Allocation of Urban Construction Land Based on the Regionalization of Spatial Development Suitability: A Case Study of Haian County
Online published: 2009-09-25
Allocating urban construction land based on the regional differences of economic development needs and bearing capacity of resources and environment is an important part of space guidance and control, which can promote the regional and urban-rural coordination. Spatial development suitability assessments on the basis of the natural, ecological, economic and social elements’ comprehensive analysis is done with the support of spatial analysis technology based on the GIS platform. And then, the method of space allocation of urban construction land which considers bearing capacity of resources and environment, economic and social development needs and development potential is discussed. Taking Hai'an County as an example, empirical analysis is performed. The results show that most of the newly added urban construction land is located in the central part of Hai'an County with low development restrictions and high development potential. It is helpful for carrying out different regions' major function and promoting the harmonious interrelations among economy, population, resources and environment.
CHEN Cheng1,2, CHEN Wen1, LV Weiguo1,2 . Allocation of Urban Construction Land Based on the Regionalization of Spatial Development Suitability: A Case Study of Haian County[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(5) : 775 -781 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.05.016
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