Theor ies, Methods and Progr ess of Energy- Environment Resear ch
Received date: 2006-07-01
Revised date: 2006-10-01
Online published: 2006-11-25
Both abundance of energy and cleanness of environment are of paramount importance to guaranteeing the national energy security and sustainable development. Considering coal's important place in the energy supply and consumption structure, the big population in rural area and the sustainable development plan in the future, there are special practical significances to carry out energy- environment researches in China. This article summarized the concept, the analysis frame and theory base, and the usual methods and models in the energy- environment field. An energy- environment cube analysis frame was also given to conclude the main research aspects such as different kinds of energy utilization on environment, effects of fossil energies on global environment, and influences of rural energy and biomass energy on eco- environment which is less studied at present and especially from the viewpoints of geographical scale. After some reviews and comments on the research advances in economic, technical, political and regional demonstration fields of both domestic and international communities, the future trends and some perspectives on the energy environments are put forward at the end of the article.
Key words: energy; energy- environment; energy- environment cube; scenarios analysis
LIU Gang,SHEN Lei . Theor ies, Methods and Progr ess of Energy- Environment Resear ch[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2006 , 25(6) : 33 -41 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.06.004
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