The Evolution Char acter istics of Per sonal Communication Network of Economically Developed Regions under the Influence of Infomationization ———A Case Study of Suzhou- Wuxi- Changzhou Ar ea
Received date: 2007-12-01
Revised date: 2008-06-01
Online published: 2008-07-25
Human being is the main body of infomationization, the rapid development of information technology has had a vital impact on personal communication network. Based on a survey of 12 cities and more than 2,000 questionnaires in Suzhou-Wuxi - Changzhou area, by using SPSS software and modeling methods, the paper analyses its evolution characteristics and principles of personal communication network under the influence of infomationization from three aspects: personal information sources, contact methods, contact frequency, and comes to some conclusions: The rate of traditional sources of information such as TV, newspapers is declining, while the rate of new sources of information like the Internet, celluar phones is increasing; On the personal contact methods, the traditional contact of geographic physical space is gradually declining, while telecommunication of virtual space is flourishing, and the latter has a strong dominant position etc. The paper indicates that the relationship between geographical physical space and network virtual space is not alternative but complementary and so on. The frequency of personal communication between the cities is increasingly more, and the amplitude of personal contact frequency index has a remarkably positive correlation with the rank of cities.
WEI Zongcai, ZHEN Feng, ZHANG Nianguo, XI Guangliang . The Evolution Char acter istics of Per sonal Communication Network of Economically Developed Regions under the Influence of Infomationization ———A Case Study of Suzhou- Wuxi- Changzhou Ar ea[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2008 , 27(4) : 82 -88 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.04.012
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