Original Articles

Analysis of the Integr ating Approach on Landscape Pattern and Ecological Processes

  • State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco- Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China

Received date: 2006-09-01

  Revised date: 2007-05-01

  Online published: 2007-05-25


Much progress has been made on theory and practice since the birth of landscape ecology as a scientific discipline. However, many problems are still waiting to be addressed. This paper analyzed the pertinent concepts and methods of landscape pattern and ecological processes and the shortcomings embedded which necessitates researches on the integrating of pattern and processes. Subsequently, the staple methods for this kind of integration were briefly summarized. Then, a general framework was put forward for the integrative research. According to this framework, subject to certain region and research objectives, land units or ecosystem types need to be partitioned. Then, small scale observation and modeling can be carried out. At the same time, large scale spatial dynamic models need to be formulated. Finally, adaptive multi - scale landscape pattern and ecological processes integrative model system can be constructed and put into application through the approaches of land evaluation and model integration.

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LV Yihe, CHEN Liding, FU Bojie . Analysis of the Integr ating Approach on Landscape Pattern and Ecological Processes[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2007 , 26(3) : 1 -10 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.03.001


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