Recognition of the Holistic Values of The Gr and Canal
Received date: 2008-02-01
Revised date: 2008-03-01
Online published: 2008-03-25
From a theoretical and practical point of view, a new value system of the Grand Canal, including four fundamental points, is defined: (1) the value of cultural heritage, as an entity of national identity; (2) the value for it's realistic function, as a life line in the region's daily life, both in city and in country, including water transferring, navigation, and irrigation; (3) the value of being regional ecological infrastructure, as a key security pattern for the ecological health of the national land; and (4) the value of being a potential recreational corridor, as a strategic resource of recreation and education. For the need of the conservation and development, the values of the Grand Canal heritage should be thoroughly studied and appropriately planned. Based on the foregoing discussion, a strategy for development and conservation of the Grand Canal is represented: to establish a national heritage corridor, a security pattern, and an ecological and recreational corridor along the Canal combined with the South- North Water Transferring project. The following should be done in advance: (1) the conservation plan of the Canal, by using the “negative planning” theory; (2) the inventory of the resources; (3) an integrated management plan; and (4) a collaborative mechanism among the regions in world heritage application and in the project of the South- North Water Transferring.
YU Kongjian,LI Dihua,LI Wei . Recognition of the Holistic Values of The Gr and Canal[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2008 , 27(2) : 1 -9 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.02.001
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