The research on the airport economic area always relys on the related research of airport industrial zone. After we analyze the difference and similarities between them,the concept of airport economic area is further clearfied. A case study of the hub-airport in the Yangtze River Delta is conducted. The determination of the airport economic area goes as follows. Firstly, if urban built-up areas adjacent to the airport area are formed or not is one of issues considered. Secondly, according to the experience at home and abroad, we determine that the 5-km radius area and the achievable places in 15 minutes from the airport are the initial study region, and all the enterprises inside are judged as having the hub-orientation functions and are divided into four categories. Then, inside the concentric circles of different radiuses and the time-based circles, the proportation of enterprises with strong hub-orientation functions is calculated as the evidence of the airport economic area. Finally, we compare the results between concentric circle analysis and time-based analysis, and confirm the scope of airport industrial zone. Researches on the three hub-airports show that Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport has an obvious airport economic area, extending about 2 km from the airport,while Wuxi Shuofang international airport and Nanjing Lukou international airport have no airport economic areas till now.
ZHANG Lei, CHEN Wen, SONG Zhengna
. Scope Determination of the Airport Industrial Zone: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011
, 30(10)
: 1255
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.10.008
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