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    Yu Huning
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    The long development course of traditional geography before 20th century is summarized, and geographical connotation and field-related characteristics are also discussed. Since middle 20th century, geography has not only broadened its field-related of research, paralleling progress in the fields of society, economy, science and technology, but has achieved unprecedented theoretical, methodological and technological progress. The current frontier of geography is a unified disciplinary system with multiple branches, and this tendency of disciplinary synthesis and differentiation corresponds with trends in the development of modern sciences. The introduction of new theories, new methods and new technologies has greatly promoted systematic analysis and synthesis within geography, and thus elevated both the theoretical level and practical usefulness of geography as a scientific system. Looking through into 21st century, there is little doubt that the development of geography would take new opportunities and that sustainable development of geographic environment would become the core of geographic researches. Under the impact of the tide of the 3rd great scientific integration, it is necessary to reform the traditional geography by reconstruction of new systems and methodologies, to examine closely the scientific value and function of geography, and to make further explorations and advances in theoretical and practical fields uninterruptedly, so that the potential energy of science of geography can be released out.
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    Fan Jie
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    Chinese economy has experienced fast growth in the period from 1991 to 1996, and both state macro control and market mechanism has played an important role in such a process. In this paper the regional pattern of the provincial economic growth is analyzed systematically, with focus on promulgating the effect of state policy, summarizing the rules of changing pattern of provincial economy and classifying the models of provincial economic growth with insight discussion on related mechanism.
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    Li Xiaojian
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    This paper reviews the recently published literature concerning new industrial district (NDI) and globalization of economic activities. (1) The conception is clarified; (2) the criteria for identifying NID are discussed; (3) to carry on the research on NID and globalization is considered as an important area for economic geography studies; (4) future study areas are suggested including NID and rural industrialised district, NID and foreign investment concentrated areas, local global economic linkages in regions with different development levels.
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    Chen Yufeng
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    As an important idea and methodology on modeling of the response of vegetation to climate change, predictive vegetation mapping (PVM) has been attracted for the studies on the impacts of global climate change by many foreign ecologists and geographers. This paper introduces briefly the processes of PVM studies, summarizes the methodology of PVM, and then discusses the role of PVM to model the response of vegetation to climate change. Especially, in this paper, the role of geo information system (GIS) to model the response of vegetation to climate change is emphasized, and the methodology and process of vegetation climate modeling by GIS are induced.
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    Zhang Jiaen, Xu Qi
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    Since 1980s, especially during the recent years, because of needs of global environment problems and its sustainable development, ecology has changed greatly in its study content, direction, attempt, scale and methodology, and a lot of new study fields have appeared, which include global change, sustainable development, biodiversity, landscape ecology, wetland ecology, degradation of ecosystem, restoration ecology, ecological engineering, ecological economics, etc.. This paper gives a sketchy review on the above hot ecological study fields with an attempt to provide some guides for ecological researchers.
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    Zhang Lei
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    The long history of human development shows that the role of man in the earth has evolved from a ‘slave of the heaven’ in the period of prehistoric age, to a ‘manager of the livings’ during the agricultural society, to a ‘master of the universe’ in the industrial society, to a partner of the nature in the information times, and this conforms the logical ground for sustainable development today. From this point, sustainable development in the future should be not only focusing on keeping a stable growth of social economy and promoting the process of scientific development, but also making efforts on psychology education on evolving development of the adult and the young generations and improving the efficiency of resource’s utilization. The later is significant especially for developing countries.
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    Fang Chuanglin, Shi Peihua, Yu Danlin
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    The Planning of regional development is the substantial action of the regional sustainable development, and is an important means of brining about the regional sustainable development. These two bear an obvious relationship of means and goal. This paper discusses the related effect, dynamic mechanism and cooperation mechanism of their interaction. With these discussion, this paper puts forward that a turn from sole goal to multi goal as well as the main goal assured and the consideration taken into the social and ecological as well as economic factors are the main approaches to make the regional sustainable development realized.
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    Zhang Yifeng, Li Zhanshe
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    Based on the point of regional development, analysis of natural and social factors, and current situation of rural economy, this paper puts forward such an optimum configuration of water and soil resources for Shuang Qiao township as follows: first, reinforcing the water conservancy projects on farm land, exploiting underground water rationally, practising water saving agriculture; Second, incorporating planting activities and breeding ones to improve the fertility of soil and acquire a system of good strains, creating produce and products with indigenous features.
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    Lu Minglun, Liu Weiguo, Chen Guanglin
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    It is becoming a wide trend for the world today to build information network. It is a revolution for our society. In the coming information society, information will be the most important productive capital. In the world, the tendency that information industry is becoming a independent industry from traditional tertiary industry can be found easily. In this paper’s opinion, information industry may be the support industry and the long term economic growth pole in China during its cross century development period. It may be a consequent choice for China to get its sustainable development objective to improve information industry rapidly.
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    Liu Xuejun, Li Xiubin
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    As a special form of agroforestry, living contour hedge is effective in enhancing the sustainability of sloping land utilization, in a way that soil and water erosion is harnessed and soil quality improved. This paper discusses some principal issues in the development of the technology. Then it reviews the progress of researches on these issues, involving species choice, hedge design and management, and evaluation of ecological and economic benefits. Problems and extension limits are also discussed and the appropriate extension areas are proposed.