Original Articles

The Analysis of Climate Decadal Change Characteristics and Urban Climate about Chuxiong City of Yunnan Plateau during 1960-2009

  • 1. Department of Geography, Chuxiong Normal College,Chuxiong 675000,China;
    2. Chuxiong Meteorological Observatory,Chuxiong 675000,China;
    3. College of Urban and Environment Sciences, Central china normal university,Wuhan 430079,China

Received date: 2010-10-01

  Revised date: 2011-01-01

  Online published: 2011-01-25


By comparison of the data(1960 to 2009) of Yunnan Chuxiong and Nanhua and shuangbai in Yunnan plateau which consist of temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, low cloud and other weather data, And then use conventional anomaly method, 3-order polynomial fitting trend method, 5-year moving average method to analyze the decadal characteristics and the urban climate , Otherwise use gray interrelated analysis to understand the factors which influce the urban climate. It is found that the temperature of urban area has reduced before the 80s of the 20th,however , it has been rising since 80s. Otherwise the difference of temperature between urban with suburban has been becoming more and more obvious since 80s, All show that the urban heat island effect in Chuxiong has been getting more and more obvious since 1980’s and the urban dry island is forming now because of the average relative humidity is reducing ,what’s more,the amount of annual precipitation and average low cloud in city are more than other two station,which also shows that the urban rain island has formed yet .

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HE Ping, LI Hongbo, HUANG Hui . The Analysis of Climate Decadal Change Characteristics and Urban Climate about Chuxiong City of Yunnan Plateau during 1960-2009[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011 , 30(1) : 65 -72 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.01.008


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