Original Articles

Ecological Environment Problems and Sustainable Development Strategy in Altay Prefecture,Xinjiang

  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. The Geography Department of Xinjiang Normal University, Urumq 830054

Received date: 2004-03-01

  Revised date: 2004-04-01

  Online published: 2004-07-24


Along with the rapid development of economic in recent years, the level of people life and society production have been greatly improved in Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang. Its ecology environment problems, however, have been becoming more and more serious and have become the major restrictive factors for the rapid and sustainable economic development in Altay. They are as follows at present:(1)grassland degeneration;(2)forest decrease;(3)soil secondary salinization; (4)land desertification; and so on. In this paper, the main ecology environment problems existing in Altay Prefecture are discussed, and their formation causes are analyzed. It is pointed out that sustainable development is the urgent demand and necessary choice for the economic and society development in Altay Prefecture. Based on these, Some countermeasures are put forward. For examples, it is suggested to restrict population quantity and enhance people constitution, to strengthen the enforcement of environmental protection laws and build up environmental awarenees, and so on.

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KANG Xiangwu, WU Shaohong, YANG Qinye, YANG Peiguo, MA Xin, LIU Ziqiang . Ecological Environment Problems and Sustainable Development Strategy in Altay Prefecture,Xinjiang[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2004 , 23(4) : 19 -27 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2004.04.003


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