In this paper, the response of climate change to global warming and the impacts of meteorological disasters on the social and economic development in Hanzhong are analyzed based on the data of temperature, precipitation, and economy data of the past 59 years. The states of economic development is evaluated by set pair analysis method. The results reveal that the average temperature of the city has an increasing trend. Divided by the time of the early 1990s, the 59 years of climate of Hanzhong might be identified into 2 periods, a cold period and a warm period. The arid climatic disaster becomes severer, and its severe effects on economic development are getting more and more serious in Hanzhong. The connection coefficient of economic development falls 0.5 in Hanzhong in the past 5 years, indicating that the economy is not adaptable.
WANG Xinhua, YAN Junping, YANG Jinfei, LIU Xueting
. An Analysis of Global Warming and Economic Adaptation in Hanzhong during 1950-2008[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011
, 30(5)
: 557
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.05.006
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