Grain-size Fractal Dimension of Loess and Its Environmental Significance in the Peninsula of East Liaoning
Online published: 2010-01-25
On the basis of the fractal theory and the selection of different methods of non-criterion degree, this paper analyzes the fractal characters of the loess deposits in the Peninsula of East Liaoning. Used the scale of particle size as the non-criterion degree, the fractal dimension value of Malan Loess is between 2.2085 and 2.3184, with an average of 2.2744, and the correlation coefficient of 0.8835. The value of Lishi Loess is between 2.2748 and 2.4237, with an average of 2.3467, and the correlation coefficient of 0.8920. The whole profile fractal dimension value is between 2.2085 and 2.4237, an average of 2.3187, and the correlation coefficient of more than 0.88. However, taking the scale of percentage of cumulating weight as the non-criterion degree, the fractal dimension value of Malan Loess is between 2.422-2.5042, with an average of 2.4761, and the correlation coefficient of 0.9889. The value of Lishi Loess is between 2.4268-2.545, with an average of 2.4993, and the correlation coefficient of 0.983. The whole profile fractal dimension value is between 2.422-2.545, with the correlation coefficient of more than 0.98. Compared with other regions, the grain-size distribution has good fractal characteristics. Fractal dimension of size in the environment for the formation of the Loess can be used as a good index. Selection of non-criterion degree should be taken into account during the research of the deposits with the same/different origins. The fractal dimension of Malan Loess is lower than Lishi Loess, which indicates that Malan Loess deposited at the stage of strengthening of the East Asian winter monsoon with a cold and dry climate, and also with a small sorting coefficient. The sorting of the Malan Loess is slightly better than that of the Lishi Loess, suggesting that there are the low level of self-organization and the low-dimensional value. The Lishi Loess was deposited when the summer monsoon became stronger with a warm and humid climate. Poor separation and slightly larger sorting coefficient show that there is the higher degree of self-organization and fractal dimension.
Key words: environmental change; fractal dimension; grain-size; Loess; Qiding hill
ZHANG Wei, GUO Shanli, LI Yonghua, LI Yunyan . Grain-size Fractal Dimension of Loess and Its Environmental Significance in the Peninsula of East Liaoning[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(1) : 79 -86 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.01.011
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