Progr ess on environmental effects of tidal flat r eclamation
Received date: 2007-01-01
Revised date: 2007-03-01
Online published: 2007-03-25
Reclamation of tidal flat is one of the dominating methods for coastal countries to colonize territory and reconcile conflict between human and environment. The reclamation of tidal flat will decline the elevation of tidal flat, alter hydrodynamic processes and suspended sediment transport, reconstruct characteristic of sediment, and so on. So the vegetation community presents secondary succession and the flat which have been reclaimed will become artificial environment. Based on review of the international phylogeny of reclamation, this article probed into the influence of reclamation on coastal zone from four aspects: hydrodynamic processes and suspended sediment transport on tidal flat, geo- biological cycle of substances on coastal zone, ecology of botany and zoology on tidal flat, and salt marsh restoration and ecological reconstruction. Then the authors point out the difficulties, the shortages and main problems existing in the study. Finally, the article puts forward that special attention should be paid to multi- subject integrated research on environmental effects of tidal flat reclamation, especially, the changes of hydrological, sediment, soil characteristic of and function of coastal ecological system after reclamation. It should be based on comprehensive analysis of natural and artificial succession of coastal zone to investigate evolutional mechanism of coastal zone system which is influenced by reclamation and to seek sustainable utilization of coastal zone that considers both land demand and coastal environment preservation.
LI Jialin, YANG Xiaoping, TONG Yiqin . Progr ess on environmental effects of tidal flat r eclamation[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2007 , 26(2) : 43 -51 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.02.005
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