Original Articles

The Quality Evaluation of Living Space of the Central Cit y and Its Satellite Towns in China ——A Case Study of the Satellite Towns of Xi’an

  • Institute of Human Geography, Xi’an International Studies University , Xi’an 710061,China

Received date: 2003-03-01

  Revised date: 2003-05-01

  Online published: 2003-05-24


The study on urban living space quality abroad has already become the key proble m of theory and practice of Urban Social Geography, and the form of evaluative i ndicators has become the key part in the urban social indicator system On the basis of the indicator system of the Boyer’s 9 components about the quality eval uation of urban living space, combining the relevant statistics of the satellite towns of Xi’an in 2001,the paper sets up the synthesized indicator system of qu ality evaluation of living space of the central city and its satellite towns in China for the first timeSeventeen factors have been chosen as the seco ndary class indicators according to the principle of representativeness and atta inability of the data and each factor has its basis selected and the method quantized From the point of positivism, the article used the synthesized evalu ative method Firstly, it defined the weight of each component Secondly, it s tandardized the original data Then it drew the result of the order of the synt hesized indicator system of the living space quality of the satellite towns of X i’an Meanwhile, the grade types of the living space quality of downtowns and i ts quality surface have been drawn Through the relevant relation analysis, t he author tried to draw that at present the significant conditions influencin g the living space quality of central cities and their satellite towns in China (Xi’an as a case)are mainly economic situation, education level, health level and traffic state.

Cite this article

CHENG Lihui, WANG Xingzhong . The Quality Evaluation of Living Space of the Central Cit y and Its Satellite Towns in China ——A Case Study of the Satellite Towns of Xi’an[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2003 , 22(3) : 316 -325 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2003.03.011

