Measur ement and Analysis on City Residents'Cognitive Distance Distor tion—A Case Study of Beijing
Received date: 2008-01-01
Revised date: 2008-02-01
Online published: 2008-03-25
Through generalizing related literature, we summarized some properties of cognitive distance and reduced all research on this concept into two aspects: pure value, and real cognitive distance. Further, we proposed a Distance Estimate Index (DEI) to quantify the scalar cognitive distance distortion. As far as vector cognitive distance distortion is considered, the Distortion Index (DI) computed by bi- dimensional regression is adopted to descript the degree of vector cognitive distance distortion. Based on these quantification methods, we conducted a survey on sampled Beijing residents, requesting the subjects to estimat the pairwise distances between 8 landmarks. And then we calculated the distortion of the two types of cognitive distances respectively by using linear regression and multidimensional scaling methods. Further, through ANOVA, we analyzed the factors that would possibly have influence on such distortion, like age and neighborhood. The result shows that the years of residence and the resident districts are the demographic variables that could influence an individual's accuracy in cognitive distance.
XUE Lulu,SHEN Si,LIU Yu,ZHANG Yi . Measur ement and Analysis on City Residents'Cognitive Distance Distor tion—A Case Study of Beijing[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2008 , 27(2) : 96 -103 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.02.013
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