Analysis on the Change Characteristics of Cumulonimbus (Cb) in the Qilian Mts. Region under the Background of Global Warming
Received date: 2009-06-01
Revised date: 2010-02-01
Online published: 2010-07-25
Based on meteorological data of summer cloud shape and surface air temperature at 26 meteorological stations during 1961-2005 in the Qilian Mts Region and the surrounding areas, using linear regression analysis, correlation analysis and wavelet analysis of the Mexican Hat Function, the temporal variation and spatial distribution of summer Cb cloud arising frequency and the relationship between it and climate warming were analyzed, and the NCEP/NCAR global reanalysis data in the corresponding period were selected to analyze the circulation characteristics of the summer Cb clouds in the Qilian Mts. Region. The results show that: (1) The summer Cb cloud arising frequency in the Qilian Mts. Region is higher than the Hexi Corridor and the Qaidam Basin. (2) The summer air temperature presents an ascending tendency yearly. The tendency became more clearly since the 1990s, and the summer Cb cloud arising frequency obviously decreased, reducing 8% in the Qilian Mts. Region over the recent 45 years. (3) In the time scales of 3 years and 20 years, the summer Cb cloud arising frequency and air temperature presented an opposite changing structure in the Qilian Mts. Region. In the time scale of 10 years of temperature surge, the characteristics of variations are opposite before the early 1980s. With the rise of temperature both presented the same changing cycles. (4) The decadal and interannual variations of summer Cb cloud arising frequency and air temperature had an obvious negative correlationtains in the Qilian Mts. Region. The analysis shows that under the background of climate warming, the summer Cb cloud arising frequency decreased in the Qilian Mts. Region and the Hexi Corridor, but increased in the Qaidam Basin. (5) The Qilian Mts. Region summer Cb cloud arising frequency responded to the abnormal 500 hPa circulation of in the Eurasian areas.
Key words: change characteristics; climate warming; cumulonimbus; Qilian Mts. Region
SHI Guangpu,CHEN Shaoyong,DONG Anxiang,WANG Yinhua,FENG Jing . Analysis on the Change Characteristics of Cumulonimbus (Cb) in the Qilian Mts. Region under the Background of Global Warming[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(7) : 847 -854 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.07.011
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