The Progress and Prospects of Research on Wind Erosion Induced Soil Nutrient and Carbon Cycling
Received date: 2005-02-01
Revised date: 2005-06-01
Online published: 2005-07-25
Wind erosion is a progress that soil particles are disrupted, transported and deposited by wind, which causes much nutrient material’s lose as well as soil nutrient and land productivity’s decline. It also promotes the redistribution of surface soil nutrient and carbon cycling in dry lands. The erodibility of soil by wind is dependent on the state and stability of the soil aggregate, different land use types and human’s activities, which farther influences the nutrient and carbon cycling and redistribution among soil, atmosphere and bio-sphere. Based on deficiency of research on wind erosion induced soil nutrient and carbon cycling in the past , we summarize the research progress and analyze the existing problem of wind erosion; furthermore, we point out that the key research work that must be done in future should be focused on:(1) the environmental problem which causes by wind erosion, (2) soil's potential wind erosion micromechanism research, and(3) wind erosion induced fine particle feedback mechanism among the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system.
LUO Wanyin, DONG Zhibao . The Progress and Prospects of Research on Wind Erosion Induced Soil Nutrient and Carbon Cycling[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2005 , 24(4) : 75 -83 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2005.04.009
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