Original Articles

Variations of Yunnan Climatic Zones in Recent 50 Years

  • 1. Yunnan Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Kunming 650034, China;
    2. Yunnan Climate Center, Kunming 650034, China

Received date: 2008-10-01

  Revised date: 2008-12-01

  Online published: 2009-01-24


Using 1961-2006 daily average temperature from 115 meteorological observation stations in Yunnan Province, the accumulated temperature (≥10℃) was calculated. This paper built the small reckon model by the altitude, longitude and latitude difference with a decade, and revised into the 0.01°×0.01° grid points by GIS. We obtain the distribution of the small grid accumulated temperature in five decades. Then we divided Yunnan into seven climatic zones, and calculated their area. The study has been conducted on seven climatic zones in Yunnan during five periods since the 1960s, which shows increasing/decreasing trends in the size of tropical and subtropical/ temperate zones as a whole. It is distinct that North Tropical/South Temperate Zone experienced an increase of 90.2%/a decrease of 12.5%. As far as interdecadal variability is concerned, it shows a decreasing/an increasing trend in the size of tropical and subtropical/temperate zone during the 1960s-1970s. It has a significant increasing/decreasing trend in the size of tropical and subtropical/temperate zone after the 1970s, and especially marked change has happened since the 1990s.

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CHENG Jiangang, WANG Xuefeng, FAN Lizhang, YANG Xiaopeng, YANG Pengwu . Variations of Yunnan Climatic Zones in Recent 50 Years[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(1) : 18 -24 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.01.003


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