An Enhanced Method for Spatial Distr ibuting Census Data: Re- classifying of Rur al Residential
Received date: 2006-03-01
Revised date: 2006-05-01
Online published: 2006-05-25
Spatial distributing of census data is an effective way to integrate statistical data and natural factors. Land- cover and land- use change (LUCC) is the effect of human activities, and spatial distribution of population has close relationship with LUCC pattern both at regional and global scales. Population can be redistributed onto geo- referenced square grids according to this relation. Since there exist efficient approaches for monitoring LUCC with remote sensing and GIS, geo- referenced population data can also be updated conveniently. According to existing methods, it is found that the population density is directly related to land use types and the residential area is the best index for population distribution. Residential areas could be reclassified into three sub classes: urban residential, rural residential, and commercial- industrial. The paper presented an enhanced method for spatial distributing census data: re- classification of rural residential areas. On the basis of the relationship of various kinds of indexes and inhabitation density, several indexes were selected for re- classifying rural residential areas. Using these re- classified rural residential data, the precision of census redistributing pattern was improved obviously. Methods and main algorithms used in these studies were presented in the paper. Characters and prospect of this study were also discussed.
Key words: census data; rural residential; spatial distributing
YANG Xiaohuan,LIU Yesen,JIANG Dong,LUO Chun,HUANG Yaohuan . An Enhanced Method for Spatial Distr ibuting Census Data: Re- classifying of Rur al Residential[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2006 , 25(3) : 62 -69 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.03.008
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