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  • Urban Agglomeration
    Jinchuan HUANG, Shouqiang CHEN
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(3): 290-301.

    Urban agglomeration is an important carrier of China's new urbanization strategy, but also a new geographical unit for participating in global competition and international division of labor. At present, the mode of China's regional spatial governance is undergoing a major shift from the original spatial split according to the administrative divisions to govern in accordance with the type of area. Based on the significant extension of the characteristics of urban agglomerations, we divide the 23 Chinese urban agglomerations at four levels and analyze the spatial variation, aiming to provide a scientific basis for the implementation of China's urban agglomerations spatial pattern optimization and planning. First, the 23 areas are divided into national, regional, sub-regional and local levels of urban agglomerations with reference to the development status of more mature urban agglomerations worldwide, resulting in a "3-5-6-9" pyramid structure for the four levels. Then, based on the five essential characteristics of urban agglomerations, we build an index system for the classification of urban agglomerations that consists of 10 factors and 22 indicators, and a Q-type cluster analysis is employed to quantitatively group five kinds of the urban agglomerations: mature export-oriented type, dual-core catch-up type, environment-friendly type, single nuclear radiation type, and inland extensive type. Finally, by synthesizing the classification results of different levels and quantitative clustering, China's urban agglomerations are divided into 10 subgenera: National mature export-oriented genre, national dual-core catch-up genre, regional dual-core catch-up genre, sub-regional environment-friendly genre, local environment-friendly genre, regional single nuclear radiation genre, local single nuclear radiation genre, regional inland extensive genre, subregional inland extensive genre, and local inland extensive genre.

  • Special Column of Geopolitics
    MAO Hanying
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2014, 33(3): 289-302.
    Based on the introduction of representative Western geopolitical and geoeconomic theories of the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, this paper analyzes the characteristics of historical and contemporary geopolitics and geoeconomics in China's surrounding areas. It also discusses the basic patterns and trends of geopolitical and geoeconomic situations in the area. The main patterns and characteristics are as follows. China's geopolitical relationship is close and geoeconomic relationship develops at a relatively rapid pace with northern neighboring countries. Its geopolitical relationship continuously develops and prospect of geoeconomic cooperation is very promising with neighboring countries to the west. On the other hand, China's geopolitical relationship with countries to the southwest is very fragile but the geoeconomic relationship has great potential to develop. In the south, China's geopolitical and geoeconomic relationship with neighboring countries is overall healthy, but the issue of South China Sea can be a potential cause of instability. Last but not the least, the geopolitical situation in the area to the east has sensitive and complex hotspots, whereas the structure of geoeconomics maintains relatively stable. This paper puts forward strategies and countermeasures in order to improve the geopolitical and geoeconomic situations, which can be summarized as "Uniting in the North, Advancing in the West, Cooperating in the South, and Extending in the East". More specifically, "Uniting in the North" focuses on building a stable zone geopolitically based on mutual trust, economic and trade ties, science and technology, culture and other fields of cooperation with countries including Russia and Mongolia. "Advancing in the West" means expanding the economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges with five Central Asian countries, Russia and West Asia, Eastern Europe and the European Union countries through the development of the "Silk Road Economic Belt", which vigorously promotes the vast development of geoeconomics and creates a favorable geopolitical environment for Western China. "Cooperating in the South" aims at further strengthening traditional cooperative relations with South Asia and Southeast Asia countries by means of negotiation and dialogue, gradually resolving the Sino-Indian border dispute and territorial disputes in South China Sea. It also means promoting regional cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and countries located in the South Asia subcontinent, deepening the strategic friendship relations. All goals under "Cooperating in the South" cannot be accomplished without the development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the China-Burma-India-Bangladesh economic corridor and the twenty-first century maritime Silk Road. At last, "Extending in the East" places emphasis on breaking the first and second island chain encircled China set by USA and Japan and makes an ambitious plan that captures the mastery of the seas in 2020.
  • 一带一路专辑
    Weidong LIU
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(5): 538-544.

    The Belt and Road Initiative—where the "Belt" stands for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the "Road" stands for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road—is a call of China for new modes of regional economic cooperation under the trend of development of economic globalization. It targets at promoting orderly and free flow of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources, and deep integration of markets; enabling the countries along the Belt and Road to achieve economic policy coordination and carry out broader, deeper, and more efficient economic cooperation; and jointly building an open, inclusive, and balanced regional economic cooperation architecture. Thus the Belt and Road Initiative is an alternative road to further economic globalization, but contains ideas that are different from the past, that is, the spirit of the Silk Road—"peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and win-win." Based on such an understanding, this article first analyzes the general background of the Belt and Road Initiative against economic globalization and the changing configurations of the world, and then discusses the Initiative's spatial connotation by revealing its multi-scalar and trans-scalar characteristics. The article points out that the Belt and Road Initiative is a national strategy, rather than a regional strategy, to coordinate all-around opening of China to the world and promote further integration of the country into the global economy. Last, the article suggests several research themes in geography that are brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative, including geopolitical studies, geography of countries of the region to explore cooperation opportunities, foreign direct investment theories advanced by the Belt and Road Initiative, and optimization of transcontinental transportation.

  • Overview
    Bojie FU
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2018, 37(1): 1-7.

    Physical geography is the cornerstone of comprehensive study in geography. On the basis of reviewing the main research progress of physical geography, this article discussed the new research directions of physical geography. Driven by global environmental changes, physical geography and its branches have achieved significant progress. Recent progress in physical geography mainly includes research on the synthesis of physical geographic processes, land surface system integration, land-sea interaction, and physical geography application for regional ecological or environmental management. Physical geography needs to face the global climate change and human needs, explore new methods of technology application, carry out integrated multi-factor and multi-process research, develop geographical models, model future environmental dynamics and sustainable development, and serve the national priorities. In the process of physical geography development, we should pay more attention to the following frontier areas and directions: (1) geomorphology needs to focus on the study of geomorphology and global environmental change, and geomorphology and human activities; (2) biogeography needs to focus on the exploration of frontier fields such as attribute geography, global change biogeography, and to connect spatial distribution in biogeography and human needs under the background of change; (3) hydrology needs to integrate the multi-factor, multi-process, and multi-scale research, and to promote the development of ecological hydrology, social hydrology, and hydrological morphology; (4) physical geography needs to play a key role in the research of climate change, and serve major international research projects in climate change; (5) comprehensive physical geography research needs to meet national priority demands, focusing on the coupling of human-land system, resource and environment carrying capacity assessment, ecological security pattern, and ecological civilization construction; (6) physical geography needs to merge the natural and human elements and processes, develop complex system simulation models, and analyze the coupling mechanism of natural and human factors and the dynamic change of land surface system.

  • Original Articles
    LI He,ZHANG Pingyu,CHENG Yeqing
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2008, 27(2): 18-25.

    “Vulnerability”is a new research frontier in the domain of sustainability science and global environment change, and the term is now a central concept in a variety of research contexts such as natural hazards, climate change, land use change, and sustainable development; meanwhile, vulnerability research is perceived by many researchers as a new science which deals with the mechanism, the process of interactions between human and environment, and the regional sustainable development. Finding a generally applicable conceptual framework and robust assessment methods of vulnerability which are key factors to determine the development of vulnerability science, is a challenge facing vulnerability science. Recent years, researchers from different disciplines draw growing attention to the concept and assessment methods of vulnerability, leading to a rapid progress on the concept and assessment methods of vulnerability. The paper analyzed the different definitions of vulnerability from literatures both abroad and domestic, and illustrated the convergences and divergences among these definitions; based on this, we discussed the exact meaning of the term, maintaining that the sensitivity and coping capacity of system to perturbations impinging on it are the main characteristics of vulnerability of system. In addition, we reviewed the methods used in vulnerability assessment, and classified these methods into five categories according to their assessing process. we evaluated the weaknesses and strengths of each method respectively, then put forward some principles that should be followed in the process of vulnerability assessment, such as choosing simple assessment methods at first and then, with complicated ones later, paying attention to the trade- off between data transformation and results interpretation, focusing on key processes of the generation of vulnerability and making use of multiple methods in a complementary manner. Finally, according to the new trends in vulnerability research, the paper brought forward some issues which should receive more attention in the vulnerability assessment research, such as the vulnerability to multiple perturbations, the vulnerability of coupled systems, the uncertainties of complex system, and the scale issue in vulnerability assessment.

  • Reviews
    Yingbiao CHEN, Zihao ZHENG, Zhifeng WU, Qinglan QIAN
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2019, 38(2): 205-223.

    In remote sensing research, night light remote sensing as an important branch of active development has attracted increasingly more attention from the fields of natural and social science research in recent decades. Different from traditional daytime optical satellite remote sensing that obtains ground object radiation information, nighttime light remote sensing is the acquisition of visible-near-infrared electromagnetic information transmitted from the Earth's surface under cloud-free conditions at night. Compared to the ordinary satellite remote sensing images, ground light intensity information recorded by the night light images directly reflects the difference of human activity. Therefore, it is widely used in urbanization research, extraction of impervious surfaces, estimation of socioeconomic indicators, major events assessment, ecological environment assessment, and other fields. At present, although research results based on nighttime light data are continuously accumulating, there is a general lack of systematic review of these results and the current reviews suffer from incomplete coverage and poor timeliness. Therefore, this article summarizes the research results of nighttime light data in recent decades and examines them from the aspects of data processing and technical approaches, urbanization application research, and parameterization. Finally, we identify the following three research hotspots: multi-source data fusion, application expansion, and short-period surface light monitoring.

  • Original Articles
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 1985, 4(4): 23-28.
    前言在1800年代中期以前,洞穴硝石(钾硝)一直是用来制造黑色火药供美国早期三次战争军队以及家庭使用的。黑色火约是用七份硝石(KN)_3)与五份木灰和五份硫磺一起混合人工制成的。亚硝酸的硝石土类系从洞穴中采掘装在大槽中经淋滤处理,然后将滤液和木炭一起煮沸使其浓缩成硝酸盐(硝酸钾)结晶体(希尔 1979年)。
  • Original Articles
    FAN Lan, LU Changhe, CHEN Zhao
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2012, 31(5): 584-592.
    Crop growth model is a useful tool for quantitative evaluation of crop production potentials. Since itsstudy was first published in 1985, EPIC model has been widely used in the world because of its powerful functionality.In this paper, the main structure, function and data requirements were firstly summarized, and then the model applications in the world and China were reviewed. In China, since the first application in 2001, the EPIC model was used to evaluate crop yield potentials, quantify effects of irrigation and climate change on crop production,estimate nutrient losses and soil carbon storage, and predict soil losses. Finally, a brief discussion and suggestions were given on the model use.
  • Reviews
    QI Lanlan, ZHOU Suhong, YAN Xiaopei, GU Jie
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 32(8): 1276-1285.
    In this paper, based on the discussions on the two main branches, ecological medical geography and health care geography, we reviewed current content and development process of medical geography. Through literature study and use of a software platform, we established a database which helps identify and rank citation rates, vocabulary frequencies, authors' countries and affiliations. We argued that, in contrast to classic literature, medical geography studies in recent years expanded the focuses from "disease" to "health" related geographical issues; research horizons expanded from global to national, to local, to neighborhood, and even to the inner space of a building; more and more research tools became available, and more and more spatial analysis methods have been used. The focuses of the studies of medical geography include: the impact of human development and socio-economic activities on health, spatial relationships between healthcare services, effects of healthcare behavior on the health conditions, the impacts of neighborhood environment, especially socio-economic conditions, health and healthcare equity issues, especially medical services and healthcare for the groups with special needs. The majority of the researchers are mainly from medical and public health fields, followed by the ones from geographic research institutions. Studies of medical geography are mainly in developed American and European countries, as well as the fast developing countries such as China, Brazil, and so on. This paper argued that research in medical geography should expand to a broader scope that includes the study of well-being; the spatial scale of the study would be widened, deepened, and expanded to the topics in virtual space such as online- base medical services; multidisciplinary researches would also be more widely adopted in the future.
  • Original Articles
    Pang Xiaomin
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 1997, 16(2): 39-47.
    Aiming at getting clear about the reference implication of the theory and practice of international regional economic cooperation to intra applications in China, this paper gives an analytical introduction to the changing basic conception framework of international economic cooperation. The traditional conception of regional integration based on European experience is elaborated at first, and the major challenges faced it by the reality of international relationship in terms of cooperation and grouping in the past decades have been discussed. Then the recent academic development concerning the extending of the conception over the worldwide experiences of regional economic cooperation has been summarized.
  • 一带一路专辑
    Jialing ZOU, Chunla LIU, Guoqing YIN, Zhipeng TANG
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(5): 598-605.

    Policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bond are the focus of international cooperation of the "Belt and Road Initiative". Exports of the provinces in China to the "Belt and Road Initiative" area is the main content of the "Unimpeded trade and Financial integration," but research on trade between China and countries in the "Belt and Road Initiative" area are relatively rare, and trade interdependence remains unclear. According to the latest data from the International Trade Center, Chinese customs statistics in 2014, and Multi-regional Input-Output Table of China's 30 provinces in 2010, we analyzed the trade interdependence between China and countries of the "Belt and Road Initiative" area, and the contribution of provincial export to the GDP of each province. The results show that: trade interdependence had deepen between China and countries of the "Belt and Road Initiative" area, but the interdependence was asymmetrical; at the provincial level, the relatively high GDP contribution of exports in coastal provinces shows that these provinces are more export-dependent. Xinjiang has the highest GDP contribution of export (to Central Asia)and is thus strongly export dependent.

  • Reviews
    Xujun DAI, Aili LIU
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2019, 38(5): 662-674.

    As one of the core concepts of human geography, place identity reflects the subjects' emotional attachment to the place. It not only can affect residents' satisfaction and tourists' loyalty to the place, but also affects the subjects' environmental behavior, and thus affects the sustainable development of tourism. Based on the related literature in China and internationally, this article makes a comprehensive analysis of the connotation, dimension, and influencing factors and mechanisms of place identity. The main conclusions include: 1) Understanding of place identity connotation and division of its dimensions are dependent on the academic backgrounds of researchers and the purposes of research. There are five logical relationships between place identity and related concepts. Connotation analysis based on the new epistemology will help promote the understanding of the concept of place identity. Further clarification of the relationships between place identity and related concepts helps to standardize the classification, methods, and applicable standards. 2) Factors affecting place identity include individual, local natural environmental, social, culture factors, and so on. The study of human-environment relationship of human geography is the main paradigm of place identity research. Application of multiple theoretical perspectives is an important direction for examining the influencing factors and mechanisms of place identity in the future. 3) Place identity research in China started late. Although scholars in China and abroad agree on the core content of place identity research, the depth and breadth of their research are different. Only a few scholars in China pay attention to the impact of spatial scale and local landscape on place identity. Research on the relationship between climate, time, and place identity is the key content that needs to be focused on in the future.

  • LAI Zhongping, OU Xianjiao
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 32(5): 683-693.
    Since its development in the 1980s, optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) dating has been improved significantly. Even though the error is larger(normally 5%~10%), it has obvious advantageous over radiocarbon dating: larger dating range from decadal up to ~700 ka, abundant dating materials(quartz or feldspars), dating directly the sediment, etc. The purpose of the paper is to introduce the method to those geoscientists who intend to use OSL dating for chronological control so that the sampling in the field will satisfy OSL chronologists. We describe the procedures of OSL dating in the luminescence dating laboratory of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, CAS, including sampling, pretreatment, equivalent dose (De) and dose rate determination. We make some suggestions for OSL sampling from strata or drilling cores. In our laboratory we combine the single aliquot regenerative-dose(SAR) and standardised growth curve(SGC) techniques together for De determination, which we call SAR-SGC method with the advantage of reducing machine occupation time for at least 60% compared to that of the SAR method. The abstract of pure quartz of middle grains (38~63 μm) using fluorocilicic acid (H2SiF6) could be much easier and simpler compared to that of coarse grains(90~120 μm) and fine grains(4~ 11 μm), without the use of dangerous hydrofluoric acid(HF). Our systematic investigations on the use of SAR-SGC method for different sediments(aeolian, lacustrine, marine, and glacial, etc.) have shown that the method is valid, even though some factors may result in complexity, e.g. the contamination of heavy minerals and feldspars, the thermal history of quartz grains, etc. Since 2008, we have been applying, with success, the SAR-SGC method to dating loess, desert, lacustrine, ocean, glacial, earthquake, and archaeological site sediments, etc.
  • Original Articles
    WANG Zhong gen, LIU Chang ming, Huang You bo
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2003, 22(1): 79-86.
    SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model is a river basin, or watershed, scale model developed to predict the impact of land management practices on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in large, complex watersheds with varying soils, land use, and management conditions over long periods of timeThe model is physically based and enables users to study long term impacts This paper mainly introduces and discusses the issues of the hydrological theory, the structure and functions of SWAT modelSWAT separates the hydrology of a watershed into two major divisionsThe first division is the land phase of the hydrologic cycle which controls the loadings to the main channel in each subbasinThe second division is the water or routing phase of the hydrologic cycle which can be defined as the movement of water, sediments, etcthrough the channel network of the watershed to the outletSWAT uses a command structure for routing runoff and chemicals through a watershedUsing a routing command language, the model can simulate a basin subdivided into grid cells or subbasin In case study, SWAT model was used to simulate the hydrology of Heihe (Yingluo Valley) Basin in the cold Northwest ChinaFirst, Based on DEM, Heihe (Yingluo Valley) Basin was subdivided into four subbasinsBy building user soil type database and modifying land use coding, the model made a good runoff simulation result on a daily time step,and the model NSE (Nash Sutcliffe error judge standard) is up to 083So.
  • Original Articles
    Yi-fu Tuan
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2006, 25(2): 1-7.

    Humanistic geography is a genre of geography born in late 1960s. It is the emerging period of humanism in Anglo-America. A series of theories came out which criticize the knowledge system of logic-positivism. Humanistic geography is one of them. The philosophical fundaments of humanistic geography are existentialism and phenomenology. Yi-fu Tuan, Edward Relph, Anne Buttimer, David Ley, Marvyn Samuels and Nicholas Entrikin are the leaders of humanistic geography. Yi-fu Tuan published the first article about humanistic geography, which was collected in Human Geography(1978). It is the first collection work on this field.   One of the main aims of humanistic geography is corresponding the following relations: social sciences and human, understanding and wisdom, objectivity and subjectivity, materialism and mentalism。Its task is to develop methodology of human geography, and farther to understand the position of mankind on the earth. These points run through each part of this article. The standpoint of humanistic geography for social criticism is ethic and moral. One characteristic of humanistic geography is to emphasize human ability of sense to the nature and the world. This article discusses that ability from three aspects. Firstly, geography pays attention to differences of places which emerge to different qualities of them. A place can be felt through senses, and the comprehensive senses form the felt qualities of the place. Secondly, when dealing with the relationship between human and the nature, power is often added onto the nature, which distorts the origin form of natural things. To feel the harmony of nature and human can upgrade human morals. Thirdly, imagination is an ability of getting experiences of the world, from which cultures come out. Human may be trapped when running after a better material and/or mental life. At the end of this article, the author states that a humanistic geographer must have a vast command of the facts meanwhile must be skilled and sensitive to the complexities and subtleties of the nature.

  • Reviews
    Lulu HOU, Yungang LIU
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2019, 38(5): 637-647.

    Lebensraum is a core concept that Friedrich Ratzel created while he first founded political geography. In 1901, based on the study of anthropogeography, Ratzel came up with two analytical frameworks of spatial politics, "lebensraum" and "national organism," and the word lebensraum has attracted much attention since then. Haushofer, Ratzel's student and a used-to-be soldier devoted to national interests, contributed to the use of lebensraum in geopolitics and military science. Along with the rising popularity of geopolitics, lebensraum was developed into a geopolitical concept to explain the evolution of country system, which served as a theoretical support for Fascism. In the first half of the 20th century, German geographers played a leading role in lebensraum research. With the end of World War II, neither lebensraum nor geopolitics escaped from condemnation. Treating lebensraum as a weapon speaking for fascist states, Anglophone geographers tried to keep away from it, leading to its abandonment in the West. Due to the different language and a relatively independent academic community from the West, some Japanese geographers took up the study of lebensraum from a regional planning perspective since the 1960s. With political geography back into humanism view since the late 1980s, lebensraum liberated from the darkroom of German geopolitics, and there have been increasingly more geographers aware of the enormous theoretical value behind the concept. Through a brief review of the development process of lebensraum, this article aims to reveal the status and role of lebensraum in understanding the analytical framework of political geography, the relationship between human and land, space governance, and decision making of human agency.

  • Original Articles
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 1983, 2(1): 60-60.
  • 一带一路专辑
    Peiping GONG, Zhouying SONG, Weidong LIU
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2015, 34(5): 571-580.

    Economic cooperation is one of the priority areas in the "Belt and Road Initiative" proposed by China. It is important to examine the characteristics and patterns of development of trade between China and countries in the "Belt and Road Initiative" area, for achieving "unimpeded trade" and promoting economic prosperity and regional cooperation. Under this background, this article reviews the changing trend of commodity structure of trade between China and countries in the "Belt and Road Initiative" area, and analyzes the commodity structure and pattern, based on the revealed comparative advantage index (RCA), sensitive industry identification method, and k-medium value clustering. The results show that the commodity structure of China's export to these countries has improved, while import has been more centralized with increasing share of energy. Second, the main products that China exports to these countries are mechanical equipment and textiles and garments, while the main products that China imports are mostly energy, textiles and garments, and mechanical equipment. Third, sensitive industries involved in China's exports include clothing and shoes, nonmetallic minerals, transportation equipment and so on, and those involved in China's imports are mainly ores, energy, and some primary processed products. Fourth, at the provincial level, eastern, central, and some western provinces that do not share border with other countries, are mainly connected to Southeast Asia, West Asia, and Middle East, while western and northern border provinces are mainly dependent on trade with neighboring countries in the area, and have more ties with Central Asia, South Asia, and Mongolia-Russia. Most eastern provinces, central provinces, and several fast-growing western provinces are mainly exporting mechanical equipment, while most northwestern provinces are mainly exporting clothing. On the other hand, energy is the main product imported to Qinghai, Xinjiang, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, and other eastern provinces, while ores and metal products are main imported to most western provinces.

  • Socio-Cultural Geography
    LI Yicong, ZHANG Jie, LIU Zehua, WU Jialin, XIONG Jie
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2014, 33(4): 584-592.
    Resident is an important stakeholder of tourism. Sense of place, perception of benefits and costs affect residents' satisfaction, and further affect the sustainable development of tourism resorts. Previous studies were mostly about the one-way relationship of how sense of place affects the perception of tourism impacts, but what is the other way round? Based on an exploratory factor analysis, we find that residents' perception of tourism impacts can be classified into three parts: perceived costs, perceived psychic benefits and perceived physical benefits. Then is there any structural relationship within the residents' perception of tourism impacts? This article uses the world natural heritage Sanqingshan Resort as a case. Based on a review of existing literatures we build a structural equation model (SEM) using questionnaire survey and interview data. The survey questions include basic demographic characteristics of residents, sense of place, perception of tourism impacts, satisfaction and so on. The survey samples are located in the two entrances of the core scenic area of the research site and comprised of 271 residents who are greatly influenced by tourism. The result of this research indicates that: (1) Sense of place and the perception of tourism impacts influence each other. There is no significant mutual impact between cost perception and sense of place. Sense of place and the perceived benefits have a strong impact on each other, especially the perceived psychic benefits influence strongly residents' sense of place. Residents' sense of place as a kind of human emotion has a similar influence on the perceived psychic benefits. The deeper residents' sense of place, the more intense are the perceived psychic benefits, for example, image promotion of tourism resorts. Better psychic benefits improve residents' sense of place. (2) Perceived benefits including perceived psychic benefits and physical benefits play the most significant role on the sense of place and satisfaction in SEM, especially the perceived psychic benefits. These two parts in perceived benefits influence each other significantly. (3) Residents' sense of place has a positive significant impact on satisfaction, the same as perceived psychic benefits and perceived physical benefits, but perceived costs have negative and non-significant impact on satisfaction. Residents' perceived psychic benefits improve satisfaction more efficiently than physical benefits, but this does not mean perceived physical benefits are unimportant: perceived psychic benefits and perceived physical benefits have a strong mutual influence. As tourism develops, local residents feel pride for the place (which denotes a strong perception of psychic benefits), and this generates better expectation for physical benefits. As a result, perceived psychic benefits play a stronger role in connecting residents' sense of place and satisfaction than perceived physical benefits. (4) We also classified the surveyed residents into native and non-native by birthplace to test differences between natives and immigrants. Native residents' sense of place and perceived psychic benefits are higher than non-native, and are more sensitive about perceived costs, while the perceived physical benefits are lower than non-native residents. One shortcoming of this study is that, although the measured variables have high factor loadings, their number is small, which may not be enough to illustrate latent variables efficiently. The number of measured variables should be increased in future research to test the results.
  • Reviews
    Zhuolin TAO, Yang CHENG
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2016, 35(5): 589-599.

    Two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method is an important method of research on spatial accessibility to public services, which has been widely applied in studies on the spatial layout of public service facilities. Various extensions of 2SFCA have been developed. However, the application of the 2SFCA method and especially its extensions is still very limited in China. Thus, this study systematically summarizes the major extensions of the 2SFCA method. Such extensions found in existing literature can be classified into four categories. The first category focuses on the distance-decay function, replacing the dichotomous distance-decay form of the original 2SFCA by a multilevel discrete form as in the Enhanced 2SFCA, or continuous forms such as in the gravity-style, Gaussian-style, and Kernel-density-style distance-decay functions. The second category deals with the delimitation of catchment areas. The original 2SFCA form adopts a buffer-ring (BR) method delineating the catchment areas as concentric circles with certain radii of physical distance or travel time. A number of extensions have improved the BR method, including the Variable 2SFCA, the Dynamic 2SFCA, and the Multi Catchment Sizes 2SFCA. Moreover, a novel nearest-neighbor (NN) method for delineating the catchment areas by identifying a finite number of nearest facilities for each demand node has been proposed. The third category strives to improve the accuracy of 2SFCA by accounting for the competition among demand nodes or among supply nodes. The initial extension of this category is the Three-step Floating Catchment Area (3SFCA) method, following which other extensions such as the Modified 2SFCA and the Huff 2SFCA are proposed to make further improvements. The fourth category extends the travel means of the demand side, including the Multi-mode 2SFCA taking into account various potential transportation modes, and the Commuter-based 2SFCA integrating service visits and commuting behavior. The advantages and disadvantages, scenarios appropriate for their application, and potential improvements in the future of these extensions are also discussed. This study can contribute to the choice of method in relevant studies and promote the implementation and development of the 2SFCA method and extensions in relevant research fields in China.

  • XIA Jun, GAO Yang, ZUO Qiting, LIU Xiaojie, CHEN Qingmei, DOU Ming
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2012, (1): 26-31.
    As there is a trend of deterioration of the water resource and environmental quality in China, the interconnected rivers system, which is an important target for river health and enhancing water resource utilization, was emphasized by National 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015). Currently, we are lack of knowledge in characteristics on drainage connectivity and river health. Thus, the aim of this paper is to clarify the definition of interconnected rivers system, classification, evaluation indicators, impact factors and the effects on water environment health. The interconnected rivers system can improve wetland ecological environment, maintain biodiversity, and safeguard flood control security and sustainable utilization of water resources. However, interconnected rivers system has eclogical and environmental adventure, including: (1) because of interconnected rivers, the water quality, wherein original river is good, will be worse due to mixing with poor water quality; (2) interconnected rivers will increase the competition of fish and other species in the rivers; (3) through interconnected rivers system, the rivers and lakes which have plenty of rainwater supplement those lack of rainwater, which will greatly reduce the effective water resource; (4) reducing runoff from the rivers and lakes which are plenty of rainwater will result in reducing evaporation in the area of the land surface and the water cycle, and then, lead to climate change in the region; (5) the connectivity of upstream and downstream will result in dramatic increase in sand and sediment in downstream rivers.
  • Articles
    Jiangjiang KANG, Fan ZHANG, Yuemin NING
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2019, 38(3): 395-406.

    Based on the data of Apple suppliers from 2012 to 2017, this study conducted an empirical analysis of the global value chains of iPhone parts, and the changing role of Chinese enterprises according to the cost value of different parts of mobile phone. The conclusions are as follows: Firstly, suppliers of the key parts were mainly located in the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and they were in the core of value chain governance; while the important and general components were mainly from Japan and Chinese mainland and Taiwan, China. Secondly, the production of most parts was completed in Chinese mainland and Southeast Asia. In recent years, Chinese mainland's status of the "world factory" for general parts of iPhone has been further consolidated, but at the same time, breakthroughs have been made in some important links of the value chains, and Chinese mainland has gradually moved to the high end of the value chain. Thirdly, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Chengdu-Chongqing region, and the Central Plains have become the core production base of iPhone's components. iPhone parts industrial clusters have been formed in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, and they have become the main base for Chinese mainland's enterprises to embed in iPhone's global value chain. The Chengdu-Chongqing region is not only the base for chip companies, but also the location for assemblying and packaging services at the low end of the value chain, which indicates the two-way acceptance at both ends of the value chain. The regions around the Bohai Bay, Fujian Province, Hunan Province, and some other places mainly carry on the production of the medium part of the value chain, while the Central Plains mainly carry on the production of the mobile phone assembly and packaging services. Finally, we analyzed the driving factors that upgraded Chinese mainland's status in the global value chains.

  • Urban Geography & Regional Development
    ZHANG Qiang
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 32(8): 1227-1236.
    City's cultural and creative industry has increasingly become an important industry in the national economy and a pillar sector of the tertiary industry. The strategic decision of developing cultural and creative industry and building up the cultural power has been stressed by the central government of China. The studies on this topic therefore are helpful for understanding the transformation of urban industries and the sustainable development. Based on the discussion of the concept of cultural and creative industry, using the methods such as field investigation, comparative analysis and on-site interview in the districts of the industry, this paper describes the current status and characteristics of the development of the cultural and creative industry, and analyzes the issues. Furthermore, this paper displays the characteristics and patterns of spatial distribution of city's cultural and creative industry in China at the national and urban levels. The results have shown that city's cultural and creative industry has been developing rapidly and continuously in China, and it has already become a pillar industry in several big cities and a new driving force of industrial transition and economic development. Up to now, six clusters of city's cultural and creative industry have been formed in China, including the Capital area, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Chuan-Shaan Area, Central Area and Yunnan Area. City's cultural and creative industry in China exhibits four types of spatial distribution patterns, including central city areas, peripheral areas around the city, areas adjacent to high-tech parks and the areas in outer suburb counties. In the future, city's cultural and creative industry in China needs to be further developed in order to become a pillar industry of urban economic development. This paper suggests that talent training for developing the industry should serve as a primarily intellectual support. In addition, construction of the industrial clusters is important for enhancing the spatial development of the industry in clustering pattern. The government should make favorable policies and set up funds for the development of the industry. The paper also suggests that there is a need to establish an alliance among the cities internationally and make favorable policies to accelerate the international development of city's cultural and creative industry.
  • Original Articles
    Wang Xiulan, Bao Yuhai
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 1999, 18(1): 81-87.
    From the respect of the meaning and the researching contents of land use and cover change, the methods for land use change were analyzed. Further, the methods of establishing land use dynamic change model were mainly introduced. These models include land resources quantity change model, land resources environmental quality change model, land use degree change model, land use change regional diversity model, land use spatial change model and land requirement forecasting model.
  • Articles
    Bin LI, Huimin WANG, Mingzhou QIN, Pengyan ZHANG
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2017, 36(5): 585-596.

    Through the comparative study of the correlations between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference moisture index (NDMI) and land surface temperature (LST), the suitability to research LST using NDVI and NDMI was verified. Based on Landsat 8 remote sensing imagery in the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng metropolitan area, LST was retrieved, and both NDVI and NDMI were calculated. At the overall, regional, and pixel levels, the correlations between LST and NDVI, NDMI were analyzed. Using GEO-Da, the spatial correlations between LST and NDVI, NDMI were simulated with the data of three sampling intervals of 150 m, 300 m and 450 m. The conclusions are as follows. First, there is a stronger linear negative correlation between LST and NDMI, and sectional analysis shows that NDMI resembles a mirror image of LST, whereas the correlation between LST and NDVI is much weaker. Second, buffer analysis shows that with the increase of distance from the down town and increase of the number of land use types, the correlation between NDMI and LST also increases gradually. Third, in the analysis of Moran's I spatial correlation, the negative correlations between LST and the two indices were significant, but because of the great difference between the values of water body in the two indices, NDMI and LST show stronger negative correlation, while the correlation between NDVI and LST is relatively weak. In general, compared with NDVI, NDMI is more suitable as an effective indicator for quantitative analysis of LST.

  • Original Articles
    Zhang Xueqin, Ge Quansheng
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 1999, 18(1): 60-67.
    This paper presents a brief introduction of integrated assessment models (IAM) of climatic change. Then the Integrated Model to Assess Greenhouse Effect 2.0 (IMAGE2.0), a multi disciplinary, integrated model designed to simulate the dynamic of the global society-biosphere-climate system and to evaluate consequences of climate policies is introduced. This suggests that IAMs are useful tools so far to quantify as much as possible the cause effect relationships of the climate change problem and the cross-linkages and interactions between diverse issues concerned. Chinese research community should pay more attention to the development of IAMs so as to broaden our understanding of climatic change and to aid the decision making process about influences of human activities on environmental and climatic change.
  • Special Column: South China Sea and "the Belt and Road Initiative"
    Junjue ZHANG, Fenzhen SU, Wenyue WANG
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2018, 37(11): 1443-1453.

    The South China Sea and its coastal zone are one of the most active and high potential areas for economic development in the Asia-Pacific region. Affected by global changes and human activities, the resources and environment in the South China Sea region were changing drastically, imposing new pressures on the society, economy, ecology and environment. This article reviewed related geographical research of coast zone, marine and coral reef resources from the perspective of geospatial information. It examined various current works of remote sensing monitoring on the shoreline, the geographical difference analysis of oil- gas reserves and fishery catch, and remote sensing monitoring on coral reef landform and coral bleaching. this article also discussed the existing research results and shortcomings and analyzed the possible focus of future research based on development trends. The results show that the geospatial research on resources and environment of the South China Sea had made many achievements in the large scale rapid monitoring and geographical differentiation of resources so far. Meanwhile, research on the internal mechanism of resource distribution, as well as the environmental impact of resource development, is insufficient. Studies that can be expected to achieve breakthroughs in the future include: multi-scale analysis of spatiotemporal feature of the region and their effects, differentiation and pattern analysis of inter-regional natural and social development, improvement of dynamic monitoring accuracy and timeliness of the South China Sea resources based on the integration multiple-source data, and the comprehensive effects of marine ecology and environment in the process of resource change.

  • Original Articles
    LI Xiu bin
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2002, 21(3): 195-203.
    The most fundamental obstacle to progress in the understanding and prediction of human impacts on environmental changes lies in the lack of a comprehensive and integrative theory of human land relationships. The recent growth of research into land use and land cover change has revealed the inadequacy of current theories. On the other hand, specific land use issues have been effectively addressed by different disciplines, such as economic geography, regional and urban economics, and law. This paper reviews the land use theories and system models that indirectly or exclusively touch the dynamics of land use in time and space. A comprehensive framework for the explanation of land use changes is proposed. The author argues that a multi disciplinary approach into land use change studies, as an alternative to a new integrative theory of human land relationships, help the establishment of a holistic understanding of the process. Analyses of land user’s economic behavior and land manager’s institutional behavior constitute the major components of the framework. Thunen and Alonso’s bid rent curve approach provides a foundation for the former analysis, while Platt’s interaction loop among land use system, environment system and institution system provides theoretical base for the latter. With the bid rent curve approach, understanding of land use change lies in an analysis of conditions for change of transference margins in the micro perspective and an analysis of conditions for change of the slope of bid rent curve in the macro perspective. All these changes will break the spatial equilibrium of land use and then constitute the driving forces of land use change. With Platt’s interaction loop approach, attention should be paid to strength of the signals from both the nature side and the society side. The author claims that changes on land use policies in China after the ’who will feed China’ debate in the mid 1990s, the large flooding on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the strong dust storms in North China in early 2000, reflect the impact of strong signals. The paper also discusses the intrinsic properties of land that make unique of the dynamic mechanism of land use. Of these properties, multiple suitability, constraint in area and quality, and immovability are imperative to land use changes. Trend in land use specialization and the implicative shrinking of land’s natural functions is a cue for the understanding of land use changes, and that of the overall human environment relationships as well.
  • Original Articles
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 1993, 12(1): 65-65.
    《Global Environmental Change》(全球环境变迁)是一本国际性的学术季刊,1990年12月创刊。面对环境恶化对地球生物的生存所造成的严重威胁,该刊旨在探讨人类及其公共政策在全球环境变迁过程中所造成的影响及所起的作用。其研究课题包括:滥伐森林、(人为)沙漠化、土壤退化、物种灭绝、海平面升高、酸雨、臭氧层的破坏、大气层的温度变化、核冬天、新技术灾害的发生、自然灾害的消极影响,等等。该刊由美国 Rutgers 大学与联合国大学联合主办,编委会成员来自美国、英国、德国、加拿大、日本、中国等18个国家,主编为美国 Rutgers 大学地理系 J.K.米切尔教授。该刊为英文,每年三、六、九、十二月在英国 Butterworth-Heinemann 出版公司出版。中科院地理所图资室订有此刊,欢迎地理学界、环境科学及关心地理环境保护与利用的各界人士阅读和利用。
  • Articles
    Jingyao KANG, Jinhe ZHANG, Huan HU, Jun ZHOU, Jie XIONG
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2016, 35(7): 839-850.

    Chinese traditional villages built before 1980 are the carrier of farming civilization and traditional cultural heritage. Traditional villages formed during different historical periods and under specific geographical conditions reflect the economic, political, cultural, and other social aspects during their development. However, with the rapid progress of urbanization, traditional villages are disappearing. Protecting these villages is of significant importance in modern society. Based on the list of traditional villages published by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, 2555 villages were selected as the research object of this study. By using GIS technology and kernel density analysis, nearest neighbor analysis, and Anselin local Moran’s I, this article analyzes the spatial distribution characteristics of Chinese traditional villages, examining the relationship between the spatial distribution of traditional villages and terrain, population, economy, traffic, and urban spatial pattern. The result shows that: (1) The spatial distribution of traditional villages clearly varies among different regions of China and four concentrated areas are found in the Hebei-Shangdong-Henan border area, Anhui-Zhejiang-Jiangxi border area, Guizhou- Guangxi-Hunan border area, and northwest Yunnan; (2) Higher altitude (over 500 m) is conducive to the preservation of traditional villages; (3) Population is the basis for the existence and continuation of traditional villages, but does not have a significant correlation; (4) The relationship between regional economic development, transportation development and traditional village preservation should be further studied. On the one hand, economic backwardness and low accessibility through transportation provide an environment conducive for the protection of traditional villages. On the other hand, the development of regional economy and transportation are not necessarily an obstacle for protecting traditional villages; (5) There is a certain degree of negative correlation between the level of traffic development and the number of traditional villages; (6) Spatially, existing traditional villages are often located far from the center of cities, or in urban fringe.