地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (5): 569-584 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.05.005



孙晓东, 侯雅婷

华东师范大学工商管理学院,上海 200241

Research on negative impacts and responsibility of cruise tourism

SUN Xiaodong, HOU Yating

School of Business Administration, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

收稿日期: 2016-09-20

网络出版日期:  2017-05-20

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(71572057,71202134)国家旅游局旅游业青年专家培养计划(TYETP201522)上海市人民政府决策咨询课题(2016-Z-J01-B,2016-GR-14)






关键词: 邮轮旅游 ; 邮轮产业 ; 负效应 ; 可持续性 ; 责任性


In recent years, the cruise industry has become one of the most dynamic, rapidly developing and profitable segments in the global tourism and hospitality industry, with millions of passengers each year. China has become one of the most attractive emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Cruise tourism has significant economic impacts on port cities and relevant tourism regions, outputting remarkable employment opportunities and total revenue. However, the development of the cruising sector also brings negative economic, environmental, and social and cultural impacts on cruise destinations and local communities. With the fast development of the Chinese cruise industry, influences of cruise tourism will become far-reaching. It is critical for the Chinese cruise industry to better understand impacts of cruise tourism, particularly the negative side. However, this issue is neglected by the Chinese academic community. Using a sustainable and responsible tourism lens, the purpose of the current article is to systematically examine the negative impacts of cruise tourism by comprehensively reviewing international studies in relation to externalities of cruise tourism. Accordingly, a model or framework of responsible cruise tourism, consisting of governments, non-profit organizations, local communities, cruise passengers, and the cruise industry, is proposed. This article is an attempt to stimulate more attentions from Chinese researchers to the sustainability and responsibility of cruise tourism.

Keywords: cruise tourism ; cruise industry ; negative impacts ; sustainability ; responsibility


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孙晓东, 侯雅婷. 邮轮旅游的负效应与责任性研究综述[J]. , 2017, 36(5): 569-584 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.05.005

SUN Xiaodong, HOU Yating. Research on negative impacts and responsibility of cruise tourism[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(5): 569-584 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.05.005

1 引言

邮轮(Cruise Ship) 原是指海洋上定线、定期航行的大型货运或客运轮船(Ocean Liner),早期主要负责运载两地间的邮件及包裹,通常被称为皇家邮政轮船(Royal Mail Streamship, RMS)。现代邮轮业仍然沿用“邮轮”而非“游轮”的名称来纪念当时的邮政事业(孙晓东等, 2012)。邮轮旅游业最早可追溯到19世纪40年代 (Sun et al, 2011),并在19世纪中后期获得了较快发展,开始出现以钢质结构、电力照明和关注乘客舒适性为特点的邮轮船舶。两次世界大战期间,邮轮业经历了短暂的停滞不前阶段,于“二战”之后获得蓬勃发展。20世纪60年代开始,随着航空运输业的崛起,原本意义上作为客运或邮政运输的邮轮渐渐退出了历史舞台,取而代之的是纯粹用于休闲、旅游、度假功能的豪华邮轮(孙晓东等, 2012)。经历了40余年快速发展,邮轮旅游业已经成为全球旅游与接待业中最具成长性、经济效益最可观的业务之一(Teye et al, 1998; Marti, 2004; Toh et al, 2005; Sun et al, 2011)。1990-2015年邮轮乘客数量以年均7%以上的速度增长,2015年达到2300余万人(CLIA, 2016)。邮轮经济的辐射范围广泛,涵盖运输、航运、海洋、港口和旅游等经济形态。2015年,全球邮轮业的总产出接近1200亿美元(CLIA, 2016),整体经济效益显著,成为推动港口经济发展、沿海城市转型与区域经济合作的新动力(孙晓东等, 2012)。

然而,作为资源依赖型很强的产业,邮轮业大发展一方面带来了大量的社会经济机会,另一方面会产生若干负面效应(Negative Impacts),包括会对气候、空气质量、海洋生态、游客、船员以及当地社区带来不利的影响,造成海洋污染、环境恶化、资源挤压、物价上涨、经济漏损、文化冲击等问题。特别是对于特定的邮轮目的地来说,有限时间内大量邮轮乘客的不断涌入会加重大众化邮轮旅游(Mass Cruise)带来的问题,给邮轮旅游的可持续发展带来巨大的挑战。随着船舶大型化趋势下的全球扩张和快速增长,邮轮旅游高强度污染、新规模和新维度下的大众旅游特征越发明显(Carić, 2016)。因此,如何降低邮轮旅游的负效应、打造一个可持续和负责任的产业形态是全球邮轮业面临的共同难题。目前关于邮轮旅游负效应及责任性问题,国际学者已经从资源与文化、乘客安全、道德、犯罪、劳动权利等方面进行了大量的讨论(Carić, 2016) 。

近年来,国际邮轮业加快了向亚太地区“东移”的步伐。中国邮轮业经历了10年左右的快速发展,已成为亚洲邮轮产业的核心成员和国际邮轮公司竞相争夺的战略性新兴市场(CINQ, 2012; Rodrigue et al, 2013; Sun et al, 2014)。随着邮轮经济的不断深化,邮轮旅游将对中国经济、社会、文化和环境产生广泛而深远的影响。邮轮旅游的可持续性与责任性问题将成为其发展过程中不可回避的重大议题。中国邮轮业在备受关注并飞速发展的同时,必须清醒地认识到邮轮经济背后的负外部性问题,正确处理邮轮经济发展与环境资源保护、社会文化传承、游客居民协调互动之间的关系,及时规避邮轮旅游的负面影响,从而降低产业发展的后续风险。可以说,只有在责任性与可持续性框架下合理、适度而循序渐进地推进邮轮产业,才能保证邮轮经济的健康发展。为了让更多研究者与从业者关注邮轮旅游发展可能带来的负效应问题,做到防患于未然,本文从文献分析的视角对邮轮旅游的负效应、可持续性和责任性问题进行了探讨。首先,对国内外相关研究进行了梳理与总结;其次,提出了一个由利益相关者构成的“负责任邮轮旅游”(Responsible Cruise Tourism)的系统框架,并对不同参与主体的作用进行了分析。希望本文能够引起更多经济学、管理学、社会学、人类学、心理学、地理学、环境学和生态学等相关领域研究者的关注,以更专业的眼光和更敏锐的视角对中国邮轮旅游业的责任性与可持续性问题进行审视,从而能有效规避邮轮旅游活动对经济、社会、文化和环境产生的负面效应,将邮轮旅游业打造成一个负责任的产业。

2 文献来源与研究视角

2.1 国内文献与研究视角

在国内一般邮轮旅游研究文献收集方面,首先以 “邮轮”或“邮轮旅游”为关键词,以中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)和中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)列选期刊为期刊源,对中国知网和万方学术期刊两大主流中文数据库进行检索(截至2016年),共获得23篇学术论文,其中19篇发表于2010年之后,说明国内邮轮旅游研究起步较晚,论文总量较少。在研究综述方面,张言庆等(2012)对境外邮轮旅游的市场研究现状进行了回顾;孙晓东等(2012)则分别从宏观和微观两个层面对国内邮轮产业的研究成果进行了总结。随着中国邮轮产业的迅速崛起,邮轮旅游研究开始进入相对繁荣期,研究内容进一步具体和细化,涉及邮轮旅游的需求预测(贾鹏等, 2013)、邮轮舱位分配(孙晓东等, 2013b)、邮轮舱位定价(孙晓东等, 2013a; 傅方圆等, 2016)、邮轮航线规划(孙晓东等, 2015a)、邮轮市场季节性特征(孙晓东等, 2015b)、邮轮旅游网络关注度特征(李霞等, 2016)、邮轮城市和港口竞争力评价(蔡晓霞等, 2010; 吴慧等, 2015)以及邮轮法律事务(司玉琢等, 2013; 吕方园等, 2014; 郭萍, 2016)等。


从研究内容来看,大多数文献关注了邮轮旅游的环境影响。比如,谢芳等(2010)基于生命周期理论探讨了邮轮设施建造、设施运营、运输配送、消费利用和废物处置等过程对环境的影响作用,并提出环境污染管控的基本思路。杜譞等(2016)探讨了德国汉堡邮轮码头绿色岸电在工程设计、法规政策、融资途径、社会参与等方面的经验,对中国邮轮港口岸电项目的实施具有一定的启示作用。王珏等(2015)则从循环经济视角下探讨了邮轮旅游业在微观、中观与宏观方面的环境污染管控问题,但缺少落地的案例研究。在邮轮旅游社会文化影响方面,现有研究主要对邮轮运输安全或港口应急疏散等问题进行了讨论。其中,栾晨焕(2016)对邮轮运输中的突发事件类型和特征进行了分析,并进一步从应对方法以及法制承接方面探讨了邮轮应急体系的构建问题。汪军等(2012)则从邮轮码头应急疏散的角度,构建了人员逃生的元胞自动机机模型, 对紧急情况下的人员疏散情况进行了仿真模拟,并从疏散口数量、疏散口宽度、疏散线路和疏散管理等方面提出了优化策略。事实上,邮轮旅游的社会影响还涉及到对目的地文化、遗产、社区、居民、员工、乘客、甚至其他游客等方面的影响,然而目前国内并无相关研究成果。

2.2 国外文献与研究视角

在国外文献收集方面,本文对ScienceDirect、EBSCO、Taylor & Francis Online、Wiley Online Library、ProQuest、SAGE Social Science & Humanities Package和SpringerLink Journals等7大数据库进行检索,其中检索关键词包括“Cruise + Environment”、“Cruise + Polluting or Pollution”、“Cruise + Community”、“Cruise + Society or Social”、“Cruise + Resident”、“Cruise + Culture or Cultural”、“Cruise + Sustainable or Sustainability”、 “Cruise + Responsible or Responsibility”、“Cruise + Crew or Worker”、“Cruise + Conflict or Clash”和“Cruise + Impacts or Negative impacts”等等,时间跨度为2002-2016年。剔除重复文献,共获得75篇相关文献。首先,从年度载文量来看,2010年后文献数量增长迅速(图1),说明近年来邮轮旅游可持续性或责任性议题开始成为研究热点。

图1   2002-2016年国外载文数量年度分布

Fig.1   Annual number of articles published internationally, 2002-2016


表1   研究案例地分布及研究视角

Tab.1   Geographical distribution of case studies and relevant research perspectives

Del Chiappa等(2013)意大利西西里岛
van Beukering等(2015)百慕大


3 邮轮旅游的负效应研究

3.1 邮轮旅游经济效益的有限性

从全球价值链来看,邮轮产业是一种由邮轮制造、邮轮运营、邮轮船供、邮轮接待与旅游服务等环节组成的复合型产业。邮轮旅游则依托邮轮母港、停靠港及相关区域的旅游资源,形成了一种跨区域、跨行业、多领域、多渠道的经济现象。随着全球邮轮活动的日益增多,邮轮旅游对社会—文化、经济、政治与环境的影响越来越显著(Véronneau et al, 2009)。在经济效益方面,邮轮旅游对目的地经济的影响体现在邮轮及其乘客的直接、间接以及相关的诱发支出。国际邮轮协会(Cruise Line International Association, CLIA)的统计数据表明,2014年邮轮旅游业为全球带来1000亿美元的总产出、330亿美元的工资福利和77.5万个就业岗位(CLIA, 2014a),其中相当一部分经济效益来源于邮轮制造与维修、邮轮运营、邮轮船供等高附加值的产业环节。虽然从整体行业来看,邮轮旅游的经济效益十分可观,但从经济效应的辐射范围和影响程度来看,则具有相当的有限性。

首先,邮轮产业的投入巨大,成本回收周期漫长。特别对于新兴邮轮区域来说,接待大型邮轮需要大量的基础设施和维修费用等初始资本投入(Macpherson, 2008)。而邮轮业的持续发展,还需要进一步的投资。高额的基础设施投资和环境成本可能导致本地生产总值的停滞甚至下滑(Nowak et al, 2007; Véronneau et al, 2009)。Véronneau等(2009)认为,大型豪华邮轮实际上减少了旅游目的地的潜在经济效益,因为游客并不需要下船消费便可获得满意的服务体验,使得岸上服务运营商难以预测需求,且往往由于定价偏低而承担一定的风险;此外,对于旅游接待地来说,邮轮经济“漏损”和随之而来的物价上涨、经济发展与环境保护之间的矛盾等问题进一步降低了邮轮旅游的辐射效果。

其次,邮轮旅游的经济效益难以估算,而且往往被高估。对于很多国家或地区来说,由于邮轮船舶往往悬挂方便旗(Flag of Convenience)且邮轮员工具有跨国性,难以对邮轮旅游的直接与间接经济效益进行综合评价,通常只能通过游客的花费行为进行调研和预估。比如,Brida等(2010b)从邮轮乘客的人口特征、需求偏好和花费行为入手,对哥斯达黎加邮轮旅游的经济效应进行了测算。研究结果表明,与陆上(Land-based)游客相比,邮轮乘客的年龄更大,富裕程度更低,停留时间更短,花费更少。邮轮乘客在哥斯达黎加的总花费甚至不到陆上旅游的2%。应该说,邮轮旅游在该国是否应该大力推广都值得商榷。Larsen等(2013)对到访挪威的游客进行调研后也发现,邮轮游客的花费显著低于其他类型游客。此外,van Beukering等(2015)的研究也发现,邮轮游客对百慕大的直接贡献仅占航空旅客的9%。

再次,邮轮经济成果的分配不均衡。邮轮旅游的绝大部分经济收入被销售捆绑产品的外国企业获得,而分配给当地居民的部分往往非常有限(Klein, 2011)。一项对中美洲国家伯利兹(Belize)的研究表明,由于直接面向邮轮乘客的购物区租金太高,本地运营商通常无力承租;其次,当地的旅游经销商不仅需要将邮轮乘客岸上服务收入的50%交给邮轮公司,而且还需承担乘客不满意带来的额外风险;再次,伯利兹入境游客的70%是邮轮乘客,然而邮轮旅游业只创造了10%左右的就业,当地社区难以分享邮轮旅游的经济成果(Klein, 2009, 2011)。此外,Lester等(2004)对加勒比海地区的研究后发现,对邮轮旅游的过度依赖不利于目的地经济的可持续发展。


3.2 邮轮旅游对社会—文化的冲击

众所周知,旅游业对社会文化的影响是广泛的,可带来价值体系、家庭关系、个人行为、安全水平、道德行为、集体生活、创意表达、传统仪式、社区组织、文化传承等多方面的变化(Gibson et al, 2007)。一方面,居民与邮轮乘客的交流可以产生积极的影响,比如向当地居民提供获取知识、了解世界、探索新世界观的机会;另一方面,日益增长的邮轮活动往往会压缩本地居民的生活空间,挤占当地的公共基础设施,破坏目的地的自然环境与海洋生态,有时甚至会使本地居民放弃原有的生活方式。比如,加勒比海地区的一些旅游目的地居民的生活方式已经受到游客很大影响,有些地区甚至丧失了本地语言和独特的人文传统 (Marušić et al, 2008; Brida et al, 2010a)。

从文化冲击来看,邮轮旅游可能对目的地本真性造成影响。Marsh(2012)对美国南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿地区的研究也发现,邮轮旅游会给滨海文化遗产城市带来直接威胁,应加强政府监管和政策制定以减少邮轮旅游对文化遗产的冲击。Hritz等(2008)采用定性分析法对美国佛罗里达基韦斯特(Key West)进行研究后发现,当地居民普遍担心邮轮乘客大量涌入会淹没城市的古朴和狭窄的街道,最终使城市失去原本的特色。此外,外来游客有时并不能很好地理解和尊重当地的特殊文化和习俗,甚至带有个人偏见来宣传当地的旅游形象。

从社会效应来看,邮轮旅游会对当地社区及其居民生活产生负面影响。Baker等(2013)对加勒比海地区进行研究后指出,邮轮旅游可能对目的地的社会环境造成不利影响,比如邮轮游客岸上活动期间往往携带较多的现金或贵重物品(如相机、珠宝等),比较容易成为犯罪分子的目标,客观上会导致当地犯罪率上升,名誉下降。最近,Jordan等(2015)在压力应对理论(Stress and Coping Theory)框架下对牙买加法尔茅斯(Falmouth, Jamaica)居民进行研究,发现78%的当地居民对新建邮轮港口的发展与运营感到压力;压力感主要来自对邮轮旅游期望满足的不确定性、负担过重的基础设施、生活空间拥挤、生活成本增加、环境污染以及警察骚扰等方面。为此,相关企业、政府部门和社会组织应分别在邮轮旅游引入之前和发展之后采取有效措施提升居民对社会支持和压力可控性的感知,以显著降低居民的压力感(Jordan et al, 2015)。因此,邮轮旅游影响的两面性使得居民往往持有不同的态度。Del Chiappa等(2013)对意大利西西里岛墨西拿(Messina)港1500位居民进行调研后发现,居民对邮轮旅游的态度在人口统计学上具有显著差异,但总体表现出积极态度。然而,Brida等(2014)对地中海地区西西里岛和撒丁岛的居民进行研究后发现,虽然当地居民对邮轮旅游发展表现出总体积极的态度,但同时认为邮轮旅游存在负效应,最大的威胁可能是环境影响。Brida等(2011)的研究则发现,虽然卡塔赫纳(哥伦比亚)居民对邮轮旅游的经济和社会—文化影响持有积极态度,但对后者的态度较为保守。此外,邮轮旅游发展程度对居民的感知也具有不同的影响。Stewart等(2011)通过两个社区案例对加拿大北极地区进行研究发现,对于新兴的邮轮旅游地区,居民往往持有积极甚至赞许的态度;而对于邮轮旅游发展较深入的地区,居民则会出现抗拒心理。

从人力资源角度来看,虽然国际邮轮业享有最灵活和最具全球性的劳动力市场,但严重受限于应聘者特殊的政治、经济以及文化背景,使得该行业面临潜在的劳动力短缺问题。然而,劳动力短缺并未带来员工的高福利。Terry(2011)认为,邮轮劳动力市场特征使得船员的雇佣成本相当高。然而,高额的劳动力成本主要体现在船员从居住地到邮轮出发港的调度成本,而非员工获得的工资福利。出于对环境监管、劳工法以及税收等方面考虑,全球90%以上的邮轮悬挂方便旗(Flag of Convenience)。这些邮轮往往不需要向员工支付本国劳工法规定的法定最低工资。甚至“在许多邮轮甲板下可能隐藏着一个工作时间长、工资低、不安全和剥削的世界”(Brida et al, 2010a)。此外,邮轮工作的等级分配也可能会带有歧视的意味,比如来自欧美发达地区的员工多担任中高层职位,而来自亚洲、加勒比和美洲一些相对不发达地区的员工则多从事较为低端的工作(Brida et al, 2010a)。

从邮轮乘客角度来看,作为独立、封闭的旅游形式,邮轮对乘客安全的处置也存在风险。比如,Prina等(2001)发现,在旅客疾病突发的状况下,邮轮上往往没有足够的条件进行及时的医疗救助,医疗团队、急救药品、特殊应急空间、远程联系、空中疏散支持系统等远没有陆上健全;船上医生可能无法做出正确的医疗诊断而延误治疗,从而造成不可挽回的后果。因此,邮轮公司须凭借基于遥测技术的远程医疗手段、完善的空中疏散系统来提高初期诊断的准确性(Prina et al, 2001)。此外,海上恐怖主义、邮轮运营事故、劳工人权侵犯等也是邮轮旅游的潜在风险。Bonilla-Priego等(2014)从企业社会责任的角度指出,劳工、人权、健康和安全应成为邮轮企业必须面对和解决的首要问题,特别是乘客和员工的安全应成为企业责任的重要组成部分。为此,邮轮产业需要制订标准化和可操作性的指导方针来共同履行社会责任行为。邮轮旅游的安全保障(Safe and Security)应体现在具体的预防性措施,比如完善药品和服务配备、杜绝犯罪(性侵犯和偷窃等)、甚至控制酒水的消费等(Bonilla-Priego et al, 2014) 。另外,Bowen等(2014)采用情景分析法对邮轮乘客的风险感知进行研究后发现,尽管安全性被业界看作是邮轮旅游的“标志”,但仍有44%的受访者认为邮轮恐怖袭击事件很有可能发生。更为具体地,Mileski等(2014)对580次邮轮事故与灾难产生的原因进行分析后认为,缺乏适当的维护保养和人员失误是造成邮轮事故的最主要原因。因此,为了最大限度地降低风险和威胁,相关部门应不断提升邮轮船舶和邮轮港口的安全保障措施。近年来,邮轮业对邮轮安全方面的关注越来越多,这降低了邮轮运营的风险。2015年,国际邮轮协会在其官方网站(http://cruising.org)公布了2009年至2013年全球邮轮运营事故报告。报告指出,虽然2009年至2013年邮轮运力增长了近20%,但重大运营事件数量却有降低趋势(CLIA, 2014b)。

3.3 邮轮旅游对自然环境的破坏

旅游业的蓬勃发展势必带来环境资源的消极影响(唐承财等, 2013; 徐菲菲等, 2016),特别是大型邮轮船舶对海洋环境和自然资源的负面影响不容忽视。邮轮旅游全球范围的增长首先对海洋生态环境带来冲击(Carić et al, 2016)。邮轮航线的跨区域性和多主体参与性,加上邮轮船舶大型化趋势,使得邮轮旅游的环境影响更为广泛。Kaldy等(2011)的研究也发现,邮轮旅游的非谨慎性发展会给目的地带来气候变化、自然资源枯竭、水和能源的过度需求等环境问题。Johnson(2002)利用生命周期理论(Life-Cycle Analysis, LCA)将邮轮旅游的环境影响分为5部分:①基础设施建造。自然环境改造使得目的地自然栖息地减少,海岸及沉积模式发生改变;②基础设施运营。包括能源使用带来的水和空气质量污染以及其他对环境和海洋生态系统造成的有意或无意的物理损坏;③乘客运输及物流配送。主要包括乘客运输与船供相关的交通衔接活动对邮轮母港或目的地环境承载的压力;④消耗与利用。包括大量游客涌入对水的消耗、化学品和清洁剂的使用、乱抛垃圾、娱乐活动对野生动物的干扰,以及将濒危动物作为礼物造成的生态压力;⑤废弃物排放。主要指国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization, IMO)界定的船舶污染物,包括油类、垃圾、污水、塑料和有害物质等。从邮轮污染源来看,除空气污染物外,邮轮船舶会产生大量破坏海洋环境的废水与废物,包括污水(Sewage)、杂排水(Graywater)、危险废物(Hazardous Wastes)、油污水(Oily Bilge Water)、压载水(Ballast Water)和固体废物(Solid Waste)等(表2)。此外,邮轮船舶除了产生破坏环境的排放物,也存在对生态及居民健康造成影响的有毒物质和细菌。比如,2000年美国阿拉斯加环境保护署(Department of Environmental Conservation)对邮轮活动区进行抽样研究后发现,该地海洋设备污水处理的卫生条件没有达到预期效果,未经处理的灰水污染物中存在令人惊讶的细菌,黑水和灰水的有毒物含量也超过了国家标准,证明当地居民关于邮轮旅游对生态与健康影响的担心不是多余的(Loehr et al, 2006)。

表2   邮轮船舶生产的主要污染源(Lester et al, 2004)

Tab.2   Main sources of waste generated by cruise ships (Lester et al, 2004)

垃圾和固体废物每名邮轮乘客每天可以生产3.5 kg固体废物。
危险废物包括干洗材料、印刷废物(Print Shop Waste)、化学清洁和电池等。一艘邮轮每天可产生此类有毒废物(Toxic Waste)15加仑


从影响程度来看,研究者发现邮轮旅游的环境影响远大于一般的旅游形式。Eijgelaar等(2010)对南极地区进行了评估,发现邮轮旅游会产生大量温室气体,人均排放量比一般旅游方式高出8倍,对极地区产生很大影响,为此,加拿大政府作出巨大努力以降低燃油中硫的含量,并计划于2016年实现对氮氧化物的处理。政府和产业组织还加大了邮轮岸上电力和清洁技术的推广力度(Eijgelaar et al, 2010)。需要注意的是,该项排放数据中并未包含游客由居住地往返邮轮母港过程中产生的排放数据。特别是对于偏远地区的游客来说,邮轮旅游之外的交通承接(比如长途飞行)所产生的碳排放量不容忽视。Howitt等(2010)对往返新西兰邮轮的二氧化碳排放量进行测度后发现,在考虑邮轮规模、发动机年限、发动机大小、舒适板载水平、船员数量和邮轮服务等因素后,邮轮碳排放量显著高于客机。Klein(2009)的研究发现,邮轮的平均碳排放量超过飞机、火车和轮渡的3倍。此外,Howitt等(2010)也发现,邮轮实现酒店功能的能源需求量要比普通高档酒店多5倍。Carić等(2014)在对亚得里亚海进行研究后发现,邮轮停靠时间越来越短导致短时间内涌入更多的邮轮游客,进一步加重了邮轮旅游对环境的威胁,甚至可能使得环境成本比对当地的经济贡献高出7倍。

从污染源及其影响范围来看,现有文献主要以特定目的地为背景进行了案例研究。Butt(2007)研究了南安普顿地区邮轮产生的污水、固态废弃物及有害气体排放对母港和挂靠港的环境影响,并发现固体废弃物是最主要的污染源。Carić等(2016)采用风险分析和三角测度法对杜布罗夫尼克旧城港口进行环境分析和评估后发现,邮轮船舶防污染涂料中的抗微生物剂是造成海洋污染的重要因素之一。Jones(2007)采用层次分析法和主成分分析法,从生态毒理和风险评估的角度探讨了邮轮涂料沉积物对珊瑚礁的化学污染,发现现有邮轮船舶涂料大多含有铜或锌,是造成海洋金属污染的主要原因,会对珊瑚礁造成较为严重的生态威胁,进而降低生物多样性以及相关补救措施的有效性。Beukering等(2015) 运用旅行成本法、条件价值评价法等对百慕大邮轮旅游进行评估后发现,珊瑚礁对该地区的年均经济贡献达到4.06亿美元,而邮轮旅游对珊瑚礁则有较明显的破坏作用。Poplawski等(2011)以加拿大维多利亚港为例发现, SO2含量的每小时最大值都出现在邮轮停靠期间,发动机废气排放会造成局部空气质量下降,有害居民健康,引发一系列疾病,如肺功能下降、皮肤过敏等。Chatzinikolaou等(2015)以希腊比雷埃夫斯港为例,用影响路径法(IPA),对邮轮空气污染与人体健康之间的关系进行了定量评估。研究发现,港区排放带来的健康影响不容忽视,造成健康危害的主要污染物来自固体颗粒(PM2.5和PM10)。Schembari等(2014)以地中海西部为例,基于2009年和2010年两次采集的PM10数据,研究了邮轮排放对空气质量的影响程度。结果发现,邮轮排放对PM10的贡献率达55%,而对硫酸盐的贡献率则高达80%。Maragkogianni等(2015)对邮轮空气污染对于希腊人民健康的危害进行了货币量化,认为造成的总危害在1240~2430万欧元之间,并发现夏季的排放量和危害程度(58.5%)全年最大。


此外,向游客提供生态旅游产品将在一定程度上降低邮轮旅游的环境影响。作为一种资源可持续利用的方式,生态旅游具备“保护自然”和“社区受益”两大特征(钟林生等, 2016)。然而,目前大量岸上活动不具有生态旅游的特性。Johnson(2006)对加勒比海地区岸上活动进行评估后发现,森林之旅、全地形车(ATV)探险、喷射快艇以及缺少指导的潜水运动等均可能对自然环境造成物理损害。Thurau等(2015)对巴拿马运河地区进行研究后发现,将近70%的邮轮目的地都遭受了生态破坏,而生态旅游能带来长期的生态和经济效益,是未来邮轮旅游的发展方向。特别是,目的地本身可通过更多努力向乘客提供基于生态旅游的岸上观光产品,从而在源头上降低对当地环境的负面影响(Carić et al, 2014)。

另外,Dawson等(2014)以加拿大北极区为例进行研究后提出,在邮轮旅游环境应对方面要建立统一的管理机构,制定管理计划、站点方针等,使社会、经济、环境协调发展。目前亚得里亚海区已经实施了防污公约、环保指令等;欧盟则实施了强制靠港船舶使用低硫燃油的减排措施;美国加州也于2015年1月1日实施强制靠港船舶使用岸电的减排措施(Dawson et al, 2014) 。Lester等(2004)基于利益相关者理论对加勒比海地区进行评估后认为,基础设施建设、旅游者活动以及邮轮海上运营等对环境的破坏将造成各方关系紧张。因此,利益相关者之间的合作极其重要。经营商需要在改善环境方面作出努力,不能一味追求游客数量上的不断突破,而使环境质量日益下降。此外,邮轮污染的跨界性要求各国政府联合起来,制定邮轮排放废弃物的硬性标准,同时推广使用减排技术,促进废弃物循环和再利用。国家需要制定新法律,明文规定邮轮废弃物超标的法律责任;港口需要制定废弃物管理计划、签订环境承诺书,与地方政府及各利益相关群体合作解决。从现有行业状况来看,邮轮业也正努力通过减少对环境的损害而变得更加环保。随着绿色需求与个人环保意识的日益增强,希望邮轮旅游业能因其良好的责任性而变得更具竞争力。

4 负责任邮轮旅游

4.1 负责任旅游概述

随着研究者和业者对旅游活动负面影响的批评与审视不断增加,“负责任旅游”(Responsible Tourism)概念应运而生,已成为旅游研究和实践的一个热点领域。最早期,负责任旅游重点关注旅行社与游客等参与主体,通常被理解为能使当地社区获益、并减少负面社会和环境影响的广泛的旅游者互动。后来的利益相关者理论则将其拓展到了不同区域、不同主体、不同领域、不同层次、不同环节的旅游活动。2002年8月,世界可持续发展首脑会议在南非举行,期间举办了第一届旅游目的地负责任旅游(Responsible Tourism in Destination, RTD)国际会议,并签署了《旅游目的地负责任旅游开普敦宣言(The Cape Town Declaration)》,标志着负责任旅游被提到全球议事日程(张帆, 2012)。RTD国际会议每年在不同的目的地举行,截止到2016年的芬兰会议(RTD12),已经成功举办12届。负责任旅游关注旅游活动的经济性、生态性和社会性,旨在减少旅游对当地经济、社会—文化和环境产生的负面影响,并基于参与性、公平性原则来达到改善就业条件、提高当地旅游参与能力、保护自然环境以及维护文化多样性的目的。从负责任旅游概念界定来看,目前存在规模说、方法说/开发说、伦理说和行为说几种。其中规模说以小规模旅游代替大众旅游为核心内容,方法说/开发说关注旅游规划、旅游开发与政策制定中的责任性理念,伦理说强调旅游的生态伦理、社会伦理及相关行为准则,行为说则以游客为核心强调旅游活动与当地自然环境、社会文化之间的关系(张帆, 2006)。虽然在概念解读上负责任旅游与“可持续旅游”(Sustainable Tourism)、“生态旅游”(Eco-tourism)、“伦理旅游”(Ethical Tourism)、“扶贫旅游”(Pro-poor Tourism)以及其他相关的社会意识旅游有所不同(表3),但在实践中却具有很大的共同性(Caruana et al, 2014),根本目的都是在最大化旅游发展的积极影响的同时,最大限度地减少旅游活动对社会、经济、环境的负面效应(Frey et al, 2010)。

表3   负责任旅游及其他旅游概念

Tab.3   Definition of responsible tourism-related terms

Klein (2011)负责任旅游■ 最小化负面的经济、环境与社会影响。
■ 为当地居民创造更大的经济利益,提高社区居民的福祉,改善工作条件,并允许其进入该行业。
■ 让当地居民参与到影响其生活或生存机会的决策中来。
■ 对自然和文化遗产保护以及维护世界多样性做出积极贡献。
■ 通过与当地居民建立更有意义的联系和更深入地了解当地文化、社会和环境问题,为旅游者提供更愉悦的体验。
■ 满足残障游客的旅游需求。
■ 保持文化敏感性,建立游客和接待方之间的尊重,塑造地方自豪感和自信心。
Middleton (1998)可持续旅游■ 可持续旅游是指实现一种由不同类型、不同数量的游客以及不同的企业活动构成的特定组合,在可预见的将来继续存在,而不会破坏所依赖的环境质量。
■ 可持续旅游强调游客体验、接待地生活质量和环境保护。
Weeden (2002)伦理旅游■ 伦理旅游超越可持续旅游的3个原则,认识到旅游者和旅游服务提供商必须为自己的行为和态度承担一定的道德责任。
■ 并强调不同利益群体在旅游决策过程中的公平性。
Fennell (2001)生态旅游■ 生态旅游是指带着一定的研究目的,进入相对未受干扰或未被污染的自然区域,欣赏和享受当地的自然景观和野生动植物,探索当地的文化表现形式。
■ 生态旅游强调环境保护、有意义的社区参与以及有利可图并可持续。
Goodwin等(2003)扶贫旅游■ 扶贫旅游不是特定的旅游产品,而是确保接待地贫困居民能以公平和可持续的方式获得经济利益的一种旅游开发和管理的方法。
■ 扶贫旅游更强调“旅游扶贫”的理论,强调通过就业、小微企业发展、基础设施建设以及决策参与等方式提高贫困人口的生活条件。


从实践目标来看,负责任旅游要通盘考虑旅游活动的广泛影响,最终实现:①为当地社区创造更好生存空间;②提升旅游者在目的地的旅游体验;③为旅游企业创造更好的经营机会(Chan et al, 2015)。为此,负责任旅游需要关注旅游发展带来的3种负面影响,包括旅游对自然环境的破坏、旅游对社会—文化的冲击和经济利益在不同部门间的分配非公平性(Jones, 2007)。负责任旅游突出“责任性”的概念:①强调通过可持续性开发利用促进对资源与环境的责任性;②强调保证当地社区参与旅游发展并分享成果的责任性;③强调对旅游者安全保障的责任性;④强调在态度与行为层面上负责任的参与主体,包括政府、社区、企业、员工和游客等个人和组织。

4.2 负责任邮轮旅游系统及行动框架

与传统岸上(Land-based)旅游相比,邮轮旅游系统更为复杂,具有全球性、多区域和多主体参与的特点。邮轮业通过全球性的产业扩张和错综复杂的航线布局,对不同国别、不同区域、不同部门、不同个人以及不同产业的利益相关者施加广泛而深远的影响。显然,负责任邮轮旅游应该从利益相关者视角进行审视,并构筑一个由邮轮企业、邮轮母港、挂靠港、相关个人及组织等共同参与的行动框架,其中邮轮企业主要指邮轮公司、旅行社、岸上活动服务商等与邮轮运营及票务相关的企业;邮轮母港涉及港口/码头、船舶代理、邮轮船供、金融保险、邮轮维护以及其他支撑企业;挂靠港主体则主要涉及码头运营商、岸上旅游提供商、交通承接商、岸上商贩、景点景区等;个人方面则主要包括邮轮员工、邮轮游客和社区居民等参与者;相关组织主要指政府部门、邮轮协会、产业联盟等非营利性组织(Nonprofit Organization, NGO),如图2所示。在负责任邮轮旅游框架下,各利益相关主体需要通过区域合作与科学规划来提高各方参与性,在抵消和平衡各方权利差距下拟定以经济、社会、文化和环境协同发展为目标的行为准则,最终将邮轮旅游打造成一个负责任而可持续性的产业形态。

图2   负责任邮轮旅游系统及行动框架

Fig.2   Framework of responsible cruise tourism

随着邮轮产业的全球化、邮轮船舶的大型化以及邮轮航线的短程化,负责任邮轮旅游实践将变得更为复杂、艰难和迫切。负责任邮轮旅游系统涉及众多的利益相关者,而有效实施负责任的邮轮旅游行为则取决于参与主体的行动主导性。在负责任邮轮旅游行动框架中,政府、企业与协会等社会组织的态度与行为对邮轮旅游的责任性实践具有引领作用。首先,政府部门、产业组织及行业协会应该充分发挥法规、政策、行业标准制订以及监督管理的作用,通过对邮轮产业及邮轮市场进行规范和监督,最终实现自然资源保护利用、社会文化有效传承、游客体验提升、居民福祉提高的目标。在法规政策层面,各地政府部门既要尊重邮轮国际惯例,又要充分考虑本土特点,通过区域合作做到法规政策统一、监督管理一致。特别在监管过程中,应强调负责任邮轮旅游的目的性而非方法手段本身。比如,环境的责任性不是关注邮轮公司是否配备了先进的污水处理系统或者是否遵守环保法规,而是污水处理系统排出的物质是否仍给自然资源以及当地居民带来实质性的伤害;经济的责任性不是关注邮轮港口及当地社区是否获得了经济收入,而是强调经济利益在邮轮公司、邮轮港口、旅行社、辅助企业和当地社区之间公平分配的程度(Klein, 2011)。其次,产业组织或行业协会则可通过行业标准、行动计划等手段实现对企业行为进行的引领及规范作用。比如,英国独立旅游运营商协会(AITO)要求协会成员必须履行以下负责任旅游指南:①保护环境,包括动物、植物及景观;②尊重当地文化,包括传统、宗教及建筑遗产;③使当地社区受益,包括经济效益与社会效益;④强调全程保护自然资源;⑤最大程度地减少污染,包括噪音、拥堵和废物处置等(Goodwin et al, 2003)。


作为邮轮旅游接待的基础部门,邮轮港口和邮轮目的地则应通过有效的资源利用和适度的资本投入来实现对邮轮产业的科学规划。众所周知,邮轮对港口的需求要比港口对邮轮的需求更为迫切。港口社区(Port Communities)应从邮轮旅游业中获得公平、公正而广泛的经济收益(Klein, 2011)。邮轮港口应通过区域合作以提升自尊(Self Esteem)水平与谈判能力(Klein, 2009)。此外,邮轮公司、旅行社、邮轮港口、行业协会等组织应共同建立与引导“负责任的邮轮文化”,通过宣传教育引导游客对自然环境、海洋生态、社区文化的责任意识与责任行为。最后,负责任邮轮旅游应吸引本地社区作为重要的决策制定者,特别是关于对社区自然资源、生态环境、生活空间、生产方式、经济发展、人文遗产等方面具有较大影响的决策。

5 结论及展望



(1) 邮轮旅游对中国沿海港口区域的环境影响。从现有文献来看,邮轮旅游对自然环境的负面影响是国际上的热点问题,研究成果最多。现有文献主要以特定区域为案例地,对邮轮旅游的污染源及其环境影响进行较深入探讨。研究发现,邮轮排放的气体、液体和固体污染物以及游客的不当行为会对自然资源、海洋生态、气候变化、空气质量和人员健康等造成不利影响。随着对旅游业发展的生态效应日益重视,应强调在获得经济效益最大化的同时实现环境影响最小化的目标(姚治国等,2015)。因此,未来的研究可主要以中国沿海邮轮港口区域为案例地,对邮轮停靠过程中的碳排放与碳足迹进行跟踪与评价,并基于特定污染源来探讨邮轮旅游对空气质量与海洋生态等方面影响,从而提出针对性的监控与治理措施。

(2) 邮轮旅游发展与本地社区居民的关系。众所周知,旅游业发展要依托社区,必须处理好与社区及其居民的关系(王军等, 2011)。不同类型的旅游地具有不同的社区特征,从而使得居民对旅游感知也不相同(卢松等, 2008, 2009)。居民的地方认同感、对旅游发展的态度将直接影响其开发偏好和后续决策行为(宣国富等, 2002; 杨兴柱等, 2005; 汪侠等, 2010)。因此,在邮轮旅游发展中必须重视居民态度及其利益诉求,从而获得当地居民的支持。本文研究发现,大量邮轮游客的涌入会挤占当地居民的生活空间和生活资源,造成目的地社区物价上涨、交通堵塞甚至垃圾成山,使得居民的生活质量下降,同时也降低了邮轮游客的旅游体验。因此,未来研究可对中国沿海港口社区及居民进行研究,重点关注本地居民对邮轮港口基础设施建设的态度、对邮轮旅游发展的风险感知以及居民参与邮轮旅游发展的决策意愿等方面,从而使邮轮旅游能真正为当地居民带来实质利益,提高居民的满意度。

(3) 邮轮旅游与港口功能再造同滨海旅游发展的关系。从社会—文化影响来看,邮轮旅游可能对目的文化、遗产、风俗、习惯等造成冲击,损害目的地原真性。为了吸引邮轮停靠和乘客访问,邮轮港口城市往往花费大量人力物力进行港区和滨海旅游岸线建设,以迎合国际邮轮旅游的需求。然而,失去本真特色的规划建设,不利于滨海区域的可持续发展。未来研究可关注邮轮港口的基础设施建设与功能配备同城市功能转型、空间再造与滨海旅游规划之间的关系,从而实现城市、港口功能演化与邮轮产业发展之间的协调互动。

(4) 邮轮产业经济效益的测度及利益分配模式研究。现有研究发现,邮轮旅游对区域经济的影响具有不确定性。目前中国正处在邮轮产业的初级阶段,经济效益主要来自港口规费、船舶代理费用、票务销售佣金等收入,而间接和诱发的经济效益则难以测算。未来研究可关注邮轮经济效益的测评、邮轮经济景气指数以及风险管理等问题。此外,对于新兴邮轮区域来说,邮轮维护保养、物资供应、目的地岸上观光等本土化的邮轮活动较少,加上邮轮出入境逆差明显,使得邮轮经济的辐射范围有限。未来研究可进一步探讨邮轮公司、邮轮港口、旅行社、岸上旅游企业以及当地社区等参与主体之间的竞争、合作与利益分配模式。

(5) 邮轮突发事件风险评估与预警研究。与一般岸上旅游相比,邮轮旅游往往承担着更大的突发事件风险。邮轮船舶通常悬挂方便旗以规避劳工法、环境法、安保法等法规限制,船员、游客在工资福利、安全健康、人格尊严等方面的权利可能面临挑战。此外,由于邮轮航线的跨国、跨区域性,加上受海啸、台风、雷击、传染病、偷渡、走私等因素的影响,邮轮突发事件具有多样性和复杂性,风险管控难度较大。为此,邮轮港口和邮轮船舶的公共安全事件、公共卫生事件、自然灾害、重大事故的风险因素识别、指标体系构建、预警以及应对策略等内容应该成为未来重点关注的研究方向。此外,邮轮产业要重视游客对出游风险的感知。因为,旅游者的风险认知水平对游客满意度和忠诚度有重要影响(李敏等, 2011)。因此,邮轮旅游在关注以上研究方向的同时,还应关注邮轮旅游安全形象塑造以及潜在旅游者风险认知等方面的研究。

(6) 邮轮产业的法规政策与行业标准研究。目前,中国邮轮产业发展存在着诸多政策性问题,如入境监管程序复杂、邮轮管理制度欠缺、邮轮业人才机制缺乏、邮轮专项法律缺失、培育本土邮轮产业链的法律障碍、旅游服务的外资准入限制、邮轮国籍转换限制等。区域合作、科学规划、公平参与、统一标准是保障负责任邮轮旅游得以实现的首要任务,而顶层设计至关重要。为此,在负责任邮轮旅游框架下,政府部门、行业协会和产业组织如何从法规政策层面引导邮轮旅游的环境立法、合同立法、劳动立法以及邮轮旅游服务标准制订等方面的工作将是有意义的研究方向。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J]. 地理学报, 66(12): 1695-1706.

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[Li M, Zhang J, Dong X W, et al.2011.

Study of tourist perception after the special natural disaster: A case study of Jiuzhaigou after "5. 12" Wenchuan Earthquake

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 66(12): 1695-1706.]

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[8] 李霞, 曲洪建. 2016.

邮轮旅游网络关注度的时空特征和影响因素: 基于百度指数的研究

[J]. 统计与信息论坛, 31(4): 101-106.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

百度指数作为一个数据获取的重要工具和途径,对分析和研究相关问题具有重要作用。基于百度指数系统收集了中国各地区邮轮旅游网络关注度的数据,进行了时空特征和影响因素的研究。研究发现:邮轮旅游网络关注度具有时间差异较大,变化显著等特征;邮轮旅游网络关注度根据空间特征可以划分为四种类型:关注强势区、关注发展区、关注平稳区、关注弱势区;各区域邮轮旅游网络关注度指数主要受到人均GDP 和网民数量的影响。

[Li X, Qu H J.2016.

Spatial-temporal characteristics and influential factors of network attention to cruise tourism: Based on Baidu index

[J]. Statistics and Information Forum, 31(4): 101-106.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

百度指数作为一个数据获取的重要工具和途径,对分析和研究相关问题具有重要作用。基于百度指数系统收集了中国各地区邮轮旅游网络关注度的数据,进行了时空特征和影响因素的研究。研究发现:邮轮旅游网络关注度具有时间差异较大,变化显著等特征;邮轮旅游网络关注度根据空间特征可以划分为四种类型:关注强势区、关注发展区、关注平稳区、关注弱势区;各区域邮轮旅游网络关注度指数主要受到人均GDP 和网民数量的影响。
[9] 卢松, 张捷, 李东和, . 2008.

旅游地居民对旅游影响感知和态度的比较: 以西递景区与九寨沟景区为例

[J]. 地理学报, 63(6): 646-656.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.06.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Lu S, Zhang J, Li D H, et al.2008.

Comparison of resort residents' perceptions and attitudes: Case studies in Xidi Village and Jiuzhaigou

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 63(6): 646-656.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.06.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] 卢松, 张捷, 苏勤. 2009.

旅游地居民对旅游影响感知与态度的历时性分析: 以世界文化遗产西递景区为例

[J]. 地理研究, 28(2): 536-548.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2009020026      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Lu S, Zhang J, Su Q.2009.

The temporally comparative study of residents' perceptions and attitudes in ancient villages: A case study of Xidi Village, one of the world cultural heritage sites

[J]. Geographical Research, 28(2): 536-548.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2009020026      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] 吕方园, 郭萍. 2014.

邮轮霸船之法律考量: 以《旅游法》为分析进路

[J]. 旅游学刊, 29(10): 108-115.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2014.10.22      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

邮轮霸船已成为邮轮旅游发展之实质障碍,在2013牟《中华人民 共和国旅游法》(以下简称《旅游法》)生效之后,将邮轮霸船行为置于《旅游法》框架下进行考量确为解决问题之良策.首先明确邮轮公司与旅客各自的法律定 位,邮轮旅客身份发生了从旅客到消费者再到不轨旅客的嬗变,将邮轮公司定性为《旅游法》下的履行辅助人则更为恰当,并厘清彼此之间的法律关系,进而分析邮 轮霸船中“不轨旅客”因违反法定义务而对邮轮公司法定权利的践踏与公共秩序安全的危害.为此,邮轮霸船问题的有效解决亟须确立“疏堵并举”的法治化治理理 念,严格执法,并以倒逼的方式来培养旅客的规则意识,同时,需要通过域外旅游纠纷裁决制度的本土化构建来形成一套行之有效的争端解决机制.

[Lv F Y, Guo P.2014.

The legal consideration of occupying the cruising ferry: An analytical approach of tourism law

[J]. Tourism Tribune, 29(10): 108-115.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2014.10.22      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

邮轮霸船已成为邮轮旅游发展之实质障碍,在2013牟《中华人民 共和国旅游法》(以下简称《旅游法》)生效之后,将邮轮霸船行为置于《旅游法》框架下进行考量确为解决问题之良策.首先明确邮轮公司与旅客各自的法律定 位,邮轮旅客身份发生了从旅客到消费者再到不轨旅客的嬗变,将邮轮公司定性为《旅游法》下的履行辅助人则更为恰当,并厘清彼此之间的法律关系,进而分析邮 轮霸船中“不轨旅客”因违反法定义务而对邮轮公司法定权利的践踏与公共秩序安全的危害.为此,邮轮霸船问题的有效解决亟须确立“疏堵并举”的法治化治理理 念,严格执法,并以倒逼的方式来培养旅客的规则意识,同时,需要通过域外旅游纠纷裁决制度的本土化构建来形成一套行之有效的争端解决机制.
[12] 栾晨焕. 2016.


[J]. 中国海商法研究, 27(1): 47-54.

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[Luan C H.2016.

Cruise liner transportation emergency system and its cohesion with legal system

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[13] 牛亚菲, 宋涛, 刘春凤, . 2010.

基于要素叠加的旅游景区经济影响域空间分异: 以八达岭长城景区为例

[J]. 地理科学进展, 29(2): 225-231.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.02.014      URL      摘要


[Niu Y F, Song T, Liu C F, et al.2010.

Research on the economic impact domain and spatial structure of tourism areas based on the element superposition model: A case study of Badaling Tourism Area in Beijing

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https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.02.014      URL      摘要

[14] 司玉琢, 单红军. 2013.

评述与反思: ”海娜号”邮轮韩国被扣案之法律问题

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[Si Y Z, Shan H J.2013.

Review and reflection on the legal issues of the case of Cruise Ship Hai Na

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[15] 孙晓东, 冯学钢. 2012.


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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2012.02.018      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[Sun X D, Feng X G.2012.

Cruise tourism industry in China: Present situation of studies and prospect

[J]. Tourism Tribune, 27(2), 101-112.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2012.02.018      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[16] 孙晓东, 冯学钢. 2013a.

邮轮公司如何定价: 基于北美市场的实证分析

[J]. 旅游学刊, 28(2): 111-118.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2013.02.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Sun X D, Feng X G.2013a.

How to set prices for cruise cabins: An empirical study on the North America Market

[J]. Tourism Tribune, 28(2): 111-118.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2013.02.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[17] 孙晓东, 冯学钢. 2013b.

邮轮收益管理的舱位分配: 基于EMSR-a和EMSR-b的比较分析

[J]. 旅游学刊, 28(11): 32-41.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2013.011.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Sun X D, Feng X G.2013b.

Capacity allocation for cruise lines revenue management: EMSR-a VS EMSR-b

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2013.011.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] 孙晓东, 武晓荣, 冯学钢. 2015a.

邮轮旅游季节性特征: 基于北美市场的实证分析

[J]. 旅游学刊, 30(5): 117-126.

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[Sun X D, Wu X R, Feng X G.2015a.

Cruise tourism seasonality: An empirical study on the North American Market

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[19] 孙晓东, 武晓荣, 冯学钢. 2015b.


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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2015.11.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

国际邮轮旅游业的实践表明,密集的航线布局是邮轮产业发展的重要保障。目前,我国邮轮产业刚刚起步,航线设置还比较单一。文章从产业整体布局的角度出发,对邮轮航线规划的基本特征与核心要素进行研究。首先,结合北美地区35 000余个航次的航线数据以及文献分析与专家访谈等方法,对世界邮轮航线的基本特征与主要规划要素进行讨论;其次,对邮轮航线规划中的核心要素——港口服务属性与岸上产品配备特点进行深入分析,其中,在港口服务属性与功能配备方面,基于全球20个著名邮轮港口的详细数据;在邮轮岸上产品配备方面,基于全球近300个邮轮港口近2000条邮轮航线的270余种岸上产品的数据。最后,针对我国邮轮航线规划存在的主要问题提出了航线开发与拓展的对策与建议。

[Sun X D, Wu X R, Feng X G.2015b.

Basic characteristics and key elements of cruise itinerary planning

[J]. Tourism Tribune, 30(11): 111-121.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2015.11.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

国际邮轮旅游业的实践表明,密集的航线布局是邮轮产业发展的重要保障。目前,我国邮轮产业刚刚起步,航线设置还比较单一。文章从产业整体布局的角度出发,对邮轮航线规划的基本特征与核心要素进行研究。首先,结合北美地区35 000余个航次的航线数据以及文献分析与专家访谈等方法,对世界邮轮航线的基本特征与主要规划要素进行讨论;其次,对邮轮航线规划中的核心要素——港口服务属性与岸上产品配备特点进行深入分析,其中,在港口服务属性与功能配备方面,基于全球20个著名邮轮港口的详细数据;在邮轮岸上产品配备方面,基于全球近300个邮轮港口近2000条邮轮航线的270余种岸上产品的数据。最后,针对我国邮轮航线规划存在的主要问题提出了航线开发与拓展的对策与建议。
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-6392.2010.06.019      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

目前基于海洋资源的邮轮旅游业 得到了快速的发展。邮轮旅游给大量的游客提供了利用海洋资源的机会,但邮轮活动以及与之相关的基础设施的建设给海洋和旅游目的地造成了环境影响。邮轮产业 可持续发展依赖于口岸城市采取严格的环境管理制度以及邮轮经营者对邮轮环境污染控制所采取的措施。探讨的运用生命周期评价方法对邮轮的环境污染加以分析和 控制不失为一项有效的环境管理措施。

[Xie F, Li H M, Li D.2010.

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-6392.2010.06.019      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

目前基于海洋资源的邮轮旅游业 得到了快速的发展。邮轮旅游给大量的游客提供了利用海洋资源的机会,但邮轮活动以及与之相关的基础设施的建设给海洋和旅游目的地造成了环境影响。邮轮产业 可持续发展依赖于口岸城市采取严格的环境管理制度以及邮轮经营者对邮轮环境污染控制所采取的措施。探讨的运用生命周期评价方法对邮轮的环境污染加以分析和 控制不失为一项有效的环境管理措施。
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[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(10): 2157-2169.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.07.006      URL      PMID: 21821268      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A relative risk assessment of biosolids disposal alternatives for cruise ships is presented in this paper. The area of study encompasses islands and marine waters of the Caribbean Sea. The objective was to evaluate relative health and ecological risks of (a) dewatering/incineration, (b) landing the solids for disposal, considering that in some countries land-disposed solids might be discharged in the near-shore environment untreated, and (c) deep ocean disposal. Input to the Bayesian assessment consisted of professional judgment based on available literature and modeling information, data on constituent concentrations in cruise ship biosolids, and simulations of constituent concentrations in Caribbean waters assuming ocean disposal. Results indicate that health and ecological risks associated with land disposal and shallow ocean disposal are higher than those of the deep ocean disposal and incineration. For incineration, predicted ecological impacts were lower relative to deep ocean disposal before considering potential impacts of carbon emissions.
[36] Baker D M A, Stockton S.2013.

Caribbean cruise tourism: Issues, challenges and sustainability

[J]. Studies of Organisational Management & Sustainability, 1(2): 79-97.

URL      摘要

Caribbean Cruise Tourism: Issues, Challenges and Sustainability
[37] Bonilla-Priego M J, Font X, del Rosario Pacheco-Olivares M.2014.

Corporate sustainability reporting index and baseline data for the cruise industry

[J]. Tourism Management, 44: 149-160.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2014.03.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Sustainability policies and corporate reports demonstrate the impacts cruise companies acknowledge as their responsibility, and the actions put in place to address them. This paper develops a corporate social responsibility index based on the Global Reporting Initiative, with industry specific additions including labor and human rights, health and safety, and environmental and economic aspects. Companies disclose more management than performance data, which is typical of early stages of development. Companies disclosing less information focus on soft indicators which are easy to mimic and demonstrate posturing. Items disclosed tend to be marginal to the core of the business, have a positive economic impact or pre-empt sector regulation. Reports echo the voice of the corporations and not the demands of stakeholders. Institutional isomorphism has not influenced a homogenization in reporting, with only the largest firms reporting at this stage.
[38] Bowen C, Fidgeon P, Page S J.2014.

Maritime tourism and terrorism: Customer perceptions of the potential terrorist threat to cruise shipping

[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 17(7): 610-639.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2012.743973      URL      摘要

Maritime terrorism is a neglected area of research in tourism, particularly the use of scenario planning to understand potential threats to the cruise industry. Since the events of 9/11, terrorism, and the threat of terrorism, has become a major concern within the tourism industry. This article analyses tourist perception of perceived terrorist threats given that many ships are American owned. ...
[39] Brida J G, Del Chiappa G, Meleddu M, et al.2014.

A comparison of residents' perceptions in two cruise ports in the Mediterranean Sea

[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(2): 180-190.

https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.1915      URL      摘要

This paper examines residents' perceptions of a wide set of externalities exerted by the development of cruise tourism. The research involved data collection in two ports located in the two largest Mediterranean islands, Sicily and Sardinia, during the summer peak of the cruise season 2011. These two cruise destinations are especially interesting as they are characterized by a distinct life cycle. The empirical findings show that the two groups of residents have statistically equal perceptions on cruise activity in their destination. A correspondence analysis shows that residents have an overall positive attitude on the development of cruise tourism with respect to social, cultural and economic impacts. Nevertheless, they also feel that cruise activity has a negative impact, especially on the environment. Heterogeneity in occupation is explicitly taken into account. These findings provide directions for local policy-makers. Copyright 漏 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[40] Brida J G, Riaño E, Aguirre S Z.2011.

Residents' attitudes and perceptions towards cruise tourism development: A case study of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)

[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11(3): 181-196.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1467358411415153      URL      摘要

Cruise tourism is growing faster than any other sector of the tourism industry, producing different impacts on destinations. From the social and economic viewpoint, the interactions between the different actors of the exchange process - cruise passengers, crew, residents, and producers of the tourism products - can bring both positive and negative consequences. The aim of this paper is to analy...
[41] Brida J G, Zapata S.2010a.

Cruise tourism: Economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts

[J]. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 1(3): 205-226.

https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLTM.2010.029585      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Cruise tourism generates an estimated $18 billion a year in passenger expenditure and has been the fastest growing sector of the travel industry for the past tw
[42] Brida J G, Zapata S.2010b.

Economic impacts of cruise tourism: The case of Costa Rica

[J]. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(2): 322-338.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2010.9687106      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper provides an overview of the different impacts of cruise tourism in Costa Rica. The purpose of the study is to provide information, based on primary investigation collected by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute during the period 2006-2008, to help the decision making process and the establishment of policies and strategies for cruise ship tourism. We focus on cruise passenger demograph...
[43] Butt N.2007.

The impact of cruise ship generated waste on home ports and ports of call: A study of Southampton

[J]. Marine Policy, 31(5): 591-598.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2007.03.002      URL      摘要

Cruise ships represent less than 1% of the global merchant fleet yet it has been estimated that they are responsible for 25% of all waste generated by merchant vessels. This volume of waste produces pressures on the environment, particularly with respect to ship-generated waste disposal at home ports and ports of call. Southampton, home port for both Cunard and P&O, and a port of call for Royal Caribbean Cruises, is the focus of this study. This paper investigates current waste management and disposal options for cruise ship generated waste and the associated impacts of this waste for ports. It is concluded that all cruise vessels should vigorously pursue a waste reduction strategy and for ports to provide adequate recycling, reduction and re-use facilities for cruise ship generated waste, optimising use of local facilities whenever possible.
[44] Carić H.2016.

Challenges and prospects of valuation: Cruise ship pollution case

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 111(Part B): 487-498.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.01.033      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Negative externalities and natural resource valuations play an important role in the debate and analysis of sustainable development. However, as yet, they have not been included extensively in tourism research or planning. As a result limited progress has been made to improve environmental management and address resource management challenges. This paper seeks to stimulate the discussion over the advantages, disadvantages, failures and successes of selected economic and development discourses. Valuation methodologies are discussed and placed within a pollution valuation impact model to identify opportunities to assess the impact of pollution and the value of natural capital in the tourism context. Cruise tourism is used to demonstrate the model due to its rapid growth and the potential for intense pollution outputs. It is considered in the context of a developing and transition state, one which sees tourism as a panacea to the problem of accessing international currency. By employing cross disciplinary research and applying valuation logic the paper aims to contribute to the decision making process in tourism.
[45] Carić H, Klobučar G, Štambuk A.2016.

Ecotoxicological risk assessment of antifouling emissions in a cruise ship port

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121: 159-168.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.08.072      URL      摘要

Worldwide growth of cruise ship tourism is constantly increasing marine environmental contamination risks, frequently neglected by the tourism practices. Paradoxically, environmental degradation ultimately decreases the quality of resources tourism is dependent upon. Vessels antifouling-related contamination is one of the most serious threats posed upon marine ecosystems. We propose here an interdisciplinary triangulation to evaluate antifouling-pollution environmental risks within the frame of the Dubrovnik Port case study. Heavy metal environmental burden was calculated based on the cruiser ships anchoring data. Pollution impact was confirmed by three independent ecotoxicological studies conducted recently in the same area: heavy metals sediment analyses, antifouling related imposex occurrence in banded murex Hexaplex trunculus and biomonitoring study on Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis . Antifouling-pollution cost was estimated by applying the actual sea bottom remediation methods in order to present the monetary value of pollution prevention that could be achieved through the non-toxic antifouling strategies. Implementation of these is considered one of the prerequisites for environmentally sustainable cruise tourism.
[46] Carić H, Mackelworth P.2014.

Cruise tourism environmental impacts: The perspective from the Adriatic Sea

[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 102: 350-363.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.09.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Cruise tourism is a growing sector of the travel and recreation industry. Due to it mobility it is often one of the first forms of tourism to relocate to new host environments and it is encouraged by transition economies looking to increase foreign revenue. Yet the environmental impacts of cruise vessels on the host environment can be significant, and due to the growth of this sector, it is likely to increase. The Mediterranean is a growing market for cruise tourism. The absence of any international coordination of the industry at the region level leaves it open to exploitation, especially considering the lack of effective pollution control mechanisms in most States. The Adriatic Sea, and Croatia in particular, is of growing interest to the cruise industry. As such Croatia can serve as an example of the strategies and practices that will be implemented as the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean States become more stable and accessible. This work examines cruise ship emissions and impacts, points to existing environmental management options, and opens up the discussion on coastal tourism development as a panacea to the current economic crisis in the region.
[47] Caruana R, Glozer S, Crane A, et al.2014.

Tourists' accounts of responsible tourism

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 46: 115-129.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2014.03.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Responsible tourism’ has become an established area of tourism research and practice and is typically understood as a broad set of tourist interactions that engage with and benefit local communities and minimize negative social and environmental impacts. Extant research however has adopted a largely top down approach to understanding responsible tourism that has marginalized the voices of tourists. This study investigates tourists’ own accounts of responsible tourism experiences, finding that these intersect with but also deviate substantially away from established conceptions of the phenomenon. We show that tourists’ accounts can be delineated according to the extent to which they display inner- versus outer-directed goals, and the degree of involvement in responsible tourism as a cultural identity.
[48] Chan J K L, Xin T K.2015.

Exploring definitions and practices of responsible tourism in Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Malaysia

[J]. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 3(5-6): 87-101.

https://doi.org/10.17265/2328-2169/2015.06.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Responsible TourismThe literature records a variety of definitions for responsible tourism. According to the Government of South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (1996, p. 11), responsible tourism is defined as "tourism that promotes responsibility to the environment through its sustainable use; responsibility to involve local communities in the tourism industry; responsibility for the safety and security of visitors and responsible government, employees, employers, unions, and local communities". Moreover, responsible tourism is also simply defined by the Tourism Department of the City of Cape Town (2009, p. 4) as "tourism that creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit". Spenceley, Relly, Keyser, Warmeant, McKenzie, Mataboge, ..., and Seif (2002, p. 8) defined that responsible tourism "is about providing better holiday experiences for guests and good business opportunities for tourism enterprises while enabling local communities to enjoy a better quality of life through increased socio-economic benefits and improved natural resource management". The Centre of Responsible Travel (2009, p. 17) defined responsible tourism as "tourism that maximises the benefits to the local communities, minimises negative social or environmental impacts, and helps local people conserve fragile cultures and habitats or species", whereas Chan (2010) viewed it as being grounded in environmental and social principles and good practices consisting of strong ethical values.From the definition of responsible tourism given by the scholars above, three main elements were found to be important, which include: building a better place for local community; enhancing the tourists' experiences in destinations; and creating better business opportunities for tourism enterprises. Goodwin (2012) defined responsible tourism as a form of tourism that takes responsibility, while responding and taking action to address the social, economic, and environmental issues of sustainability that arise in a destination (Goodwin, Font, & Aldrigui, 2012). Responsible tourism emerged from a question frequently asked by researchers, which is, "who should be responsible for mitigating impact?" (Miller, 2001; Sin, 2010; Budeanu, 2005; Frey & George, 2010).A declaration on responsible tourism in destination was agreed by 280 delegates including inbound and outbound tour operators, national park management, provincial conservation authorities, tourism professionals, tourism authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other tourism stakeholders, from 20 countries at the Cape Town Conference in 2002. The Cape Town Declaration called upon tourism enterprises and trade associations in the tourism sector to adopt a responsible approach, to commit special responsible practices, and to report progress in a transparent and auditable way; the declaration also made the commitment to "... work with others to take responsibility for achieving the economic, social, and environmental components of responsible and sustainable tourism" (Tourism Department of the City of Cape Town, 2002, p. 5). The Practices of Responsible Tourism by Government and Tour CompaniesAzam and Sarker (2011) suggested two governance mechanisms of responsible tourism through institutional governance and private initiative. Institutional governance refers to the utilisation of state action and certification or eco-label. The proactive involvement of both the public and private sectors is needed to step towards sustainability regardless of whether the country is developed or developing (Azam & Sarker, 2011). Impartial policies are needed to take place in order to minimise the negative impacts. Institutional strategies may include the specifics of the tourism facilitation, investment initiatives, development research, marketing research, priority tourism development areas, marketing and promotional strategies in various niche markets, air transport, cruise strategies, tourism education, and training strategy to achieve the policy's goals (Telfer & Richard, 200
[49] Chatzinikolaou S D, Oikonomou S D, Ventikos N P.2015.

Health externalities of ship air pollution at port: Piraeus port case study

[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 40: 155-165.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2015.08.010      URL      摘要

This paper is employing the well-known methodology of impact pathway approach to assess the external costs in human health from ship air pollution at port areas. The passenger port of Piraeus, Greece is the scenery of the study. Piraeus port is in the vicinity of the greater Athens metropolitan area where almost half of the country 檚 population lives. Hence, this port is the central hub of the Greek coastal passenger ship system which connects the islands of the Aegean Sea with land and is characterized by heavy ship traffic. The case study presented in this paper assesses the annual external cost in human health from air emissions produced by all passenger ships and cruise ships calling the port of Piraeus. Health cost from ships at port has been estimated at both local (Athens metropolitan area) and regional level (entire territory of Greece). Results show that higher costs occur at the local level. The dominant pollutants creating this cost are particulate matter (PM 2.5 , and PM 10 ). Overall, the results indicate that the health impact of Piraeus 檚 passenger port emissions is not negligible; however the cost of PM 10 is considerably lower than the corresponded cost deriving from the land based industries of the Athens regional area for which comparison has been available.
[50] Cruise Industry News Quarterly (CINQ). 2012.

Fact and Fiction

[EB/OL]. , 2012-10-16.

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[51] Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). 2014a.

CLIA annual state of the industry press conference & media marketplace

[EB/OL]. .

URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[52] Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). 2014b.

Report on Operational Incidents 2009 to 2013

[EB/OL]. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[53] Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). 2016.

CLIA Cruise Industry Outlook

[EB/OL]. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[54] Dawson J, Johnston M E, Stewart E J.2014.

Governance of Arctic expedition cruise ships in a time of rapid environmental and economic change

[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 89: 88-99.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.12.005      URL      摘要

Changes in seasonal climate patterns and decreasing sea ice cover have facilitated an increase in navigable waters throughout Arctic Canada and resulted in the urgent need for new approaches to ocean, coastal, and vessel management. Increased access has resulted in a significant expansion of Arctic shipping activity over the past decade with one of the fastest growing sectors being expedition cruising. This paper presents an assessment of the existing marine regulations and governance structures that manage the cruise sector in Arctic Canada and provides a critical evaluation of its effectiveness considering recent and rapid growth. Using a variety of sources, including interviews with community residents and key informant stakeholders, analysis of changing ship volumes over the past decade, and an inventory of institutional governance for the sector, the major governance challenges for the industry were identified. Also identified are potential strategies for mitigating these challenges. Results of the analysis raise concerns that there is no central authority to govern the growth of the industry, no specific sector or operator management plan, and no site guidelines for highly visited shore locations (other than in protected areas). Instead, governance occurs within the complex multi-jurisdictional regulatory frameworks that exist for all shipping in the region. The paper concludes that under current conditions there are significant barriers to supporting development of this sector while avoiding human, environmental and security problems in the near-to medium-term future.
[55] Dawson J, Stewart E J, Johnston M E, et al.2016.

Identifying and evaluating adaptation strategies for cruise tourism in Arctic Canada

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(10): 1425-1441.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2015.1125358      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The cruise tourism industry in Arctic Canada has recently grown rapidly with stable numbers now emerging. While there are many socio-economic opportunities associated with growth, climate change, and environmental, technical and cultural risks also present significant management challenges. To enhance understanding of these opportunities and risks, this study adopted a policy Delphi approach to identify and evaluate potential adaptation strategies to aid decision-makers and policy-makers managing cruise tourism development and its associated impacts. Over 500 ideas were identified. These were distilled down to 65 potential adaptation options, which were evaluated for priority and feasibility by key stakeholders including local residents, tourism operators, and policy-makers. The majority of recommendations were evaluated as of high priority and most options were perceived to be somewhat affordable and implementable. Key needs included disaster management plans, updated technology and ship navigation systems, improved marine resource mapping, and the development of a code of conduct for cruise tourists to guide visitor behaviour and promote a sustainable approach. The research represents the first empirical study to identify and evaluate adaptation strategies for cruise tourism development in Arctic Canada and outlines current priorities, opportunities, and challenges associated with managing socio-economic change in Arctic Canada in sustainable ways.鉴定和评估加拿大北极区游轮旅游的适应性策略近期,加拿大北极区游轮旅游产业发展迅速,并开始具有了一定的规模。虽然该产业的发展带了许多社会经济的机会,但与此同时造成的气候变化、环境、科技和文化的危机也对产业管理发起了挑战。为加强对这些机遇和风险的认识,本文采取了决策叠慧法来鉴定和评估潜在的适应性策略,并以此帮助政策决策者谋划游轮旅游的发展和解决其带来的影响。超过500个想法建议被鉴定。这些想法被细分成65个潜在的适应选项,包括当地居民,旅游经营者和政策决策人在内的关键利益相关者评估了这些选项的重要性和可行性。大多数建议被鉴定为具有高优先权的,大部分选项则被认为是实惠且可行的。目前的主要需求包括灾难管理的计划,船舶导航系统和技术的创新,航海资源测绘的改良和一项能引导游客行为及创立可持续方式的游轮游客行为守则。本研究代表第一实证研究鉴定和评估了加拿大北极区游轮旅游发展的适应性策略,以可持续的方法概括了当前与该地区社会经济管理改变息息相关的重点任务,机遇以及挑战。
[56] Del Chiappa G, Abbate T.2013.

Island cruise tourism development: A resident's perspective in the context of Italy

[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(13): 1372-1385.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2013.854751      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT Most studies that examine tourism impacts and community attitudes have been carried out from the perspective of the tourism sector as a whole, with very few papers focusing on specific types of tourism and/or analysing tourists' preferences for specific types of tourism segment. This paper discusses some pertinent issues in relation to cruise tourism development and community attitudes in a port of call cruise destination located in the island of Sicily (Southern Italy). Specifically, this study was carried out using a quota random sample of 1500 responses, which is representative of the population of Messina at 1% level. Findings show that residents express an overall positive attitude towards cruise tourism development even if it is not the most preferred when compared to other types of tourism (cultural tourism, sport tourism, and sun and sea tourism). Further, they highlight that significant differences based on socio-economic and demographic characteristics (age, gender, reliance on cruise-related employment, level of education, geographical proximity to tourist areas and port, length of residency and frequency of interaction with tourists) exist in residents' perceptions and attitudes towards cruise tourism development. Implications for policy-makers are discussed and suggestions for further research are given.
[57] Eijgelaar E, Thaper C, Peeters P.2010.

Antarctic cruise tourism: the paradoxes of ambassadorship, “last chance tourism” and greenhouse gas emissions

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(3): 337-354.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09669581003653534      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines a paradoxical issue in tourism's adaptation to climate change and emissions reduction demands. Operators increasingly take tourists to destinations threatened by climate change, with Antarctica and other polar regions as favourites and cruise ship and aircraft as main transport modes. The selling point is to see a destination before it disappears, a form of last chance tourism. This has been claimed to increase the environmental awareness of tourists and make them 渁mbassadors for conservation and the visited destination. Antarctic cruise ship passengers tripled from 2000 to 2007. The paper finds that high levels of greenhouse gas emissions are created by cruise ship tourists in general, and especially high levels for those visiting the Antarctic, up to approximately eight times higher per capita and per day than average international tourism trips. A survey found no evidence for the hypothesis that the trips develop greater environmental awareness, change attitudes or encourage more sustainable future travel choices. Of the Antarctic cruise passengers surveyed, 59% felt that their travel did not impact on climate change; fewer than 7% had or might offset their emissions. Alternative opportunities for visitation to glacial/polar destinations that comply with the desire to reduce future emissions are discussed.
[58] Fennell D A.2001.

A content analysis of ecotourism definitions

[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 4(5): 403-421.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500108667896      URL      摘要

This research sought to better understand the concept of ecotourism through an examination of 85 definitions of the term (chiefly from the perspective of 20 variables), using a content analysis methodology. The variables most frequently cited in the definitions include: reference to where ecotourism occurs, e.g. natural areas; conservation; culture; benefits to locals; and education. From the p...
[59] Frey N, George R.2010.

Responsible tourism management: The missing link between business owners' attitudes and behaviour in the Cape Town tourism industry

[J]. Tourism Management, 31(5): 621-628.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2009.06.017      URL      摘要

The global threat of climate change, diminishing natural resources and significant socio-economic inequalities is forcing companies and individuals to evaluate the impact they are having on the natural, social and economic environments. This trend has led to an increased availability and demand for socially, environmentally and economically responsible products. The tourism industry relies heavily on the sustained beauty and hospitality of the places and communities it operates in and has come under pressure to manage its negative and positive impacts. Change in the industry has, however, been limited. This paper investigates the current attitudes and perceptions of tourism business owners in Cape Town towards responsible tourism management (RTM) practices. Cape Town as an internationally acclaimed top tourism destination needs to urgently address its low levels of responsible tourism evidence. Survey data of 244 tourism businesses were used to statistically test what factors are causing the low levels of RTM practices in the Cape Town tourism industry. Findings suggest that despite general positive attitudes towards RTM, businesses are not investing time and money into changing management practices. This is a common emerging market phenomenon where resource constraints negatively impact the relationship between what businesses would like to do and what actually gets done. Factors such as the perceived cost of RTM, a highly competitive environment and a perceived lack of government support are further negatively influencing this relationship. Recommendations are made as to how the costs of implementing RTM can be reduced and what channels should be implemented to facilitate change.
[60] Gibson P, Bentley M.2008.

A study of impacts: Cruise tourism and the South West of England

[J]. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 20(3-4): 63-77.

https://doi.org/10.1300/J073v20n03_05      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study draws upon research carried out in 2003, which had the primary purpose of examining the perceived social impacts associated with increased levels of cruise tourism for a major port of call in the South West of England. A survey approach was employed focusing on the town of Falmouth in Cornwall. Data were collected from residents using email and face-to-face street surveys. The results suggest that there is a predominantly positive view of cruise tourism in Falmouth, in respect of perceived impacts. In addition, there is clear recognition within the research population that growth has resulted in an increase in job opportunities, produced financial benefits and led to the development of increased tourist attractions and facilities. There was little to no evidence in the results of negative impacts, including such events as increased levels of crime and overcrowding that are often associated with increased tourism to a destination. The results provide interesting prompts for further research.
[61] Goodwin H, Francis J.2003.

Ethical and responsible tourism: Consumer trends in the UK

[J]. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 9(3): 271-284.

https://doi.org/10.1177/135676670300900306      URL      摘要

Responsible tourism is emerging as a significant market trend in the UK as wider consumer market trends towards lifestyle marketing and ethical consumption spread to tourism. This paper reviews recent survey evidence about consumer attitudes towards the responsible and ethical aspects of the tourism they consume, and places this in the context of campaigns by Voluntary Service Overseas and Tear...
[62] Howitt O J A, Revol V G N, Smith I J, et al.2010.

Carbon emissions from international cruise ship passengers’ travel to and from New Zealand

[J]. Energy Policy, 38(5): 2552-2560.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2009.12.050      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Greenhouse gas emissions from international transport contribute to anthropogenic global warming, yet these emissions are not liable under the Kyoto Protocol. International attention is being given to quantifying such emissions. This paper presents the results of research into international cruise ship journeys to and from New Zealand. CO
[63] Hritz N, Cecil A K.2008.

Investigating the sustainability of cruise tourism: A case study of Key West

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 16(2): 168-181.

https://doi.org/10.2167/jost716.0      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This qualitative research examines cruise ship tourism through a case study of Key West, Florida, exploring its perceived benefits and drawbacks. It outlines the growth of the industry, the issues raised by that growth, and uses the land-use tourism model developed by Vera Rebollo and Ivars Baidal (2003) to probe those issues. The results illustrate how mature cruise tourism destinations such a...
[64] Johnson D.2002.

Environmentally sustainable cruise tourism: a reality check

[J]. Marine Policy, 26(4): 261-270.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0308-597X(02)00008-8      URL      摘要

Cruise tourism continues to be a major international growth area. In terms of achieving sustainable tourism it is, therefore, a sub-sector within which socio-economic, cultural and environmental considerations need to be continually analysed, addressed and monitored. The environmental impacts of cruise tourism are categorised in this paper and potential strategies that can be employed by both cruise line operators and cruise tourism destinations are explored. Secondary evidence of action by both parties suggests that the industry is taking a number of belated positive steps. However, decision-makers in cruise tourism destinations, particularly those outside North America, need to work closely with operators to facilitate both integrated waste management and intergenerational and intra-societal equity rather than merely accept the prospect of short-term economic gain.
[65] Johnson D.2006.

Providing ecotourism excursions for cruise passengers

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 14(1): 43-54.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09669580608668590      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper argues that destinations can do more to offer coastal ecotourism experiences for cruise passengers, and in doing so they may secure a more sustainable product. An analysis of shore-side excursions currently available to P&O passengers in the Caribbean is presented. Excursions are classified against textbook tourism-type definitions. Time constraints imposed by cruise operators and an...
[66] Jones R J.2007.

Chemical contamination of a coral reef by the grounding of a cruise ship in Bermuda

[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(7): 905-911.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2007.02.018      URL      PMID: 17467745      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

Bulk metal analyses of surficial sediments collected around the Norwegian Crown cruise ship grounding site in Bermuda indicated significant but localized contamination of reef sediments by copper and zinc, caused by the stripping of the tri-butyltin (TBT)-free antifouling (AF) paint (Intersmooth 460) from the underside of the hull. Highest copper and zinc values were found in heavily compacted and red-pigmented sediments inside the impact scar and were comparable to levels found close to slip ways of local boat yards where AF paints from hull stripping and cleaning processes are washed into the sea. The re-distribution of AF contaminated sediments by storms and deposition on nearby reefs constitutes a significant ecological risk that could delay recovery processes and reduce the effectiveness of remediation efforts. Whilst the ecotoxicological effects of AF paint particles interspersed with sediment is unknown, and in need of further study, it is argued that the significance of AF paint contamination of grounding sites has been overlooked.
[67] Jordan E J, Vogt C A, DeShon R P.2015.

A stress and coping framework for understanding resident responses to tourism development

[J]. Tourism Management, 48: 500-512.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2015.01.002      URL      摘要

Stress is one of many impacts on host community residents that can result from tourism development. Unmitigated stress can lead to a variety of negative health and behavioral outcomes. Factors like personality, social support, stress appraisal, and coping play a role in how stress affects individuals. This research conceptualizes the psychologically based stress and coping process in a tourism development context. Measurements of each element in the process are tested for construct validity in the context of cruise tourism development in Jamaica. Construct validity was supported for measures of social support and secondary stress appraisal. A measurement of coping was found to have a different factor structure in a tourism context than theoretically predicted. Valid measurement is critical to future research examining relationships within this psychological process and ultimately understanding how individuals' emotional and psychological quality of life is affected by tourism development.
[68] Kaldy J.2011.

Using a macroalgal δ15N bioassay to detect cruise ship waste water effluent inputs

[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(8): 1762-1771.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.05.023      URL      PMID: 21683418      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Green macroalgae bioassays were used to determine if the δ15N signature of cruise ship waste water effluent (CSWWE) could be detected in a small harbor. Opportunistic green macroalgae (Ulva spp.) were collected, cultured under nutrient depleted conditions and characterized with regard to N content and δ15N. Samples of algae were used in controlled incubations to evaluate the direction of isotope shift from exposure to CSWWE. Algae samples exposed to CSWWE exhibited an increase of 1-2.5‰ in δ15N values indicating that the CSWWE had an enriched isotope signature. In contrast, algae samples exposed to field conditions exhibited a significant decrease in the observed δ15N indicating that a light N source was used. Isotopically light, riverine nitrogen derived from N2-fixing trees in the watershed may be a N source utilized by algae. These experiments indicate that the δ15N CSWWE signature was not detectable under the CSWWE loading conditions of this experiment.
[69] Klein R A.2009.

Keeping the cruise tourism responsible: The challenge for the ports to maintain high self esteem

[C]// International Conference for Responsible Tourism in Destination. Belmopan, Belize.

[70] Klein R A.2011.

Responsible cruise tourism: Issues of cruise tourism and sustainability

[J]. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 18(1): 107-116.

https://doi.org/10.1375/jhtm.18.1.107      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Cruise tourism is the fastest growing segment of leisure tourism. With its growth has come concern about the impact of cruise tourism on coastal and marine environments, local economies, and on the sociocultural nature of port communities. These three areas are key elements in analyses focused on responsible tourism, and form a critical base from which to consider strategies to ensure the sustainable development of cruise tourism. The goal of this article is to illustrate how a responsible tourism lens measures the impact of cruise tourism and, with its focus on the perceptions of host communities, more effectively addresses grassroots concerns. Case examples are used to identify and describe challenges faced by governments, communities, and the cruise industry. Analysis of these issues and challenges gives direction for how cruise tourism can grow in ways that are both sustainable and responsible.
[71] Larsen S, Wolff K, Marnburg E, et al.2013.

Belly full, purse closed: Cruise line passengers' expenditures

[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 6: 142-148.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2013.02.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

78 Cruise passengers expenditures are lower than the expenditures of other tourists. 78 Few high spenders and more low spenders among cruise tourists. 78 Cruise tourists spend less on almost every category of consumption. 78 Cruise tourists over estimate their expenditures more than other tourists.
[72] Lester J A, Weeden C.2004.

Stakeholders, the natural environment and the future of Caribbean cruise tourism

[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 6(1): 39-50.

https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.471      URL      摘要

Given the sheer complexity of effectively managing the web of potential stakeholders in any tourism development it is argued that for the future of Caribbean cruise tourism, the task is compounded by several key issues that warrant discussion. These include the economic dependence of the Caribbean region on tourism, the inequity of power relations between the various stakeholder groups, and the...
[73] Lester S E, White C, Mayall K, et al.2016.

Environmental and economic implications of alternative cruise ship pathways in Bermuda

[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 132: 70-79.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.08.015      URL      摘要

Berkeley Electronic Press Selected Works
[74] Loehr L C, Beegle-Krause C J, George K, et al.2006.

The significance of dilution in evaluating possible impacts of wastewater discharges from large cruise ships

[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52(6): 681-688.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2005.10.021      URL      PMID: 16406006      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In response to public concerns about discharges from large cruise ships, Alaska's Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) sampled numerous effluents in the summer of 2000. The data showed that basic marine sanitation device (MSD) technology for black water (sewage) was not performing as expected. Untreated gray water had high levels of conventional pollutants and surprisingly high levels of bacteria. Both black water and gray water discharges sometimes exceeded state water quality standards for toxicants. The state convened a Science Advisory Panel (the Panel) to evaluate impacts associated with cruise ship wastewater discharges. The effluent data received wide media coverage and increased public concerns. Consequently, legislative decisions were made at the State and Federal level, and regulations were imposed before the Panel completed its evaluation. The Panel demonstrated that following the rapid dilution from moving cruise ships, the effluent data from the Summer of 2000 would not have exceeded water quality standards, and environmental effects were not expected.
[75] Macpherson C.2008.

Golden goose or Trojan horse? Cruise ship tourism in Pacific development

[J]. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 49(2): 185-197.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8373.2008.00369.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Pacific governments seeking to expand national economies are increasingly looking to tourism to provide revenues. At the same time, companies that operate cruise ships are searching for new destinations for increasing numbers of larger, faster ships which they are launching to cater for steadily increasing demand for cruises. The Pacific region appeals to both companies and passengers as a crui...
[76] Maragkogianni A, Papaefthimiou S.2015.

Evaluating the social cost of cruise ships air emissions in major ports of Greece

[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 36: 10-17.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2015.02.014      URL      摘要

Detailed NO x , SO 2 and PM 2.5 emissions have been estimated for cruise ships in the five busiest Greek ports (i.e. Piraeus, Santorini, Mykonos, Corfu and Katakolo) for year 2013. The emissions were analyzed in terms of gas species, seasonality and activity. The total in-port inventory of cruise shipping accounted to 2742.702tons: with NO x being dominant (1887.502tons), followed by SO 2 and PM 2.5 (760.9 and 94.302tons respectively). Emissions during hotelling corresponded to 88.5% of total and have significantly outweighed those produced during ships’ maneuvering activities (11.5% of total). Seasonality was found to play a major role, as summer emissions and associated impacts were significantly augmented. The anticipated health impacts of ship emissions can reach to 24.302million or to 5.3 per passenger proving the necessity of control of the emissions produced by cruise ships in port cities or policy and measures towards a more efficient cruise industry.
[77] Marsh E A.2012.

The effects of cruise ship tourism in coastal heritage cities: A case study of Charleston, South Carolina

[J]. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2(2): 190-199.

https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2187653      URL      摘要

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the introduction of cruise ship tourism into historic urban centers, and the mitigation policies that can be implemented to encourage sustainable development of this relationship. Design/methodology/approach - The paper focuses on the unique aspects of cruise tourism that differentiate it from other forms of mass tourism. Using the specific exam...
[78] Marti B E.2004.

Trends in world and extended-length cruising (1985-2002)

[J]. Marine Policy, 28(3): 199-211.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2003.09.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper documents recent activity of the world and extended-length cruise markets—a neglected area of research within the scholarly literature. A comparative empirical analysis is provided that identifies and reviews the status and trends of these two markets. It also tests and supports three broad hypotheses regarding cruise ship attributes and cruise characteristics. Additional findings of the research are reported regarding change.
[79] Marušić Z, Horak S, Tomljenović R.2008.

The socioeconomic impacts of cruise tourism: A case study of Croatian destinations

[J]. Tourism in Marine Environments, 5(2): 131-144.

https://doi.org/10.3727/154427308787716767      URL      摘要

The aim of this research was to estimate the economic, promotional, and sociocultural impact of cruise tourism to Croatian destinations. Due to the anticipated growth of cruise tourism worldwide and, especially, in the Mediterranean, measuring its impacts is becoming an increasingly important issue in terms of appropriate planning of cruising tourism on the local level. The study reported here included the survey of cruise ship passengers and crew members in order to estimate their on-land expenditure, survey of hotel guests aimed to estimate the impact of cruise experience on repeat, land-based, visits, and survey of local residents aimed to estimate the sociocultural impact of cruise ship tourism. The study found that, in terms of the passenger- and crew-related expenditure, cruise passengers were relatively good spenders. They spent between 34 and 82 Euros, depending on the port of call. In terms of the value of cruising upon the return visit to a destination, the survey revealed that only between 1.5% and 3% of cruise passengers who visited Croatian destinations during 2000 2006 returned in 2006 as land-based visitors. In destinations with frequent cruise ship calls the negative impact on destination attractiveness is already present. Land-based tourists disliked seeing cruisers/cruise passengers in destination (23%), and were complaining of the noise generated by the cruise ships. Finally, residents also reported the adverse impact of cruisers and their passengers relating mostly to the excessive crowdedness created in the short time. However, they still supported cruise tourism, albeit advocating an urgent need to improve the traffic and visitor flow management. With an understanding of the economic value of the cruise industry and the range of the impact that it creates on land-based tourists and residents' community, the results are very important for drafting the strategic direction for cruise tourism development already under way in Croatia.
[80] Middleton V T C.1998.

Sustainable tourism: A marketing perspective

[M]. Oxford, United Kingdom: Butterworth-Heinemann.

[本文引用: 1]     

[81] Mileski J P, Wang G, Beacham L L IV.2014.

Understanding the causes of recent cruise ship mishaps and disasters

[J]. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 13: 65-70.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rtbm.2014.12.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There is little academic research on the causes of cruise line mishaps. Merchant vessel mishaps, however, have been greatly investigated. The goal of this research is to contribute to the understanding of the nature of mishaps in the current cruise industry by evaluating 580 mishap incidents from 1989 to 2013 through a two-stage measurement design. This novel application of this methodology may provide a new insight into mishap evaluation research. Under this method, an evaluation of what happened during a reported mishap is done. Then, the incident report data are used to evaluate and classify the cause of the mishap. This classification may reveal what factors contribute to cruise ship mishaps and start to lay a foundation of operator preparedness.
[82] Nowak J J, Sahli M.2007.

Coastal tourism and 'Dutch disease' in a small island economy

[J]. Tourism Economics, 13(1): 49-65.

https://doi.org/10.5367/000000007779784452      URL      摘要

Using the embryonic 'Dutch disease' literature on tourism, this paper examines the economy-wide effects of an inbound tourism boom on a small open island economy. It illustrates a range of new findings not present in traditional tourism economics literature. This paper also addresses the complexities that surround the economic evaluation of the net effect of tourism growth on the host community. An important result obtained here is that increased inbound tourism may lead to net welfare losses when tourism products are intensive users of coastal land. Thus, this paper provides a warning to researchers and practitioners of the need to evaluate both the tourism sector's overall impacts on the host economy and its net effect on the community when considering its expansion.
[83] Poplawski K, Setton E, McEwen B, et al.2011.

Impact of cruise ship emissions in Victoria, BC, Canada

[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 45(4): 824-833.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.11.029      URL      摘要

Characterization of the effects of cruise ship emissions on local air quality is scarce. Our objective was to investigate community level concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM ), nitrogen dioxide (NO ) and sulphur dioxide (SO ) associated with cruise ships in James Bay, Victoria, British Columbia (BC), Canada. Data obtained over four years (2005-2008) at the nearest air quality network site located 3.5 km from the study area, a CALPUFF modeling exercise (2007), and continuous measurements taken in the James Bay community over a three-month period during the 2009 cruise ship season were examined. Concentrations of PM and nitrogen oxide (NO) were elevated on weekends with ships present with winds from the direction of the terminal to the monitoring station. SO displayed the greatest impact from the presence of cruise ships in the area. Network data showed peaks in hourly SO when ships were in port during all years. The CALPUFF modeling analysis found predicted 24-hour SO levels to exceed World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines of 20 g m for approximately 3% of 24-hour periods, with a maximum 24-hour concentration in the community of 41 g m ; however, the CALPUFF model underestimated concentrations when predicted and measured concentrations were compared at the network site. Continuous monitoring at the location in the community predicted to experience highest SO concentrations measured a maximum 24-hour concentration of 122 g m and 16% of 24-hour periods were above the WHO standard. The 10-minute concentrations of SO reached up to 599 g m and exceeded the WHO 10-minute SO guideline (500 g m ) for 0.03% of 10-minute periods. No exceedences of BC Provincial or Canadian guidelines or standards were observed.
[84] Prina L D, Orazi U N, Weber R E.2001.

Evaluation of emergency air evacuation of critically ill patients from cruise ships

[J]. Journal of Travel Medicine, 8(6): 285-292.

https://doi.org/10.2310/7060.2001.23971      URL      PMID: 11726292      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: The study objectives were to assess the ship physician's diagnostic accuracy in making the decision to air evacuate critically ill patients from cruise ships, to determine the outcome of these patients, and the overall benefit of air evacuation. METHODS: From October 1999 to May 2000, we performed a prospective study of critically ill patients coming from cruise ships in the Caribbean and transported to our institution by air ambulance. Demographics, initial diagnosis, and treatment on board were collected by the triage officer at the time of the cruise physician's first call. In route complications and flight team composition were obtained from the air ambulance monitoring log. Patients were followed-up in the hospital for complications, outcome, and final diagnosis. RESULTS: A consecutive series of 104 patients were considered for analysis. There were 65 men and 39 women (mean age: 68.7 years). Cruise physician's diagnosis was correct in more than 90% of the cases. Internal medicine and surgical conditions represented 80.8% and 19.2% of the cases respectively, falling mainly into three categories: cardiac (34.6%), neurological (20.2%), and digestive (14%). Two cardiac arrests and 1 ventricular fibrillation were successfully resuscitated and 5 of 15 myocardial infarctions received thrombolytic therapy on board. Air transfers were warranted in 96.1% of the cases and physician presence in the flight was considered appropriate in 97.6%. In route complications and mortality rate were 5.8% and 2.9% respectively, related to serious cardiac events. Among the 98 hospitalized patients, 10 patients developed new complications and 5 died. The overall mortality rate was 7.7%. CONCLUSION: The cruise industry appears off to a good start in the medical treatment of passengers needing air evacuation to a land based medical facility. There is room for improvement and adoption of American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) Health Care Guidelines are meaningful first steps. Analysis of Caribbean medical facilities and implementation of active telemedicine conferencing represent alternatives to air evacuation that need to be studied.
[85] Rodrigue J P, Notteboom T.2013.

The geography of cruises: itineraries, not destinations

[J]. Applied Geography, 38: 31-42.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.11.011      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The cruise industry is a highly concentrated business in terms of players and markets. Vessel deployment strategies and itinerary design by cruise operators are primordial and are affected by market and operational considerations. This paper focuses on capacity deployment and itineraries in two major cruise markets: the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. We argue that the cruise industry sells itineraries, not destinations, implying a level of flexibility in the selection of ports of call, but still bound to important operational considerations. The paper also reveals that the two cruise markets are not functioning independently but are interconnected in an operational manner, particularly through the repositioning of vessel units to cope with variations in seasonal demand among the regional markets.
[86] Schembari C, Bove M C, Cuccia E, et al.2014.

Source apportionment of PM10 in the Western Mediterranean based on observations from a cruise ship

[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 98: 510-518.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.015      URL      摘要

Two intensive PM10 sampling campaigns were performed in the summers of 2009 and 2010 on the ship Costa Pacifica during cruises in the Western Mediterranean. Samples, mainly collected on an hourly basis, were analysed with different techniques (Particle Induced X-Ray Emission, PIXE; Energy Dispersive - X Ray Fluorescence, ED-XRF; Ion Chromatography, IC; Thermo-optical analysis) to retrieve the PM10 composition and its time pattern. The data were used for obtaining information about the sources of aerosol, with a focus on ship emissions, through apportionment using chemical marker compounds, correlation analysis and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) receptor modelling. For the campaign in 2010, 66% of the aerosol sulphate was found to be anthropogenic, only minor contributions of dust and sea salt sulphate were observed while the biogenic contribution, estimated based on the measurements of MSA, was found to be more important (26%), but influenced by large uncertainties. V and Ni were found to be suitable tracers of ship emissions during the campaigns. Four sources of aerosol were resolved by the PMF analysis; the source having the largest impact on PM10, BC and sulphate was identified as a mixed source, comprising emissions from ships. The correlations between sulphate and V and Ni showed the influence of ship emissions on sulphate in marine air masses. For the leg Palma 揟uniscrossing a main ship route, the correlations between aerosol sulphate and V and Ni were particularly strong ( r 2 =0.9 for both elements).
[87] Stewart E J, Dawson J, Draper D.2011.

Cruise tourism and residents in Arctic Canada: Development of a resident attitude typology

[J]. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 18(1): 95-106.

https://doi.org/10.1375/jhtm.18.1.95      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Canadian Arctic represents an emerging market in the rapidly evolving polar cruise sector. Since 1984 when cruises began in this region, cruise ship activity has been sporadic, but in 2006 the number of cruises to Nunavut doubled from 11 to 22. This elevated level of growth has persisted with ice strengthened cruise vessels conducting between 23 and 26 separate cruises through Arctic Canada each year from 2007 to 2010. With a warming climate some suggest this trajectory of growth will continue as sea ice diminishes and passages open up. Despite this growth little is known about this burgeoning sector from the perspectives of local residents. Through two community case studies local attitudes toward cruise tourism are positioned in a resident attitude typology. In Cambridge Bay, where cruise tourism is just emerging, resident attitudes were found to gravitate toward the passive-favourable areas of the typology. By contrast, in Pond Inlet, which is one of the most visited cruise destinations in Nunavut, attitudes were more varied with some individuals expressing degrees of resistance. The article suggests that if local people are to become engaged participants in the development of cruise tourism in Nunavut, then it is critical that resident attitudes and aspirations are articulated, respected and acted upon.
[88] Sun X D, Feng X G, Gauri D K.2014.

The cruise industry in China: Efforts, progress and challenges

[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 42: 71-84.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2014.05.009      URL      摘要

The cruise industry has evolved considerably and in recent years emerged to become one of the most rapidly developing segments of the global tourism industry, with millions of passengers cruising each year. On a global basis, the cruising sector is overwhelmed by North America. During recent years above average growth rates are reported in emerging cruise markets in the Asia Pacific region. As one of the core elements of the Asian cruise market, China is undergoing rapid growth in terms of both cruise ship visits and cruise tourists. However, limited research has been undertaken in regard to growth of cruising industry in China. The purpose of this article is to report current development of the cruise industry in mainland China. First, we briefly provide an overview of the worldwide cruise industry. Then, we summarize the history and the growth of the cruising sector in China; report characteristics of Chinese cruise passengers and compare them with others; highlight information on geographical distribution, berthing capacity and cruise business performance of each cruise port along China's coastlines; and introduce various cruise policy documents issued by Chinese governments. Finally, we discuss some issues, challenges and relevant managerial implications for developing this niche form of tourism in this country.
[89] Sun X D, Jiao Y, Tian P.2011.

Marketing research and revenue optimization for the cruise industry: A concise review

[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(3): 746-755.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2010.11.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper presents a concise review of the cruise industry mainly from marketing research and revenue optimization prospects. In recent years, the cruise industry has experienced an exciting growth. However, as one of the fastest growing and most profitable categories in the entire leisure market, this industry has hardly received any research attention. Given the limited academic articles, th...
[90] Terry W C.2011.

Geographic limits to global labor market flexibility: The human resources paradox of the cruise industry

[J]. Geoforum, 42(6): 660-670.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2011.06.006      URL      摘要

The cruise industry enjoys arguably the most flexible and globalized of all labor markets. Yet, in an apparent paradox, cruise lines face a potential labor shortage, despite the fact that the bulk of their labor is sourced from the Global South where a large labor surplus would seemingly make recruitment a simple process. This paper examines this paradox in greater detail with a focus on the te...
[91] Teye V B, Leclerc D.1998.

Product and service delivery satisfaction among North American cruise passengers

[J]. Tourism Management, 19(2): 153-160.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(97)00107-6      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Although researchers have, during the past decade, become increasingly interested in customer satisfaction and service quality issues, very little of the research has been devoted to the tourist industry. The cruise line industry, which is among the fastest growing sectors of the leisure market, has hardly received any research attention. This paper discusses the importance of the cruise product and service delivery within the context of some of the unique characteristics of the cruise line industry, and presents the results of an exploratory study which examined passengers' satisfaction with a number of cruise product and service delivery components. The results of the study show that, overall, passengers' expectations were met or exceeded but there were key product and service delivery areas which provided cruise ship guests with the most satisfaction.
[92] Thurau B, Seekamp E, Carver A D, et al.2015.

Should cruise ports market ecotourism? A comparative analysis of passenger spending expectations within the panama canal watershed

[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1): 45-53.

https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.1965      URL      摘要

This study examined the expected spending patterns of cruise ship passengers as they debarked ships at ports within the Panama Canal Watershed. Results suggest that targeting marketing efforts toward ecotourism opportunities may increase long‐term ecological and economic benefits to port communities and local businesses. Most respondents were interested in ecotourism‐related activities in the Panama Canal Zone and nearby coastal areas. Furthermore, the ecotourism‐related market segments expected to spend significantly more money in port than conventional tourists. The growing ecotourism market represents an important opportunity for the cruise industry to partner with local ecotourism operators, enhancing profitability while simultaneously supporting sustainable development. Copyright 08 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[93] Toh R S, Rivers M J, Ling T W.2005.

Room occupancies: cruise lines out-do the hotels

[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 24(1): 121-135.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2004.05.005      URL      摘要

The cruise industry, which is essentially a North American phenomenon, is the most successful and fastest growing sector of the tourism industry, carrying nearly 8 million North American passengers in 2003 and achieving an 8.4% annual growth rate since 1980. Yet, there is a dearth of published literature on it. This paper seeks to describe how cruise lines go about managing their cabin inventor...
[94] van Beukering P, Sarkis S, van der Putten L, et al.2015.

Bermuda׳s balancing act: The economic dependence of cruise and air tourism on healthy coral reefs

[J]. Ecosystem Services, 11: 76-86.

[本文引用: 1]     

[95] Véronneau S, Roy J.2009.

Global service supply chains: An empirical study of current practices and challenges of a cruise line corporation

[J]. Tourism Management, 30(1): 128-139.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2008.05.008      URL      摘要

This research paper examines solutions to the complexity of global cruise ship supply chain management through a field study of a large Florida-based global cruise company's practices in re-supplying ships globally. This field study focuses on the key characteristics of a cruise ship supply chain and the best practices in managing that global service supply chain. The methodology used for this ...
[96] Weeden C.2002.

Ethical tourism: An opportunity for competitive advantage

[J]. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 8(2): 141-153.

https://doi.org/10.1177/135676670200800204      URL      摘要

This paper explores the concept of ethical tourism, examines consumer demand for ethical holidays, and determines the essential attributes for ethical operators in this specialist field. A survey of independent operators (n=26) in the UK shows that they had a clear understanding of ethical tourism and were aware of the importance of all 4 elements (i.e., use of locally owned organizations in de...
