Original Articles

Interregional Farmland Layout Optimization Model Based on the Partition Asynchronous Cellular Automata: A Case Study of the Wuhan City Circle

  • 1. Institute of Geographic of Sciences Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. School of Resources &|Enviornmental Science, Xianning College, Xianning 437000, China

Received date: 2010-01-01

  Revised date: 2010-07-01

  Online published: 2010-11-25


Taking Wuhan City Circle as a case, this paper discussed the application of the regional partition asynchronous cellular automata model in the layout optimization of cultivated lands according to the regional heterogeneity of the socio-economic development in the counties in the Wuhan City Circle. The model determined the asynchronous evolution rate according to the construction land demand priority of the counties, set up the regional conversion rules according to the laws of land use change, food self supporting capacity and satisfied degree of construction land demand of the counties, and determined the overall and regional ultimate arrangements according to the food safety of the whole region and the construction land demand of each county, so as to realize the layout optimization of cultivated land use of the Wuhan City Circle in 2020. The optimization result indicates that the total quantity of the cultivated land in the Wuhan City Circle can meet the demands of the food safety of the whole region. The construction land demand can be met in the regions with higher construction land demand priority degrees, including the districts in Huangpi District, Yingcheng City, Xinzhou District, Hanyang District, Qianjinag City, Huanggang City, Ezhou City, Xiaogan City, Wuchang District, Xiantao City, Huangmei county, Wuxue City, Yangxi County, Xianning City and Chibi City. The construction land demand priority degree is relatively low in Tuanfeng and Tongcheng counties, but the construction land demand is smaller, and thus the construction land demand can also be met in these regions. In other counties (or cities, districts), the construction land demand is not fully met due to the conflicts between the construction land demand and the construction land demand priority degree. The result indicates that the regional cultivated land layout optimization based on the partition asynchronous cellular automata model. which considers the heterogeneity of demand for construction land on the basis of cultivated land protection and food safety of the whole region, can coordinate the relations between food safety and economic development and set up a reasonable configuration of construction land layout and cultivated land protection.

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KE Xingli, DENG Xiangzheng, LIU Chengwu . Interregional Farmland Layout Optimization Model Based on the Partition Asynchronous Cellular Automata: A Case Study of the Wuhan City Circle[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(11) : 1442 -1450 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.11.044


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