Original Articles

An Analysis of Shenzhen Cable DTV Geographical Agglomeration: A Case Study of High-tech Innovation Cluster

  • College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Online published: 2009-09-25


In view of international experiences, extensive local inter-firm linkages, untraded-interdependence, as well as local context within which tacit knowledge and local buzz play a tremendous role in the process of innovation. This paper tries to study the high-tech innovation cluster with the reference of the digital television (DTV) industrial clustering phenomenon in Shenzhen, China. The paper explores the formation of innovation cluster in Shenzhen and illustrates the linkages among the related firms. It can be inferred that the Shenzhen DTV innovation cluster is in the making. In Shenzhen, there is 70% of the DTV related firms cluster in the Nanshan and Futian districts. The industry is characterized with complex structure and multi-sectored collaboration. Innovative requirements and ideas came about in many DTV related firms. The innovative milieu encourages the start-ups and spin-offs grow up, while the government plays a very important role in the development. In the regard of the DTV industry, Shenzhen has become the most developed city in China. The paper also points out, however, there’re still some key problems like the weakness of the R&D capability for DTV chip and the lack of DTV content providers. They all limit the pace of innovation in Shenzhen DTV industry and are to be solved.

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WANG Jici, WANG Jingning, JIANG Jixuan . An Analysis of Shenzhen Cable DTV Geographical Agglomeration: A Case Study of High-tech Innovation Cluster[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(5) : 673 -682 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.05.004


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