Review on the Thr ee Key Concepts of Resilience, Vulner ability and Adaptation in the Resear ch of Global Environmental Change
Received date: 2007-06-01
Revised date: 2007-09-01
Online published: 2007-09-25
Efforts to improve the knowledge on the human dimensions of global environmental change and ensure relevance to society require periodical assessment of the conceptual frameworks used in the study of these complex issues. As one of the four cross- cutting themes of IHDP, resilience, vulnerability and adaptation are three key concepts in the research of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. However, these concepts are widely used in many fields, such as, economy, engineering, psychology and anthropology. For different research traditions these terms are used in different, sometimes incompatible, ways. In order to clarify the three key concepts, the Scientific Committee of IHDP organized a workshop in February 2005. A series of articles that resulted from the IHDP workshop were published on the journal of Global Environmental Change Issue No. 16 2006. Based on the above articles and the researches of UNU, this paper reviews research traditions of resilience, vulnerability and adaptation respectively, with focus on the current researches on the conceptual relations among these core concepts as cross- cutting themes in the field of global environmental change and disaster riskreduction.
Key words: adaptation; global environmental change; IHDP; resilience; vulnerability
FANG Xiuqi,YIN Peihong, . Review on the Thr ee Key Concepts of Resilience, Vulner ability and Adaptation in the Resear ch of Global Environmental Change[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2007 , 26(5) : 11 -22 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.05.002
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