The level of urbanization is an important sign that can measure a country's economic development and the level of industrialization. Farmland conversion in the process of urbanization is an inevitable phenomenon. The changes of cultivated land can reflect some socio-economic development laws. Studying the relationship between cultivated land resources and urbanization has practical significance, and it can also help local governments to make plans for further development. In the fragile and sensitive oasis environment, significant conflict exists between oasis urban development and land resource protection. The authors analysed the correlation and coordinated index between urbanization and the changes of cultivated land resource in Ganzhou District from 1996 to 2008 based on the statistical data and methods of regression analysis and coordination analysis. Cultivated land resources and the level of urbanization had a positive correlation in the period 1996-2002.The changes of cultivated land resources had some slight fluctuations in the year of 2003 and the arable land was reduced. The changes of cultivated land resources gradually became smooth in the period 2004-2008, and the change of urbanization was always smooth. The overall trend is "basically coordinated or reconciled" with an exception of "not coordinated" in 2004.
WU Wenjie, SHI Peiji, HU Wei
. Research on the Coordination between Urbanization and Cultivated Land Change in an Oasis City of Ganzhou District[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011
, 30(5)
: 621
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.05.015
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