Original Articles

On the Industrial Spatial Structure of the Western China

  • Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS, Beijing 100101 China

Received date: 2002-05-01

  Revised date: 2002-06-01

  Online published: 2002-07-24


The problems of industrial structure are the key factors leading to the lowliness of regional economic developmental quality in the West. Judging by the situation of regional industrial spatial structure and its evolutive process in China, the West is always in the trough of Chinese industrialization process, and also, the upgrading speed of industrial structure lags behind the East and the whole country. As a result the economic developmental level of the West goes behind the East and the whole country and the gap is broadening ceaselessly. The characteristics of industrial structure of the West are based on the condition of natural resources, while the impacts of national macro strategy of regional development are the leading motive power which makes the West the regional type of industrial structure with both higher ratio of state economy and lower level of technology. At the same time, the impacts of national macro regional policies lead to the differences of economic levels among provinces and between cities and countries. Based on analyses above, the authors put forward the key notes of adjustment of industrial structure in the West: it is difficult for state devotion to change the status of the West in national macro regional industrial structure and the situation of its industrial structure evolution; the superiority of resources should be understood renewedly and the limit of environment to economic development should be paid much attention to; the strategy of industrial economic development must transfer from "richening region" to "richening residents", from enlarging of quantity to improving of capability of economic sustainable development, and from reducing the gap of economic developmental level to slackening the broadening of the gap of economic developmental level as well as reducing the gap of social developmental level; the state should distinguish different regions to support and should especially lay much stress on the development of country economy, etc..

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FAN Jie, CAO Zhong xiang, LU Xin . On the Industrial Spatial Structure of the Western China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2002 , 21(4) : 298 -301 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.04.001


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