The Characteristics of the Professional Women Job Transfer in the Transformation Period

  • Resource Environment and Tourism College, Capital Normal University, Beijing 10048, China

Received date: 2011-03-01

  Revised date: 2011-05-01

  Online published: 2012-02-25


In the process of rapid urbanization, the relation of job and housing has become a hot topic in academic research. The spatial structure is the result of residential location choice and job choice. So revealing the process of housing and job change is important. Since the 1990s, China has entered the transformation period and the job market in China has undergone profound changes. The increased independency of residents’choice of job and the complication of employment behavior become the hot topics of academic research. Previous studies discussed female employment rate, employment structure, occupational mobility and particular type of female employment in the behavioral characteristics of transition based on comparisons with male. These studies ignore the complexity of different women’s job transfer characteristics in the labor market. Based on the deep interviews with professional women, this study analyses different types of behavioral characteristics of professional women, and tries to explain different types of career women’s responses to diversity of labor market transition. The paper, using the cluster analysis, divides the professional women into five categories by age, education level, household registration, initial occupational type and initial employer type. According to the number and the frequency of female’s job transfer and the direction of occupational mobility, we find that career women are different in the transfer process influenced by three factors. Using the employer type, occupational type and the reason for job transfer, we build a matrix for discussing the occupational mobility. The occupational mobility indicators include employer type, occupation type, wage and the subjective attitude of the respondents. The paper finds the career women with different properties have different responses to labor market transition. Most professional women experience upward and independent occupational changes, while only low-educated women tend to have downward changes.

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WANG Xiaoyu, WANG Maojun, LI Shimeng, WEN Jin . The Characteristics of the Professional Women Job Transfer in the Transformation Period[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2012 , 31(2) : 191 -200 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.02.008


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