地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (11): 1391-1401 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.11.008



陈星1, 张捷23*, 张宏磊23

1. 上海市城市规划设计研究院,上海 200040
2. 南京大学国土资源与旅游学系,南京 210093
3. 南京大学旅游研究所,南京 210093

Relationship between tourists' motivation, contact intention, and experience quality in sightseeing destination: The case of Mount Sanqingshan National Park

CHEN Xing1, ZHANG Jie23*, ZHANG Honglei23

1. Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, Shanghai 200040, China
2. Departmant of Land Resource and Tourism Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
3. Institute of Tourism, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:张捷(1960-),男,江苏泰兴人,博士,教授,博导,研究方向为旅游地理、书法景观等,E-mail: jiezhang@nju.edu.cn

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  联合国教科文组织合作项目(4500193250)国家旅游局重点项目(13TABK007)


作者简介:陈星(1991-),女,海南乐东人,硕士,助理工程师,主要研究方向为旅游地理、主客关系等,E-mail: chen.x555@163.com




关键词: 主客交往 ; 旅游动机 ; 旅游体验 ; 结构方程模型 ; 因素恒等性检验 ; 三清山


With the development of tourism, host-guest relationship at tourism destinations is increasingly diverse and complex. Existing studies on host-guest relationship have paid much attention on local residents. But few studies have explored the mutual influencing mechanism among tourist motivation, contact intention, and tourists' experience quality, especially from the perspective of tourists. This study employed an on-site survey in Mount Sanqingshan National Park to build the tourist perspective motivation-contact intention-experience quality (MCE) model. We also applied the invariance measurement with the multi-group structural equation model. The result shows that tourist motivations at the sightseeing destination can be classified into four categories: experiencing life motivation, excitement/adventure motivation, relaxation/escape motivation, and socializing/knowledge motivation. Tourists' contact intention can be divided into two dimensions: moderate contact intention and close contact intention. The modeling result indicates that tourist motivations of experiencing life, relaxation/escape and socializing/knowledge have direct effect on moderate contact intention, and tourist motivations of excitement/adventure, relaxation/escape, and socializing/knowledge have direct effect on close contact intention. Close contact intention has a greater influence on tourists' experience quality than moderate contact intention. We also divided the samples into gender groups for invariance measurement with the multi-group structural equation model. We found that the model built in this study showed stability across samples.

Keywords: host-guest relationship ; tourist motivation ; tourists' experience ; structural equation model ; invariance measurement ; Mount Sanqingshan National Park


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陈星, 张捷, 张宏磊. 观光型旅游地游客动机、交往意愿和体验质量之关系——以世界自然遗产地三清山为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(11): 1391-1401 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.11.008

CHEN Xing, ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Honglei. Relationship between tourists' motivation, contact intention, and experience quality in sightseeing destination: The case of Mount Sanqingshan National Park[J]. Progress in Geography, 2017, 36(11): 1391-1401 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.11.008

1 引言

20世纪以来,随着旅游业的发展,旅游地居民和游客之间的相互联系也越来越密切,旅游地主客交往研究也越来越受到学者们的关注。主客交往可称为主客关系(Host-guest Relationship),主客接触(Host-guest Contact)或主客交往(Host-guest Interaction)等(汪侠等, 2012; Ariffin, 2013)。旅游的发展促进了旅游情境下人际交往空间的扩大。主客交往体现了社会关系结构,并且与文化习俗、宗教信仰、语言文字、社会制度、经济发展水平等具有密切的联系。旅游情境下主客交往的双方是游客和东道主(张宏梅等, 2010),在社会文化结构和地理区域空间上具有特殊性。

主客交往范式是旅游理论研究中的重要方面,富有生命力和活力(Aramberri, 2001)。国外旅游学界的主客交往研究起自20世纪60年代,主要包括理论和模型(Aramberri, 2001; Mcintosh, 2004)、影响因素(Reisinger et al, 1997; 张宏梅等, 2010)、交往效应(梁旺兵, 2009; Hosany et al, 2013)、主客交往驱动力(Lee et al, 2009)等内容。主客交往研究最先侧重于经济效应,后来逐渐转向社会文化效应研究,并逐渐形成多学科交叉的发展态势。国内这方面研究始于20世纪90年代,主要包括交往模式、影响因素、驱动力、交往效应和交往情景等方面(梁旺兵, 2009; 张宏梅等, 2010; 汪侠等, 2012; 张机等, 2016)。旅游地主客交往强调了旅游地的特定空间(地理环境、文化环境)、主客交往的暂时性和影响效应的复杂性。主客交往对于旅游地发展的影响十分复杂,旅游地主客交往需要进行合理的引导,否则有可能带来消极甚至负面影响(Pizam et al, 2000; Gursoy et al, 2010),如可能导致旅游地传统语言的消失、外来文化的入侵,甚至导致犯罪的隐患等(Lee et al, 2009; 汪侠等, 2012; Kim et al, 2014)。也有学者认为,旅游地主客交往能产生积极的效应,能有效地促进当地社会结构优化、旅游业良好发展、主客之间的良好沟通等(Reisinger et al, 1997; Pizam et al, 2000; Uriely et al, 2000)。

游客与居民交往存在多种影响因素,诸如游客类型(Uriely et al, 2000; Paris et al, 2015; Park et al, 2015; Perdue et al, 1990)、主客交往动机(Chen et al, 2013; Li et al, 2015)、主客交往特点(梁旺兵, 2009; Ivana et al, 2014; Romão et al, 2014)等。现阶段主客交往的研究中,关于居民和游客的研究侧重于人口学特征、消费方式等因素;而侧重于游客的研究较关注文化差异和旅游行为(表1)。此外,主客交往的内容、方式、深度等会影响游客的旅游体验、旅游行为、旅游满意度、旅游形象感知等(Pizam et al, 2000; Jin et al, 2015)。张宏梅等(2010)研究了主客交往偏好对旅游地形象与满意度的影响。Pizam等(2000)认为主客交往中游客对东道主的情感越正面,游客对旅游体验的满意度也越高。旅游地需要为游客和居民构建一个更好传递积极信息的渠道,良好的情绪有助于激发游客参观游览,提高旅游地的竞争力(Wang et al, 2015)。

表1   主客交往的影响因素和效应研究

Tab.1   Research on factors affecting host-guest relationship and their effects

孟威等, 2009居民和游客周庄(历史城镇类)人口学特征、消费水平、出游形式、停留时间非旅游从业者更看重旅游者属性的社会、文化等因素
欧阳军, 2003居民和游客大理、丽江(观光型景区)动机、经济关联类、人口学特征、环境类、文化习俗类等主客交往效应的好坏与主客交往模式存在一定的关联
梁旺兵, 2009居民和游客西安(城市类)人口学特征、心理因素、旅游满意度、旅游体验感知语言和文化习俗的差异都是影响其交往的主要因素
张宏梅等, 2010游客广西阳朔(观光型景区)人口学特征、态度、满意度等主客交往显著影响目的地形象,进而显著影响满意度
Reisinger et al, 1997游客澳大利亚文化因素、国别等跨文化的意识、理解和接受对于旅游活动的开展十分重要
Pizam et al, 1996游客韩国文化差异、停留时间、旅游行为等不同国别游客存在一定的感知差异,其中日韩差异最小,美韩差异最大
Pizam et al, 2000游客以色列游客类型、感知态度等游客的类型对旅游感知有影响,游客与居民之间的沟通会产生积极的结果
Park et al, 2015居民韩国环境感知、满意度等环境感知态度影响人们对社会结构和形态的满意度,进而对旅游支持度也有影响


随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,研究者逐渐认识到社会交往中主客之间的态度、价值认知和感知对主客交往效应具有重要影响(卢松等, 2008; Yuksel et al, 2010; 张宏梅等, 2010; Yu et al, 2012)。深入研究主客交往的关键要素与游客动机和体验的关系能有效促进旅游目的地的体验式旅游开发,提高游客的旅游体验质量。本文参考Bagozzi(1992)的态度理论构建概念模型,根据旅游动机、主客交往、旅游体验等理论构建了游客视角的MCE(动机—交往意愿—体验质量)模型。选取三清山为案例地,以实地问卷调查数据为基础,深入分析旅游动机与主客交往意愿的关系,研究主客交往意愿对旅游体验的影响。此外,还构建了多群组的结构方程模型进行因素恒等性检验,进一步研究模型的稳定性。研究可为旅游目的地的主客交往机制建立和旅游体验提升措施制定提供重要的依据。

2 理论框架和研究假设

2.1 理论框架、量表设计与研究步骤

在构建概念模型时,参考了Bagozzi(1992)的态度理论,得出模型可包括认知的态度、评价、情感反应和行为变化等过程(Bagozzi, 1992; Chen et al, 2013)。根据文化地理、社会地理、区域地理和旅游地理等相关知识,结合观光型旅游地游客的特征,构建了旅游动机、交往意愿、参与程度与满意度之间相互关系的概念模型(图1)。

图1   概念模型

Fig.1   Conceptual model

游客动机量表参考Baloglu等(1999)提出的量表,游客交往意愿量表则是参考了Reisinger、Pizam和 Uriely等学者的测量指标(Reisinger et al, 1997; Pizam et al, 2000; Uriely et al, 2000)并结合三清山的实际情况进行调整。参考Bigné等(2001)的测量指标,将旅游体验的测量分为参与程度和满意度2个维度。本文最终的问卷主要包括14个测量项目的游客动机量表、11个测量项目的交往意愿量表、5个测量项目的旅游体验量表和人口学特征及出行特征等内容。动机研究方面采用李克特五级量表,根据游客对各项目的看重程度来反映其旅游动机,填答选项及分数从“非常不重要=1”到“非常重要=5”,得分越高表示游客认为该动机因素越重要。交往意愿量表和旅游体验量表也采用李克特五级量表,交往意愿程度从“非常不愿意=1”到“非常愿意=5”反映游客对不同项目的态度;旅游体验从“程度很低=1”到“程度很高=5”反映游客的体验感知。


2.2 研究假设

2.1.1 游客的旅游动机与交往意愿的关系

旅游动机是一种有意识的心理状态,也是人们逃离日常生活烦恼的重要推动力(Baloglu et al, 1999; Faullant et al, 2011)。Cohen(1972)将游客分为寻求熟悉事物、寻求陌生和新奇等类型。Li等(2015)认为,文化是消费行为的决定因素,结合文化格群理论,划分了不同文化类型游客的旅游动机。主客交往的动机会影响交往态度和效果(汪侠等, 2012),也能反映游客的价值观、偏好和行为等特征(Pizam et al, 2000; Kim et al, 2014, 2015)




2.1.2 游客的交往意愿与旅游体验的关系

主客交往态度的变化与游客旅游体验息息相关(张宏梅等, 2010; Lagarense et al, 2015)。主客间可能存在的文化差异体现在价值观、社会行为、认知、需求、信仰、语言等方面(Reisinger et al, 1997, 2007),文化差异会形成主客交往的障碍(Mcintosh, 2004; Lee et al, 2009) 。游客对居民和旅游地认知、评价会影响情感反应和行为(Chen, 2013),游客与居民的情谊越深,对居民和旅游地的态度越积极(Pizam et al, 2000; Bigné et al, 2001; 张宏梅等, 2010)。游客对当地文化的感知、评价能提高游客参与旅游活动的积极性(Wu et al, 2013),融入旅游地的文化氛围有利于旅游活动更高的满意度(Carlos Monterrubio et al, 2014; Lagarense et al, 2015)。基于此,本文提出以下假设:





2.1.3 游客的参与程度与满意度的关系

旅游中的满意度可以用于衡量旅游体验质量,反映了旅游活动和服务的感知体验(Alegre et al, 2010)。旅游满意度有利于促进游客对目的地的忠诚度(Chen et al, 2007; Yuksel et al, 2010),是游客对旅游地感知的重要测量内容(Alegre et al, 2010)。王婉飞等(2009)在对上海城隍庙、南京夫子庙和杭州清河坊的游客体验研究中提出,要深化游客体验需提高游客融入度和互动参与度,而且这两者对于游客体验的愉悦有直接的影响。基于此,本文提出以下假设:


3 实证研究区域与数据

3.1 研究区域

三清山风景名胜区(以下称三清山)位于江西省上饶市东北部,是世界自然遗产地,道教名山,景区总面积756.6 km2,其中核心景区面积230 km2。三清山区位条件良好,资源禀赋优越,旅游业发展快速,景区以花岗岩石柱和山峰为主要特色。三清山属于东部地区重要的山岳型景区,三清宫、东方女神等景点深受游客喜爱,客源市场主要为江西、浙江和湖北等。2008年申遗成功以来,游客量日益增加,在给基层设施和资源带来压力的同时,对旅游地居民也有很大影响。

3.2 数据来源与处理


4 结果分析

4.1 观光型旅游地游客动机维度划分


表2   游客动机分类的探索性因子分析(EFA)与验证性因子分析(CFA)结果

Tab.2   Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of tourist motivations

M1 观赏独特的自然风光4.330.7770.550.74
M2 体验不同生活方式4.150.7730.740.86
M3 丰富生活经历4.220.7220.620.79
M4 了解当地风俗习惯4.000.6800.620.79
M5 体验不同的文化4.030.6060.520.72
M6 冒险或寻求刺激3.690.8610.640.80
M7 激发生活或创作灵感3.790.8320.810.90
M8 摆脱常规生活3.850.8500.640.80
M9 缓解生活压力/工作压力4.030.8440.760.87
M10 放松身心4.200.6250.470.69
M11 与朋友谈论旅游经历3.960.8130.540.73
M12 陪同亲人或朋友4.070.7730.450.70




4.2 观光型旅游地主客交往意愿维度划分


表3   主客交往意愿分类的EFA与CFA结果

Tab.3   Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of tourists' contact intention


MC1 与当地居民谈论此次旅行3.870.8380.850.84
MC2 向当地居民问路4.150.8030.680.72
MC3 和当地居民一起参加登山/观光活动3.760.7880.710.68
MC4 和当地居民一起照相3.610.7670.760.69
MC5 和当地居民一起参加娱乐活动3.850.7630.750.79
CC1 到居民家里拜访3.280.8490.830.78
CC2 和当地居民交换联系方式3.240.8270.790.82
CC3 和当地居民互赠礼物3.510.7500.720.76
CC4 和当地居民谈论家庭或工作3.110.8340.780.72




4.3 观光型旅游地旅游体验维度划分



表4   旅游体验分类的EFA与CFA结果

Tab.4   Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of tourists' experience


P1 参与活动的主动程度4.040.8640.600.73
P2 氛围的融入程度3.770.8660.600.72
S1 满意程度3.990.8020.630.64
S2 愉悦程度4.000.9010.800.80
S3 难忘程度4.050.8770.700.71



4.4 模型的区分效度分析

通过分析模型中各项潜变量的组合信度、平均提取方差(AVE)以及各潜变量之间的相关性,进行模型的结构效度和区分效度分析。从表5中可知:各潜变量的AVE值介于0.512~0.624之间,均大于最小值0.50,各项潜变量之间的相关性系数小于各潜变量的AVE数据,显示出模型具有良好的区分效度(Garbarino et al, 1999)。

表5   区分效度分析

Tab.5   Discriminant validity




4.5 游客的旅游动机、交往意愿与旅游体验的关系


表6   结构方程模型拟合度检验

Tab.6   Test result of goodness-of-fit index for structural equation modeling (SEM)




根据研究结果(表7)得知,假设H1和H2均部分成立,体验生活、刺激/冒险和放松/逃避动机对适度交往意愿存在显著影响,而刺激/冒险、放松/逃避和社交/求知动机对密切交往意愿存在显著影响(图2)。主客交往包括适度交往和密切交往2类(张宏梅等, 2010),适度交往主要为旅游层面的交往,而密切交往则是建立交往深入的联系。不同类型动机对交往意愿方式存在一定差异,如社交/求知动机对适度交往意愿不存在显著影响,而对密切交往具有显著影响,可能是社交/求知等动机所反映的社交欲望和好奇心会激发人际交往的动力,从而影响了交往意愿。

表7   理论模型假设验证结果

Tab.7   Hypotheses testing results

H1: 旅游动机对适度交往意愿有正向影响部分成立
H1-1: 体验生活动机对适度交往意愿有正向影响0.380.1343.933***成立
H1-2: 刺激/冒险动机对适度交往意愿有正向影响0.210.0732.775**成立
H1-3: 放松/逃避动机对适度交往意愿有正向影响0.340.0804.169***成立
H1-4: 社交/求知动机对适度交往意愿有正向影响0.150.0941.880不成立
H2: 旅游动机对密切交往意愿有正向影响部分成立
H1-1: 体验生活动机对密切交往意愿有正向影响0.080.1440.738不成立
H1-2: 刺激/冒险动机对密切交往意愿有正向影响0.190.0792.349*成立
H1-3: 放松/逃避动机对密切交往意愿有正向影响0.170.0872.207*成立
H1-4: 社交/求知动机对密切交往意愿有正向影响0.300.1043.448***成立



图2   游客视角的MCE(动机-交往意愿-体验质量)模型

Fig.2   Test result of the structural equation modeling (SEM) of tourist motivation, tourists' contact intention,and tourist experience

假设H3成立而H4不成立,反映了适度交往意愿能促进旅游活动的参与,但是对满意度没有直接显著影响。旅游者的期望等主观因素对活动的互动参与有影响,并且会进一步影响游客的满意度(王婉飞等, 2009)。假设H5和H6均成立,反映了密切交往意愿对参与度感知和满意度感知均存在显著正向影响,即密切交往意愿对游客体验质量具有重要的影响。密切交往意愿反映游客在情感和认知层面与居民有较深的认同感,愿意去与居民深入沟通,无论现实中能否实现,都能在旅游感知过程中产生潜在的影响,促进旅游体验质量的提升。旅游地居民广泛、深入的旅游参与对目的地的社会经济发展、环境质量提升和文化保护等具有重要意义(Lagarense et al, 2015; Wang et al, 2015)。

4.6 模型的恒等性检验


表8   因素恒等性检验的拟合指数

Tab.8   Goodness-of-fit of invariant measurement

Δχ2(19)=25.486(P=0.145);ΔNFI=0.003; ΔIFI=0.004;ΔTLI=-0.003
Δχ2(30)=33.729(P=0.292);ΔNFI=0.004; ΔIFI=0.005;ΔTLI=-0.006
Δχ2(40)=45.802(P=0.244);ΔNFI=0.006; ΔIFI=0.006;ΔTLI=-0.008

注:两个模型无差异的判断标准:指标 Δχ2(p>0.05);ΔNFI(<0.05);ΔIFI(<0.05);ΔTLI(<0.05);ΔCFI(<0.01)。


5 结论与讨论


(1) 观光型旅游地的旅游动机可以划分为体验生活、刺激/冒险、放松/逃避和社交/求知等4种类型。参考Baloglu等(1999)的旅游动机量表,并结合三清山旅游发展特征构建旅游动机量表并通过探索性因子分析得到4种旅游动机类型。体验生活维度的旅游动机,如观赏独特的自然风光、体验不同生活方式和丰富生活经历等项目的均值较高,而刺激/冒险维度的动机,如冒险或寻求刺激,激发生活或创作灵感等均值较低。

(2) 观光型旅游地游客视角的交往意愿可以划分为适度交往意愿和密切交往意愿2个维度。量表制定时参考Reisinger等(2007)、Pizam等(2000)、张宏梅等(2010)学者的测量指标。适度交往意愿包括与当地居民谈论此次旅行、向当地居民问路、和当地居民一起参加登山/观光活动等,与旅游活动密切相关,而密切交往意愿则与生活层面的相互沟通意愿相关。

(3) 不同类型的旅游动机对主客交往意愿有不同影响。适度交往主要是在旅游过程与居民的相互联系和来往,密切交往则强调交往关系的建立和保持初步的联系等(张宏梅等, 2010)。有强烈的好奇心和社交欲望的游客更愿意与当地居民进行深入的交流。

(4) 密切交往意愿比适度交往意愿更能影响游客的旅游体验质量。适度交往意愿直接影响参与度,对满意程度没有显著影响,而密切交往意愿直接影响游客满意度。积极的情绪和强烈的地方认同能影响游客的满意度和忠诚度(Yuksel et al, 2010)。有效引导主客交往能有效推动旅游的健康发展,本文研究结果与Pizam等(2000)、Reisinger等(2007)、Jin等(2015)学者的研究结论相对较为一致。营造良好的旅游地主客交往环境、加强主客沟通能有效促进旅游体验质量的提升,从而推动旅游的良好发展。

(5) 观光型旅游地游客视角的MCE(动机—交往意愿—体验质量)模型具有稳定性。不同案例地进行比较验证,才能更好地检验所提出的理论模型与假设路径的有效性(史春云等, 2008)。本文对三清山男女样本进行多群组分析,通过因素恒等性检验分析模型的稳定性和可比性,并进一步验证理论假设。结果显示三清山结构方程模型具有结构形态、因子负荷以及路径上的稳定性和有效性,具有一定的跨样本稳定性。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(00)00075-X      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ABSTRACT Among various substantive contributions to the general, theoretical study of tourism, three of them—the host–guest paradigm, tourism as nonordinary behavior, and the theory of the lifecycle of attractions—are commonly seen as the most fertile. This paper reviews the host–guest paradigm. It argues that this framework, initially developed by anthropologists and applied later by Marxian scholars and postmodern critics, does not meet the challenges of explaining mass tourism, nor does it fully address the complex interactions between modern societies and pre-modern communities. The paper contends that this paradigm should be discarded and new conceptual venues explored.
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The main objectives of this study are to identify the generic facets of hospitality for hotel services irrespective of their star rating, as well as to determine the impact of generic dimensionality on guest satisfaction. The responses of 305 local and foreign hotel guests in a questionnaire survey were analysed using a Structural Equation Modelling technique. The generic facets of hotel hospitality were identified as personalisation, comfort, and warm welcoming. Of the three, only personalisation and warm welcoming contributed significantly to predicting guest satisfaction. This study is aimed at adding to the body of related literature by sharing new insights on how the generic dimensionality of hospitality in its entirety differs from that of upscale hotel hospitality.
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https://doi.org/10.2307/2786945      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We argue that attitudes and subjective norms are not sufficient determinants of intentions and that intentions are not a sufficient impetus for action, as maintained by leading theories of attitude. To deepen attitude theory, we address the role of cognitive and emotional self-regulatory mechanisms. The attitude-intention link is hypothesized to depend on conative processes and on certain coping responses directed at the emotional significance of evaluative appraisals. The subjective norm-intention relationship is hypothesized to be governed by certain cognitive activities inherent in perspective taking and by positive and negative emotional reactions associated with appraisals of the deviation and conformance of both the self and others to expectations concerning the shared social meaning of a focal act. Finally, the intention-behavior relationship, particularly for goal-directed behaviors, is posited to be conditioned on decision making with respect to the means needed to achieve a goal; with respect to implementation processes related to planning, monitoring, and guidance and control of instrumental acts; and with respect to motivational processs associated with commitment, effort, and affect toward the means.
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A model of destination image formation

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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00030-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Un modèle pour la formulation de l'image de marque des destinations. On a démontré que l'image de marque est une influence importante dans le choix de destination de vacances. En se basant sur des études précédentes dans plusieurs domaines, on a développé un modèle qui représente les déterminants importants de l'image d'une destination. Cet article présente les résultats d'un test empirique de ce modèle en utilisant l'analyse de voie. Une conclusion majeure est que l'image d'une destination est formée des facteurs de stimulation et des caractéristiques des touristes. Les résultats de cette recherche fournissent des implications importantes pour la gestion de l'image stratégique et peuvent contribuer à la conception et à la réalisation des programmes de marketing pour créer et mettre en valeur les images des destinations touristiques.
[16] Bigné J E, Sánchez M I, Sánchez J.2001.

Tourism image, evaluation variables and after purchase behaviour: Inter-relationship

[J]. Tourism Management, 22(6): 607-616.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(01)00035-8      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Numerous authors have pointed out the influence of tourism image on consumer behaviour. Tourism image will also exercise some influence on the quality perceived by tourists and on the satisfaction obtained from the holiday experience. This paper focuses on the relationship between the image of a destination as perceived by tourists and their behavioural intentions, and between that same image and the post-purchase evaluation of the stay. We will also examine the relationship between quality and satisfaction and between these variables and the tourist's behaviour variables. We place the accent on a joint analysis of these relationships, using a structural equation model. The results of the empirical study show that tourism image is a direct antecedent of perceived quality, satisfaction, intention to return and willingness to recommend the destination. The role of image as a key factor in destination marketing is thus confirmed. With reference to the other relationships, on the one hand, it is confirmed that quality has a positive influence on satisfaction and intention to return and that satisfaction determines the willingness to recommend the destination. However, the influence of quality on ‘willingness to recommend’ and the influence of satisfaction on ‘intention to return’ cannot be corroborated. In this sense, further research could be necessary.
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Social representations and community attitudes towards spring breakers

[J]. Tourism Geographies, 16(2): 288-302.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2014.889208      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Social representation theory has been adopted for explaining tourism impacts and local attitudes. However, its usefulness in segmenting local population in terms of their attitudes towards specific types of tourists has not been tested. This study identifies the attitudes of local people towards spring break, a North American young tourist phenomenon in the context of the Mexican beach resort of Acapulco. Although residents perceive an increase in alcohol consumption, drug use, noise and litter during the spring break season, they largely recognise economic benefits and are thus generally supportive for the phenomenon. Based on these attitudes, three clusters were identified: spring break supporters (identified by their high appreciation of spring break benefits), ambivalents (who are uncertain about both benefits and costs) and realistics (characterised by recognising both benefits and costs). The main contribution of this study lies in the confirmation of the usefulness of social representation theory in explaining residents attitudes towards a very specific type of tourists whose hedonist behaviours are a common characteristic.
[18] Chen C F, Phou S.2013.

A closer look at destination: Image, personality, relationship and loyalty

[J]. Tourism Management, 36: 269-278.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2012.11.015      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Drawing on brand relationship theory and attitude theory, this study investigates the relationships among destination image, destination personality, tourist–destination relationship and tourist behavior. Using a sample of 428 foreign tourists visiting the Angkor temple area of Cambodia and the structural equation modeling technique, the results reveal that destination image and destination personality have positive effects on the tourist–destination relationship, which in turn affect tourist behavior. The study lends support to brand relationship theory, indicating that tourists form emotional relationships with destinations, and further supports Bagozzi's (1992) reformulation of attitude theory with regard to the cognitive, affective and behavior sequence.
[19] Chen C F, Tsai D.2007.

How destination image and evaluative factors affect behavioral intentions

[J]. Tourism Management, 28(4): 1115-1122.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2006.07.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Differing from the previous studies, this study proposed a more integrated tourist behavior model by including destination image and perceived value into the “quality–satisfaction–behavioral intentions” paradigm. The structural relationships between all variables with respect to different stages of tourist behaviors were investigated in the study. The results show that destination image have both direct and indirect effects on behavioral intentions. In addition, the path “destination image→trip quality→perceived value→satisfaction→behavioral intentions” appears evident in this study.
[20] Cohen E.1972.

Toward a sociology of international tourism

[J]. Social Research, 39(1): 164-182.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9515.1972.tb00595.x      URL      摘要

CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Toward a sociology of international tourism
[21] Faullant R, Matzler K, Mooradian T A.2011.

Personality, basic emotions, and satisfaction: Primary emotions in the mountaineering experience

[J]. Tourism Management, 32(6): 1423-1430.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.01.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Consumption-related emotions – usually operationalized as broad, summary dimensions such as positive and negative emotions or, alternatively, pleasure and arousal – have been shown to be influenced by enduring personality traits and, in turn, to influence customer satisfaction. Experiential tourism activities such as mountaineering evoke powerful emotions that strongly influence tourist satisfaction. Although Zajonc (1980) proposed and more recent neurophysiological evidence confirms that emotions, especially fear, can be primary (can precede cognitions ), consumption-related emotions have heretofore been modeled as occurring concurrently with or consequent to cognitive appraisals. Our results show that two basic consumption-related emotions, fear and joy, are influenced by neuroticism and extraversion, respectively, and in turn and in conjunction with cognitive appraisals influence tourist satisfaction. Joy has direct effects on satisfaction that are not mediated by cognitions; fear’s inverse effects on satisfaction are fully mediated by cognitions . These findings extend understandings of trait/basic-emotion relationships and of basic emotions’ roles in satisfaction formation and also, importantly, demonstrate an instance of primary consumer emotions.
[22] Garbarino E, Johnson M S.1999.

The different roles of satisfaction, trust, and commitment in customer relationships

[J]. Journal of Marketing, 63(2): 70-87.

https://doi.org/10.2307/1251946      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Several theories of relationship marketing propose that customers vary in their relationships with a firm on a continuum from transactional to highly relational bonds. Few empirical studies have segmented the customer base of an organization into low and high relational groups to assess how evaluations vary for these groups. Using structural equation analysis, the authors analyze the relationships of satisfaction, trust, and commitment to component satisfaction attitudes and future intentions for the customers of a New York off-Broadway repertory theater company. For the low relational customers (individual ticket buyers and occasional subscribers), overall satisfaction is the primary mediating construct between the component attitudes and future intentions. For the high relational customers (consistent subscribers), trust and commitment, rather than satisfaction, are the mediators between component attitudes and future intentions.
[23] Gursoy D, Chi C G, Dyer P.2010.

Locals' attitudes toward mass and alternative tourism: The case of Sunshine Coast, Australia

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 49(3): 381-394.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287509346853      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines local residents' attitudes toward two different types of tourism development, mass tourism and alternative tourism, using data collected from residents of Sunshine Coast, Australia. The study findings reveal that host community support is affected directly and/or indirectly by the level of community concern, community attachment, ecocentric values, use of the tourism resourc...
[24] Heuman D.2005.

Hospitality and reciprocity: Working tourists in dominica

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(2): 407-418.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2004.07.010      URL     

[25] Hosany S, Prayag G.2013.

Patterns of tourists' emotional responses, satisfaction, and intention to recommend

[J]. Journal of Business Research, 66(6): 730-737.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.09.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Previous efforts to understand and predict behavior traditionally categorize tourists into sub-groups using socio-demographic and psychographic variables. Surprisingly, the tourism literature does not profile tourists by the intensity of their emotional associations toward destinations. To address the literature gap, this paper empirically identifies distinguishable patterns of tourist emotional responses and investigates relationships between tourists' emotional profiles and their post-consumption evaluations of satisfaction and intention to recommend. Cluster analysis uncovers five distinct emotional response patterns among tourists: delighted, unemotionals, negatives, mixed, and passionate. Multiple discriminant analysis confirms the validity of the five-cluster solution. The five tourist groups differ by their satisfaction level and propensity to recommend destinations. These findings offer important implications for destination marketers designing segmentation and branding strategies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[26] Ivana B, Tatjana P, Snežana B, et al.2014.

Residents' attitudes and perception towards tourism development: A case study of rural tourism in Dragacevo, Serbia

[J]. Eastern European Countryside, 20(1): 151-165.

https://doi.org/10.2478/eec-2014-0007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This research examined the residents’ profile, attitudes, and perception towards tourism development based on 176 respondents interviewed. Residents’ attitudes toward tourism were measured by adapting 24 items from the Tourism Impact Attitude Scale developed by Lankford and Howard (1994). This study aimed at identifying the relationships between residents’ socio-economic and demographic attributes and their attitudes toward tourism by focusing on villages where tourism is in the development stage.
[27] Jin N, Lee S, Lee H.2015.

The effect of experience quality on perceived value, satisfaction, image and behavioral intention of water park patrons: New versus repeat visitors

[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1): 82-95.

https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.1968      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study proposed a conceptual model to examine how customers' perceptions of the quality of experiences influence perceived value, water park image, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions for first‐time and repeat customers of the water park of the tourism industry. This study finds that the quality of participants' experiences significantly affects perceived value, water park image and customer satisfaction. Moreover, perceived value and water park image exert a direct influence on customer satisfaction, and they also positively affect behavioral intentions. Finally, the impacts on customer satisfaction of experience quality and water park image significantly differ between first‐time and repeat customers. Copyright 08 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[28] Kim J H, Ritchie J R B.2014.

Cross-cultural validation of a memorable tourism experience scale (MTES)

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 53(3): 323-335.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287513496468      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The present study seeks to establish the cross-cultural validity of the memorable tourism experience scale (MTES), a recently developed measurement scale designed to assess individuals' memorable tourism experiences (MTEs). Since the psychometric properties of the MTES have only been examined within a sample of American college students, the aim of this study was to replicate the previous psych...
[29] Kim S, Butler G.2015.

Local community perspectives towards dark tourism development: The case of Snowtown, South Australia

[J]. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 13(1): 78-89.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2014.918621      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper critically examines the perspectives of a local community towards dark tourism development. Based on the infamous case of the Snowtown murders in South Australia, this preliminary study observes the local community's perception towards dark tourism development and adopted a qualitative methodology using observation and interview. The findings revealed that attitudes towards the development of dark tourism varied considerably depending on residents' length of immersion in the area. Whilst long-term residents were predominantly against the development of tourism involving Snowtown's recent dark past, others, particularly those that had moved to the area after the perpetrators of the Snowtown murders were caught (post-1999), were welcoming of the idea. The study posits that official tourism bodies in South Australia need to respond to the demand for dark tourism in Snowtown and provide the area with appropriate tourism infrastructure. However, due to the highly contrasting resident opinions towards dark tourism, it is also imperative that they consult the local community in future decision-making processes.
[30] Lagarense B E S, Walansendow A.2015.

Exploring residents' perceptions and participation on tourism and waterfront development: The case of Manado waterfront development in Indonesia

[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(2): 223-237.

https://doi.org/10.1080/10941665.2013.877046      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Waterfront development is acknowledged as being significant to urban tourism planning, and ideally, the involvement of local community should be required in the development program. Although the residents participation in many development projects has been widely discussed, it is found that there is little story of success concerning the implementation of residents participation in waterfront development. This research attempts to answer the question of what and how the residents' perceptions toward the waterfront development in the context of participation, impacts and tourism development in Manado, Indonesia. The principles of local participation are assessed in a situation in which there is tension between the achievement of socio-economic benefits and the protection of environmental quality. This research involved fieldwork comprising questionnaire surveys, interviews and on-site observations that used to provide evidences of waterfront development in Manado and decision-making process that preceded it. This study reveals that waterfront development is a key element which determines the future of the city. The Manado waterfront is the focus of trade and business, as well as tourism and recreational activities for residents and visitors. The importance of the initiative demands that all residents should have an opportunity to participate in making the decisions which will greatly influence their future. Thus, broader and deeper participation would have been and would still be desirable in the Manado case.
[31] Lee G, Lee C K.2009.

Cross-cultural comparison of the image of Guam perceived by Korean and Japanese leisure travelers: Importance-performance analysis

[J]. Tourism Management, 30(6): 922-931.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2008.11.013      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

As international tourism becomes a global phenomenon and its volume increases rapidly, understanding cultural differences and similarities provides destination marketers in a host country with a strategic platform upon which any planning and marketing efforts should be grounded. Based on the theory of cultural value orientation, the current study focuses on a cross-cultural comparison between the two markets most important to Guam tourism: Japanese and Korean leisure travelers. Using Importance erformance analysis, the evaluative image of Guam perceived by Korean travelers is compared with that perceived by Japanese travelers to uncover any differences between these two nationality groups. The results clearly indicate a contrast between the two groups in terms of destination evaluations and behavioral patterns.
[32] Li M M, Zhang H Q, Xiao H G, et al.2015.

A grid-group analysis of tourism motivation

[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1): 35-44.

https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.1963      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Marketing theorists have widely proposed that culture is one of the underlying determinants of consumer behavior and that increasing globalization is creating a multicultural marketplace. Empirical inquiries in the field of tourism remain scarce, particularly regarding the understanding of behavioral influences. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating the influence of sub-cultures on ...
[33] Mcintosh A J.2004.

Tourists' appreciation of Maori culture in New Zealand

[J]. Tourism Management, 25(1): 1-15.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(03)00058-X      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Tourists’ perspectives of indigenous tourism are not fully understood. This paper explores the nature of demand for indigenous tourism with particular attention to the appreciation of indigenous culture gained by tourists. The latter is explored using in-depth interviews with international tourists visiting New Zealand to examine tourists’ motivations, perceptions and experiences of Maori culture. Findings of the present study provide some evidence to support anecdotal conclusions about the similar demands tourists require from their encounters with indigenous peoples. Five central dimensions of experience from which tourists come to appreciate the cultures of indigenous peoples are reported, namely; gazing , lifestyle , authenticity , personal interaction and informal learning. Important issues of product development and options for the sustainable development of indigenous communities are considered.
[34] Paris C M, Musa G, Thirumoorthi T.2015.

A comparison between Asian and Australasia backpackers using cultural consensus analysis

[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 18(2): 175-195.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2014.920771      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study tests the differences in the shared understanding of the backpacker cultural domain between two groups: backpackers from Australasia and backpackers from Asian countries. A total of 256 backpackers responded to a questionnaire administered in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Krabi Province (Thailand). Cultural consensus analysis (CCA) guided the data analysis, to identify the shared values and the differences in the backpacker culture of the two groups. The findings revealed that while the two groups share some of the backpacker cultural values, some other values are distinctively different from one another. The study provides the first empirical evidence of the differences in backpacking culture between the two groups using CCA. Based on the study findings, we propose some marketing and managerial implications.
[35] Park D B, Nunkoo R, Yoon Y S.2015.

Rural residents' attitudes to tourism and the moderating effects of social capital

[J]. Tourism Geographies, 17(1): 112-133.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2014.959993      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Scholars have rarely considered the role of social capital in shaping residents’ reactions to tourism development. A theoretical model integrating research on residents’ attitudes, community development, and social capital was developed and tested on a sample of 556 Korean rural residents using structural equation modeling. Multi-group analysis was used to test the moderating effects of social capital on each path relationships proposed in the model. Results indicated that perceived environmental impacts of tourism influenced community satisfaction, which in turn predicted support for tourism. Residents’ perceptions of the socioeconomic impacts of tourism influenced their support for rural tourism. Social capital shaped the ways in which residents responded to tourism development. Interestingly, our results suggest that a high level of social capital among community members is not always desirable as it does not foster pro-tourism attitudes. The lesson to be drawn is that only if the negative consequences of social capital are recognized and managed can communities be built in ways that contribute to sustainable rural tourism development.
[36] Perdue R R, Long P T, Allen L.1990.

Resident support for tourism development

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 17(4): 586-599.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0160-7383(90)90029-Q      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this article is to test a model of the relationships among rural resident perceptions of tourism impacts, support for additional tourism development, restrictions on tourism development, and support for special tourism taxes. In May 1987, survey data were collected in 16 rural Colorado communities. It was found that, when controlling for personal benefits from tourism development, perceptions of its impact were unrelated to sociodemographic characteristics and support for additional development was positively or negatively related to the perceived positive or negative impacts or tourism. Support for additional tourism development was also negatively related to the perceived future of the community.
[37] Pizam A, Jeong G H.1996.

Cross-cultural tourist behavior: Perceptions of Korean tour-guides

[J]. Tourism Management, 17(4): 277-286.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0261-5177(96)00019-2      URL     

[38] Pizam A, Uriely N, Reichel A.2000.

The intensity of tourist-host social relationship and its effects on satisfaction and change of attitudes: The case of working tourists in Israel

[J]. Tourism Management, 21(4): 395-406.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00085-0      URL      [本文引用: 6]      摘要

The results of a study conducted among 388 working tourists in Israel demonstrated that the higher the intensity of the social relationship between hosts and working tourists, the more favorable were the tourists’ feelings towards their hosts, and the more positive was the change in attitudes towards hosts and the destination. Furthermore, it was found that the higher the intensity of social relationship between hosts and tourists, the higher was the satisfaction of these tourists with their stay and experience. Those who had the most intense social relationship with their hosts — namely the Kibbutz tourists — had the highest positive feelings towards their hosts and also experienced the highest positive change in attitudes towards them and the destination. On the other side, those who had a more superficial social relationship with their hosts — namely Moshav and City tourists — had the lowest positive feelings towards their hosts and experienced the lowest positive change towards them and the destination.
[39] Reisinger Y, Mavondo F.2007.

Structural equation modeling: Critical issues and new developments

[J]. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 21(4): 41-71.

https://doi.org/10.1300/J073v21n04_05      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article focuses on a variety of research issues related to structural equation modelling (SEM). Methodological and analytical issues when applying SEM techniques are discussed. Guidelines on how to present and report SEM results in academic publications are provided, and the most common SEM computer software identified. The goal is to promote improved usage of SEM in tourism research.
[40] Reisinger Y, Turner L.1997.

Cross-cultural differences in tourism: Indonesian tourists in Australia

[J]. Tourism Management, 18(3): 139-147.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(96)00115-X      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The paper broadly examines the cultural differences between the Indonesian and Australian populations in a tourism context. Four dimensions on which all cultures differ are: power distance, individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance and masculinity-femininity. The Indonesian culture is high power distance, collectivist, uncertainty avoiding and feminine in relation to many western cultur...
[41] Romão J, Neuts B, Nijkamp P, et al.2014.

Determinants of trip choice, satisfaction and loyalty in an eco-tourism destination: A modelling study on the Shiretoko Peninsula, Japan

[J]. Ecological Economics, 107: 195-205.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.07.019      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We analyse the effect of different characteristics on current trip choice.61We analyse effect of current trip satisfaction on loyalty and future trip choices.61Trip choice is influenced by prior expectations, info sources have a modest effect.61A mismatch between expectations and experience influences loyalty and future choice.61Notwithstanding, loyalty to the destination remains very high.
[42] Uriely N, Reichel A.2000.

Working tourists and their attitudes to hosts

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(2): 267-283.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00071-7      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Touristes ouvriers et leurs attitudes envers leurs h00tes. Cet article examine les résultats du contact entre touristes et h00tes dans des situations spécifiques qui mélangent des activités de travail à la consommation du tourisme. Une méthode d’Analyse de Voie a été appliquée à une enquête parmi trois groupes de “touristes ouvriers” en Isra05l. Les résultats montrent que ceux qui considèrent leur situation de travail comme une fa04on de continuer leur voyage ont moins de chances d’avoir des attitudes positives envers leurs h00tes que ceux qui comprennent leur situation de travail comme une partie de leur expérience. On suggère que, tandis que l’orientation touristique de ceux-ci leur a fait développer une “échange sociale” avec leurs h00tes, l’approche “mercenaire” de ceux-là a limité leur rencontre avec leurs h00tes à une échange uniquement économique.
[43] Wang S S, Xu H G.2015.

Influence of place-based senses of distinctiveness, continuity, self-esteem and self-efficacy on residents' attitudes toward tourism

[J]. Tourism Management, 47: 241-250.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2014.10.007      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This study examined the influence of the four place identity principles (i.e., senses of distinctiveness, continuity, self-esteem and self-efficacy) (Breakwell, 1986) on residents' attitudes toward tourism. A self-administered survey was conducted on urban residents in a southern province of China, and the place-based senses of distinctiveness, self-esteem and self-efficacy were found to affect residents' perceptions of tourism impacts and attitudes toward support for tourism. While tourism literature has suggested social exchange theory to be a useful tool in predicting residents' perceptions and attitudes toward tourism, this study suggests a new perspective in evaluating resident perceptions and attitudes by applying place identity theory as a theoretical foundation instead. Both the theoretical and marketing implications are discussed.
[44] Wu L L, Zhang J Y, Chikaraishi M.2013.

Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior

[J]. Tourism Management, 36: 480-489.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2012.09.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Based on Japanese panel data derived from 12 monthly waves and 1253 questionnaires, the study examines the impact of social interactions on tourism participation. Social interactions are classified into three types: namely, endogenous, exogenous and correlated effects. It is empirically confirmed that endogenous social effects have significant influences on tourism participation behavior. For example, it is found that interactions with people of the same income groups (an example of endogenous social effects) are generally significant across most months of the year. However, it is worth noting that endogenous social effects will be overestimated if the correlated social effect is not taken into account. The results suggest that social multiplier effects can be discerned that have potential implications for promotion and management of tourism participation rates.
[45] Yu J Y, Ko T G.2012.

A cross-cultural study of perceptions of medical tourism among Chinese, Japanese and Korean tourists in Korea

[J]. Tourism Management, 33(1): 80-88.

https://doi.org/10.1515/ijnes-2014-0067      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background: To evaluate the effectiveness of a curriculum for achieving high levels of cultural competence, we need to be able to assess education intended to enhance cultural competency skills. We therefore translated the Cultural Awareness Scale (CAS) into Korean (CAS-K). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cross-cultural applicability and psychometric properties of the CAS-K, specifically its reliability and validity. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive design was used to conduct the evaluation. A convenience sample of 495 nursing students was recruited from four levels of nursing education within four universities in the city of Daejeon, South Korea. Results: This study provided beginning evidence of the validity and reliability of the CAS-K and the cross-cultural applicability of the concepts underlying this instrument. Cronbach alpha ranged between 0.59 and 0.86 (overall 0.89) in the tests of internal consistency. Cultural competency score prediction of the experience of travel abroad (r=0.084) and the perceived need for cultural education (r=0.223) suggested reasonable criterion validity. Five factors with eigenvalues >1.0 were extracted, accounting for 55.58% of the variance; two retained the same items previously identified for the CAS. Conclusion: The CAS-K demonstrated satisfactory validity and reliability in measuring cultural awareness in this sample of Korean nursing students. The revised CAS-K should be tested for its usability in curriculum evaluation and its applicability as a guide for teaching cultural awareness among groups of Korean nursing students.
[46] Yuksel A, Yuksel F, Bilim Y.2010.

Destination attachment: Effects on customer satisfaction and cognitive, affective and conative loyalty

[J]. Tourism Management, 31(2): 274-284.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2009.03.007      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Tourists may develop attachment to a destination because of its ability in fulfilling specific goals or activity needs and/or because of its symbolic meaning and thus, attachment could be an important measure of tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Despite its significance, only limited research has been conducted to determine the likely influences of emotional associations or meanings tourists attach to the places they visit on their satisfaction and future behavior. This study therefore explores the role of attachment in predicting satisfactory holiday experiences and destination loyalty. Results of the structural equation modeling show that positive emotional and cognitive bonds with a place could indeed affect an individual's critical assessment of a destination and his/her loyalty to the place. Implications of the study are discussed.
