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  • Transportation and Industry
    Wei SUN, Wenhui LI, Xiaona LIN, Zhiqiang WANG
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(11): 1470-1478.

    : Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) development has risen to the status of a national development strategy when the State Council promulgated the Guideline of Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt Based on the Golden Waterway. Among them, promoting the undertaking of industrial transfer is the main challenge faced by the Yangtze River Economic Belt construction and integrated development and has become a hot topic of academic research. This article uses the data of 125 prefecture-level cities and autonomous prefectures and two municipalities of YREB directly under the central government to analyze the capacity of undertaking industrial transfer of the Yangtze River Economic Belt by means of principal component analysis, and reveal the spatial differentiation characteristics and formation mechanism of industrial undertaking capacity. The study shows that: (1) Overall, the industrial attraction capacity in the upper- and middle-reaches of the Yangtze River Basin is not particularly strong. The industrial attraction capacity in the upper-reach area is mainly impacted by the terrain. In this area the volume of freight transport is the main limiting factor of the industrial attraction capacity. The middle-reach area is mainly impacted by the main function zone-designation, total retail sales of consumer goods, and actual use of foreign capital. (2) The industrial supporting capacity is strong along the Yangtze River and around the provincial capital but relatively weak in other areas. This is due to the impact of factors including "information and finance" and "structure and investment". (3) The cities with overall unfavorable industrial development capacity are widely distributed, and this phenomenon are mainly impacted by the "innovation ability" factor. (4) Capacity to undertake industrial transfer decreases from the lower-reach to the upper-reach, cities with strong capacity to undertake industrial transfer distribute along the Yangtze River and its main tributaries, and the capacity of the provincial capitals and their surrounding regions is relatively strong.

  • Transportation and Industry
    Yurui LI, Qianlong YANG, Zhi CAO
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(11): 1458-1469.

    This article examines the current status of agricultural development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) and discusses strategies for the transformation of agricultural development of this region in the future. The comprehensive capacity of agricultural production of the YREB increased continuously since 1996. The percentage of gross agricultural output in the national total experienced a slight reduction, but there is no doubt that this region is still one of the most important agricultural production areas of China. International trade of agricultural products in the YREB rapidly increased and showed strong competitiveness. The competitiveness of the agricultural products processing industry is still weak—the location entropy of agricultural products processing industry of most provinces in this region is lower than 1. The total amount of chemicals used in agriculture increased continuously and greater attention should be paid to the environmental problems caused by the overuse of these chemicals. Wage income became the largest source of household income. In the future, agricultural development of the YREB should take advantage of the multifunctional agricultural development and rural network paradigm and stimulate endogenous growth forces and integrate external forces, aiming for developing a core area of food production, pilot area of modern agriculture, advanced area of agricultural products processing, and distinctive agricultural undertakings. More effort should be devoted to seven major transitions, namely, from decentralized management to large-scale operation, from extensive and excessively intensive management to moderately intensive management, from part-time farming to specialized operation, from simple processing of agricultural products to comprehensive processing, from emphasizing on physical products to the pursuit of multifunctional value of agriculture, from traditional marketing to modern marketing, and from top-down to integrative bottom-up and top-down approaches. Deepening relevant reforms, increasing financial investment, encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, optimizing regional distribution, strengthening regional cooperation, and strengthening the development of villages and towns are important guarantees for the realization of the transformation.

  • Transportation and Industry
    Jianchao XI, Quansheng GE
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(11): 1449-1457.

    Construction of the Yangtze River international tourism belt is an important strategic goal of tourism development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB). The proposal of the Yangtze River international tourism belt concept means that "tourism in the Yangtze River" has become an important part of the Yangtze River Economic Belt development. The importance of the Yangtze River international tourism belt for regional tourism development in China is indicated by the following: (1) Spatially, the Yangtze River international tourism belt realizes, for the first time, the expansion from "regional tourism" to "basin-wide tourism." Combined with the advancement of urban agglomeration and with its unique cross-region complete natural landscape and cultural heritage units, the Yangtze River international tourism belt forms the backbone of Chinese regional tourism development space. (2) Temporally, the Yangtze River international tourism belt realizes the transition of Chinese regional tourism development from a "key industry" to "overall strategic industry." Tourism begins to show its overall strategic role for regional social and economic development. (3) At last, with regard to international development and cooperation, the planning and development of the Yangtze River international tourism belt also bridges regional tourism development in China and international development and opening-up. A new development paradigm that promotes international cooperation by domestic development, and promotes coupled domestic and international development by international cooperation comes into being. Regional tourism development pattern in the Yangtze River international tourism belt also gives rise to a series of systematic and comprehensive research propositions, Combined with the national principal function region strategy and regional key development strategy, these research propositions include "integrated development of tourism development strategy and regional development strategy of China," "Coordination and joint development of urban agglomeration and ecological function region tourism," "opening-up and joint development of coastal and border area tourism," and "comprehensive control system of basin-wide tourism."

  • Transportation and Industry
    Chengjin WANG, Jiajia CHENG, Li MA
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(11): 1441-1448.

    The Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) has been specified as a national development strategy. In order to promote the socioeconomic development of YREB, an integrated transportation system based on the golden waterway should be improved. This article constructed a spatial mode of inland river integrated transport corridor, described its features with respect to the spatial system, node structure, function differentiation, transportation organization, and international connections. Moreover, the article analyzed the current development of the Yangtze River transport corridor and identified important bottlenecks and demand. Based on the above study, this article emphasized the spatial organization mode of the Yangtze River integrated transport corridor, including water channel network, port layout and transport system of bulk cargoes, function differentiation and distribution network, and structure of the integrated transport hubs and an open transport organization.

  • Transportation and Industry
    Youhui CAO, Ziran JIANG, Huan CHEN, Wei WU, Shuangbo LIANG
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(11): 1430-1440.

    The Yangtze River port system is an important support for the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB). First, this article investigates the historical development of the Yangtze River port system. The results show that with the gradual overlapping of water transfer hinterlands and water-land transfer hinterlands, the port system has experienced five stages of development so far: the origin and emergence of the ports, the sprout of the port system, the preliminary formation of the port system, the final formation of the port system, and the upgrading of the port system. Based on empirical evidence, the article summarized the formation mechanism of the port system of the Yangtze River. It is believed that the main mechanism of the formation of the port system is the long-term competition for water transfer hinterlands and water-land transfer hinterlands, especially the competition for water transfer hinterlands. Competition of ports for transit hinterlands increasingly deepens and broadens over time. According to the basic pattern of the port system formation and development revealed by the theoretical and empirical research, policy discussions are put forward concerning the development of the Yangtze River port system and the comprehensive transportation system of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.