Progress of "3S"|Technique Application in Soil Erosion Study
Received date: 2008-06-01
Revised date: 2008-10-01
Online published: 2008-11-25
With progress and development of earth information science, "3S" technique has become a much more effective tool to study soil erosion. This paper introduces approaches and limits within soil erosion study, on the basis of references analysis, both at home and abroad, and considers that overseas researchers studying soil erosion with "3S" mainly focus on global and regional soil erosion surveys, and ecological effects of soil erosion. And Chinese scientists who study soil erosion with "3S" have focused on regional soil erosion survey, dynamic of regional soil erosion and constructed soil erosion models. It is pointed out that the widely used soil erosion models combined with GIS are USLE and RUSLE, which are empirical models based on statistics short of monitoring data, and have lower accuracy caused by models, RS imagery and scale of DEM. The study on soil erosion factors is short of accordination with methodology and model of synthesis assessment. Finally, the possible tendency of "3S" technique using in soil erosion study is forecasted, and suggested to develop soil erosion model suited to local conditions, combined soil erosion model with that of hydrology.
Key words: 3S technology; dynamic monitoring; soil erosion
ZHU Lianqi, FENG Wenfeng, ZHU Wenbo . Progress of "3S"|Technique Application in Soil Erosion Study[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2008 , 27(6) : 57 -62 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.06.008
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