For different types of goods and different commercial locations, the factors that affect shopping decision-making are analyzed through the survey questionnaires on the shopping behaviors of residents in Lanzhou City. By building diversification index of shopping information channels and assessment index of shopping decision-making factors, the factors that affect residents' behavior of purchasing different types of commodities are assessed.
We analysed the factors affecting the decision-making in different commercial centers by the cognitive index of commercial centers and the evolutional index of shopping factors. We concluded that: (1) the acquisition of shopping information for different products has different channels, and the higher the commodity quality, the less the channel to have shopping information. Factor evaluation index shows regular changes of increasing or decreasing, accompanied by the changes of commodity quality; (2) the decision to purchase different types of goods is affected by different factors, and when the quality of goods improves, the visibility and quality index of goods increases gradually, the accessibility gradually decreases and the psychological factors evaluation index also increases; (3) residents have different cognitive levels to different commercial centers and are affected by different decision-making factors to choose different commercial centers. The traditional commercial centers, due to transportation and cognitive advantages, occupy the dominant positions in Lanzhou City.
LIU Aiwen, ZHAO Xueyan, ZHANG Wenting
. Factors Affecting Shopping Behaviors of the Residents in Lanzhou City[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011
, 30(2)
: 171
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.02.006
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