The Influence of Residential Space on Household Shopping Tour Decision-Making Behaviors
Online published: 2009-05-25
The relationship between urban form and non-work activity-travel has received considerable attention in the recent debates over the area of transportation, urban studies and geography. In this paper, we formulate and estimate a nested model structure that includes the choice of shopping frequency of each household in the upper level, the allocation of household member to shopping task in the middle nest, and the choice of shopping tour pattern of residents in the lower nest. Data for the analysis are drawn from a 2007 Beijing activity dairy survey, including 516 households and 1110 residents in 10 communities distributed from urban core to suburb. The estimated results, with the methods of full information maximum likelihood (FIML), indicate that the difference of residential location does not significantly influent the household shopping travel demand such as tour frequency, however, obviously lead to diverse individual's everyday lifestyle such as shopping tour pattern to offset the impact of location. And the variable of residential duration, supposed as measurement of the cognition about residential space, merely significantly affects all levels of the shopping decision-making behaviors. Moreover, from the result of the simulation with changing the residential shopping density from 0.1M to 2.5M (M is current shopping density), we can draw a conclusion that the elasticity of shopping tour demand is not invariable for the reason that in some range (0.7M to 1.4M) the demand is elastic and in other case (<0.7M) is inelastic when the density is changing. And the elasticity varies between the location of intra-four-circle and outer-four-circle. It means that different land-use policies should be carried out in different region inside city, according to residential elasticity of shopping tour demand and the current situation of residential land-use, to optimize the shopping tour frequency. Meanwhile, the result tells us that the probability of choosing only-shop-to-home (OSH) pattern of suburb residents is the most largest, not only for the reason that the lower commercial density in suburb, but also the worse accessibility between suburb residential districts and CBD in urban core, such as lacking of transfer convenience and unpredicted traffic jam in Beijing city, all of which prevent the individual taking risks to carry out other activity in the long-distance activity pattern.
ZHANG Wenjia, CHAI Yanwei . The Influence of Residential Space on Household Shopping Tour Decision-Making Behaviors[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(3) : 362 -369 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.03.006
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