Original Articles

Risk Evaluation of Land Ecological Secur ity Issues and the Pattern of Eco- fr iendly Utilization in Thr ee Gorges Resettlement Ar ea ——&mdash|Taking Wushan County as an example

  • 1. School of geographic Science, Southwest University, ChongQing 400715, China|
    2. Institute of Land Resource, Southwest University, ChongQing 400715, China|
    3. Southwest University, ChongQing 400715, China

Received date: 2007-06-01

  Revised date: 2007-07-01

  Online published: 2007-07-25


This paper explored land environmental issues in Three Gorges Resettlement Area, taking Wushan County as a case. Having summarized the major land environmental problems as well as their causes in the Wushan Resettlement, the paper set six river basins as its research units and chose eight representative factors of environmental risk from three aspects of ecosystem risk, social risk and environmental pollution risk. The paper made a risk evaluation of land environmental problems in the regions by employing Delphi method and Analytic hierarchical programming(AHP), and proposed a pattern of eco- friendly utilization in the regions for the sake of their sustainable development.

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LIAO Heping,HONG Huikun,CHEN Zhi . Risk Evaluation of Land Ecological Secur ity Issues and the Pattern of Eco- fr iendly Utilization in Thr ee Gorges Resettlement Ar ea ——&mdash|Taking Wushan County as an example[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2007 , 26(4) : 33 -43 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.04.006


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