Based on the systematical analysis on the macroscopic background of the ecological reconstruction and economic sustainable development in the global arid area, this paper analyzes the situation that ecological environment is getting worse and worse in northwest arid area of China. The opportunity and the challenge on ecological reconstruction which are faced with in northwest arid area of China are also analyzed. It is considered that ecological threat has become the biggest security threat throughout the whole world. Furthermore, the degeneration of biodiversity is amazing, many species are frequently in emergencies, a lot of fragile ecological regions have been reduced to ecological disaster areas, ecological pillages which go beyond nations and districts still continue, and astonishing ecological destructions accelerate ecological poverty and economic poverty. So ecological reconstruction is paid more and more attention to in international society, and ecological security strategy has become an important part of the global strategy. According to this, this paper puts forward that regional sustainable development theory, restoration ecology theory, and social ecology and geo ecology theory can be considered as the theoretical basis of ecological reconstruction and economic sustainable development in northwest arid area of China.
FANG Chuang lin, XU Jian hua
. Macroscopic Background and Theoretical Basis on Ecological Reconstruction and Man land System Intergration in Northwest Arid Area of China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2001
, 20(1)
: 21
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2001.01.003
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