A Review of the Researches on the Impacts of Global Climate Change on Tourism
Received date: 2009-10-01
Revised date: 2010-05-01
Online published: 2010-08-25
Although climate is vitally important to tourism, only a few tourism studies link tourism with climate change. In fact, climate change has to be viewed as a catalyst that will reinforce and accelerate the pace of structural change in the tourism industry and more clearly highlight the risks and opportunities inherent in tourism development. In recent years, many researchers have recognized that global climate change has a profound effect on tourism and the research on impacts of global climate change on tourism has gained increasing concerns all over the world. Nevertheless, the relevant studies in China have lagged far behind. In order to present a useful reference for our Chinese investigators, this paper systematically summarized the achievements and weaknesses concerning the previous international studies and pointed out the problems to which particular attention should be paid in the future study. Many important scientific achievements have been obtained with respect to the studies on the impacts of climate change on international tourist flows, alpine tourism, waterfront tourism, tourism stakeholder perceptions, and mitigation and adaptation strategies by using a variety of research methods including tourism climate indicator and index, quantitative modeling, interviews and questionnaires. There exist inevitably a few shortcomings in the current researches, such as imbalance in study areas and contents, evident drawbacks in some quantitative models, lack of thinking about weather extreme events, scant consideration on future variation of some major affecting factors, and so on. For further studies, special attentions should be paid to overcoming the disciplinary barriers, increasing the collaboration between tourism and climate change experts, stressing integration of quantitative and qualitative researches, and carrying out more researches on the influence of climate change induced environmental evolutions on tourism. Future tourism management and planning should consider the factors related to climate change.
Key words: impacts of climate change; review; tourism industry
YANG Jianming . A Review of the Researches on the Impacts of Global Climate Change on Tourism[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(8) : 997 -1004 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.08.013
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