Progress in the Study on Conjunctive Regulation of Surface Water and Groundwater in Arid Inland River Basins
Received date: 2008-10-01
Revised date: 2008-12-01
Online published: 2009-03-25
Surface water and groundwater conjunctive regulation is an effective approach for solving shortage of water resource in arid inland river basins that is essential significance to the optimum allocation of water resources in arid region. Based on connotations of conjunctive regulation of surface water and groundwater, the present situation on conjunctive regulation of surface water and groundwater was summarized at home and abroad. Some relative study methods were evaluated and shortcomings were pointed out. The research trends of surface water and groundwater conjunctive regulation were prospected. It is proposed that cross discipline collaboration, such as meteorology, ecology, should be paid more attention in formation mechanism of surface water and groundwater conjunctive regulation in the future. The information systems and management model of surface water and groundwater conjunctive regulation were developed for inland rivers. The high-effective use model of water resources based on ecological health and development of environment demand water value method and threshold on environment were discussed in inland rivers. It is suggested that integrated model for synthetic component of water circle is becoming a trend in model development on surface water and groundwater conjunctive regulation.
SUN Dongyuan, Yilihamu, FENG Shengli, ZHAO Chengyi . Progress in the Study on Conjunctive Regulation of Surface Water and Groundwater in Arid Inland River Basins[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(2) : 167 -173 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.02.002
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