Original Articles

The Inspiration of Japanese National Land Development on the West Exploitation in China

  • Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources CAS, Beijing 100101

Received date: 2000-08-01

  Revised date: 2000-09-01

  Online published: 2000-08-24


The plan of Japanese national land development played a positive role on solving the problems such as the regional economic difference, the industrial space distribution, the development of outlying districts and the environmental protection.\;In this paper, on the basis of the comments and summarize the successful experiences of Japanese national development, four main problems needed to be pay attention in the west exploitation in China were presented as follow. First, it’s important to draw up a clear development goal and a feasible development pattern, in addition, through legislative formality to ensure the implementation of the exploitation plan. Second, give full play the part of the public capital and private capital in the west exploitation. Third, bring about a great advance in the development of middle and small cities in the west. Fourth, correctly handle the problems of resources, environment and natural calamity in the west exploitation.

Cite this article

ZHANG Wen zhong . The Inspiration of Japanese National Land Development on the West Exploitation in China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2000 , 19(3) : 251 -258 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2000.03.008

