Original Articles

Urban Regeneration: China Urbanization Trends in 21st Century

  • Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, CAS, Changchun 130012, China

Received date: 2003-07-01

  Revised date: 2004-06-01

  Online published: 2004-07-24


Urban regeneration is a natural outcome of urbanization. Since the beginning of 1950s in last century, urban development conception in western countries has changed 5 times so far from urban reconstruction in 1950s to urban revitalization in 1960s, urban renewal in 1970s, urban redevelopment in 1980s, urban regeneration in 1990s. Each concept represented very rich contents of that time, and was well substituted the before by the behind. A mass scale urban reconstruction in China was initiated just after the People’s Republic of China was found in 1949, but the great achievement has been reached in the last 20 years when “the reform and opening policy” was in operation successfully, which includes both the practical experiences and the theory introduced and utilized in practice such as “ urban organic regeneration theory”. It is reasonable to believe that all the large cities in the whole country will unavoidably march on the road of regeneration in 21st century, so far as the urban regeneration is an intension and quality oriented policy to take. In the regeneration process, China is going to dell with 5 respects issues such as deindustrialization and tertiarisation in the big cities industrialized cities, suburbanization and gentrification particularly in regional central cities, community construction and employment as one aspect of countermeasures for providing more jobs, urban historic and cultural heritage protection and utilization as one important sector for developing tertiary, urban regeneration legislation and planning and management which is needed to be enhanced part in urban regeneration activity.

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ZHANG Pingyu . Urban Regeneration: China Urbanization Trends in 21st Century[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2004 , 23(4) : 72 -79 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2004.04.009


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