Rural Development Process and Driving Mechanism of South Jiangsu, Eastern China: A Case Study of Suzhou City
Online published: 2010-01-25
South Jiangsu is one of the most rapidly developing areas in the eastern coastal region of China in recent three decade years. South-Jiangsu model, characterized by township and village enterprises, is a successful type of rural territorial development in China. It proves a huge success of China's reform and opening policy. It has an important theoretical and practical significance for understanding rural territorial development and finding approaches to new countryside construction to analyze thoroughly the rural development process and its driving forces mechanism in south-Jiangsu model. In this paper, the rural development process and driving forces mechanism of Suzhou region, a typical representative of south-Jiangsu model, were studied. An exponential growth trend of Suzhou’s GDP was seen during 1978-2006 with an average annual growth rate of 14.4%. The proportion of agriculture production value declined from 28.1% to 1.9%, and that of the tertiary industry increased from 16.2% to 32.7%. The proportion of agricultural labor in rural area declined from 75.5% to 16.8%. The urban and rural income gap of Suzhou city is widening but far smaller than that of the whole country. The ratio of urban to rural income of Suzhou city increased from 1.27 in 1978 to 2.0 in 2006. Rural non-agricultural industries and population growth greatly promoted rural urbanizing process of Suzhou city. Urban construction land in Suzhou city had increased 4.7 times during 1989-2006. Industrialization, urbanization, upgrading of industrial structure and institutional innovation are the four main driving forces in the rural development process of Suzhou city, and finally, their driving mechanism to rural development were analyzed in the paper.
CHEN Yufu, LIU Yansui, LONG Hualou, WANG Jieyong . Rural Development Process and Driving Mechanism of South Jiangsu, Eastern China: A Case Study of Suzhou City[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(1) : 123 -128 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.01.017
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