Temporal - Spatial Analysis of Temperature and Its Effect on Climate and Water in Qinghai Gonghe Basin
Online published: 2004-05-25
In the northeastern part of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau lies Gong-he basin. The paper discusses the temporal-spatial characteristic of temperature and its effect on climate and water according to the meteorological data (1953~2001) from three weather stations and soil water material (1980~2002) in Qiabuqia weather station by time series method, DEM and Penman-Monteith equation. The results show that annual temperature time series are not stationary, but with linear upward trend; and annual average temperature in Chaka and Qiabuqia and Guinan is increasing by 0.0247、0.0422 and 0.0272℃ respectively per year according to the linear model in Gong-he basin; furthermore, the spatial distribution of annual average temperature can be simulated by using multivariable linear model based on digital elevation model (DEM 100×100m2) and by using the data at three permanent weather stations and more than ten temporary weather stations. The two big sand bands(Shazuyu-Tala and Mugetan) is in the higher scope of temperature(1.0~4.0℃ and 1.0~2.9℃) according to the simulated result, and there is a direct correlation between annual temperature and potential evapotranspiration in space; with temperature rising, the saturated difference of water pressure and potential evapotranspiration increases gradually, and soil water decreases in topsoil; so it makes the climate drier, and desertification become more serious gradually in the future in Gong-he basin in Qinghai province. But in short-term, especially in the period of research, the change of climate is very slight, so the cause of desertification needs to be analyzed further in Gong-he basin.
Key words: climate warming; DEM; Gong-he Basin; Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau; temperature
SUN Jianguang, LI Baoguo, LU Qi . Temporal - Spatial Analysis of Temperature and Its Effect on Climate and Water in Qinghai Gonghe Basin[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2004 , 23(3) : 100 -106 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2004.03.013
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