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The Characteristics of the Agricultural Land Use Intensity in Hebei Based on the Production Cost

  • College of Resource and Environment Science, Agricultural University of Hebei| Baoding 071000, China

Online published: 2009-07-25


The characteristics of inter-annual, inter-regional and regional agricultural land use intensity are studied based on the production cost. The German classical formula is used to compute the intensive use degree of Luancheng, Zunhua and Zhangbei counties of Hebei Province, based on the database of Hebei. Intensive use of arable land in Hebei Province experienced a four-stage development progress of "two-speedy and two-steady". The intensity distribution of regional agricultural land is Luancheng≈Zunhua>Zhangbei, the proportion of labor-intensity to the agricultural land use intensity is Zhangbei>Luancheng>Zunhua. With the economic and technological development the agricultural land use intensity is rising, and the inter-regional land use intensity is affected by the location of plots, resources and other conditions such as micro topography.

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AN Yujuan, MEN Mingxin, HUO Xiliang, XU Hao . The Characteristics of the Agricultural Land Use Intensity in Hebei Based on the Production Cost[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(4) : 611 -616 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.04.018


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