Original Articles

Tempor al- Spatial Featur es and Law of Summer Pr ecipitation Inter annual Var iability Over the Longitudinal Range- Gorge Region under Effect of the Summer Monsoon

  • 1. School of Resource Environment and Earth Science, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091) (
    2. Lijiang University of Education,Yunnan Province, Lijiang, 674100

Received date: 2007-05-01

  Revised date: 2007-08-01

  Online published: 2007-09-25


Using the temporal wavelet transform method for three- dimensional data , the temporal- spatial features and law of summer precipitation interannual variability over the Longitudinal Range- Gorge Region (LRGR) under effect of the summer monsoon are investigated. The results show that there are 2- year, 7- year and 16- year characteristic timescales for the summer precipitation interannual variability over the LRGR under the effect of the summer monsoon. The larger amplitude energy regions corresponding to the 2 - year, 7 - year and 16 - year characteristic timescales are consistent with or normal to the mountain ranges of LRGR respectively. The summer precipitation longitudinal evolutions of the larger central latitude in association with the 2- year characteristic timescale show obviously longitudinal oscillations. But the summer precipitation longitudinal evolutions of the larger central latitudes in association with the 7- year and 16- year characteristic timescales have obviously the tendency to move towards the west and the east respectively. The summer precipitation latitudinal evolutions of the larger central longitude in association with the 2- year characteristic timescale also show obviously latitudinal oscillations. But the summer precipitation latitudinal evolutions of the larger central longitudes in association with the 7- year and 16- year characteristic timescales have obviously the tendency to move towards the north and the south respectively.

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YOU Weihong,Wu Xiangyun,LI Dejun . Tempor al- Spatial Featur es and Law of Summer Pr ecipitation Inter annual Var iability Over the Longitudinal Range- Gorge Region under Effect of the Summer Monsoon[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2007 , 26(5) : 23 -31 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.05.003


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