Quantitative Analysis of Coupling Status of Man-land Relationship Areal System in Weihe River Basin
Received date: 2009-06-01
Revised date: 2009-12-01
Online published: 2010-06-25
As various resources have been developed by human-beings in river basins and the conflict between human and land has been increased, the research on man-land relationship areal system in a river basin becomes important. The paper constructed evaluation indexes system for evaluating the man-land relationship areal system in river basins by selecting 40 indicators related to socio-economic sub-system and resource-environment sub-system. After using analytic hierarchy process to determine index weight, the coupling status of the man-land relationship areal system in the Weihe river basin from 1996 to 2006 has been analyzed empirically by using a dynamic coupling model for the harmonious development based on the system theory. The results show that the socio-economic level in the main stream basin of the Weihe River has increased its volatility from 1996 to 2006 accompanied with the fluctuations of resource -environmental state. The resource -environment sub-system shows repeated fluctuations with deterioration and improvement in turns. The research shows that the coupling degree in the man-land relationship areal system increases rapidly in the Weihe River basin. At present, the man-land relationship areal system in the Weihe River basin is at an over-exploitation phase. Also, the crisis of resource-environment is in the incubation period. If we do not pay attention to environmental protection and go on to overexploit resources, the situation will get worse quickly. At that time, the growth of economy and the increase of consumption of resources will overwhelm the resource-environment system and lead to continuous decrease of environmental quality. Then the relations between the two systems will be deteriorated, and also the socio-economic development will be constrained. The system will enter a phase of negative growth. So it is crucial to adopt proper socio-economic development mode to realize the coordinated development in the Weihe River basin.
ZHANG Jie,LI Tongsheng,WANG Wuke . Quantitative Analysis of Coupling Status of Man-land Relationship Areal System in Weihe River Basin[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(6) : 733 -739 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.06.013
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