Original Articles

Tempor al- Spatial Dynamics of Carbon Storage of For est Vegetation in China

  • Institute of Geographical Sciences and Nature Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101

Received date: 2007-09-01

  Revised date: 2007-11-01

  Online published: 2007-11-25


Forest is the first major form of terrestrial ecosystem and plays an important dominant role in global carbon cycle. In this study, we developed an age - based volume - to - biomass method to estimate the carbon storage of Chinese forests between 1973 and 2003 by using inventory data of six periods and forest biomass data obtained from direct field measurements. The results show that the total vegetation carbon storage of Chinese forests in the six periods (1973~ 1976, 1977~1981, 1984~1988, 1989~1993, 1994~1998 and 1999~2003) is 3.8488 PgC, 3.6960 PgC, 3.759 PgC, 4.1138 PgC, 4.6563 PgC and 5.5064 PgC, respectively. Although the results of different periods is fluctuates their trends are an increase with the time. Especially, since 1980s the total vegetation carbon storage of Chinese forests has increased 1.8104PgC and accumulated about 0.0823PgC per year. It means that Chinese forests play a role as a significant sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide in that period. On the other hand, the mean carbon density of Chinese forests has increased 3.001Mgha- 1 since 1970s, and that of young and middle- aged forests has increased 5.2871 and 0.6022Mgha - 1, respectively, but that of mature forests has decreased by 0.7581Mgha- 1. This phenomenon suggests that the carbon fixation ability of Chinese forests primarily derives from forest plantation and it would be enhanced with carbon storage and carbon density increasing of young and middle- aged forests. The carbon stocks and densities of Chinese forests vary greatly in space. The larger carbon storage is primarily found in north eastern and south western regions, and higher C density mostly occurs in north eastern, south western and north western regions. These spatial distribution characteristics of carbon storage and mean C density in Chinese forests are prominently determined by human activities.

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XU Xinliang, CAO Mingkui, LI Kerang . Tempor al- Spatial Dynamics of Carbon Storage of For est Vegetation in China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2007 , 26(6) : 1 -16 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.06.001


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