Progr ess on Theor ies and Methods of Water shed Eco- health Assessment
Received date: 2007-09-01
Revised date: 2007-12-01
Online published: 2008-01-25
Watershed ecosystem is a social- economic- natural complex ecosystem. Watershed eco-health assessment can help watershed layout, protection and comprehensive management, and can provide basis for decision- making. In this paper, the concept and characteristics of watershed eco- health are introduced, and the history, current condition and research scale of watershed ecohealth assessment are put forward. The assessment should be carried out from broad temporal-spatial scales. This research summarizes methods of watershed eco- health assessment in the past years both at home and abroad. There are two main methods: one is biological assessment and the other is indices assessment. It should be careful in selecting bio- indicator species because the sensitivity and reliability of species need to be considered simultaneously. The indices should include six categories: bio- assessment, water condition assessment, hydrological assessment, habitat assessment, social- economic assessment and human health assessment. Every category has some relative indices. Because of the complexity of watershed ecosystem, the measures of watershed eco- health indices are difficult sometimes. The measurement methods should be further developed. Ecosystem restoration is needed for those unhealthy watershed ecosystems and methods of it are introduced. Watershed eco- health assessment is a developing theory system and there are some problems that should be further discussed in this field. Last, these problems and research trends in future are pointed out.
Key words: assessment; eco- health; progress; watershed
LI Chunhui, CUI Wei, PANG Aiping, ZHENG Xiaokang . Progr ess on Theor ies and Methods of Water shed Eco- health Assessment[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2008 , 27(1) : 9 -17 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.01.002
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