然而,流动人口在广州的平均社会地位(5.9)为中等水平,存在一定的相对剥夺。社会联系(16.5)与邻里互助(3.6)表明流动人口的社会支持来源相对能够满足需求。②在家庭层面上:夫妻同住(79.1%)的婚姻家庭结构占据主体,其中独自外出(家人留守原籍)的流动人口仅占4.1%。获取经济收入提升是流动人口迁居的主要原因,而样本群体在2014年的家庭人均年收入为4.3万元,仅达到广州人均年收入8.3万元(⑦ 数据来源:中国网,《中国南方人才市场发布〈南方人才2015-2016年度广东地区薪酬调查报告〉》(2016-11-15 ). (http://news.china.com.cn/live/2016-11/15/content_37337148.htm))的一半左右,收入偏低严重。而且81.5%的家庭租房生活,人均居住面积也仅为17.0 m2。③在邻里社会环境层面上:社区刑事案件与邻里纠纷数平均达64.3起,流动人口比重、贫困率与人口密度分别为49.9%、0.452%和7.2万人/km2,表明案例社区人口较为密集,治安状况平均水平不高,人口也存在较大的来源异质性(案例社区中并不存在诸如“安徽村”等具有较高人口来源地重叠的情况)。④在邻里建成环境层面上:整体上,案例社区的卫生条件中等(3.4),日常生活配套不完善(9.9),但邻里可达性较好(21.4)。此外,样本社区的建筑多完成于1990年代或更早前(2.1),存在墙体破败、硬件设施(如没有电梯)不完善等问题。

按照变量属性,分类统计流动人口的主观幸福感得分,结果如表2所示。从表2中可以看出,广州流动人口的生活满意度平均为20.06,低于本地户籍人口(21.42)(t=3.881, p=0.000),且略低于全国均值(20.32)(Bai et al, 2011)。对比心理学中的相关基准(Diener et al, 1985; Pavot et al, 1993),广州流动人口的生活满意度总体水平偏低。虽然在积极情感方面,流动人口对比本地人口的差异并不显著(33.64/33.43, t=-0.464, p=0.643),但流动人口的消极情感却相对偏高(19.50/18.54, t=-2.793, p=0.005)。这就表明,与本地户籍人口相比,广州流动人口的生活满意度偏低、负面情绪偏重。具体而言:

表2   流动人口生活满意度、积极与消极情感得分

Tab.2   Average scores of migrants' life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect



第一,流动人口的生活满意度(认知成分)。在不同年龄、性别、健康状况、流动时长及婚姻家庭组织中的差异并不显著,而在不同邻里环境下差异较为显著。具体表现为:①在个体与家庭层面,生活满意度较高的流动人口,往往社会联系(19.7/20.6, t=-1.732, p=0.084)更为丰富、邻里互助(19.2/20.7, t=-3.0571, p=0.002)更为频繁、家庭人均年收入(18.1/22.8, t=-3.781, p=0.000)相对更高,拥有较大的人均居住面积(19.4/23.3, t=-1.866, p=0.067)与住房产权(19.4/23.0, t=5.951, p=0.000)的可能性更大。悖于预期,社会地位(20.6/19.1, t=-3.122, p=0.002)较高的流动人口,拥有较低的生活满意度。②在邻里环境层面,良好的治安环境和邻里和谐(19.8/21.1, t=2.940, p=0.004)、较低的邻里贫困率(18.5/20.2, t=2.043, p=0.042)与人口密度(19.3/20.3, t=5.325, p=0.000)(社会环境),都对应于较高的生活满意度;且邻里空间卫生整洁(19.5/20.6, t=-2.308, p=0.021)、配套设施完善程度高(19.8/21.1, t=2.347, p=0.019)(建成环境)亦然。但邻里可达性(23.0/19.7, t=2.111, p=0.036)偏高时,流动人口的生活满意度却相对降低。此外,不同的流动人口比重(19.7/20.4, t=1.377, p=0.169)和建筑建成年代背景下,流动人口的生活满意度差异不显著或不稳定。

第二,情感成分。积极情感较高的流动人口,年龄往往较轻(34/31.5, t=2.209, p=0.028),生理(31.5/33.9, t=-2.80, p=0.017)与心理(34.9/31.8, t=5.389, p=0.000)也相对更健康,且更可能拥有较大的家庭人均居住面积(31.6/34.3, t=-1.798, p=0.075),对应的邻里贫困率较低(33.8/31.8, t= 2.047, p=0.041)、交通可达性较高(32.5/34.0, t=-2.134, p=0.034)。其中,拥有相对较高社会地位(34.2/32.7, t= 2.522, p=0.012)的流动人口,其积极情感反而偏低。此外,消极情感偏重(即分值越高)的流动人口,其心理健康(17.6/22.4, t=-10.075, p=0.000)也相应偏低,且邻里治安与和谐状况(19.1/20.7, t=-2.819, p=0.005)也较差。


4.2 流动人口主观幸福感影响因素


表3   广州流动人口主观幸福感的多层线性模型构建

Tab.3   Multilevel modeling of migrants' subjective wellbeing (SWB) in Guangzhou


注:*p<0.10, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01,以β表示模型回归系数。


4.2.1 生活满意度模型

回归结果表明:在邻里环境变量层面,邻里和谐程度(β=-0.006, p<0.10)、流动人口比重 (β=-0.013, p<0.10)、贫困率(β=-0.187, p<0.05)以及人口密度(β=-0.096, p<0.01)4项社会环境指标,均与流动人口生活满意度呈较为显著的负相关关系,而卫生整洁程度(β=0.704, p<0.05)、邻里交通可达性(β=0.079, p<0.05)以及建筑建成年代(β=1.281, p<0.01)3项建成环境变量又与之呈较为显著的正相关。例如,每降低1个单位的刑事案件与邻里纠纷数,便能相应地提升生活满意度0.006分,而每增加1个单位的卫生整洁值,也能相应提升0.704个单位的生活满意度得分。其中,贫困邻里中的居民往往心理健康水平不高,可获取的社会资本与乐感文化也相对匮乏(Aminzadeh et al, 2013),并进而对生活满意度产生负面影响。

在个体家庭属性层面,社会地位(β=-0.543, p<0.01)和独自外出(β=-2.331, p<0.05)2个变量与流动人口生活满意度呈较为显著的负相关关系,而社会支持(社会联系β=0.022, 邻里互助β=0.746, p<0.01)与生活满意度具有显著正相关的关系也得到了证实。虽然,以往的研究表明,社会地位的相对下降(即相对剥夺感的强化)会降低个体的主观幸福感(Wilkinson et al, 2007),但是回归模型及描述性统计的数据共同表明,流动人口生活满意度却会随着社会地位的增加而出现降低。出现此种现象,除截面数据本身的内生性问题之外,或可归结为:社会地位相对较高的流动人口,往往生活期望更高(高薪工作、房产购置、奢侈品消费等),因而承受更大的压力,生活满意度偏低。此外,已婚而独自外出(β=-2.331, p<0.05)的流动人口的生活满意度也偏低。同时,家庭人均居住面积(β=0.050, p<0.01)对生活满意度也具有显著的正相关。

需要指出,邻里配套设施(β=0.067, p=0.741)的回归显著性较弱。很可能是因为城市配套设施的完善程度普遍远大于农村,而多源于农村的流动人口,对居住环境中现有的配套服务满足性较高。同时,流动人口往往更专注于“挣钱养家”,对部分建成环境的要求低于本地人口(Li et al, 2013)。人口学变量多不具有显著性,没有超出日常认知,但家庭人均年收入(p=0.249)及住房产权(p=0.164)同样缺乏显著性而显示出反常性,值得今后有更多学者深入研究。

4.2.2 积极情感模型

回归结果表明,人口密度(β=-0.062, p<0.05)(社会环境)与公交站点数(邻里可达性)(β=0.134, p<0.01)(建成环境)与流动人口的积极情感呈显著相关性。例如,每降低1个单位的人口密度,便能提升流动人口积极情感0.062个单位。此外,相对女性,男性的积极情感表现更高(β=1.224, p<0.05);而且,心理越健康(β=-0.397, p<0.01),其积极情感会越显著。但必须强调,流动人口的社会地位(β=-0.413, p<0.05)得到提升后,积极情感反而会出现下降。这一现象与生活满意度模型相同:社会地位相对较高的流动人口,可能会对生活与工作的期望更高,因而面临更大的压力,导致积极情感偏低。

4.2.3 消极情感模型

表3显示,在邻里环境层面,仅有流动人口比重(β=-0.017, p<0.10)和人口密度(β=-0.047, p<0.10) 2个变量与流动人口的消极情感存在显著的负相关性。但必须指出,这种负相关性超出了预期。进一步分析可知,从社区类型来看,消极情绪最低的是单位房社区(17.31),最高的是城中村(20.01)与保障房社区(20.00)。而且,保障房社区的生活满意度(16.60)与积极情感(29.00)同样最低,商品房社区的生活满意度(22.01)与积极情感(34.08)均为最高。同时,保障房社区的流动人口比重均值为1.29%(最低)、人口密度均值为3.38万/km2(中等),而商品房社区相应的数值为25.70%(中等偏下)和5.91/km2(中等)。由此或可猜测,消极情感与邻里流动人口比重和人口密度的显著负相关可能并非必然的,或带有数据的偶然性。因为,生活满意度、积极与消极情感往往受到不同因素的影响(Diener, 1984, 2009; Huppert et al, 2003; Schwanen et al, 2014),生活满意度比情感更为稳定。而且,个体的认知受制于其长期所处的环境,例如相对社会地位、社会资源与邻里环境等,而情感往往会随着短期的遭遇与事件而波动(Diener, 1984)。

个体与家庭属性变量的回归结果表明,心理健康(β=0.538, p<0.01)(分值越低越健康)及家庭人均年收入(β=-0.138, p<0.01)与流动人口的消极情感(分值越低越健康)呈显著的正相关性。且与配偶同住(β=-1.337, p<0.05)会显著降低消极情感,表明夫妻共同生活能降低消极情感。但有悖于常态的是,通过提升人均居住面积(β=0.035, p<0.05)反而会显著加重流动人口的消极情感。或因为,类似于邻里环境对消极情感影响的说明,消极情感在短期内的波动可能较大;或者,较大的人均住房面积,意味着需要支付更高的房租、或更大的房款还贷压力,因而消极情感也相应更重。

4.3 流动人口主观幸福感的邻里空间分异

上述3个模型的回归结果表明,相比情感成分,流动人口的生活满意度受到邻里环境的影响更大。表4为回归模型在加入变量前后的方差估算结果。随机截距的空模型(方差成分分析)表明,邻里内个体层级的方差(组内方差)较大,而邻里间方差(组间方差)较小。其中,组内相关系数(intra-class correlation coefficient, ICC)显示,邻里环境因素解释了流动人口生活满意度变异的19.5%,而对积极情感、消极情感变异量的解释能力仅分别为4.7%和7.8%。这也再次印证了模型的部分结论,邻里环境对生活满意度的影响较大,而对情感影响相对较小。此外,方差缩减比例指数(index of the proportional reduction in variance, IPRV)表明,本文所选取的8个邻里环境变量综合解释了邻里环境变量对幸福感扰动量的96%以上,很好地体现了邻里环境变量选取的合理性。同时,参考相关研究(党云晓等, 2016),选取残差分布上下各15%作为分割点,先后将个体与家庭变量、邻里变量引入模型,得到的残差分布变化结果如图3所示。在引入邻里变量后,模型的残差范围均有显著缩小。而且,生活满意度模型中有9个邻里发生转移,而积极情感、消极情感模型中的邻里转移数分别仅是6个与2个。综上所述,邻里间的空间差异对流动人口主观幸福感各成分的影响不同,对生活满意度的影响较大,而对积极情感和消极情感的影响较小。

表4   主观幸福感多层线性回归模型的方差估计结果

Tab.4   Variance estimation results of multilevel modeling of migrants' subjective wellbeing (SWB)




图3   案例邻里的模型残差比较(⑨图《A1生活满意度:含个体、邻里变量》中残差分值已扩增1015倍,以保持图例的相对一致性。)

Fig. 3   Residual comparison of the sampled neighborhoods in the modeling

5 结论与讨论


(1) 在邻里环境方面,首先,流动人口主观幸福感的生活满意度(认知成分)与邻里社会环境变量指标均呈显著负相关关系,与邻里整洁程度、交通可达性、建筑建成年代等建成环境变量呈显著正相关关系。其次,积极情感与人口密度呈负相关,而与交通可达性(公交站点数)呈正相关;消极情感得分与流动人口比重、人口密度成负相关关系(这一反常结论,也反映了个体情感成分的不稳定性、反常性)。最后,随机截距的空模型结果表明,邻里环境对流动人口的生活满意度产生了较大影响(解释力度19.5%),而对情感部分的影响较小。即流动人口的生活满意度存在较大的空间分异性,而情感成分的空间分异性不显著。

(2) 在个体家庭属性方面,其一,社会支持、家庭人均居住面积与流动人口的生活满意度具有显著的正相关性,而社会地位却与生活满意度、积极情感呈显著的负相关性。夫妻同住的流动人口,生活满意度会相对较高、消极情感会相对较低。其二,增强流动人口心理健康,可显著提升积极情感、明显降低消极情感。且社会地位较高的流动人口、女性,积极情感都相对偏低;家庭人均居住面积也与消极情感具有显著的正相关性。除了情感成分的不稳定性,或是因为该类群体的生活、工作预期偏高,房租或房款还贷压力偏大等。当然,也不可排除数据自身问题。

本次实证研究尝试在中国城市背景中,探究流动人口的主观幸福感水平及相关影响因素。在概念上,首次通过认知成分与情感平衡成分实证测度了广州城市流动人口的主观幸福感,并将邻里社会环境与建成环境纳入到流动人口主观幸福感的分析框架之中。实证结果佐证,当自我意识到与本地人口存在社会经济落差时,流动人口通常会形成剥夺感与生活失意(Knight et al, 2010; Cheng et al, 2014)。且本文同时佐证了“缓冲效应”(buffer effect)理论阐释社会支持对主观幸福感的积极影响(Cohen et al, 1985)。此外,也体现出邻里空间对其中所居住的流动人口主观幸福感具有重要影响。一是,凝聚性强、社会支持丰富的邻里空间能为流动人口提高睦邻协助的可能性,进而缓解其生活压力;二是,一个受剥夺与贫困的邻里空间会强化流动人口的相对受剥夺感,从而使其上进心受挫,生活满意度下降。流动人口的社会支持通道受阻对其主观幸福感具有决定性影响。因而,消除针对流动人口的社会支持歧视应成为政策革新的优先取向。构建睦邻扶持型邻里空间和促进流动人口的社区融入是提升该群体主观幸福感的有效途径。首先,应尽快将流动人口纳入到公共服务体系中。享受公共服务的权利对象必须是邻里空间的全体实际居民(流动人口与本地居民),而不应以户籍划分。值得关注的是,广州在2017年6月推出“租购同权方案”。随后,国家住建部发文公布12个城市作为首批开展住房租赁试点(⑩参见《广州市人民政府办公厅关于印发广州市加快发展住房租赁市场工作方案的通知》(2017.6.30)(http://www.gz.gov.cn/GZ00/2.3/201707/3cec198881d44d33a80a145ff024a164.shtml)与《关于在人口净流入的大中城市加快发展住房租赁市场的通知》(2017.7.18)(http://www.mohurd.gov.cn/wjfb/201707/t20170720_232676.html)。)。在房价高企、户籍挂钩的现实压力下,此类政策或能降低流动人口获取城市公共服务的门槛,但同时面临的房租价格上行压力在所难免,后续效果有待观察。其次,建议在流动人口集聚区安排更多培训有素的社会工作者,负责协助弱势群体(包括流动人口)的生活、就业难题,提升其幸福感。约80%的流动人口与配偶共同生活,随迁子女的教育、娱乐与老人的康乐、医疗等问题均可在邻里的协助下得到更好解决。第三,更具包容性邻里空间规划成为一种必然选择,而流动人口的幸福感需要成为其中的关键议题之一,因而相关的政策必须对流动人口给予更多关注。第四,通过建成环境(社区服务中心与公共空间)的完善以促进流动人口与本地居民之间的融合与互助,提升社会支持与邻里和睦,增加流动人口的城市社会融入与归属感,进而更好地体现“以人为本”的新型城镇发展核心内涵。

必须指出,本文尚存有诸多局限性。首先,复杂的个体异质性会使回归模型的估算产生较大偏离。而模型中缺乏的此类变量对主观幸福感的影响已经得到证实(Diener, 1984)。其次,本文采用的是截面数据,无法测度因果关系。模型中得到的显著相关性还不足以充分解释流动人口的主观幸福感与邻里环境、社会支持等变量之间的真实因果关系。再者,本文重点关注的是仍未入籍的流动人口,而取得户籍能为永久流动人口带来更多的城市福利,因而可能取得相对更高社会经济地位 (Fan, 2002; Liu Y Q et al, 2017),提升个体的主观幸福感。此外,本文并未体现街道、行政区2个层级的诸多要素(例如,业态、交通、景观生态等)的影响。因为案例社区的空间布局、社区类型与规模等均较为多元,更高地理空间层级的环境要素已经被稀释,因而也就失去了开展三层线性回归模型的必要性。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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本文采用序次逻辑回归(Ordinal Logistic Regression)的研究方法,以2012年上半年国家卫计委流动人口动态监测调查数据(黑龙江省数据库)为依据,考察了流动人口的城市适应对主观幸福感的影响。研究将城市适应解构为经济适应、社会适应、心理适应和总体留居决策四个维度,在控制相关变量的基础上,讨论流动人口总体、城-城流动人口、乡-城流动人口城市适应各维度对主观幸福感的作用。研究表明,稳定且体面的职业、一定的收入是其体验主观幸福感的基础;积极的生活方式、以老乡为主的社会网络、居住证和医疗保障资格的获得、对城市的喜爱、融入感知和留居意愿等对主观幸福感有促进作用;工作强度、对歧视的感知等有制约作用。城-城、乡-城流动人口的城市适应对主观幸福感的作用机制存在差异。
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Analysis of influencing mechanism of residents' livability satisfaction in Beijing using geographical detector

[J]. Progress in Geography, 34(8): 966-975.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.08.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[9] 张海霞, 周玲强. 2013.

城市居民公园游憩幸福感的因素构成与差异分析: 以杭州市为例

[J]. 地理科学, 33(9): 1074-1081.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang H X, Zhou L Q.2013.

Factor components and differences of the park-based recreational happiness for urban residents: A case study of Hangzhou

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 33(9): 1074-1081.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] 张景秋, 郭捷. 2011.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 30(10): 1225-1232.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhang J Q, Guo J.2011.

Satisfaction evaluation of office activities in Beijing

[J]. Progress in Geography, 30(10): 1225-1232.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[11] Aminzadeh K, Denny S, Utter J, et al.2013.

Neighbourhood social capital and adolescent self-reported wellbeing in New Zealand: A multilevel analysis

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 84: 13-21.

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] Appleton S, Song L N.2008.

Life satisfaction in urban China: Components and determinants

[J]. World Development, 36(11): 2325-2340.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2008.04.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Survey data from urban China in 2002 show levels of life satisfaction to have been low, but not exceptionally so, by international comparison. Many of the determinants of life satisfaction in urban China appear comparable to those for people in other countries. These include, inter alia, unemployment, income, marriage, sex, health, and age. Communist Party membership and political participation raised life satisfaction. People appeared fairly satisfied with economic growth and low inflation, and this contributed to their overall life satisfaction. There was dissatisfaction over pollution, but this—like job insecurity—does not appear to have impacted on life satisfaction.
[13] Bai X W, Wu C, Zheng R, et al.2011.

The psychometric evaluation of the satisfaction with life scale using a nationally representative sample of China

[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies, 12(2): 183-197.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-010-9186-x      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[14] Ballas D, Tranmer M.2012.

Happy people or happy places? A multilevel modeling approach to the analysis of happiness and well-being

[J]. International Regional Science Review, 35(1): 70-102.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0160017611403737      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[15] Brockmann H, Delhey J, Welzel C, et al.2009.

The China puzzle: Falling happiness in a rising economy

[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(4): 387-405.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-008-9095-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Over the 1990–2000 decade happiness in China plummeted despite massive improvement in material living standards. This finding contradicts the notion that income growth at low living standards leads to gains, not losses, in happiness. We explain this puzzle by drawing on a specific version of relative deprivation theory, the concept of “frustrated achievers.” Our major finding is that income inequality in China became increasingly skewed towards the upper income strata, so that related to the average income the financial position of most Chinese worsened. Consequently, financial dissatisfaction rose and became an increasingly important factor in depressing happiness. Other negative feelings emerging with rapid transitions, such as anomie and disaffection, show a less depressive effect on Chinese happiness. We conclude with some speculations about the applicability of our findings to transition economies in general.
[16] Cheng Z M, Wang H N, Smyth R.2014.

Happiness and job satisfaction in urban China: A comparative study of two generations of migrants and urban locals

[J]. Urban Studies, 51(10): 2160-2184.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098013506042      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[17] Clark A E, Frijters P, Shields M A.2008.

Relative income, happiness, and utility: An explanation for the Easterlin paradox and other puzzles

[J]. Journal of Economic Literature, 46(1): 95-144.

https://doi.org/10.1257/jel.46.1.95      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[18] Cohen S, Wills T A.1985.

Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis

[J]. Psychological Bulletin, 98(2): 310-357.

https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.98.2.310      URL      PMID: 3901065      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Examines whether the positive association between social support and well-being is attributable more to an overall beneficial effect of support (main- or direct-effect model) or to a process of support protecting persons from potentially adverse effects of stressful events (buffering model). The review of studies is organized according to (1) whether a measure assesses support structure (the existence of relationships) or function (the extent to which one's interpersonal relationships provide particular resources) and (2) the degree of specificity (vs globality) of the scale. Special attention is given to methodological characteristics that are requisite for a fair comparison of the models. It is concluded that there is evidence consistent with both models. Evidence for the buffering model is found when the social support measure assesses the perceived availability of interpersonal resources that are responsive to the needs elicited by stressful events. Evidence for a main effect model is found when the support measure assesses a person's degree of integration in a large social network. Both conceptualizations of social support are correct in some respects, but each represents a different process through which social support may affect well-being. Implications for theories of social support processes and for the design of preventive interventions are discussed.
[19] Diener E.1984.

Subjective well-being

[J]. Psychological Bulletin, 95(3): 542-575.

https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.95.3.542      URL      [本文引用: 7]     

[20] Diener E.1994.

Assessing subjective well-being: Progress and opportunities

[J]. Social Indicators Research, 31(2): 103-157.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01207052      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[21] Diener E.2009.

Assessing well-being: The collected works of Ed Diener

[M]. New York: Springer.

[本文引用: 2]     

[22] Diener E, Emmons R A, Larsen R J, et al.1985.

The satisfaction with life scale

[J]. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49(1): 71-75.

https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327752jpa4901_13      URL      PMID: 16367493      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This article reports the development and validation of a scale to measure global life satisfaction, the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Among the various components of subjective well-being, the SWLS is narrowly focused to assess global life satisfaction and does not tap related constructs such as positive affect or loneliness. The SWLS is shown to have favorable psychometric properties, including high internal consistency and high temporal reliability. Scores on the SWLS correlate moderately to highly with other measures of subjective well-being, and correlate predictably with specific personality characteristics. It is noted that the SWLS is Suited for use with different age groups, and other potential uses of the scale are discussed.
[23] Diener E, Sapyta J J, Suh E.1998.

Subjective well-being is essential to well-being

[J]. Psychological Inquiry, 9(1): 33-37.

https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327965pli0901_3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The primary objectives of this article are (a) to put forth an explicit operational formulation of positive human health that goes beyond prevailing "absence of illness" criteria; (b) to clarify that positive human health does not derive from extant medical considerations, which are not about wellness, but necessarily require a base in philosophical accounts of the "goods" in life; (c) to provoke a change of emphasis from strong tendencies to construe human health as exclusively about the mind or the body toward an integrated and positive spiral of mind-body influences; (d) to delineate possible physiological substrates of human flourishing and offer future directions for understanding the biology of positive health; and (e) to discuss implications of positive health for diverse scientific agendas (e.g., stress, class and health, work and family life) and for practice in health fields (e.g., training, health examinations, psychotherapy, and wellness intervention programs).
[24] Ettema D, Schekkerman M.2016.

How do spatial characteristics influence well-being and mental health? Comparing the effect of objective and subjective characteristics at different spatial scales

[J]. Travel Behaviour and Society, 5: 56-67.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2015.11.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[25] Fan C C.2002.

The elite, the natives, and the outsiders: Migration and labor market segmentation in urban China

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 92(1): 103-124.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8306.00282      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[26] Florida R, Mellander C, Rentfrow P J.2013.

The happiness of cities

[J]. Regional Studies, 47(4): 613-627.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2011.589830      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[27] Helliwell J F, Putnam R D.2004.

The social context of well-being

[J]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 359: 1435-1446.

https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2004.1522      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] Huppert F A, Whittington J E.2003.

Evidence for the independence of positive and negative well-being: Implications for quality of life assessment

[J]. British Journal of Health Psychology, 8(1): 107-122.

https://doi.org/10.1348/135910703762879246      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[29] Kahneman D, Krueger A B.2006.

Developments in the measurement of subjective well-being

[J]. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(1): 3-24.

https://doi.org/10.1257/089533006776526030      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Direct reports of subjective well-being may have a useful role in the measurement of consumer preferences and social welfare, if they can be done in a credible way. Can well-being be measured by a subjective survey, even approximately? In this paper, we discuss research on how individuals' responses to subjective well-being questions vary with their circumstances and other factors. We will argue that it is fruitful to distinguish among different conceptions of utility rather than presume to measure a single, unifying concept that motivates all human choices and registers all relevant feelings and experiences. While various measures of well-being are useful for some purposes, it is important to recognize that subjective well-being measures features of individuals' perceptions of their experiences, not their utility as economists typically conceive of it. Those perceptions are a more accurate gauge of actual feelings if they are reported closer to the time of, and in direct reference to, the actual experience. We conclude by proposing the U- index, a misery index of sorts, which measures the proportion of time that people spend in an unpleasant state, and has the virtue of not requiring a cardinal conception of individuals' feelings.
[30] Keyes C L M, Shmotkin D, Ryff C D.2002.

Optimizing well-being: The empirical encounter of two traditions

[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(6): 1007-1022.

https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.82.6.1007      URL      PMID: 12051575      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Subjective well-being (SWB) is evaluation of life in terms of satisfaction and balance between positive and negative affect; psychological well-being (PWB) entails perception of engagement with existential challenges of life. The authors hypothesized that these research streams are conceptually related but empirically distinct and that combinations of them relate differentially to sociodemographics and personality. Data are from a national sample of 3,032 Americans aged 25-74. Factor analyses confirmed the related-but-distinct status of SWB and PWB. The probability of optimal well-being (high SWB and PWB) increased as age, education, extraversion, and conscientiousness increased and as neuroticism decreased. Compared with adults with higher SWB than PWB. adults with higher PWB than SWB were younger, had more education, and showed more openness to experience.
[31] Knight J, Gunatilaka R.2010.

Great expectations? The subjective well-being of rural-urban migrants in China

[J]. World Development, 38(1): 113-124.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2009.03.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper is among the first to link the literatures on migration and on subjective well-being in developing countries. It poses the question: why do rural rban migrant households settled in urban China have an average happiness score lower than rural households? Three basic hypotheses are examined: migrants had false expectations about their future urban conditions, or about their future urban aspirations, or about their future selves. Estimated happiness functions and decomposition analyses, based on a 2002 national household survey, indicate that certain features of migrant conditions make for unhappiness, and that their high aspirations in relation to achievement, influenced by their new reference groups, also make for unhappiness. Although the possibility of selection bias among migrants cannot be ruled out, it is apparently difficult for migrants to form unbiased expectations about life in a new and different world.
[32] Li H B, Zhu Y.2006.

Income, income inequality, and health: Evidence from China

[J]. Journal of Comparative Economics, 34(4): 668-693.

https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230584259_6      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China has recorded impressive growth over the past 25 years since the introduction of the market economy, and there has been a substantial increase in average living standards. However, in recent years there has been growing concern about the large increase in income inequality over the same period. For example, Bramall (2001) shows that the Gini coefficient for rural China has increased by almost 50 per cent from 1980 to 1999. The rising inequality has had and will have important impacts on various aspects of social life, resulting, for example, in frequent social conflicts (Alesina and Perotti 1996), higher levels of violent crime (Hsieh and Pugh 1993), and ultimately in a slowing down of economic growth (Aghion, Caroli and Garcia-Penalosa 1999). While inequality may affect society and its economic development in many ways, we focus in this chapter on a particular aspect of the socioeconomic effects of inequality; that is, its impact on health.
[33] Li Z G, Wu F L.2013.

Residential satisfaction in China's informal settlements: A case study of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou

[J]. Urban Geography, 34(7): 923-949.

https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2013.778694      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[34] Liu Y Q, Zhang F Z, Wu F L, et al.2017.

The subjective wellbeing of migrants in Guangzhou, China: The impacts of the social and physical environment

[J]. Cities, 60: 333-342.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2016.10.008      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[35] Naci H, Ioannidis J P A.2015.

Evaluation of wellness determinants and interventions by citizen scientists

[J]. Journal of American Medical Association, 314(2): 121-122.

https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2015.6160      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[36] Nowok B, van Ham M, Findlay A M, et al.2013.

Does migration make you happy? A longitudinal study of internal migration and subjective well-being

[J]. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 45(4): 986-1002.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a45287      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[37] Pavot W, Diener E.1993.

Review of the satisfaction with life scale

[J]. Psychological Assessment, 5(2): 164-172.

https://doi.org/10.1037/1040-3590.5.2.164      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was developed to assess satisfaction with the respondent’s life as a whole. The scale does not assess satisfaction with
[38] Ryff C D, Keyes C L M.1995.

The structure of psychological well-being revisited

[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(4): 719-727.

https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.69.4.719      URL      PMID: 7473027      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract A theoretical model of psychological well-being that encompasses 6 distinct dimensions of wellness (Autonomy, Environmental Mastery, Personal Growth, Positive Relations with Others, Purpose in Life, Self-Acceptance) was tested with data from a nationally representative sample of adults (N = 1,108), aged 25 and older, who participated in telephone interviews. Confirmatory factor analyses provided support for the proposed 6-factor model, with a single second-order super factor. The model was superior in fit over single-factor and other artifactual models. Age and sex differences on the various well-being dimensions replicated prior findings. Comparisons with other frequently used indicators (positive and negative affect, life satisfaction) demonstrated that the latter neglect key aspects of positive functioning emphasized in theories of health and well-being.
[39] Schwanen T, Wang D G.2014.

Well-being, context, and everyday activities in space and time

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(4): 833-851.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2014.912549      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Against the background of increased interest in subjectively experienced well-being in economics, psychology, and the social sciences, this article analyzes how such well-being is associated with geographical context, social contacts, and life circumstances. The empirical analysis of data collected in Hong Kong is used to elaborate and support two main claims. The first is that geography matters to not only overall well-being but also momentary well-being and that researchers should be careful to specify the influence of geographical context correctly. We therefore employ an approach that is informed by various strands of time eographical thought and find that life satisfaction is associated more strongly with geographical context than is momentary well-being. Second, we confirm positive relations between social contacts and experienced well-being but extend earlier research by showing that these relations stretch across multiple timescales and depend to some extent on the duration of an activity episode and with whom the activity episode is undertaken. This means that the use of simple indicators of social capital is inadequate for making the complex linkages between well-being and people's social contacts understandable in empirical research.
[40] Seligman M E P, Csikszentmihalyi M.2000.

Positive psychology: An introduction

[J]. American Psychologist, 55(1): 5-14.

https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.5      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[41] Watson D, Clark L A, Tellegen A.1988.

Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales

[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(6): 1063-1070.

https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.54.6.1063      URL      PMID: 3397865      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract In recent studies of the structure of affect, positive and negative affect have consistently emerged as two dominant and relatively independent dimensions. A number of mood scales have been created to measure these factors; however, many existing measures are inadequate, showing low reliability or poor convergent or discriminant validity. To fill the need for reliable and valid Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales that are also brief and easy to administer, we developed two 10-item mood scales that comprise the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The scales are shown to be highly internally consistent, largely uncorrelated, and stable at appropriate levels over a 2-month time period. Normative data and factorial and external evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the scales are also presented.
[42] Wilkinson R G, Pickett K E.2007.

The problems of relative deprivation: Why some societies do better than others

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 65(9): 1965-1978.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.05.041      URL      PMID: 17618718      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract In this paper, we present evidence which suggests that key processes of social status differentiation, affecting health and numerous other social outcomes, take place at the societal level. Understanding them seems likely to involve analyses and comparisons of whole societies. Using income inequality as an indicator and determinant of the scale of socioeconomic stratification in a society, we show that many problems associated with relative deprivation are more prevalent in more unequal societies. We summarise previously published evidence suggesting that this may be true of morbidity and mortality, obesity, teenage birth rates, mental illness, homicide, low trust, low social capital, hostility, and racism. To these we add new analyses which suggest that this is also true of poor educational performance among school children, the proportion of the population imprisoned, drug overdose mortality and low social mobility. That ill health and a wide range of other social problems associated with social status within societies are also more common in more unequal societies, may imply that income inequality is central to the creation of the apparently deep-seated social problems associated with poverty, relative deprivation or low social status. We suggest that the degree of material inequality in a society may not only be central to the social forces involved in national patterns of social stratification, but also that many of the problems related to low social status may be amenable to changes in income distribution. If the prevalence of these problems varies so much from society to society according to differences in income distribution, it suggests that the familiar social gradients in health and other outcomes are unlikely to result from social mobility sorting people merely by prior characteristics. Instead, the picture suggests that their frequency in a population is affected by the scale of social stratification that differs substantially from one society to another.
