Climate Significance of Tree Ring Width of Huangshan Pine and Chinese Pine in the Dabie Mountains

  • 1. School of Resources and Environmental Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079, China;
    2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    3. Department of Marine Science and Environmental Studies, University of San Diego, CA 92110, USA

Received date: 2011-07-01

  Revised date: 2011-09-01

  Online published: 2012-01-25


Two well-replicated tree-ring width chronologies more than 100 years were developed by using the tree ring cores of Huangshan Pine (Pinus Taiwanese’s Hayata) and Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) sampled in 2010 for the Dabie Mountains. The Huangshan Pine chronology covers the period 1869-2009 and the Chinese Pine chronology from 1883 to 2009. To explore the climate significance of tree ring width of Huangshan Pine and Chinese Pine in the study of dendroclimate, correlation analyses were conducted between the two chronologies and four climate variables at Macheng meteorological station. These climate variables include monthly mean maximum temperature, monthly mean temperature, monthly mean minimum temperature and monthly precipitation, all of which cover the period from 1959 to 2009. The results showed that the Huangshan Pine chronology was characterized by a higher mean sensitivity, standard deviation and signal to noise ratio than the Chinese Pine chronology, which might means that Huangshan Pine has more climate signals and higher value than Chinese Pine in the study of dendroclimate. The results of correlation analysis showed that the radial growth of Huangshan Pine was closely related to the February-July mean temperature, while there was no significant correlation with precipitation in any month or season. In contrast, the radial growth of Chinese Pine was mainly influenced by the total precipitation in the period from May to June, while there was no significant correlation with temperature in any month or season. The radial growth of Huangshan Pine and Chinese Pine shows different responses to climate variables. One reason may be that they are different species, and the other reason may be that they were sampled at different altitudes. Different from the earlier concept, this study showed that the inter-annual changes of climate variables also have a strong restrictive effect on the radial growth of some tree species in warm and humid areas in subtropical China, which showed that the change of tree ring width can be a well indicator for climate change in these areas. The results not only can further supplement the study of tree-ring width chronologies, but also can provide reference for the study of dendroclimate reconstruction in warm and humid areas in subtropical China.

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ZHENG Yonghong, ZHANG Yong, SHAO Xuemei, YIN Zhiyong, ZHANG Jin . Climate Significance of Tree Ring Width of Huangshan Pine and Chinese Pine in the Dabie Mountains[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2012 , (1) : 72 -77 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.01.010


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