Study on the Territorial Division of Labor and Spatial Pattern of Urbanization in the Context of Globalization
Received date: 2010-01-01
Revised date: 2010-05-01
Online published: 2010-08-25
Economic globalization promotes the formation of global production networks represented by the two-way process of globalization and localization embedding to each other, which introduces unprecedented changes to territorial division of labor and thus to the spatial pattern of urbanization. The new territorial division is characterized by the scale transition from regional division in a country to a global level and the form evolution from the inter-industrial and intra-industrial division of labor to the intra-product division of labor in accordance with the value chain and the territorial relationship restructuring accompanied by the scale transition and form evolution. In addition, the spatial pattern of urbanization in the context of globalization not only signifies the urban population growth and its spatial differences, but also includes the urban population concentration form, inter-city flows, the ties among cities, urban industrial structure and its evolution and so on. The evolution of territorial division of labor has not only resulted in the changes of spatial pattern of urbanization, but also stimulated the birth of new spatial forms of urbanization. Through distinguishing the general process, the core elements and the peripheral elements, the paper puts forward the mechanism that territorial division influences the spatial pattern of urbanization.
LI Shaoxing1,YAN Peixia,JIANG Bo . Study on the Territorial Division of Labor and Spatial Pattern of Urbanization in the Context of Globalization[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(8) : 943 -951 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.08.007
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