Ver tical Distr ibution and Environmental Significance of Saturated Hydrocarbons in Soil Samples Collected from Tianjin
Received date: 2007-03-01
Revised date: 2007-08-01
Online published: 2007-11-25
The vertical distribution of both the concentration and composition characteristics of saturated hydrocarbons in soil samples collected from 7 soil profiles in Tianjin has been investigated. The vertical variation patterns of saturated hydrocarbons composition along the soil profiles with different environmental conditions have been discussed. The results showed that the concentrations and chemical compositions of saturated hydrocarbons were significantly different in the surface soil of different locations. The concentrations were higher in the soil samples from suburban area than rural area. Generally, concentrations of saturated hydrocarbons in the upper horizons from 0 to 30cm were much higher than those in the bottom soils where concentrations were constant. The concentration of saturated hydrocarbons changes dramatically along the profile, reaching a higher concentration in the topsoil. The composition changes of normal alkanes, sterane and terpane in soil with the depth were complex. It also reveals that the primary sources of saturated hydrocarbons in the surface soils were from a mixture of petroleum (including diesel, gasoline and their products of uncompleted combustion) and higher plants, and the petroleum is the primary source of the suburban area. The surface soil of different soil profiles had different contamination sources. The different horizons had similar composition characteri- stics, indicating the similar contamination sources. However, in the bottom soils, the composition characteristics and geochemical indices of normal alkanes were significantly distinct. The sources were different with the surface soils and complex for the normal alkanes in the bottom soils, which may be in connection with both the degradation of soil organic matter and the moving down of saturated hydrocarbons in the topsoil. For sterane and terpane in the profiles which had a high concentration of saturated hydrocarbons in the topsoil, the character of sterane and terpane compositions were similar. Accordingly, in the profiles with a high concentration of saturated hydrocarbons in the topsoil, the bottom soil was influenced by downmoving of the terane and terpane from the topsoil.
Key words: distribution; saturated hydrocarbons; soil profile; source identification; Tianjin
BU Qingwei, ZHANG Zhihuan, WANG Liang, DU Maoli . Ver tical Distr ibution and Environmental Significance of Saturated Hydrocarbons in Soil Samples Collected from Tianjin[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2007 , 26(6) : 26 -32 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.06.003
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